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¿No sabe qué canción se jugó en la radio? Utilice nuestro servicio, para encontrarla. Nuestra lista de reproducción contiene la planificación de difusión Radio Joy en los últimos 7 días.
23:56 | Lynda Randle - When We All Get to Heaven |
23:51 | Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - Oh, What A Savior (live version) |
23:48 | Alex si Daria - Asculta glasul ce te cheama |
23:44 | HRISTIC - 06 Track 6.wma |
23:41 | Russ Taff - Praise the Lord |
23:37 | Bill Traylor - I Think I'll Read It Again |
23:33 | Andreea & Andrei - Premiul meu |
23:31 | Poezii - Track 17 |
23:25 | Gabriel Buzguta - Maretul Har |
23:25 | ID Statie Radio Joy |
23:23 | Mihaela Rusu - In Tine Isuse Scump |
23:19 | Various - Dana & Crina - Am pus un strajer |
23:16 | James Easte |
23:11 | Jimmy Swaggart - I'll fly away |
23:10 | Jaff Bands Add - 7 |
23:07 | Ioan Scheau - Calea spre cunoastere |
23:04 | Alin Timofte - Iti dau inima mea |
22:59 | The Daybrake Quartet - There's An Angel |
22:55 | Del Way - Built for Me |
22:51 | Art Quartet - Eram jos in pacat (4k) |
22:49 | Estera Colessine - Track 2 |
22:45 | The Agee Family - Never No Never |
22:45 | Radio Joy |
22:41 | Mesagerii Iubirii - In ziua mare |
22:37 | Hide Thou me - Hide Thou me |
22:34 | Bill Gaither - You Might Forget the Singer (But You Won't Forget the Song) |
22:29 | Heritage Singers Quarter - I Shall Wear a Crown |
22:26 | CADMIEL Vol.1 - Ma duce la ape |
22:21 | Maranata - Golgota |
22:17 | Booth Brothers - I Wanna Know You More |
22:14 | Perfect Heart - THE WELL |
22:12 | Agapao - Vine Isus |
22:05 | Valentin Voicila - Tata ce esti Tu? |
22:01 | The Agee Family - I've Come Too Far |
21:57 | EchoHill - Nimic nu e prea greu |
21:54 | Angeli - Tu esti puterea mea |
21:52 | Ivan Parker - Our Debts Will Be Paid |
21:45 | Bill Gaithe |
21:42 | Gaither Vocal Band - Sometimes My Feet Wanna Dance |
21:38 | Grupul Ava - Isus bate la usa |
21:33 | Mihaela Oancea & Marcel Iures - Isuse vesnic calator |
21:30 | The Cathedral Quartet - The Cross Was His Own |
21:28 | Bill Gaither - Homecoming - Blest Be The Tie That Binds |
21:27 | alex alexandru - In piept cu stele aprinse |
21:24 | GANDURI DE RODICA DINU voce ady moldovan |
21:22 | Izvorul Vietii - Glorie Aleluia |
21:19 | Agape - E Puterea |
21:16 | Coca Saroni - El Poate |
21:13 | Kingdom Heirs - GENTLE SHEPHARD |
21:10 | Joey Rory - Rocky Top |
21:01 | The Kingsmen - Moses |
20:56 | Acappella - Via Dolorosa |
20:53 | Ligia Marin - Track 7 |
20:51 | The Spencers - There's More to Me |
20:47 | Natchez Avenue 2005 - Beautiful Scandalous Night |
20:44 | UniSong - Priveste la Isus |
20:41 | Estera Colessine - Track 3 |
20:36 | Daniel Iuga - Un copil vei fi mereu |
20:30 | Impact - Nu va fi o veste mai frumoasa |
20:27 | Del Way - Get Thee Behind Me |
20:24 | Jimmy Swaggart - He Chose Me |
20:20 | The Hoppers - Take It From Me |
20:17 | The Brad Quartet - Vointa Ta |
20:14 | Ioan Scheau - Toate lucrurile nobile sunt dificile |
20:11 | Chuck Wagon Gang - He Will Set Your Fields on Fire |
20:08 | Kevin Williams - My Savior's Love |
20:05 | Ami Ursachi - Nu mai traiesc eu |
20:03 | POEZII - Cum zorii cheama ziua |
20:00 | Renae Hudson - I'm On A Journey |
19:53 | Sunset Quartet - LA GOLGOTA |
19:48 | Legacy Five - Home Free |
19:45 | Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - Wedding Music |
19:43 | Jaff Bands - track 11 |
19:40 | Gabi Iliut - Hai Si Plange |
19:35 | Speranta - In orice zi cu Tine |
19:32 | The Stevens Family - I'm Forgiven |
19:30 | The Primitive Quartet - I Saw The Face Of Jesus |
19:25 | Isus, Tu e?ti Pastorul |
19:24 | Track 19 |
19:20 | Art Quartet - Domnul bate la usa ta ( 4k ) |
19:14 | Lidia Cîrlan ?i Puiu Chibici - 05 Nu dispera |
19:12 | Florida Boys - Built on Amazing Grace |
19:09 | Speers - Here He Comes |
19:04 | Ron Edwards - Living Water |
18:58 | Serban Mariana - La Crucea Lui Isus |
18:54 | Ioan Timofte - Eu nu sunt de pe pamant |
18:52 | The Bishops - That's All He Needs to Know |
18:48 | Homecoming Friends - I Will Sing Of My Redeemer |
18:43 | Vali Pentea Sava - Nimic nu sunt |
18:37 | Doru Satmarean - Singuratatea |
18:32 | The Agee Family - Say Amen |
18:28 | HRISTIC - 08 Track |
18:27 | Marius Alexandru - De ai |
18:23 | Ghighi N. Iovin - Teach Me Thy Way O Lord |
18:19 | Barbara Mandrell - Precious Memories |
18:16 | The Happy Goodman Family - Mansion over the Hilltop |
18:12 | Ciurdas Andrei, George Ciurdas &am |
18:08 | Marius Spatacean - Domn Preasfânt |
18:05 | grandpa jones - FALLEN LEAVES |
18:02 | Crimson River - 7.Maker of mountains |
17:58 | Apel Trio - Sunt Salvat |
17:50 | Stroia David - 9. Sunt un om nevrednic |
17:47 | SILO Quartet - Da multumit, sunt fericit |
17:43 | Adrian Calbajos - Nu dispera |
17:40 | Greater Vision - Who Moved? |
17:38 | Bill & Gloria Gaithe |
17:34 | The Martins - Smell Of Smoke |
17:33 | Andreea Bolos - Sa-l ai pe Dumnezeu |
17:29 | Mesaj Grup - 05. Intoarce-te la Domnul |
17:25 | Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - 4 HOLD ON |
17:19 | Anthony Burge |
17:16 | RUGACIUNEA DOMNEASCA voce ady moldovan |
17:14 | Stefan Rusulschi - Priviti in sus |
17:09 | Gabriel Buzguta - In Bratul Tau |
17:05 | Armonia Quartet - Adesea ma gândesc |
16:59 | A Cappella Choir - Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting |
16:55 | The Oak Ridge Boys - I Love To Tell The Story |
16:52 | Gold City - No One Ever Cared for Me LikeJesus |
16:47 | Marius Vilan - Scump Isus |
16:42 | Estera Colessine - Track 5 |
16:38 | Clearwater - Track 9 |
16:34 | Bill Gaithe |
16:32 | Ierihon - Cind aud |
16:32 | Fatarnicul de Llucica boltasu voce ady moldovan |
16:25 | Izvorul Vietii - Cand Pe Marea Vietii |
16:22 | Cristian Necula - Ma-Ncred In El |
16:17 | Ionut Craciun - El e viu |
16:14 | James Easte |
16:12 | Squire Parsons - If God Be for Us |
16:08 | Bill and Gloria Gaither and the Homecoming Friends - Thanks For Sunshine |
16:07 | DRAGOSTEA LUI DUMNEZEU DE LUCI BOLTASU voce=ady moldovan |
16:03 | Luminita Ciuciuias - In Tine am gasit chemarea |
16:01 | American Choir - 18 Track |
15:59 | Booth Brothers - Rock of Ages |
15:56 | Maranata - El vine iar |
15:55 | Traian Dorz - Am fost un ceas pe munte (P) |
15:51 | Daniel Iuga - Cand m-a atins El |
15:49 | Emanuel - Tu esti vrednic |
15:46 | Poate esti iubit |
15:43 | The Nelons - Coat Of Many Colors |
15:41 | The Greenes - Let The Redeemed |
15:37 | The Cathedrals - As It Was in the Days of Noah |
15:33 | Gospel Singers - Meditatie |
15:30 | Grup Otniel - Track 02 |
15:25 | Gordon Mote - 01 Adoration (Don't Let Me Miss The Glory Album Version) |
15:23 | Bill Traylo |
15:19 | Arman Boghi - Iti simt prezenta Ta |
15:09 | Doru Satmarean - Sa pling alaturi |
15:06 | Stroia David - 5. Fratilor credinta |
15:01 | Simina is Gabriela - Ce-ai gasit Doamne la mine |
14:57 | The Author - Jesus is coming soon - Brothers Quartet |
14:54 | The singing Thomas Family - 9.He's all I need |
14:50 | David Patillo - Sold Out |
14:48 | The Statler Brothers - I'll Fly Away |
14:40 | The O'Neill Brothers Group - Daddy's Hands (Instrumental Version) |
14:38 | Bill Gaither - Homecoming - This Old House |
14:35 | vareity - He Saved Me |
14:31 | Sunset Quartet & Romanian Gospel Homecoming - Stiu Un Drum |
14:26 | Mihaela Rusu - Un vuiet de osti |
14:22 | Cosmin Caprariu - 10 Psalmul 23 |
14:17 | Raze de speranta - Am fost stingher |
14:15 | Ioan Scheau - Sentimentul onoarei spirituale |
14:10 | Russ Taff - More Than Ever |
14:08 | Gospel Express - Praise God |
14:04 | Karen Peck - How on Earth |
14:01 | Mury-Family - Hai |
13:56 | Cand ma aflu in prezenta Ta |
13:52 | Legacy Five - I Found Grace |
13:49 | Bill Traylor - Victory in Jesus |
13:44 | The Messengers - Se aude-un vuiet |
13:42 | Sas - Ai mai trecut de-atitea ori |
13:37 | Stroia David - 2. Pe drumul vietii |
13:37 | Radio Joy - ID Statie |
13:32 | Simona Ardelean - Cand esti trist |
13:26 | 05 Toti gresim - ( |
13:22 | Kingdom Heirs - WHO AM I |
13:19 | homer Jackson - Bought by the Blood |
13:16 | I'd Do It All Over Again |
13:12 | Iata Mielul lui Dumnezeu |
13:10 | Simplu Quartet - Unde vei fii |
13:06 | Guy Penrod - Amazing Grace |
13:02 | The Hoppers - Only In The Cross |
12:57 | Mesagerii Iubirii - Cine e ca tine |
12:56 | My Jesus, I Love Thee |
12:50 | Gabriel Buzguta - Mi-E Dor De Tine, Tata |
12:50 | ID Statie Radio Joy |
12:49 | Trio Celest - Track 30 |
12:46 | Alisa & Carmina Pantea | Este Cineva |
12:43 | Gaither Vocal Band - Home Where I Belong |
12:40 | The Cathedrals - I've Been With Jesus |
12:38 | The Spencers - PLAMS OF VICTORY |
12:34 | Sunset Quartet - ÎL IUBESC PE ISUS |
12:29 | Ligia Marin - Mergi inaintea mea |
12:25 | The Happy Goodman Family - Sweet Morning Song |
12:23 | God Would Be Good For You |
12:19 | Lidia Petri - 08. O, ce frumos va fi |
12:15 | Gospel Singers - Meditatie |
12:11 | The Agee Family - Sometimes He Whispers |
12:06 | Ami Ursachi - In clipe de durere |
12:02 | Ochii tai |
11:59 | The Martins - Running |
11:56 | The Statler Brothers - Sweet By and By |
11:53 | Joey Rory - I Need Thee Every Hour |
11:51 | P23 - Noi sintem Romani |
11:49 | Simplu Quartet - Mai aproape, Doamne |
11:45 | Squire Parsons - Master of the Sea |
11:42 | vareity - This ship will Sail |
11:38 | Adonia - Regele vietii |
11:36 | alex alexandru - My Song |
11:32 | Gabriel Buzguta - A Fost O Noapte, a Fost O Zi |
11:25 | Ierihon - O vino fiu perdut |
11:21 | Jimmy Saaggart - 05 Track |
11:18 | 14 THANK YOU JESUS’ - Jehovah Shalom Acapella 2021 |
11:14 | David Patillo - If You Miss Heaven |
11:09 | 02.Doamne-ti multumesc |
11:06 | Be t a n i a - Dumnezeul Harului |
10:59 | The Stevens Family - Farther Along |
10:53 | Cristian Necula - Te Du In Lume Si Spune |
10:51 | Chemarea de Lucica Boltasu-voce ady moldovan |
10:47 | Izvorul Vietii - Doar o coliba |
10:41 | Eliza Pantea si Beni Popovici - Stand la umbra Crucii Lui |
10:37 | Hristic - Te vreau în viata mea |
10:35 | Chuck Wagon Gang - I'll Fly Away |
10:31 | The Hoppers - Mercy And Truth |
10:27 | Perfect Heart - In My Wildest Dreams |
10:22 | Magdalena Mircea - La Tine vin Isus |
10:19 | Ioan Scheau - Intrebarea descumpanitoare |
10:16 | N'Harmony - My Love Song |
10:12 | Bill Gaither - Homecoming - Redeemed |
10:07 | Continental - Harul Tau |
10:03 | Mihaela Rusu - Ingenunchiat |
10:00 | Gabriel Buzguta - E Scris Pe Calvar Iertare |
09:56 | Simona&Deo Gloria - Cred |
09:53 | Grup Vocal Levi - Track 4 |
09:50 | Emmy Lou Harris & Linda Ronstadt - He Was Mine |
09:47 | American Choir - Track 16 |
09:39 | Ioana - Psalmul 18 |
09:35 | Arman Ludovic - Vino acas |
09:31 | The McKameys - God On The Mountain |
09:23 | Arman L vol 2 - No07 |
09:17 | Luminita Poenar - Vreau sa-nvat Isuse |
09:13 | The Agee Family - It's About The Cross |
09:11 | Emma - 02 Mireasma de iertare |
09:07 | Andrada Dupu - Multumesc |
09:03 | The Crabb Family - Please Come Down To Me |
08:59 | Russ Taff - Jesus Is the Best Thing |
08:56 | Doyle Lawson - Ship of Love |
08:49 | Mihaela Oancea - Domnul te intreaba |
08:45 | The Bishops - Follow Your Heart |
08:43 | Rich Stevens - Abide With Me - Under His Wings |
08:39 | Amalia Preda - O, Doamne, a?terne slava Ta |
08:35 | Aura Hirit - Rabdarea |
08:29 | Izvorul Vietii - Iubirea Lui |
08:25 | SIMONA...Cand trandafirii plang |
08:21 | Eliza Pantea | Stau ?i privesc |
08:18 | Jaff Bands - 5 |
08:14 | John Starnes - Love Grew Where The Blood Fell |
08:10 | Legacy Five - He Forgets |
08:05 | The Brad Quartet - Cand Vom Vedea Pe Nori |
08:02 | Magdalena Mircea - Privind in departari |
08:00 | The singing Thomas Family - Don't point a finger |
07:57 | Todd Suttles - Staning In The Need Of Prayer |
07:52 | Andreea si Rebeca Avram - Mana Ta |
07:51 | Marius Alexandru - Aripi.m4a |
07:47 | Izvorul Vietii - Cantarea mea |
07:47 | Radio Joy - ID Statie |
07:43 | Nu-i greu ce dam noi pentru Domnul - Acustic | |
07:38 | Tabita Ianc - 07. Cu multi ani in urma |
07:35 | Speers - That Same Blood |
07:32 | Ben Speer - Satisfied |
07:30 | 03 Audio Track - MP3 at 192kbps |
07:26 | Emma Repede & Andrei Ciurdas - Rugaciune || |
07:21 | Emanuel - Da-mi Doamne |
07:19 | The Primitive Quartet - It's Gonna Be Wonderful |
07:16 | Guy Penrod - Leaning On the Everlasting Arms |
07:13 | Alin Timofte - Cum sa-ti multumesc |
07:09 | Daniela Postolache - Dormeau in Templu |
07:06 | Renae Hudson - Every Cross You Bear |
07:06 | asculti radio Joy Mirela |
07:00 | Eben-Ezer - 4.Ce maret tezaur |
06:57 | Sebi Oprea - Trimite ingeri |
06:45 | Karen Peck & New River - Victory Is Mine |
06:40 | Mama VOL 2 Iulian Avasiloaie - Mama VOL 2 Iulian Avasiloaie |
06:36 | Omega - Raul vietii |
06:32 | Jessy Dixon - What Are They Doing in Heaven? |
06:30 | Bill Traylor - He Set Me Free |
06:27 | Messis - Ierusalim |
06:22 | si daca timpul s- ar sfarsi de LUCICA BOLTASU voce ady moldovan |
06:18 | Gabriel Buzguta - Daca-Ntr-O Tainica Vreme |
06:18 | ID Statie Radio Joy |
06:14 | Adi Kovaci - Te cunosc |
06:08 | Grup Amos - Domnul sta tot asteptand |
06:02 | Gaither - Get all excited |
06:00 | Kevin Spencer - I'm Bound for the Land of Canaan |
05:57 | Jaff Bands Add - 02 |
05:52 | lacramioara,grup EL betel - Vine Mirele |
05:48 | Arunca masca jos (poezie) |
05:45 | Jeff & Sheri Easter - The Light |
05:43 | Bill & Gloria Gaither - We'll Understand It Better By And By |
05:40 | Lacramioara Asandoaie - Glas de bucurie |
05:34 | Mihaela Rusu - Lunile si starile Traian Suciu |
05:31 | The Agee Family - Never No Never |
05:26 | Andreea si Andrei Mois - Duh de viata |
05:20 | Ierusalim - Langa Domnul, Langa Dumnezeu |
05:16 | Reggie & Ladye Love Smith - 10 THE SOLID ROCK |
05:14 | Upper Room - Where the Roses Grow |
05:11 | The Merediths - he lives for you |
05:07 | Andreea & Andrei - Eu ma incred |
05:03 | Viorela Cioban - Orice Poti Realiza |
05:00 | Joy - The Pardon |
04:56 | Phil Driscoll /Jimmy Swaggart - He'll Calm Your Storms |
04:52 | Ma inchin - Domnul sta |
04:33 | Daniel Iuga - Schimbarea a venit de la cruce |
04:31 | Eu ma-ncred doar in Domnul |
04:26 | Mesagerii Iubirii - In ziua mare |
04:23 | Hide Thou me - Hide Thou me |
04:20 | Bill Gaither - You Might Forget the Singer (But You Won't Forget the Song) |
04:15 | Heritage Singers Quarter - I Shall Wear a Crown |
04:11 | CADMIEL Vol.1 - Ma duce la ape |
04:07 | Maranata - Golgota |
04:03 | Booth Brothers - I Wanna Know You More |
04:00 | Perfect Heart - THE WELL |
03:57 | Agapao - Vine Isus |
03:50 | Valentin Voicila - Tata ce esti Tu? |
03:46 | The Agee Family - I've Come Too Far |
03:42 | EchoHill - Nimic nu e prea greu |
03:39 | Angeli - Tu esti puterea mea |
03:37 | Ivan Parker - Our Debts Will Be Paid |
03:31 | Bill Gaithe |
03:27 | Gaither Vocal Band - Sometimes My Feet Wanna Dance |
03:24 | Grupul Ava - Isus bate la usa |
03:19 | Mihaela Oancea & Marcel Iures - Isuse vesnic calator |
03:15 | The Cathedral Quartet - The Cross Was His Own |
03:14 | Bill Gaither - Homecoming - Blest Be The Tie That Binds |
03:12 | alex alexandru - In piept cu stele aprinse |
03:10 | GANDURI DE RODICA DINU voce ady moldovan |
03:07 | Izvorul Vietii - Glorie Aleluia |
03:04 | Agape - E Puterea |
03:01 | Coca Saroni - El Poate |
02:59 | Kingdom Heirs - GENTLE SHEPHARD |
02:55 | Joey Rory - Rocky Top |
02:47 | The Kingsmen - Moses |
02:42 | Acappella - Via Dolorosa |
02:39 | Ligia Marin - Track 7 |
02:37 | The Spencers - There's More to Me |
02:33 | Natchez Avenue 2005 - Beautiful Scandalous Night |
02:29 | UniSong - Priveste la Isus |
02:26 | Estera Colessine - Track 3 |
02:22 | Daniel Iuga - Un copil vei fi mereu |
02:15 | Impact - Nu va fi o veste mai frumoasa |
02:13 | Del Way - Get Thee Behind Me |
02:09 | Jimmy Swaggart - He Chose Me |
02:06 | The Hoppers - Take It From Me |
02:03 | The Brad Quartet - Vointa Ta |
02:00 | Ioan Scheau - Toate lucrurile nobile sunt dificile |
01:57 | Chuck Wagon Gang - He Will Set Your Fields on Fire |
01:53 | Kevin Williams - My Savior's Love |
01:51 | Ami Ursachi - Nu mai traiesc eu |
01:49 | POEZII - Cum zorii cheama ziua |
01:46 | Renae Hudson - I'm On A Journey |
01:39 | Sunset Quartet - LA GOLGOTA |
01:34 | Legacy Five - Home Free |
01:31 | Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound - Wedding Music |
01:28 | Jaff Bands - track 11 |
01:26 | Gabi Iliut - Hai Si Plange |
01:21 | Speranta - In orice zi cu Tine |
01:18 | The Stevens Family - I'm Forgiven |
01:15 | The Primitive Quartet - I Saw The Face Of Jesus |
01:11 | Isus, Tu e?ti Pastorul |
01:09 | Track 19 |
01:04 | Art Quartet - Domnul bate la usa ta ( 4k ) |
01:00 | Lidia Cîrlan ?i Puiu Chibici - 05 Nu dispera |
00:57 | Florida Boys - Built on Amazing Grace |
00:55 | Speers - Here He Comes |
00:50 | Ron Edwards - Living Water |
00:44 | Serban Mariana - La Crucea Lui Isus |
00:40 | Ioan Timofte - Eu nu sunt de pe pamant |
00:38 | The Bishops - That's All He Needs to Know |
00:34 | Homecoming Friends - I Will Sing Of My Redeemer |
00:29 | Vali Pentea Sava - Nimic nu sunt |
00:22 | Doru Satmarean - Singuratatea |
00:18 | The Agee Family - Say Amen |
00:14 | HRISTIC - 08 Track |
00:12 | Marius Alexandru - De ai |
00:09 | Ghighi N. Iovin - Teach Me Thy Way O Lord |
00:05 | Barbara Mandrell - Precious Memories |
00:02 | The Happy Goodman Family - Mansion over the Hilltop |
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