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Return to the Word playlist

Ne znate pjesmu koja svira na radiju? Upotrijebite naš servis da je pronađete! Naša playlista pohranjuje popis pjesama Return to the Word-a za posljednjih 7 dana.

(sada je u Wasilla 06:22)
10:18 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Calvinism and John 6
10:18 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
10:15 Greg Howlett - Count Your Blessings
10:10 Jeff Bjorck - Fairest Lord Jesus
10:07 Greg Howlett - This Is My Father's World
09:24 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Marriage by the Book: Learning to Love (Genesis 24:1-12)
09:22 Hymns - Holy, Holy, Holy!
09:19 Hymns - Blessed Assurance
09:19 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
09:15 Robby Davis - The Meanderer
08:47 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Bible Study Methods Lesson 3 (Discipleship Lesson 3)
08:43 Robby Davis - My Hope Is Built (The Solid Rock)
08:38 Robby Davis - It Is Well With My Soul
08:33 Robby Davis - Doxology
08:28 Robby Davis - Be Still My Soul
08:28 Return to the Word - Station ID
08:24 The Word - The Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1--)
08:19 Robby Davis - I Need Thee Every Hour
08:16 Jeff Bjorck - Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
08:11 Greg Howlett - Sweet Hour of Prayer
08:07 Robby Davis - Come Thou Fount
08:03 Greg Howlett - I'd Rather Have Jesus
08:03 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
07:18 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Till Death Do Us Part (Genesis 23:1-20)
07:15 Robby Davis - Just as I Am
07:12 Robby Davis - Ash's Voyage
07:06 Robby Davis - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
07:02 Robby Davis - I Surrender All
06:57 Jeff Bjorck - All Creatures Of Our God And King
06:56 Return to the Word - Return to the Word Radio
06:55 LifeLine Productions - Hello, This is Heaven
06:51 Jeff Bjorck - Be Thou My Vision
06:48 Robby Davis - Awakening
06:41 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Proving God's Existence
06:33 Jeff Bjorck - Be Still My Soul - Finlandia
06:30 Greg Howlett - Jesus Is All the World to Me
06:26 Robby Davis - Though Bridge Waters Come
05:39 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for God? (Genesis 22:1-24)
05:35 Jeff Bjorck - Midnight in Moscow
05:32 Jennifer Haines - I Surrender All
05:27 Greg Howlett - God Leads Us Along
05:22 Jeff Bjorck - Jerusalem
05:17 Greg Howlett - Jesus Paid It All
05:12 Jeff Bjorck - It Is Well With My Soul
04:27 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - God Can Use a Broken Family (Genesis 21:1-34)
04:22 Jeff Bjorck - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
04:18 Greg Howlett - Have You Any Room for Jesus?
04:11 Jeff Bjorck - Day By Day
04:06 Greg Howlett - He Giveth More Grace
04:01 Jeff Bjorck - 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
03:59 Creation Moments - Oxygen
03:55 Robby Davis - Softly and Tenderly
03:51 Greg Howlett - Cross Medley
03:47 Greg Howlett - Hiding In Thee
03:44 Jennifer Haines - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
03:39 The Word - The Truth Will Make You Free (John 8:28--8:53)
03:35 Greg Howlett - Day by Day
03:32 Greg Howlett - Christ Arose
03:29 Jennifer Haines - Amazing Grace
03:25 Robby Davis - Daybreak
03:24 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
03:21 Jennifer Haines - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
02:36 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Help Me Overcome My Besetting Sin (Genesis 20:1-18)
02:32 Jennifer Haines - Fairest Lord Jesus
02:28 Greg Howlett - Near the Cross
02:25 Jennifer Haines - Be Thou My Vision
02:22 Jennifer Haines - Nothing But the Blood
02:18 Greg Howlett - Holy, Holy, Holy
02:14 Greg Howlett - Breathe On Me
01:28 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Lord Have Mercy (Genesis -38)
01:23 Greg Howlett - Does Jesus Care?
01:18 Jeff Bjorck - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
01:13 Greg Howlett - My Jesus I Love Thee
01:13 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
01:09 Greg Howlett - Take My Life and Let It Be
01:07 LifeLine Productions - Great, Great, Great Grandfather
01:04 Jennifer Haines - Be Still, My Soul
01:01 Greg Howlett - Tis So Sweet
00:56 Jeff Bjorck - Give To The Wind Thy Fears
00:51 Greg Howlett - The Savior is Waiting
00:05 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - A Little Bit of Sin? (Genesis 19:1-14)
00:01 Greg Howlett - Be Thou My Vision
00:00 Jeff Bjorck - Jesus Loves Me

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