Secara langsung |
Greg Howlett - Spirit of the Living God
20:04 |
The Booth Brothers - Then I Met The Master
20:00 |
Oklahoma Baptist University Singing Churchmen - Since I Have Been Redeemed
19:56 |
Larry Ford - I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
19:52 |
John Troutman - It Is Well With My Soul
19:46 |
Melody Randazzo - Sweet Hour of Prayer
19:43 |
West Coast Bible College - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
19:40 |
Radio Missions Choir - Calling The Prodigal
19:36 |
Dino - His Eye is on the Sparrow
19:33 |
Tom Fettke - We Love You, Lord Medley
19:29 |
Selah - Wonderful, Merciful Savior
19:27 |
Chuck Wagon Gang - Hallelujah! We Shall Rise
19:24 |
Worship Service Resources - The Old Rugged Cross
19:21 |
The Horizon Family - Never Grow Old
19:17 |
The Haven Quartet - Saviour Like a Shepherd
19:14 |
Radio Missions Choir - At The Cross
19:00 |
The Old Trailblazer 02-25-25
18:57 |
Bible Study & Robbins Island Music Artists - Praise To the Lord the Almighty
18:54 |
Radio Missions Choir - Seeking The Lost
18:50 |
Oklahoma Baptist Univeristy Singing Churchmen - O That Will Be Glory
18:46 |
Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus
18:42 |
George Beverly Shea - The Longer I Serve Him
18:39 |
Dino - Jesus Loves Me
18:35 |
The Nelons - Settled At The Cross
18:30 |
Vestal Goodman - I'd Do It All Over Again
18:27 |
Radio Missions Choir - Is It The Crowning Day
18:25 |
Chuck Wagon Gang - Bringing In The Sheaves
18:21 |
John Troutman - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
18:18 |
Doug Oldham - The Wonder Of It All
18:14 |
Radio Missions Choir - Tough Your Sins Be As Scarlet
18:10 |
Greg Howlett - I Surrender All
18:06 |
Sarah Groves - He's Always Been Faithful
18:01 |
Oklahoma Baptist University Singing Churchmen - What If It Were Today Hallelujah, What A Savior
17:58 |
Worship Service Resources - Softly And Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling
17:54 |
Russ Taff - Farther Along
17:48 |
Tom Fettke - Glory In The Cross Medley
17:43 |
Radio Missions Choir - God Is Still On The Throne
17:40 |
Selah Instrumental - Be Thou My Vision
17:36 |
The Horizon Family - O How I Love Jesus
17:32 |
Selah - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
17:29 |
Tennessee Ernie Ford - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
17:26 |
Instrumental Hymn Players - In The Garden
17:22 |
Melody Randazzo - Nearer My God to Thee
17:18 |
The Haven Quartet - Always Here
17:16 |
Radio Missions Choir - Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded
17:01 |
Trailblazer - 1792 Blood Redemption
16:58 |
The Happy Goodmans - Won't It Be Wonderful There
16:54 |
John Troutman - How Great Thou Art
16:51 |
Radio Missions Choir - There Shall Be Showers Of Blessings
16:48 |
Brian Free & Assurance - That's Just What Grace Does
16:45 |
George Johnson - Lord I'm Coming Home
16:40 |
Shane and Shane - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
16:36 |
Selah Instrumental - At The Cross
16:34 |
Don Marsh Orchestra - Because He Lives
16:30 |
The Perrys - Keep On
16:27 |
Radio Missions Choir - Precious Blood
16:24 |
Tennessee Ernie Ford - When They Ring The Golden Bells
16:22 |
Worship Service Resources - Rock Of Ages
16:16 |
Oklahoma Baptist University Singing Churchmen - In Times Like These
16:12 |
Radio Missions Choir - Sun Of My Soul
16:09 |
Brian Darnell - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
16:05 |
Maranatha Singers - I Love You Lord
16:00 |
Ernie Haase & Signature Sound - Sinner Saved By Grace
15:58 |
Sandy Patti - The Lord's Prayer
15:51 |
The Eden Symphony Orchestra - Softly And Tenderly
15:48 |
Selah - Be Thou My Vision
15:45 |
James Blackwood - Sheltered In The Arms Of God
15:40 |
Radio Missions Choir - What Still Small Voice
15:35 |
Greg Howlett - I Need Thee Every Hour
15:33 |
The Kingsmen - The Old Rugged Cross
15:29 |
Keith and Krystyn Getty - My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness
15:25 |
Blue Ridge Quartet - Take My Hand Precious Lord
15:23 |
John Troutman - Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
15:20 |
Tom Fettke - I See the Lord
15:18 |
The Haven Quartet - My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
15:15 |
Radio Missions Choir - Under His Wings
15:00 |
The Old Trailblazer 02-25-25
14:57 |
The Florida Boys - When He Was On The Cross, I Was On His Mind
14:54 |
Worship Service Resources - Whispering Hope
14:53 |
Tennessee Ernie Ford - Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
14:49 |
Don Marsh Orchestra - It Is Well With My Soul
14:45 |
Radio Missions Choir - A New Name In Glory
14:00 |
Albert Pendarvis - WN 10 20 2010 The Lord Saves Sinners
13:56 |
Fernando Ortega - I Will Praise Him, Still
13:52 |
Selah - I'd Rather Have Jesus
13:48 |
Radio Missions Choir - Jesus The Sinner's Friend
13:44 |
Fernando Ortega Instrumental - Near the Cross
13:39 |
Sandy Patti - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
13:34 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - My God Is Near
13:30 |
Harpeth Gospel Quartet - Does Jesus Care
13:26 |
Worship Service Resources - Victory In Jesus
13:24 |
Tom Fettke - The Majesty And Glory Of Your Name
13:20 |
The Haven Quartet - How Great Thou Art
13:17 |
Radio Missions Choir - Saved By The Blood
13:01 |
Trailblazer - 2270 The Revelation Of Jesus Christ
12:59 |
The Happy Goodmans - Won't It Be Wonderful There
12:54 |
Ernie Haase & Signature Sound - Jesus Changes Everything
12:48 |
Keith and Krystyn Getty - He Will Hold Me Fast
12:45 |
Brian Darnell - Near The Cross
12:42 |
George Beverly Shea - Have Thine Own Way Lord
12:38 |
Bob Jones University - In Christ Alone
12:36 |
Radio Missions Choir - How Firm A Foundation
12:32 |
Harpeth Gospel Quartet - I Must Tell Jesus
12:26 |
The Eden Symphony Orchestra - The Old Rugged Cross
12:23 |
Oak Ridge Boys - Lead Me To Calvary
12:18 |
Radio Missions Choir - Is Your All On The Alter
12:13 |
Dino - It Is Well With My Soul
12:05 |
Fernando Ortega - I Need Thee Every Hour
12:00 |
Cynthia Clawson - Bring It To Jesus
11:56 |
Selah - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
11:51 |
Sandy Patti - We Shall Behold Him
11:45 |
Radio Missions Choir - Loyalty To Christ
11:41 |
Greg Howlett - Near the Cross
11:37 |
Doug Oldham - He Touched Me
11:33 |
The Haven Quartet - You Have Been Good
11:29 |
The Cathedrals - O What A Savior
11:26 |
Worship Service Resources - What A Day That Will Be
11:22 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Jesus Paid It All
11:19 |
Tom Fettke - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
11:16 |
Radio Missions Choir - It Is Well With My Soul
11:01 |
The Old Trailblazer 02-25-25
10:56 |
Vince Gill - Go Rest High On That Mountain
10:54 |
Radio Missions Choir - Pray On
10:02 |
Albert Pendarvis - WN 2005-07-27 Speaking To The Saints
09:58 |
Sandy Patti - In Christ Alone
09:55 |
Fernando Ortega Instrumental - Softly and Tenderly
09:53 |
Don Marsh Orchestra - Abide With Me
09:50 |
The Haven Quartet - Be Ye Holy
09:45 |
Radio Missions Choir - When This Passing World Is Done
09:42 |
John Troutman - A Child Of The King
09:39 |
Tennessee Ernie Ford - Ivory Palaces
09:33 |
Selah - How Great Thou Art
09:31 |
Radio Missions Choir - Whosoever Meaneth Me
09:02 |
Voice Of Truth - 108
08:57 |
Radio Missions Choir - Blessed Redeemer
08:52 |
Janet Paschal - God Will Make A Way
08:49 |
George Johnson - Whispering Hope
08:43 |
Oklahoma Baptist University Singing Churchmen - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
08:40 |
Brian Darnell - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
08:36 |
The Masters V - Sweet Beulah Land
08:32 |
Cynthia Clawson - Go Rest High On That Mountain
08:28 |
Radio Missions Choir - I Will Praise Him
08:24 |
The Blackwood Brothers Quartet - He Hideth My Soul
08:21 |
Worship Service Resources - There Is A Fountain
08:18 |
Vestal Goodman - I Must Tell Jesus
08:12 |
Radio Missions Choir - Oh To Be Like Thee
08:09 |
Fernando Ortega Instrumental - Nothing but the Blood
08:04 |
Casting Crowns - Beulah Land
08:00 |
Isaacs - I Surrender All
07:58 |
George Beverly Shea - I'd Rather Have Jesus
07:53 |
The Eden Symphony Orchestra - It Is Well With My Soul
07:50 |
John McNalley - Peace In The Valley
07:45 |
Tom Fettke - None Like You
07:41 |
Radio Missions Choir - The Old Rugged Cross
07:35 |
Greg Howlett - Saviour Like A Shepherd
07:33 |
Don Marsh Orchestra - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
07:30 |
The Haven Quartet - Worship the Lord
07:27 |
Chuck Wagon Gang - I Feel Like Traveling On
07:25 |
John Troutman - Rock Of Ages
07:21 |
Sandy Patti - He Touched Me
07:16 |
Selah - In The Garden
07:14 |
Radio Missions Choir - How Firm A Foundation
06:59 |
The Old Trailblazer 02-25-25
06:56 |
The Kingsmen - Never Grow Old
06:53 |
Worship Service Resources - To God Be The Glory
06:50 |
Tennessee Ernie Ford - Softly And Tenderly
06:47 |
Oklahoma Baptist University Singing Churchmen - All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus
06:44 |
Radio Missions Choir - Not I But Christ
06:01 |
Albert Pendarvis - WN 10 06 2010 Forsaking of Sin
05:57 |
Bob Jones University - When I Survey
05:53 |
The Eden Symphony Orchestra - I Gave My Life For Thee
05:52 |
Tom Fettke - Lead Me Lord
05:47 |
Fernando Ortega - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
05:43 |
Radio Missions Choir - I Will Praise Him
05:39 |
Dino - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
05:36 |
George Beverly Shea - If That Isn't Love
05:31 |
Sandy Patti - Fairest Lord Jesus
05:29 |
Chuck Wagon Gang - A Beautiful Life
05:26 |
John Troutman - Abide With Me
05:23 |
Selah - Jesus Will Still Be There
05:20 |
The Haven Quartet - At The Cross
05:16 |
Radio Missions Choir - Is Your All On The Alter
05:01 |
Trailblazer - 2362 Revelation
04:58 |
Worship Service Resources - How Great Thou Art
04:54 |
Radio Missions Choir - It Is Well With My Soul
04:52 |
George Beverly Shea- Do You Know My Jesus
04:47 |
Keith and Krystyn Getty - Beneath The Cross
04:41 |
Oklahoma Baptist University Singing Churchmen - Wherever He Leads I'll Go
04:35 |
Greg Howlett - He Giveth More Grace
04:32 |
Oak Ridge Boys - Farther Along
04:29 |
West Coast Bible College - It Took the Cross
04:26 |
Radio Missions Choir - Where He Leads I'll Follow
04:23 |
The Florida Boys - When He Was On The Cross
04:17 |
Golden Hymns - The Old Rugged Cross
04:13 |
Bob Jones University - My Jesus, I Love Thee
04:09 |
Radio Missions Choir - Only A Sinner
04:05 |
Dino - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
04:03 |
Tom Fettke - Near To The Heart Of God
04:01 |
Fernando Ortega - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
03:58 |
George Johnson - I Need Thee Every Hour
03:57 |
Harpeth Quartet - Jesus Paid It All
03:52 |
The Eden Symphony Orchestra - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
03:50 |
George Beverly Shea - I'd Rather Have Jesus
03:47 |
Sandy Patti - No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
03:43 |
Radio Missions Choir - Morning Will Come
03:39 |
Greg Howlett - Abide With Me
03:34 |
Ernie Haase & Signature Sound - We Shall See Jesus
03:31 |
Melody Randazzo - I Must Tell Jesus
03:28 |
Tennessee Ernie Ford - My Task
03:26 |
Worship Service Resources - We'll Understand It Better By And By
03:22 |
Selah - There Is A Fountain
03:20 |
The Haven Quartet - Majesty
03:16 |
Radio Missions Choir - In The Garden
03:01 |
The Old Trailblazer 02-25-25
02:58 |
John Troutman - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
02:55 |
Radio Missions Choir - What Still Small Voice
02:52 |
The Kingsmen - Precious Memories
02:47 |
Brian Free & Assurance - Oh What A Savior
02:43 |
George Younce - Room at the Cross
02:38 |
Greg Howlett - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
02:33 |
Steve Green - People Need The Lord
02:30 |
Jake Hess - How Long Has It Been
02:28 |
Radio Missions Choir - Pray On
02:26 |
Harpeth Gospel Quartet - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
02:22 |
David Baroni - My Help Comes From the Holy One
02:19 |
Oklahoma Baptist University Singing Churchmen - Nearer, Still Nearer
02:15 |
Radio Missions Choir - Open My Eyes
02:10 |
Dino - Just As I Am Softly and Tenderly Medley
02:07 |
Tom Fettke - The Great Redeemer
02:02 |
Sandy Patti - Does Jesus Care
01:56 |
The Eden Symphony Orchestra - I Love To Tell The Story
01:53 |
Discovery Singers - My Jesus, I Love Thee
01:49 |
Jubelatum Singers - There's Nothing As Precious As You Lord Christ Is My Everything (Medley)
01:44 |
Radio Missions Choir - Neath The Old Olive Trees
01:40 |
Greg Howlett - The Old Rugged Cross
01:36 |
Don Marsh Orchestra - My Tribute
01:32 |
Melody Randazzo - I'd Rather Have Jesus
01:28 |
The Cathedral Quartet - Mansion Over The Hilltop
01:26 |
Worship Service Resources - Beyond The Sunset
01:21 |
Selah - Softly & Tenderly
01:19 |
The Haven Quartet - There Is A Redeemer
01:16 |
Radio Missions Choir - I Have Found A Hiding Place
01:01 |
Trailblazer - 2479 Revelation
00:58 |
John Troutman - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
00:54 |
Radio Missions Choir - Teach Me To Pray
00:51 |
The Florida Boys - When He Was On The Cross, I Was On His Mind
00:46 |
Truth - He Is Able
00:42 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Draw Me Nearer
00:38 |
Selah Instrumental - Wonderful, Merciful Saviour
00:34 |
George Beverly Shea - The Longer I Serve Him
00:32 |
The Kingsmen - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
00:30 |
Radio Missions Choir - He's A Wonderful Saviour To Me
00:25 |
Ben Speer - Til The Storm Passes By
00:20 |
The Eden Symphony Orchestra - I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
00:16 |
The Horizon Family - Never Grow Old
00:11 |
Radio Missions Choir - Dwelling In Beulah Land
00:08 |
Brian Darnell - In The Garden
00:04 |
Russ Taff - Farther Along
00:00 |
Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus