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Radio Rock On

Рэйтынг: 5.0 Ацэнак: 1
40 years of rock music! Live from Los Angeles.
107 0

Зараз у эфіры Radio Rock On

Прамы эфір feeling feelings I Can't
23:20 Margarita Mantis - Windigo
23:17 www.radiorockon.com - Visit our website!
Плейлист Radio Rock On

ТОП трэкі на Radio Rock On

OSN Radio Jingles - 24 7!Guch — Osn
Margarita Mantis - Victory BellsMargarita Mantis — Victory Bells
Margarita Mantis - I Could Love You (Re-recorded)Margarita Mantis — I Could Love You (Re-recorded)
Jimi Hendrix - FreedomJimi Hendrix — Freedom
Foo Fighters - My HeroFoo Fighters — My Hero
THE DOORS - BUILD ME A WOMAN (LIVE)The Doors — Build Me a Woman (Live)
Jefferson Airplane - The Best of Jefferson Airplane - Have You Seen the Saucers [Live]Jefferson Airplane — Have You Seen the Saucers
DAVID BOWIE - DIAMONDS DOGS (1974) - David Bowie — Diamond Dogs
Nirvana - Come as you areNirvana — Come As You Are

Водгукі аб Radio Rock On

  • 5
    "The world-leader in classic-rock-music" - that's the slogan: in more than 99,9 percent of the presented songs this is my opinion, too. But why must radio rock on play this disgusting, awfull song, which ist nothing more than wasting time: "though the poppies grow"? Margarita Mantis is not able to sing, she's howling, nothing else! Maybe Nancy Sinatra or Lady Gaga could present it in a pleasant way! I'm sure they could.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі


Час у горадзе Горад Лос-Анджэлес: 20:27, 03.15.2025

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