23:58 |
Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Hide Thou Me %
23:56 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - O God Our Help In Ages Past
23:52 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - With A Voice Of Singing
23:49 |
Dr Al Smith - He Is Able To Deliver Thee
23:47 |
Principle Chorus - The Lord Bless You and Keep You %
23:44 |
The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - The Mansions Of The Lord
23:42 |
George Beverly Shea - Steal Away %
23:38 |
Mac Lynch - Fill Me Now
23:34 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Rolled Away %
23:31 |
Tracey Ann Collins - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
23:28 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Redeeming The Time %
23:26 |
Claire Ryan - Singing I Go
23:24 |
Sacred Music Services - Jesus Saves
23:21 |
Hamilton Family - The Greatest Story Ever Told %
23:18 |
Gregg Nash - Amazing Grace
23:15 |
Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - He Rock Of Ages #
23:12 |
The Wilds - For Me to Live Is Christ %
23:09 |
SoundForth Singers And Orchestra - Make My Life an Alleluia
23:06 |
First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - This World Is Not My Home
23:02 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Hallelujah, What a Savior, Man of Sorrows %
22:59 |
The Neely Team - The Solid Rock
22:56 |
Ron Hamilton - I'd Rather Have Jesus %
22:53 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Speak Your Holy Name #
22:51 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Give Your Heart
22:49 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - O Breath Of Life
22:47 |
Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Remember %
22:43 |
Sam Slobodian - Overshadowed
22:39 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - A Garment Of Praise %
22:36 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Come Bless the Lord
22:32 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - We Rejoice In All Your Ways
22:28 |
Linda McKechnie - O Worship the King %
22:26 |
Shannon Knox - Oh How I Love Jesus
22:23 |
Ed Russ - Just A Closer Walk
22:21 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 136 (Constance)
22:18 |
SMS Choir And Orchestra - What A Gathering %
22:15 |
Calvary Quartet - Farther Along
22:11 |
Florence Fong - Lamb Of Glory with The Old Rugged Cross
22:08 |
The Hamilton Family - Arise! %
22:06 |
The Masters Chorale - I Will Trust in the Lord %
22:02 |
John Marshall Family - Singing I Go %
21:59 |
Nancy And Melody Lundmark - The Old Rugged Cross
21:55 |
Erin Cross - O Sacred Head
21:51 |
Majesty Ladies - Victory In Jesus %
21:47 |
Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Rescue The Perishing %
21:44 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Immortal, Invisible
21:41 |
Melinda K Wickam - Rise Up, O Men Of God
21:40 |
Frank Boggs - God Will Take Care Of You
21:36 |
Principle Music - Sweet Will of God
21:33 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Give Your Heart
21:31 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - When They Ring Thoise Golden Bells #
21:28 |
Herbster Trio - Delight Yourself in the Lord %
21:24 |
Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - The Heavens Are Telling
21:21 |
Simply Soundforth - Christ Liveth In Me
21:19 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - Abide With Me
21:17 |
Dr Al Smith - Redeemed
21:12 |
Matt & Christy Taylor - Here Is Love
21:11 |
Larry Mayfield - I Surrender All %
21:08 |
Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - What Wondrous Love Is This?
21:05 |
The Gordon Sears Family - Salvation Medley
21:03 |
George Beverly Shea - O Savior Thou Art Mine %
20:59 |
Ron and Shelly Hamilton - I Stand Redeemed %
20:56 |
Wilds Men's Ensembles - Bow The Knee %
20:52 |
SMS Men's Choir - Then Sings My Soul
20:48 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - He Lifted Me
20:46 |
Patch The Pirate - Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6) %
20:43 |
Sacred Music Services - There Is A Fountain
20:40 |
Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - His Grace Is Sufficient For Me %
20:38 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him %
20:35 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - We Walk by Faith %
20:31 |
The Wilds - The One Who Lives Again
20:26 |
Principle Chorus - For the Beauty of the Earth
20:23 |
Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - I Claim The Blood %
20:18 |
Ron Hamilton - Only by His Grace %
20:16 |
SMS Men's Chorus - I'll Praise the Lord
20:12 |
The Neely Team - Trust Him %
20:08 |
Anna Mieczkowski - Christ Returneth
20:05 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - A Fountain Filled With Blood
20:01 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Soldiers of the Cross
19:59 |
Back To The Bible Male Chorus - He Ain't Comin' Here To Die No More %
19:55 |
Gregg Nash - Streams In The Desert
19:53 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - And Can It Be?
19:49 |
Linda McKechnie - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross %
19:46 |
Ed Russ - This Is Just What Heaven Means To Me %
19:42 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - You Knew Me Lord %
19:39 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - For The Beauty Of The Earth (Men's Chorus)
19:36 |
Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - The Name Of Jesus
19:32 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - We Love You Lord %
19:30 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Blessed Assurance
19:26 |
Tracey Ann Collins - Nearer, Still Nearer
19:22 |
Florence Fong - My Heart I Give To Thee
19:20 |
Erin Cross - I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
19:16 |
John Marshall Family - Count The Cost
19:13 |
Hamilton Family - Still Waters %
19:09 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I'll Never Forsake You
19:07 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 80 (Bryn Calfaria)
19:02 |
Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Tell The Story
18:56 |
Carol And Sharon Myers - I Will Sing Thy Power (Medley)
18:54 |
Principle Music - Sound the Battle Cry
18:52 |
Melinda K Wickam - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
18:49 |
Herbster Trio - I Will Follow %
18:46 |
Majesty Ladies - Create In Me %
18:42 |
Dr Al Smith - Channels Only
18:40 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - The Vic'try is Won %
18:37 |
Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - Forever And A Day
18:33 |
SMS Choir And Orchestra - All Creatures Of Our God and King
18:30 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - I Will Never Leave You %
18:26 |
Frank Boggs - There Is A Fountain
18:24 |
The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - Down Deep In The Sea
18:20 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Precious Memories %
18:19 |
Simply Soundforth - Lead Me, Savior
18:10 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - Lead On, O King Eternal
18:08 |
Shannon Knox - Stones Rolled Away
18:03 |
Matt & Christy Taylor - The Gifts He Gives to Me
18:00 |
Sacred Music Services - Rejoice, the Lord is King
17:57 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Yours Is The Kingdom %
17:55 |
George Beverly Shea - Little Brown Church %
17:53 |
Patch The Pirate - Go to the Ant (Proverbs 6:6-8) %
17:49 |
Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - My Faith Looks Up To Thee
17:47 |
SMS Men's Choir - O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing
17:44 |
Ron Hamilton - The Greatest Command %
17:40 |
Claire Ryan - I Am His And He Is Mine
17:37 |
The Wilds - I Have Come To Save You
17:35 |
Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - At The Right Time %
17:32 |
Majesty Music - The Old Rugged Cross %
17:30 |
SMS Men's Chorus - He Ransomed Me
17:27 |
SMS Men's Quartet - The Gospel Train
17:24 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - He Is the Christ
17:20 |
Principle Chorus - Awake, Awake
17:17 |
Gregg Nash - I'm Going Home %
17:14 |
The Hamilton Family - That's Where Wisdom Begins %
17:10 |
Wilds Men's Ensembles - Let This Cup Pass From Me %
17:08 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
17:05 |
Linda McKechnie - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah %
17:03 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - There Is Power In The Blood
17:00 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - To God Of Abraham Praise (Men's Chorus)
16:55 |
Mac Lynch - The Ancient of Days
16:53 |
Larry Mayfield - Holy, Holy, Holy %
16:49 |
Florence Fong - Fairest Lord Jesus
16:46 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Does Jesus Care?
16:43 |
Sam Slobodian - Stepping In The Light
16:40 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven
16:37 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - May The Mind Of Christ My Savior %
16:33 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Near The Cross
16:30 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 60 (Bangor)
16:28 |
The Masters Chorale - Until He Comes Again %
16:24 |
Ed Russ - That I May Know Him %
16:22 |
North Valley Baptist Church - May Jesus Christ Be Praised
16:17 |
Erin Cross - In Christ Alone
16:13 |
Herbster Trio - Jesus Paid It All
16:11 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - Creator, Redeemer, And King
16:08 |
Dr Al Smith - My Hope Is In The Lord
16:05 |
Melinda K Wickam - Great is Thy Faithfulness
16:02 |
Principle Music - Count Your Blessings
15:58 |
John Marshall Family - Just for a moment
15:54 |
Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Amen
15:51 |
Melinda K. Wickam - Blessed Assurance
15:47 |
Frank Boggs - The Old Rugged Cross
15:45 |
Majesty Ladies - Holy Lord, God Of Hosts %
15:43 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - 'Tis So Sweet %
15:40 |
Simply Soundforth - Rejoice, The Lord Is King
15:35 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - How Great Thou Art
15:33 |
Calvary Quartet - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
15:30 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - In The Sweet By And By
15:27 |
Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Abiding in the Vine
15:24 |
Sacred Music Services - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
15:21 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Wonderful Grace of Jesus
15:18 |
ALERT Men's Chorus - God of Our Fathers
15:16 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - I'm Adopted
15:12 |
ALERT Chorale - Amazing Grace
15:09 |
First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - Abide With Me
15:05 |
Ron Hamilton - Wait on the Lord %
15:01 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Be Still and Know, Trust and Obey %
14:57 |
Matt & Christy Taylor - Lord Of My Heart
14:54 |
SMS Men's Chorus - How Firm A Foundation
14:51 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Wondrous Joy
14:48 |
Claire Ryan - Count Your Blessings
14:45 |
Hamilton Family - Worthy Is the Lamb %
14:42 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Think On These Things %
14:39 |
Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - The Love Of God
14:35 |
Gregg Nash - Near The Cross
14:32 |
Linda McKechnie - Abide With Me %
14:30 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee
14:27 |
Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Who Am I? %
14:23 |
SMS Men's Choir - Jesus Is My Song of Grace
14:19 |
Back To The Bible Male Chorus - That Beautiful Stream %
14:15 |
Florence Fong - It Was For Me %
14:12 |
Shannon Knox - Near to the Heart of God
14:10 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken (Men's Chorus)
14:07 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Don't Be Afraid
14:03 |
Majesty Music - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross %
13:59 |
Nancy And Melody Lundmark - All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus
13:57 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Beautiful Savior %
13:54 |
The Wilds - Hide Your Word
13:48 |
iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - Fairest Lord Jesus (Vocal)
13:44 |
Principle Chorus - When We See Christ %
13:37 |
Erin Cross - How Great Thou Art
13:33 |
Dr Al Smith - Something For Thee
13:31 |
Melinda K Wickam - O Zion Haste #
13:28 |
Tracey Ann Collins - Our Eternal Home (Medley)
13:25 |
Ed Russ - Old Time Religion Medley %
13:23 |
Herbster Trio - Name Medley %
13:18 |
John Marshall Family - Stand By God's Man
13:15 |
Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - All That Thrills My Soul %
13:10 |
Wilds Men's Ensembles - The Whole Earth Is Full Of The Lord
13:07 |
Majesty Ladies - Worship The Lord %
13:03 |
Patch The Pirate - Blessed %
13:01 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Tis marvelous and Wonderful
12:58 |
Simply Soundforth - Jesus, Master
12:55 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - The Rocks Will Cry Out %
12:52 |
The Hamilton Family - I Have a Hope %
12:49 |
Sacred Music Services - When Morning Gilds the Sky
12:47 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 78 (Ellacombe)
12:43 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - Name Of All Majesty
12:39 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - To the Glory of God %
12:35 |
The Gordon Sears Family - Sound The Battle Cry
12:31 |
Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - There Is A Fountain
12:27 |
Ron Hamilton - Lord, I Need You %
12:22 |
Frank Boggs - Stranger Of Galilee
12:19 |
The Masters Chorale - He Giveth More Grace With Grace Greater Than Our Sin %
12:16 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine
12:13 |
Melinda K. Wickam - Holy, Holy, Holy
12:09 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - Saved By Grace
12:06 |
Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - City Of Gold %
12:04 |
SMS Men's Quartet - My Jesus, I Love Thee
12:00 |
Linda McKechnie - All Hail The Power (with "Trumpet Voluntary" by Purcell) %
11:56 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
11:54 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
11:50 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Teach Me Your Way, O Lord
11:45 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - Hark, And Hear My Trumpet Sounding
11:41 |
Gregg Nash - Stand By Me
11:35 |
Claire Ryan - Be Still My Soul %
11:32 |
Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I Surrender All
11:30 |
Shannon Knox - Somebody Loves Me %
11:25 |
Principle Music - Jesus Is All the World to Me
11:23 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - God Leads Us Along
11:20 |
Mac Lynch - Revive my Heart
11:18 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Count Me
11:14 |
Hamilton Family - A Heart of Stone %
11:12 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Thanks Be To God %
11:07 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - We Will Glorify %
11:05 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - The Spacious Firmaement (Men's Chorus)
11:02 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - There's A Wideness In God's Mercy %
10:58 |
Dr Al Smith - Trust And Obey
10:56 |
ALERT Chorale - Keep in the Middle of the Road
10:54 |
Larry Mayfield - O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go %
10:49 |
Erin Cross - Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
10:46 |
ALERT Men's Chorus - I'll Walk With God
10:42 |
The Wilds - God's Word, My Guide
10:39 |
Melinda K Wickam - Now Thank We All Our God
10:37 |
Back To The Bible Male Chorus - The Coming Of The Saviour %
10:34 |
Herbster Trio - I Will Praise Thee %
10:31 |
Calvary Quartet - He Restoreth My Soul
10:27 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - Above All Else %
10:25 |
North Valley Baptist Church - To God Be The Glory
10:21 |
Simply Soundforth - Too Late! %
10:18 |
Trinity Baptist Bible College Collegiate Singers - Salvation Medley %
10:13 |
The Hamilton Family - Friendly Thorns %
10:09 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Speak, Lord %
10:05 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - I Am Thine O Lord
10:02 |
Carol And Sharon Myers - My Savior First Of All
09:58 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - O To Be Like Thee %
09:54 |
Sacred Music Services - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
09:49 |
Ron Hamilton - The Last Amen %
09:46 |
Principle Chorus - I Sing the Might Power of God
09:44 |
John Marshall Family - He Gives Me Joy %
09:40 |
SMS Orchestra - Meditations on Jesus' Love
09:36 |
Frank Boggs - He Leadeth Me
09:34 |
Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - Cherubim Song Number 7
09:30 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 91 (Hyfrydol)
09:28 |
SMS Men's Quartet - I Want to Be There
09:24 |
Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - Channels Only
09:21 |
Sam Slobodian - The Holy City
09:17 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Hush, Somebody's Callin' My Name
09:13 |
Ed Russ - When I Get Alone With God #
09:09 |
Anna Mieczkowski - Whiter Than Snow
09:05 |
Majesty Ladies - Sing Unto The Lord %
09:02 |
Florence Fong - This Is My Father's World
08:57 |
Tracey Ann Collins - Holy, Holy, Holy
08:54 |
Nicole Tuplin Kumpolt - All The Way My Savior Leads Me
08:51 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Deliverance Will Come %
08:47 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - More Love %
08:44 |
Principle Music - Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
08:41 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - All
08:36 |
Gregg Nash - He Was Not Willing
08:31 |
Linda McKechnie - Jesus, Lover of My Soul %
08:30 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee
08:25 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Is It Gonna Burn?
08:21 |
Shannon Knox - He Hideth My Soul
08:18 |
The Masters Chorale - Come as a Child %
08:14 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - It Was For Me %
08:11 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - Now the Day Is Over (Men's Chorus)
08:09 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - How Firm A Foundation
08:04 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - The Pearly White City %
08:01 |
Herbster Trio - My Father's Love %
07:58 |
Melinda K Wickam - Immortal, Invisible
07:54 |
Dr Al Smith - God Will Take Care Of You
07:50 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - Amazing Grace
07:47 |
Simply Soundforth - O Zion Haste
07:43 |
The Wilds - He Is Risen
07:40 |
Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Jesus, I Come
07:35 |
Erin Cross - Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
07:32 |
Ron and Shelly Hamilton - Blessed Is He %
07:29 |
Nancy And Melody Lundmark - When We All Get To Heaven
07:27 |
SoundForth Singers and Orchestra - Trust in God, My Soul
07:24 |
Back To The Bible Quartet - Who Cares? %
07:21 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - My Lord and Savior %
07:18 |
Sacred Music Services - Face to Face
07:16 |
Calvary Quartet - My Savior's Love
07:13 |
Wilds Men's Ensembles - For Me To Live Is Christ %
07:09 |
Ron Hamilton - Come To The Cross %
07:06 |
SMS Choir And Orchestra - God's Refining Fire
07:02 |
Back To The Bible Male Chorus - Like A Lamb Who Needs The Shepherd %
06:58 |
Frank Boggs - How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings
06:55 |
John Marshall Family - He Hideth My Soul
06:51 |
Majesty Music - There Is a Fountain %
06:47 |
SMS Men's Choir - The Solid Rock
06:45 |
Larry Mayfield - O God Our Help In Ages Past %
06:42 |
SMS Men's Quartet - The Savior of the World
06:40 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
06:35 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - For Me
06:31 |
Sound Foundation Choir And Orchestra - He Watching Over Israel
06:28 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 42 St Agnes
06:25 |
Florence Fong - He's Emmanuel
06:20 |
Ed Russ - When I get To Heaven
06:18 |
Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Deep River %
06:12 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - O Love Divine
06:10 |
The Mens Ensemble of Hope Baptist Church, Toledo, OH - All Glory To Jesus
06:07 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - Savior, Lead Us %
06:03 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - God's Refining Fire
06:01 |
Anna Mieczkowski - Fairest Lord Jesus
05:58 |
Claire Ryan - Amazing Grace
05:54 |
Principle Music - The Mind of Christ
05:50 |
Linda McKechnie - Because He Lives %
05:47 |
Gregg Nash - Victory Is Sweet %
05:43 |
SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Invitation
05:39 |
Hamilton Family - A New Song %
05:36 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Keep Your Heart %
05:33 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
05:30 |
Shannon Knox - Brahams Lullaby
05:27 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - Spirit of God Descend upon My Heart %
05:24 |
Herbster Trio - Keep the Race Before Us %
05:21 |
Matt & Christy Taylor - My Best for Him
05:19 |
The Masters Chorale - I Will Come and Bow Down %
05:16 |
Melinda K Wickam - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
05:12 |
The Hamilton Family - The One Who First Loved Me %
05:08 |
Dr Al Smith - Grace Greater Than Our Sin
05:06 |
George Beverly Shea - I Will Sing The Wondrous Story %
05:03 |
Simply Soundforth - Oh, To Be Like Thee
04:59 |
The Wilds - God Has Spoken
04:55 |
Amanda LeBail - Rock Of Ages
04:52 |
Ron and Shelly Hamilton - Whom Shall I Fear %
04:49 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
04:46 |
Erin Cross - There Is A Fountain
04:43 |
Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - Heaven's My Home %
04:40 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Here Am I, Send Me
04:35 |
Sacred Music Services - Giving Generously to God's Work
04:32 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - My Jesus I Love Thee
04:29 |
Ron Hamilton - The Old Account Was Settled %
04:26 |
Mac Lynch - The Lord Bless You %
04:22 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - Deep River
04:19 |
Pillsbury Baptist Bible College Owatonna, MN - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
04:14 |
Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
04:12 |
SMS Men's Choir - O Worship the King
04:09 |
Frank Boggs - Prayer Of Thanksgiving
04:04 |
SMS Men's Chorus - And Can It Be?
04:02 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Jesus Is Coming Again
04:01 |
Majesty Ladies - I Love You, Lord %
03:58 |
Melinda K. Wickam - Come Thou Almighty King
03:55 |
John Marshall Family - Arise My Soul Arise
03:53 |
Tracey Ann Collins - Washed in blood
03:50 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 149 (Laudate Dominum)
03:48 |
Back To The Bible Quartet - I Love To Tell The Story %
03:44 |
Back To The Bible Male Chorus - All That Thrills My Soul %
03:41 |
Wilds Men's Ensembles - Shout To the Lord With A Song Of Praise
03:39 |
Ed Russ - Don't Worry About Tomorrow
03:36 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Day By Day
03:33 |
Dr Nihl B Bulkley Sr - My Savior First Of All
03:30 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Rock Of Ages
03:25 |
the Wilds Choir And Orchestra - His Wondrous Love %
03:20 |
Principle Chorus - Amazing Love %
03:18 |
Majesty Music - How Firm a Foundation %
03:15 |
Principle Music - Still Sweeter Every Day
03:12 |
Linda McKechnie - I Will Enter His Gates (with "Rondo" from "Masterpiece" by Mouret) %
03:09 |
Gregg Nash - Nursery Rhymes
03:06 |
Calvary Quartet - Majesty, He Is Lord
03:03 |
Florence Fong - Amazing Grace
02:59 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
02:56 |
Shannon Knox - My Mother's Bible
02:54 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Shady Grove, FL - Standing On The Promises
02:52 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - "Christ For The World" We Sing #
02:47 |
Falls Baptist College Of Ministry Concert Chorale And Orchestra - The Glorious Gospel
02:43 |
Herbster Trio - How Can It Be %
02:38 |
John Lundberg Men And Women's Choruses - He Hideth My Soul (Women's Chorus)
02:35 |
Masters Chorale, Fettke, cond. - Lord, We Adore You %
02:31 |
Dr Al Smith - Nothing Between
02:29 |
The Masters Chorale - Crown Him With All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Diadem %
02:26 |
Simply Soundforth - The Way Of The Cross Leads Home
02:23 |
Carol And Sharon Myers - O Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord (Medley) #
02:19 |
The Wilds - We Will Follow %
02:16 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - Wings as Eagles %
02:13 |
Soundforth Singers And Orchestra - No Other Name %
02:09 |
Hamilton Family - My Hope Is Jesus %
02:06 |
First Bible Baptist Church Men's Quartet (Rochester, NY) - There Is A Fountain
02:03 |
Melinda K Wickam - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
01:59 |
iloilo Baptist Church Choir And Orchestra (Philippines) - For The Least Of These (Vocal)
01:56 |
Sacred Music Services - Meditations on God, the Father
01:52 |
Erin Cross - He Was Wounded
01:47 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - Softly and Tenderly
01:43 |
Ron Hamilton - How Can I Fear %
01:41 |
The Neely Team - Testimony %
01:35 |
SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Peace
01:30 |
Frank Boggs - The Lost Chord
01:28 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
01:25 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Onward Christian Soldiers
01:21 |
Wilds Men's Choral Arrangements - Press Toward the Mark %
01:17 |
The London Philharmonic Choir - He Leadeth Me
01:13 |
Wilds A Cappella Chorale - All Your Anxiety
01:09 |
Daniel And Mary Van Gelderen - I Am His and He is Mine
01:06 |
John Marshall Family - Vessel Unto Honor %
01:03 |
Matt & Christy Taylor - Gentle Voice
01:01 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - No Sweeter Subject %
00:58 |
Scottish Festival Singers - Psalm 89 Ode to Joy
00:55 |
Ed Russ - Be Still My Soul %
00:51 |
The Gordon Sears Family - Room At The Cross
00:48 |
Wilds Choir And Orchestra - Soldiers Of The Cross
00:44 |
Tracey Ann Collins - Still Nearer (Medley)
00:40 |
Falls Baptist Church Children's Choir, Menomonee Falls, WI - Psalm 150
00:35 |
Linda McKechnie - I Exalt Thee %
00:32 |
Nancy And Melody Lundmark - Wonderful Peace
00:23 |
Regeneration, Derric Johnson's - Living Cross Medley %
00:20 |
Majesty Music - All Creatures of Our God and King (Child's Version) %
00:15 |
Mac And Beth Lynch - Knowing Christ %
00:13 |
The Glen Ellyn Chorale and Orchestra - Holy, Holy, Holy
00:11 |
Shannon Knox - Everybody Ought To Know
00:07 |
Tom Fettke and Billy Ray Hearn - What a Wonderful Savior %
00:05 |
The Wilds Men's Quartet - My Shepherd Knows %
00:03 |
Majesty Ladies - Come One, Come All %