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RacManChristianRadio identifies with thousands of people around the world, who identify with our mission: Reaching Around the World, Reaching All For Christ - We Are The Internet's Home to eclectic blends of Christian Music and Powerful Ministry Programs!
Awesome, Great Music all Kinds with a positive message.
Brandon Hixson01.08.2020
Love the station!
Інформація про радіо
We are The internet's home to eclectic blends of Christian Music. Reaching Around the World, Reaching All for Christ: We ARE Racman Christian Radio Our partnership with ministries like - Proverbs31, Larry W Robinson, David Rives Ministries,, LightenUP with Ken Davis,NewReleaseTuesday programs (Sunday Morning Drive, The Reconstruction,NRT Insider Interviews), RMCR Interview Spotlights, , and more - allows us to bring you a unique ministry. Plus we are constantly looking for new artists and Christian Indie artists to provide a growing library of eclectic blends of music. Join us live every Monday 3 pm,Wednesday 3 pm,and Friday 3pm (US Pacific Time Zone)
Rac Man Christian Radio -
Live DJ Broadcasts Every M, W, F 3 pm PST