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Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio spisak numera

Ne znate koja pesma se pušta na radiju? Upotrebite našu uslugu da je nađete! Naša lista sadržaja čuva listu numera stanice Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio za prethodnih 7 dana.

23:58 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Hide Thou Me %
23:56 The London Philharmonic Choir - O God Our Help In Ages Past
23:52 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - With A Voice Of Singing
23:49 Dr Al Smith - He Is Able To Deliver Thee
23:47 Principle Chorus - The Lord Bless You and Keep You %
23:44 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - The Mansions Of The Lord
23:42 George Beverly Shea - Steal Away %
23:38 Mac Lynch - Fill Me Now
23:34 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Rolled Away %
23:31 Tracey Ann Collins - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
23:28 Mac And Beth Lynch - Redeeming The Time %
23:26 Claire Ryan - Singing I Go
23:24 Sacred Music Services - Jesus Saves
23:21 Hamilton Family - The Greatest Story Ever Told %
23:18 Gregg Nash - Amazing Grace
23:15 Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - He Rock Of Ages #
23:12 The Wilds - For Me to Live Is Christ %
23:09 SoundForth Singers And Orchestra - Make My Life an Alleluia
23:06 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - This World Is Not My Home
23:02 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Hallelujah, What a Savior, Man of Sorrows %
22:59 The Neely Team - The Solid Rock
22:56 Ron Hamilton - I'd Rather Have Jesus %
22:53 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Speak Your Holy Name #
22:51 SMS Men's Chorus - Give Your Heart
22:49 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - O Breath Of Life
22:47 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Remember %
22:43 Sam Slobodian - Overshadowed
22:39 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - A Garment Of Praise %
22:36 SMS Men's Quartet - Come Bless the Lord
22:32 Herbster Evangelistic Team - We Rejoice In All Your Ways
22:28 Linda McKechnie - O Worship the King %
22:26 Shannon Knox - Oh How I Love Jesus
22:23 Ed Russ - Just A Closer Walk
22:21 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 136 (Constance)
22:18 SMS Choir And Orchestra - What A Gathering %
22:15 Calvary Quartet - Farther Along
22:11 Florence Fong - Lamb Of Glory with The Old Rugged Cross
22:08 The Hamilton Family - Arise! %
22:06 The Masters Chorale - I Will Trust in the Lord %
22:02 John Marshall Family - Singing I Go %
21:59 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - The Old Rugged Cross
21:55 Erin Cross - O Sacred Head
21:51 Majesty Ladies - Victory In Jesus %
21:47 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Rescue The Perishing %
21:44 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Immortal, Invisible
21:41 Melinda K Wickam - Rise Up, O Men Of God
21:40 Frank Boggs - God Will Take Care Of You
21:36 Principle Music - Sweet Will of God
21:33 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Give Your Heart
21:31 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - When They Ring Thoise Golden Bells #
21:28 Herbster Trio - Delight Yourself in the Lord %
21:24 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - The Heavens Are Telling
21:21 Simply Soundforth - Christ Liveth In Me
21:19 The London Philharmonic Choir - Abide With Me
21:17 Dr Al Smith - Redeemed
21:12 Matt & Christy Taylor - Here Is Love
21:11 Larry Mayfield - I Surrender All %
21:08 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - What Wondrous Love Is This?
21:05 The Gordon Sears Family - Salvation Medley
21:03 George Beverly Shea - O Savior Thou Art Mine %
20:59 Ron and Shelly Hamilton - I Stand Redeemed %
20:56 Wilds Men's Ensembles - Bow The Knee %
20:52 SMS Men's Choir - Then Sings My Soul
20:48 The Wilds Men's Quartet - He Lifted Me
20:46 Patch The Pirate - Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6) %
20:43 Sacred Music Services - There Is A Fountain
20:40 Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - His Grace Is Sufficient For Me %
20:38 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him %
20:35 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - We Walk by Faith %
20:31 The Wilds - The One Who Lives Again
20:26 Principle Chorus - For the Beauty of the Earth
20:23 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - I Claim The Blood %
20:18 Ron Hamilton - Only by His Grace %
20:16 SMS Men's Chorus - I'll Praise the Lord
20:12 The Neely Team - Trust Him %
20:08 Anna Mieczkowski - Christ Returneth
20:05 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - A Fountain Filled With Blood
20:01 SMS Men's Quartet - Soldiers of the Cross
19:59 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - He Ain't Comin' Here To Die No More %
19:55 Gregg Nash - Streams In The Desert
19:53 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - And Can It Be?
19:49 Linda McKechnie - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross %
19:46 Ed Russ - This Is Just What Heaven Means To Me %
19:42 Herbster Evangelistic Team - You Knew Me Lord %
19:39 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - For The Beauty Of The Earth (Men's Chorus)
19:36 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - The Name Of Jesus
19:32 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - We Love You Lord %
19:30 Mac And Beth Lynch - Blessed Assurance
19:26 Tracey Ann Collins - Nearer, Still Nearer
19:22 Florence Fong - My Heart I Give To Thee
19:20 Erin Cross - I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
19:16 John Marshall Family - Count The Cost
19:13 Hamilton Family - Still Waters %
19:09 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I'll Never Forsake You
19:07 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 80 (Bryn Calfaria)
19:02 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Tell The Story
18:56 Carol And Sharon Myers - I Will Sing Thy Power (Medley)
18:54 Principle Music - Sound the Battle Cry
18:52 Melinda K Wickam - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
18:49 Herbster Trio - I Will Follow %
18:46 Majesty Ladies - Create In Me %
18:42 Dr Al Smith - Channels Only
18:40 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - The Vic'try is Won %
18:37 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - Forever And A Day
18:33 SMS Choir And Orchestra - All Creatures Of Our God and King
18:30 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - I Will Never Leave You %
18:26 Frank Boggs - There Is A Fountain
18:24 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - Down Deep In The Sea
18:20 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Precious Memories %
18:19 Simply Soundforth - Lead Me, Savior
18:10 The London Philharmonic Choir - Lead On, O King Eternal
18:08 Shannon Knox - Stones Rolled Away
18:03 Matt & Christy Taylor - The Gifts He Gives to Me
18:00 Sacred Music Services - Rejoice, the Lord is King
17:57 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Yours Is The Kingdom %
17:55 George Beverly Shea - Little Brown Church %
17:53 Patch The Pirate - Go to the Ant (Proverbs 6:6-8) %
17:49 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - My Faith Looks Up To Thee
17:47 SMS Men's Choir - O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing
17:44 Ron Hamilton - The Greatest Command %
17:40 Claire Ryan - I Am His And He Is Mine
17:37 The Wilds - I Have Come To Save You
17:35 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - At The Right Time %
17:32 Majesty Music - The Old Rugged Cross %
17:30 SMS Men's Chorus - He Ransomed Me
17:27 SMS Men's Quartet - The Gospel Train
17:24 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - He Is the Christ
17:20 Principle Chorus - Awake, Awake
17:17 Gregg Nash - I'm Going Home %
17:14 The Hamilton Family - That's Where Wisdom Begins %
17:10 Wilds Men's Ensembles - Let This Cup Pass From Me %
17:08 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
17:05 Linda McKechnie - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah %
17:03 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - There Is Power In The Blood
17:00 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - To God Of Abraham Praise (Men's Chorus)
16:55 Mac Lynch - The Ancient of Days
16:53 Larry Mayfield - Holy, Holy, Holy %
16:49 Florence Fong - Fairest Lord Jesus
16:46 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Does Jesus Care?
16:43 Sam Slobodian - Stepping In The Light
16:40 Mac And Beth Lynch - Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven
16:37 Herbster Evangelistic Team - May The Mind Of Christ My Savior %
16:33 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Near The Cross
16:30 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 60 (Bangor)
16:28 The Masters Chorale - Until He Comes Again %
16:24 Ed Russ - That I May Know Him %
16:22 North Valley Baptist Church - May Jesus Christ Be Praised
16:17 Erin Cross - In Christ Alone
16:13 Herbster Trio - Jesus Paid It All
16:11 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Creator, Redeemer, And King
16:08 Dr Al Smith - My Hope Is In The Lord
16:05 Melinda K Wickam - Great is Thy Faithfulness
16:02 Principle Music - Count Your Blessings
15:58 John Marshall Family - Just for a moment
15:54 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Amen
15:51 Melinda K. Wickam - Blessed Assurance
15:47 Frank Boggs - The Old Rugged Cross
15:45 Majesty Ladies - Holy Lord, God Of Hosts %
15:43 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - 'Tis So Sweet %
15:40 Simply Soundforth - Rejoice, The Lord Is King
15:35 The London Philharmonic Choir - How Great Thou Art
15:33 Calvary Quartet - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
15:30 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - In The Sweet By And By
15:27 Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Abiding in the Vine
15:24 Sacred Music Services - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
15:21 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Wonderful Grace of Jesus
15:18 ALERT Men's Chorus - God of Our Fathers
15:16 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - I'm Adopted
15:12 ALERT Chorale - Amazing Grace
15:09 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - Abide With Me
15:05 Ron Hamilton - Wait on the Lord %
15:01 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Be Still and Know, Trust and Obey %
14:57 Matt & Christy Taylor - Lord Of My Heart
14:54 SMS Men's Chorus - How Firm A Foundation
14:51 SMS Men's Quartet - Wondrous Joy
14:48 Claire Ryan - Count Your Blessings
14:45 Hamilton Family - Worthy Is the Lamb %
14:42 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Think On These Things %
14:39 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - The Love Of God
14:35 Gregg Nash - Near The Cross
14:32 Linda McKechnie - Abide With Me %
14:30 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee
14:27 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Who Am I? %
14:23 SMS Men's Choir - Jesus Is My Song of Grace
14:19 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - That Beautiful Stream %
14:15 Florence Fong - It Was For Me %
14:12 Shannon Knox - Near to the Heart of God
14:10 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken (Men's Chorus)
14:07 Mac And Beth Lynch - Don't Be Afraid
14:03 Majesty Music - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross %
13:59 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus
13:57 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Beautiful Savior %
13:54 The Wilds - Hide Your Word
13:48 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - Fairest Lord Jesus (Vocal)
13:44 Principle Chorus - When We See Christ %
13:37 Erin Cross - How Great Thou Art
13:33 Dr Al Smith - Something For Thee
13:31 Melinda K Wickam - O Zion Haste #
13:28 Tracey Ann Collins - Our Eternal Home (Medley)
13:25 Ed Russ - Old Time Religion Medley %
13:23 Herbster Trio - Name Medley %
13:18 John Marshall Family - Stand By God's Man
13:15 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - All That Thrills My Soul %
13:10 Wilds Men's Ensembles - The Whole Earth Is Full Of The Lord
13:07 Majesty Ladies - Worship The Lord %
13:03 Patch The Pirate - Blessed %
13:01 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Tis marvelous and Wonderful
12:58 Simply Soundforth - Jesus, Master
12:55 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - The Rocks Will Cry Out %
12:52 The Hamilton Family - I Have a Hope %
12:49 Sacred Music Services - When Morning Gilds the Sky
12:47 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 78 (Ellacombe)
12:43 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Name Of All Majesty
12:39 Herbster Evangelistic Team - To the Glory of God %
12:35 The Gordon Sears Family - Sound The Battle Cry
12:31 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - There Is A Fountain
12:27 Ron Hamilton - Lord, I Need You %
12:22 Frank Boggs - Stranger Of Galilee
12:19 The Masters Chorale - He Giveth More Grace With Grace Greater Than Our Sin %
12:16 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
12:13 Melinda K. Wickam - Holy, Holy, Holy
12:09 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Saved By Grace
12:06 Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - City Of Gold %
12:04 SMS Men's Quartet - My Jesus, I Love Thee
12:00 Linda McKechnie - All Hail The Power (with "Trumpet Voluntary" by Purcell) %
11:56 SMS Men's Chorus - Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
11:54 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
11:50 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Teach Me Your Way, O Lord
11:45 The London Philharmonic Choir - Hark, And Hear My Trumpet Sounding
11:41 Gregg Nash - Stand By Me
11:35 Claire Ryan - Be Still My Soul %
11:32 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I Surrender All
11:30 Shannon Knox - Somebody Loves Me %
11:25 Principle Music - Jesus Is All the World to Me
11:23 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - God Leads Us Along
11:20 Mac Lynch - Revive my Heart
11:18 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Count Me
11:14 Hamilton Family - A Heart of Stone %
11:12 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Thanks Be To God %
11:07 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - We Will Glorify %
11:05 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - The Spacious Firmaement (Men's Chorus)
11:02 Mac And Beth Lynch - There's A Wideness In God's Mercy %
10:58 Dr Al Smith - Trust And Obey
10:56 ALERT Chorale - Keep in the Middle of the Road
10:54 Larry Mayfield - O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go %
10:49 Erin Cross - Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
10:46 ALERT Men's Chorus - I'll Walk With God
10:42 The Wilds - God's Word, My Guide
10:39 Melinda K Wickam - Now Thank We All Our God
10:37 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - The Coming Of The Saviour %
10:34 Herbster Trio - I Will Praise Thee %
10:31 Calvary Quartet - He Restoreth My Soul
10:27 The Wilds Men's Quartet - Above All Else %
10:25 North Valley Baptist Church - To God Be The Glory
10:21 Simply Soundforth - Too Late! %
10:18 Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Salvation Medley %
10:13 The Hamilton Family - Friendly Thorns %
10:09 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Speak, Lord %
10:05 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - I Am Thine O Lord
10:02 Carol And Sharon Myers - My Savior First Of All
09:58 Herbster Evangelistic Team - O To Be Like Thee %
09:54 Sacred Music Services - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
09:49 Ron Hamilton - The Last Amen %
09:46 Principle Chorus - I Sing the Might Power of God
09:44 John Marshall Family - He Gives Me Joy %
09:40 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on Jesus' Love
09:36 Frank Boggs - He Leadeth Me
09:34 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Cherubim Song Number 7
09:30 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 91 (Hyfrydol)
09:28 SMS Men's Quartet - I Want to Be There
09:24 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Channels Only
09:21 Sam Slobodian - The Holy City
09:17 SMS Men's Chorus - Hush, Somebody's Callin' My Name
09:13 Ed Russ - When I Get Alone With God #
09:09 Anna Mieczkowski - Whiter Than Snow
09:05 Majesty Ladies - Sing Unto The Lord %
09:02 Florence Fong - This Is My Father's World
08:57 Tracey Ann Collins - Holy, Holy, Holy
08:54 Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - All The Way My Savior Leads Me
08:51 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Deliverance Will Come %
08:47 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - More Love %
08:44 Principle Music - Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
08:41 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - All
08:36 Gregg Nash - He Was Not Willing
08:31 Linda McKechnie - Jesus, Lover of My Soul %
08:30 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee
08:25 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Is It Gonna Burn?
08:21 Shannon Knox - He Hideth My Soul
08:18 The Masters Chorale - Come as a Child %
08:14 Mac And Beth Lynch - It Was For Me %
08:11 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Now the Day Is Over (Men's Chorus)
08:09 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - How Firm A Foundation
08:04 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - The Pearly White City %
08:01 Herbster Trio - My Father's Love %
07:58 Melinda K Wickam - Immortal, Invisible
07:54 Dr Al Smith - God Will Take Care Of You
07:50 The London Philharmonic Choir - Amazing Grace
07:47 Simply Soundforth - O Zion Haste
07:43 The Wilds - He Is Risen
07:40 Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Jesus, I Come
07:35 Erin Cross - Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
07:32 Ron and Shelly Hamilton - Blessed Is He %
07:29 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - When We All Get To Heaven
07:27 SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - Trust in God, My Soul
07:24 Back To The Bible Quartet - Who Cares? %
07:21 Herbster Evangelistic Team - My Lord and Savior %
07:18 Sacred Music Services - Face to Face
07:16 Calvary Quartet - My Savior's Love
07:13 Wilds Men's Ensembles - For Me To Live Is Christ %
07:09 Ron Hamilton - Come To The Cross %
07:06 SMS Choir And Orchestra - God's Refining Fire
07:02 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - Like A Lamb Who Needs The Shepherd %
06:58 Frank Boggs - How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings
06:55 John Marshall Family - He Hideth My Soul
06:51 Majesty Music - There Is a Fountain %
06:47 SMS Men's Choir - The Solid Rock
06:45 Larry Mayfield - O God Our Help In Ages Past %
06:42 SMS Men's Quartet - The Savior of the World
06:40 SMS Men's Chorus - Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
06:35 The Wilds Men's Quartet - For Me
06:31 Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - He Watching Over Israel
06:28 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 42 St Agnes
06:25 Florence Fong - He's Emmanuel
06:20 Ed Russ - When I get To Heaven
06:18 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Deep River %
06:12 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - O Love Divine
06:10 The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - All Glory To Jesus
06:07 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Savior, Lead Us %
06:03 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - God's Refining Fire
06:01 Anna Mieczkowski - Fairest Lord Jesus
05:58 Claire Ryan - Amazing Grace
05:54 Principle Music - The Mind of Christ
05:50 Linda McKechnie - Because He Lives %
05:47 Gregg Nash - Victory Is Sweet %
05:43 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Invitation
05:39 Hamilton Family - A New Song %
05:36 Mac And Beth Lynch - Keep Your Heart %
05:33 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
05:30 Shannon Knox - Brahams Lullaby
05:27 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Spirit of God Descend upon My Heart %
05:24 Herbster Trio - Keep the Race Before Us %
05:21 Matt & Christy Taylor - My Best for Him
05:19 The Masters Chorale - I Will Come and Bow Down %
05:16 Melinda K Wickam - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
05:12 The Hamilton Family - The One Who First Loved Me %
05:08 Dr Al Smith - Grace Greater Than Our Sin
05:06 George Beverly Shea - I Will Sing The Wondrous Story %
05:03 Simply Soundforth - Oh, To Be Like Thee
04:59 The Wilds - God Has Spoken
04:55 Amanda LeBail - Rock Of Ages
04:52 Ron and Shelly Hamilton - Whom Shall I Fear %
04:49 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
04:46 Erin Cross - There Is A Fountain
04:43 Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - Heaven's My Home %
04:40 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Here Am I, Send Me
04:35 Sacred Music Services - Giving Generously to God's Work
04:32 Herbster Evangelistic Team - My Jesus I Love Thee
04:29 Ron Hamilton - The Old Account Was Settled %
04:26 Mac Lynch - The Lord Bless You %
04:22 The London Philharmonic Choir - Deep River
04:19 Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
04:14 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
04:12 SMS Men's Choir - O Worship the King
04:09 Frank Boggs - Prayer Of Thanksgiving
04:04 SMS Men's Chorus - And Can It Be?
04:02 SMS Men's Quartet - Jesus Is Coming Again
04:01 Majesty Ladies - I Love You, Lord %
03:58 Melinda K. Wickam - Come Thou Almighty King
03:55 John Marshall Family - Arise My Soul Arise
03:53 Tracey Ann Collins - Washed in blood
03:50 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 149 (Laudate Dominum)
03:48 Back To The Bible Quartet - I Love To Tell The Story %
03:44 Back To The Bible Male Chorus - All That Thrills My Soul %
03:41 Wilds Men's Ensembles - Shout To the Lord With A Song Of Praise
03:39 Ed Russ - Don't Worry About Tomorrow
03:36 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Day By Day
03:33 Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - My Savior First Of All
03:30 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Rock Of Ages
03:25 the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - His Wondrous Love %
03:20 Principle Chorus - Amazing Love %
03:18 Majesty Music - How Firm a Foundation %
03:15 Principle Music - Still Sweeter Every Day
03:12 Linda McKechnie - I Will Enter His Gates (with "Rondo" from "Masterpiece" by Mouret) %
03:09 Gregg Nash - Nursery Rhymes
03:06 Calvary Quartet - Majesty, He Is Lord
03:03 Florence Fong - Amazing Grace
02:59 Mac And Beth Lynch - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
02:56 Shannon Knox - My Mother's Bible
02:54 Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - Standing On The Promises
02:52 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - "Christ For The World" We Sing #
02:47 Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - The Glorious Gospel
02:43 Herbster Trio - How Can It Be %
02:38 John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - He Hideth My Soul (Women's Chorus)
02:35 Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Lord, We Adore You %
02:31 Dr Al Smith - Nothing Between
02:29 The Masters Chorale - Crown Him With All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Diadem %
02:26 Simply Soundforth - The Way Of The Cross Leads Home
02:23 Carol And Sharon Myers - O Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord (Medley) #
02:19 The Wilds - We Will Follow %
02:16 Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Wings as Eagles %
02:13 Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - No Other Name %
02:09 Hamilton Family - My Hope Is Jesus %
02:06 First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - There Is A Fountain
02:03 Melinda K Wickam - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
01:59 iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - For The Least Of These (Vocal)
01:56 Sacred Music Services - Meditations on God, the Father
01:52 Erin Cross - He Was Wounded
01:47 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Softly and Tenderly
01:43 Ron Hamilton - How Can I Fear %
01:41 The Neely Team - Testimony %
01:35 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Peace
01:30 Frank Boggs - The Lost Chord
01:28 SMS Men's Chorus - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
01:25 SMS Men's Quartet - Onward Christian Soldiers
01:21 Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Press Toward the Mark %
01:17 The London Philharmonic Choir - He Leadeth Me
01:13 Wilds A Cappella Chorale - All Your Anxiety
01:09 Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I Am His and He is Mine
01:06 John Marshall Family - Vessel Unto Honor %
01:03 Matt & Christy Taylor - Gentle Voice
01:01 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - No Sweeter Subject %
00:58 Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 89 Ode to Joy
00:55 Ed Russ - Be Still My Soul %
00:51 The Gordon Sears Family - Room At The Cross
00:48 Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Soldiers Of The Cross
00:44 Tracey Ann Collins - Still Nearer (Medley)
00:40 Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Psalm 150
00:35 Linda McKechnie - I Exalt Thee %
00:32 Nancy And Melody Lundmark - Wonderful Peace
00:23 Regeneration, Derric Johnson's - Living Cross Medley %
00:20 Majesty Music - All Creatures of Our God and King (Child's Version) %
00:15 Mac And Beth Lynch - Knowing Christ %
00:13 The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Holy, Holy, Holy
00:11 Shannon Knox - Everybody Ought To Know
00:07 Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - What a Wonderful Savior %
00:05 The Wilds Men's Quartet - My Shepherd Knows %
00:03 Majesty Ladies - Come One, Come All %

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