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sfSoundRadio playlist

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(now in Oakland 06:15)
23:55 CornstarLulla Flutter
23:49 IgnacioBacaLobera Invencion4
23:48 sfSound SmalPackages Introduction
23:33 IgnacioBacaLobera DuoIII
23:17 SteveReich PianoPhase
23:12 GuillaumeCote BrokenInstr
23:08 NathanHubbard ConnectionPointThruWay
22:52 MokuhenKazagumo AtagoshitaAndYabuLane
22:41 MaggiPayne DavidBehrman Rl
22:28 EnsembleRecherche SalvatoreSciarrino OmaggioABurri
22:27 WarnerJepson Jacks
22:18 ErdemHelvacioglu WanderingAroundTheCity
22:16 ThingNY MINI 008
22:15 Wobbly - losing blook
22:00 KrzysztofPenderecki Fluorescences
21:58 JohnButcher GinoRobair NewOaklandBurr SlugTag
21:52 NoahCreshevsky Hyperrealism Vol-au-vent
21:49 RonHeglin LorinBenedict Duo I
21:47 JohnHolland KeyboardEtudes 16
21:43 ErnestoDiaz-Infante ChrisForsyth March 01
21:38 MorganGuberman Torpor LineDrawings
21:34 Porest IRememberSYRIA SWSecretsOfTheUniverse
21:26 MarkDeutsch KingOfTheUnderground WheelOfFortune
21:18 SoundFromJapan TetsuoFurudate DerGeist
21:15 GerardFremy JohnCage Sonatas&Interludes 4
21:11 Ligeti LeGrandMacabre Act2 Geheimmeldung!
20:51 TomNunn BurningPalms Explorentials
20:30 Carr Burhans Jensen AugustDreams FiguresInWhite
20:25 KyleBruckmann TechnologicalMusicVol1 Knobs A
20:17 GiuseppeIelasi RenatoRinaldi DomenicoSciajno GinoRobair 07
20:06 FrankGratkowsky ChrisBrown WilliamWinant Wake Parallax
20:02 JamesColeman Theremin EachSpireAnAnimal
19:30 MattIngalls Sonatina
19:06 JohnMcGuire PulseMusicIII
18:57 SoundFromJapan TetsuoFurudate DerGeist
18:50 DoubleCelledOrganism TheMoonOverMarfa
18:49 JohnButcher GinoRobair NewOaklandBurr Louche
18:31 LaurensKagenaar Asper
18:08 AGP55 - Bussotti 11 Il Nudo
17:52 Kamal Ben Hameda, Annette Vande Gorne - Fragments de lettre à un habitant du Centre
17:51 MatthewWelch HagAtTheChurn WebernsJig
17:45 TheSkronktetWest Thray
17:29 DanJosephEnsemble ArchaeaQuartet
17:19 AlvinLucier NorthAmericanTimeCapsule
17:16 LowDynamicOrchestra Improvisation4
17:13 TimPerkis ScottWalton AppliedCryptography MerklesKnabsack
17:09 Splinter MarcMellits Linden
16:57 HerbertBrun AMereRipple
16:53 john hanes - boisen-hanes remix 2
16:51 AaronSiegel TheCabinet 14
16:44 Rick Walker - Track 02
16:33 AaronBennett Live@LuggageStore 8.19.99 06
16:21 ChristopherBailey OutOf(2006)
16:11 TomLopez Underground
16:05 ChrisBurns Lattice 1
16:03 JoanLabarbara MortonFeldman 3Voices6
16:00 DavidArend MattIngalls MarisolJimenez AnoranzasDelFuego 5
15:47 HeatherFrasch SegementedFragmentations
15:43 LeoSuarez DrumSet RedCloth
15:36 SteveLalonde QuandLaNuitSeReferme
15:28 MatthewSperry JackWright Duets1998 7
15:25 MorganGuberman Torpor Eggbound
15:20 TapeMusicCenter CaliforniaReport
15:10 MatthewSperryTrio 05
15:08 LarryPolansky KidCanon
14:50 SteveReich PhasePatterns
14:32 JohnCage IceDewFoodCrewApe AlvinCurran MaritimeRites
13:58 WendyCarlos Summer
13:54 MiguelFransconi 4CornersPart3 earbookCompilation
13:41 HerbertBrun ItoLDYouSo!
13:22 RolandKayn Projekte Cybernetics 1
13:18 OlgaNeuwirth LostHighway Scene9b
13:17 RaymondScott ManhattanResearch HostessTwinkies(Instr.)
13:14 GinoRobair PlatesBlocksCups&Hair 2
13:13 MartineJoste JohnCage SuiteForToyPiano V
12:58 ChrisBrown BiggiVinkeloe DonaldRobinson Suspension Alap
12:55 KrisTiner NoahPhillips SaraSchoenbeck BreatheInFeedOut InThisDullCity
12:52 GinoRobair BuddyTimPerkis Integument
12:40 RyojiIkeda -.
12:37 GyorgyLigeti Allegrocondelicatezza
12:25 JohnBischoff SidewalkChatter
12:24 CRES AudioArt PaddyRyan Colours Red
12:20 HeadBoggle xs
12:11 ChrisBrown BiggiVinkeloe DonaldRobinson Suspension Crescendo
12:10 MartineJoste JohnCage SuiteForToyPiano II
12:01 SophiaShen GabbyWen CloudburstDreamscape
11:56 HansGruselsKrankenkabinet HappyAsPitch MoogSystem15VarriationTwo
11:51 RobertDow Alluvion
11:35 sfSound KyleBruckmann Tarpit
11:31 ButcherRobairSperry 12Milagritos codo
11:29 JohnPierce SeaSounds(1963)
11:22 SarahPeebles InsectGroove WhitePowder TheSpiders
11:18 Ligeti LeGrandMacabre Act2 UndEndlichAllein
11:12 Negativeland ChoppingChannel Track10
11:03 Baghdassarians Baltschun Bosetti Doneda Stromung VI
11:00 HansGruselsKrankenkabinet HappyAsPitch MasterHands(Scene9)
10:56 PhilipPerkins Undanceable AKS
10:51 Henry&PaulKuntz YearOfTheOx2
10:21 JosephAnderson ChAnGESMusic
10:19 TravisEllrott Study03
10:11 DavidSWare FlightOfI
10:06 RyojiIkeda ultratronics 15
10:01 OsvaldoColuccino Stati
09:55 SpezzaRotto InslataGiorni
09:53 Nancarrow StudyForPianoPlayer No.32 (Um1969)
09:50 JonAppleton ChefDoeuvre
09:45 IBM 7090 Computer - May Carol
09:42 AkiTakahashi SheSaidSheSaid Arr CarlStone
09:39 BrianConnory MusicForAFestival
09:34 LucianoBerio Sinfonia OKing
09:26 ElseMariePade Glasperlespil II(1960)
09:17 JohnBischoff Aperture ImmaterialStates
09:12 JamesColeman Theremin EachSpireAnAnimal
09:02 HeatherFrasch ToWrestUnknownVibrations
08:52 GhostInTheHouse KnifeInTheFog
08:35 DajuinYao CinnebarRedDrizzle GardenOfMemories
08:29 GinoRobair BuddiesCarlaKihlstedt MatthewSperry DarkPleasures
08:19 RichardBarrett Katasterismoi
08:00 AlvinLucier InMemoriamJonHiggins
07:45 NewMusicFromSanDiego YihengYvonneWu Utterance
07:33 ThomBlum TabulaRasa
07:27 HerbertBrun U-Turn-To
07:23 MaxMatthews TheSecondLaw(1961) EarlyComputerMusic
07:21 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht LuzifersAbscheid VIII.Periode
07:14 DavidBehrman RefractiveLight CrisscrossedEights
07:06 Ainger Shatter
07:05 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht KathinkasGesang 3Stadium
07:01 LucFerrari Interrupteur 3
06:53 CherylLeonard Wobbly WildFacts SandBooper
06:42 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht LuzifersTraum Samstags-Gruss
06:37 BernardParmegiani DeNaturaSonorum AccidentsHarmoniques
06:23 TheSkronktetWest Sdppd Prruer
06:22 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht KathinkasGesang 14Stadium
06:19 TomSwafford NinthDescending
06:15 MorganGuberman Torpor OnesOwnMovings
06:10 TomDjll Smudge Schizt
06:04 Euphotic Sulfolobus
05:57 AChaudhary Aquatic Edge0316
05:53 HenriPousseur TroisVisagesDeLiege VoixDeLaVille
05:47 Moe!kestra! PieceNo4 01
05:31 ErnstKarel HeardLaboratories Three
05:29 DamonWaitkus YouAreVulnerable
05:09 AlterEgoEnsemble SalvatoreSciarrino TrioNo.2(1987)
05:00 WendyCarlos RAMoogDemo(1967)
04:57 KarlheinzStockhausen SamstagAusLicht LuzifersAbscheid X.Periode
04:55 Porest PrudeJuice MindTheServant
04:46 TomDjll Smudge Patina
04:23 Gilles Gobeil - Ombres, espaces, silences…
04:12 MatthewAdkins SilkToSteel(2005)
03:46 PopularElectronics Bekaert HetAndertWoordVoor
03:41 DavidSlusser Sala
03:39 DinaEmerson GunsDontKillPeople VoicesInTheWilderness
03:36 MarkApplebaum SockMonkey EntreFunerailles
03:25 IannisXenakis Dammerschein
03:14 PhilipGelb Live@Skronkathon2005
03:00 ChrisBrown RogueWave Cloudstreams bellwethers
02:57 JohnHolland KeyboardEtudes 02
02:51 PopularElectronics NightTrainBlues
02:44 Ligeti LeGrandMacabre Act1 DiesIrae
02:38 Kaiser Muller Raine-Reusch Kamura Gambu
01:21 KrzysztofPenderecki StLukePassion
01:18 OlgaNeuwirth LostHighway Scene3a
01:12 MokuhenKazagumo TheSeventhSeal
01:01 ErnstKarel HeardLaboratories One
00:43 JohnButcher GinoRobair NewOaklandBurr Vug
00:38 DenmanMaroney DoubleZeroPartI
00:36 LarryAustin WilliamsMix A
00:30 BernadetteJohnson Summer
00:08 PhilNiblock Kontradictionaries
00:04 DenmanMaroney DoubleZeroPartII
00:00 JohnZorn Elegy Black

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