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Плейлист English RadioMv

Не ведаеце, якая песьня гучала на радыё? Скарыстайцеся нашым сэрвісам, каб знайсці яе! Наш плейлист ўтрымлівае расклад эфіру English RadioMv за апошнія 7 дзён.

(Зараз у Mount Vernon 16:29)
23:56 El Shaddai - Michael Card
23:52 What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Michael W Smith
23:47 Beulah Land
23:46 Transformation-r - 12 BG
23:42 House of Their Dreams
23:39 Hillside Recording & Diana Trout - Pieces
23:36 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
23:36 Clip - Outro
23:11 Bible-Study Chuck Smith - Intro
23:10 Station-ID-Support - ENG
23:07 Mercy - BWB
23:04 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
22:40 Believing Is Seeing | Living for Jesus - Greg Laurie
22:39 Sermon Greg Laurie - Intro
22:39 Station-ID-Support - ENG
22:33 Oh Gloria Ven - Paul Wilbur
22:31 25-24 - UNSH FRE5 06
22:31 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
22:31 Clip - Outro
22:10 080-MAR-21 - OneYearAudioBible.org
22:10 Intro -Bible Reading
22:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
22:08 Do To Others - Matthew 7:12 - Steve Green
22:04 America, The Beautiful - Cedarmont Kids
22:02 The Mustard Seed Song - The Wonder Kids
22:00 The Lord Is My Shepherd - The Wonder Kids
21:58 You Shall Love The Lord - Matthew - Steve Green
21:55 Be Like A Tree - Integrity Kids
21:46 The Prodigal Son - The Bible in Living Sound
21:44 Bringing In The Sheaves (Split Track) - Cedarmont Kids
21:43 We Gather Together - Cedarmont Kids
21:39 Crown Him With Many Crowns
21:10 03245 - Uncle Tootsie Roll; The Ring of Fire - Your Story Hour
21:10 Station-ID-Support - ENG
21:05 Casting Crowns Broken Together - Casting Crowns
21:04 BG402 Are You Ready to Die? - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
20:53 Day of Power - Mr. Lif
20:50 I Was Glad - Don Moen
20:46 Awake O Zion - Israel's Hope
20:46 Because Of Jesus - 03 BG
20:42 If We're Honest - Francesca Battistelli
20:39 There's Still Power in the Blood Live - Selah
20:37 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
20:36 Clip - Outro
20:11 Dr Michael Youssef - Leading The Way
20:11 Sermon Michael Youssef - Intro
20:10 Station-ID-Support - ENG
20:06 Keith & Kristyn Getty, CityAlight - In Christ Alone
20:01 I Can Only Imagine - Poco
19:56 Lay It All On The Line - 4 Him
19:53 Third Day "I Need A Miracle" LIVE - Third Day
19:51 17-25 mvpdx Mar-11-123031-2025 conflict current mvpdx Mar-11-140418-2025 conflict current - UNSH FRE5 02
19:51 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
19:50 Glimpses of the End Pt. 1 - Derek Prince
19:39 God's Alternative Plan - Pride vs Humility 3 of 10
19:39 Sermon Derek Prince - Intro
19:38 Station-ID-Support - ENG
19:34 Begone Unbelief - Jason Feller
19:25 More About Jesus
19:24 21. George R. testimony INTL
19:19 O Come and Mourn - Sandra McCracken
19:15 Somewhere in Middle East -
19:10 The Sift - WORLD Radio (3 MIN) - NEWS
19:10 Station-ID-Support - ENG
19:06 Peace is on the Way
19:05 Rick S. testimony - Decision Minute Australia Volume 18
19:02 25-001554-2025 Conflict - The Lord's Prayer Deliver Us mv920nas Feb
19:00 17-17 - UNSH FRE5 11
18:57 Show a Little Bit of Love & Kindness
18:53 Friend of God - []
18:49 Simply Worship & Ryleigh Noel - New Wine
18:48 Ashley Armijo - 14 Testimony
18:42 Your Grace Finds Me Matt Redman Worship Song New Album - Matt Redman
18:39 Here in This Place - Gotye
18:39 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
18:38 Clip - Outro
18:13 Dr. Adrian Rogers - Programs
18:13 Sermon Adrian Rogers - Intro
18:13 Station-ID-Support - ENG
18:08 In You I'm Complete - Courtney Spears
18:07 Lord and Savior - 01 BG
18:04 There's Just Something About That Name - David
17:58 He Was Nailed To The Cross For Me - Nick Fiore
17:56 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
17:56 Unknown Title
17:56 Clip - Outro
17:43 Dr Scripture - Scripture On Creation
17:42 Station-ID-Support - ENG
17:37 Great Is His Faithfulness - Dino
17:37 100 Years From Today - 01 BG
17:33 Beyond the Cross Live - Onesta
17:28 A Sacrifice Of Praise Hebrews : - Integrity Music
17:20 True Happiness - 07 BG
17:16 Praise Looks Good on You - Don Moen
17:12 Remember Me - 加藤達也
17:10 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
17:09 Clip - Outro
17:09 Sermon Alistair Begg - Intro
17:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
17:07 Hallelujah He Reigns - Jacob Palmer
17:06 True Freedom-r - 10 BG
17:02 Kari Jobe Joyfully Worship with tears - Kari Jobe
16:56 Traveler - 境亜寿香
16:52 Lamb of God
16:48 Redeemer - Nicole C. Mullen
16:47 Danny Gokey - 12 Testimony
16:43 Holy Is Our God - Robin Mark
16:37 06-25 - UNSH FRE5 02
16:37 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
16:10 Episode for Friday March 21st Acts Chapter 12 - Chuck Missler
16:09 Bible-Study Chuck Missler - Intro
16:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
16:03 Steadfast Love - Loud Harp
16:02 Michael S. testimony - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
15:58 Like a Shepherd
15:53 It Means Just What It Says
15:50 Jesus Is Coming Soon - The Kry
15:47 We Declare
15:46 Jerry L. testimony - Decision Minute Australia
15:41 Basics of Life - 4Him
15:36 Still Worship, Hill, Integrity's Hosanna! Music - Way Maker (Audio Video) Ambient Sleep
15:36 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
15:35 Clip - Outro
15:09 Real Radio - Pastor Jack Hibbs - Jack Hibbs
15:09 Sermon Jack Hibbs - Intro
15:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
15:07 Free Indeed - Unshackled - Unshackled
15:02 What Would Jesus Undo - Michael Boggs
14:58 Still Feeling Fine
14:57 Victory in the Christian Life - Jason
14:54 Pray For Me - Michael W. Smith
14:53 Day 21-Answers from God-JG
14:49 Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted
14:45 Power In The Blood
14:44 Christ Died for You - 06 BG787
14:40 Hillside Recording & Diana Trout - Abide in Me
14:38 18-24 - UNSH FRE5 06
14:35 Who The Cross Is For - Chinchilla
14:31 Mighty God - Robin Mark - Not By Might
14:26 The Angels Sing - Vineyard
14:25 Vlad-r - 15 Testimony
14:17 Colton Dixon Through All Of It - Colton Dixon
14:15 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
14:14 Clip - Outro
14:14 Sermon Erwin Lutzer - Intro
14:09 The Sift - WORLD Radio (3 MIN) - NEWS
14:08 Station-ID-Support - ENG
14:02 He Chose the Tree - Viper
13:57 Praise You in This Storm Acoustic - Casting Crowns
13:54 Power - 飯塚雅弓
13:53 Brad M. testimony INTL - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
13:50 They Called Him Laughter - Michael Card
13:46 Who Is There Like You Stuart Townend - Stuart Townend
13:44 09-24 - UNSH FRE5 07
13:43 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
13:43 Clip - Outro
13:10 Jesus, the Restorer of Life - Paul Carley
13:09 Sermon Carter Conlon - Intro
13:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
12:41 Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living
12:41 Sermon Chuck Swindoll - Intro
12:40 Station-ID-Support - ENG
12:36 A Place on the Earth - Jon B.
12:33 I’ll Go To My Grave Lovin’ You Live - Scott Miller
12:33 Station-ID-Support - ENG
12:28 Hillside Recording & Abigail Faith - Yet
12:24 Sovereign Chris Tomlin Worship song New Album - Chris Tomlin
12:22 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
12:21 Glimpses of the End Pt. 1 - Derek Prince
12:10 The First Sin in the Universe - Pride vs Humility 2 of 10
12:10 Glimpses of the End Pt. 1 - Derek Prince
12:10 Sermon Derek Prince - Intro
12:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
12:07 22-24 - UNSH FRE5 03
12:03 God Leads Us Along - Gaither Vocal Band
11:59 Near the Cross - Michael W Smith
11:57 God's Gonna Do The Same
11:56 Doomscrolling - 02 BG
11:50 Breathe Kathryn Scott - Kathryn Scott
11:47 Simply Worship & Ingunn - Jesus You're Beautiful
11:45 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
11:12 In or Out? - Pastor Jim Cymbala
11:12 Sermon Jim Cymbala - Intro
11:11 Station-ID-Support - ENG
11:07 Chasing Rebels
11:06 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
11:05 Clip - Outro
10:39 1 Peter 1:6-11 - Dr. J. Vernon McGee
10:39 Station-ID-Support - ENG
10:36 Only You - Vineyard Music
10:34 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
10:33 Clip - Outro
10:13 080-MAR-21 - OneYearAudioBible.org
10:12 Intro -Bible Reading
10:12 Station-ID-Support - ENG
10:07 Stephen Stoned to Death - The Bible in Living Sound
10:06 Walking With Jesus - The Wonder Kids
10:04 Roll Over - Kids Choir
10:02 Shout Joyfully - Integrity Kids
10:00 Kumbaya - The Wonder Kids
09:58 He Keeps Me Singing (Split Track) - Cedarmont Kids
09:55 Battle Hymn Of The Republic - Cedarmont Kids
09:53 The Animals Went in Two by Two - The Little Sunshine Kids
09:45 A Promise to A Thief - The Bible in Living Sound
09:44 Jesus Loves Me - The Wonder Kids
09:42 There's A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea - Cedarmont Kids
09:40 Be Careful Little Eyes What You See - The Little Sunshine Kids
09:11 03245 - Uncle Tootsie Roll; The Ring of Fire - Your Story Hour
09:10 Station-ID-Support - ENG
09:07 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Eclipse 6
09:01 If You Know You're Loved
09:00 John T. testimony - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
08:49 Like Your Love - Jonny Diaz
08:46 Mercy In Falling - Vineyard
08:45 God Never Changes - 02 BG
08:40 Creation Awaits
08:36 Hillside Recording & Diana Trout - Tend
08:36 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
08:36 Clip - Outro
08:11 Dr Michael Youssef - Leading The Way
08:10 Sermon Michael Youssef - Intro
08:10 Station-ID-Support - ENG
08:07 Ascribe Greatness - Don Moen
08:05 17-24 - UNSH FRE5 04
08:05 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
08:05 Clip - Outro
07:39 1 Peter 1:6-11 - Dr. J. Vernon McGee
07:38 Station-ID-Support - ENG
07:32 How Great Thou Art - Bill & Gloria Gaither
07:28 American Dream - MKTO
07:25 Simply Worship & Ingunn - Jesus You're Beautiful
07:24 What Is A Christian - 04 BG
07:17 Lead Me To the Father - Vineyard Music
07:13 Courageous - KZ
07:10 The Sift - WORLD Radio (3 MIN) - NEWS
07:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
07:03 My Hope - Hillsong (with Lyrics/Subtitles) (Worship Song) - Hillsong Live
06:57 More Than Anything - P‐Lo
06:53 He's Still Waiting By The Well - Still Waiting
06:52 God of the Impossible - 02 BG
06:47 Shout To The Lord - Natilie Grant
06:43 I've Got A Love
06:41 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
06:40 Clip - Outro
06:40 Station-ID-Support - ENG
06:34 Thank You Jesus for the Blood - Charity Gayle
06:27 One Day - Robin Mark
06:24 Let All Things Now Living - Michael Card
06:22 Track 29 - Creation Moment
06:17 It's Over Now
06:16 BG346 Stood Still INTL - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
06:12 Adonai - Avalon
06:08 Between You And Me - 4Him
06:02 King - Tree63
05:59 Castles In The Sand Live At Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison, CO/
05:58 God Is Providing For Needs - Jason
05:54 Fear Not Tomorrow - M.A.D.
05:53 Day 21-Answers from God-JG
05:50 Holy Ground
05:46 The Truth Comes Shining Through - Craig Taborn
05:45 Isik A-r - 13 Testimony
05:42 Unknown Title
05:41 Stuart Townend O Church Arise - Stuart Townend
05:39 11-24 - UNSH FRE5 11
05:35 Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Michael W Smith
05:31 I Will Praise Him, Still
05:26 Harold Sala - Guidelines For Living
05:21 Another In The Fire
05:21 Coronavirus-FG-Phone Number RE
05:17 Touch The Sky - Hillsong UNITED - Touch The Sky
05:13 Give Reviving - Chelsey Scott
05:10 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
05:10 Clip - Outro
05:10 Sermon Alistair Begg - Intro
05:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
05:06 Like I Am - City Harbor
05:03 He Knows Just What I Need
05:02 06. BG446 True Wealth INTL
04:59 There's Still Power in the Blood - His Own
04:55 Paid In Full
04:51 You Amaze Us - Selah
04:48 Lord, We Long For You (Heal Our Nation) - Sue Rinaldi
04:47 Becky Davidson - 14 Testimony
04:44 This Is How I Thank The Lord
04:41 How Magnificent
04:39 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
04:38 Clip - Outro
04:12 Sermon Jack Hibbs - Intro
04:12 Station-ID-Support - ENG
04:06 Pursuit - Christine DClario
04:04 May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You - Jim Reeves
04:03 Real Peace-r - 06 BG FG
03:59 Simply Worship & Maria Segerholm - No Other King
03:55 How Great Is Our God - []
03:53 11-25 mvpdx Mar-11-123411-2025 conflict current mvpdx Mar-11-140658-2025 conflict current - UNSH FRE5 02
03:52 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
03:52 Glimpses of the End Pt. 1 - Derek Prince
03:42 Laws that Govern the Universe - Pride vs Humility 1 of 10
03:41 Sermon Derek Prince - Intro
03:41 Glimpses of the End Pt. 1 - Derek Prince
03:40 Station-ID-Support - ENG
03:37 Here in This Place - Gotye
03:36 Evangelism and Gods Purpose-r - 09 BG
03:32 Simply Worship Mark & Sarah Tillman - Praise Be
03:29 Keep on the Firing Line - Don Reno
03:25 Build Your Kingdom Here - Praise & Harmony
03:22 Randy Rothwell - I Belong to a Mighty God - Randy Rothwell
03:21 Be of Good Cheer-r - 06 BG
03:16 The Whole Earth Gateway Worship Album Best Worship Song - Gateway Worship Feat
03:11 Redemption Draweth Nigh - Redemption Draweth Nigh
03:09 24-17 - UNSH FRE5 11
03:06 Jadon Lavik Come Thou Fount - Jadon Lavik
03:05 Good Samaritan - 04 BG
03:00 There Shall Be Showers of Blessings - Tex Ritter
02:54 Hillside Recording & Austin Ludwig - O to Be Loved
02:49 If He Hung the Moon
02:44 Harold Sala - Guidelines For Living
02:42 Tell the world that Jesus love - Michael Card
02:41 Sports and the Christian Life-r - 11 BG
02:38 Love Is a Good Thing - Julia & Linnea
02:35 Because He Lives - Bill & Gloria Gaither and their Homecoming Friends
02:33 11-25 mvpdx Mar-11-123411-2025 conflict current mvpdx Mar-11-140658-2025 conflict current mvpdx Mar-11-142139-2025 conflict current - UNSH FRE5 02
02:28 Days Of Elijah/Kadosh - Paul Wilbur
02:27 95 Forgiveness is Released - Colin Smith
02:23 Simply Worship & Ingunn - Jesus You're Beautiful
02:23 A Flood Warning - Jason
02:17 Center of the Mark - 4 - HIM
02:14 Who The Cross Is For - Chinchilla
02:10 Who Is Like You?
02:09 Charles K. testimony - Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
02:05 "Same Power" - Jeremy Camp (Lyrics)
02:03 26-24 - UNSH FRE5 03
02:00 I Didn't Know - Lil' J
01:55 As The Deer - Steffany Gretzinger
01:50 I Of the Storm
01:49 Testimony-Shane Pruitt-REV3
01:45 Creation Song Glory to the Lamb
01:42 The Promise - 4Him
01:40 19-25 - UNSH FRE5 02
01:39 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
01:39 Clip - Outro
01:39 Sermon Chip Ingram - Intro
01:38 Station-ID-Support - ENG
01:38 Clip - Outro
01:10 Focus Daily Program 3/21/2025 - Focus on the Family
01:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
01:07 Your-Monthly-Support-V1 - ENG
01:06 Clip - Outro
00:39 Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living
00:39 Sermon Chuck Swindoll - Intro
00:38 Station-ID-Support - ENG
00:35 Fool's Gold - Gaither Vocal Band
00:31 Thank God I Got Her - Jonny Diaz
00:27 Go Forth in His Name
00:24 Do You Have His Robe - Tim Dahl
00:23 Robert Beeson-r - 15 Testimony
00:19 Mighty God - Robin Mark - Not By Might
00:14 When It Comes To Jesus
00:12 10-25 - UNSH FRE5 01
00:10 The Sift - WORLD Radio (3 MIN) - NEWS
00:09 Station-ID-Support - ENG
00:05 I Belong to You - Kane
00:04 Ramya R-r - 15 Testimony
00:00 We Are One

Усталюйце дадатак Online Radio Box для вашага смартфона і слухайце любімыя радыёстанцыі онлайн, дзе б вы ні знаходзіліся! Цяпер ваша любімае радыё ў вас у кішэні, дзякуючы нашаму зручнаму дадатку.