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Playlist Lonely Oak radio

Non sai quale canzone stanno suonando in radio? Utilizza il nostro servizio per scoprirlo! La nostra playlist memorizza un elenco delle tracce su Lonely Oak radio dei 7 giorni precedenti.

(adesso a Laguna Beach 15:39)
23:58 The Fods @thefodsband - Gil Barco (remastered)
23:54 Cybophonia @stereolakerec - Resurrected Love
23:51 The Successful Failures @sf theband - Costume Party
23:51 Patrick Evan Fleming @Patrick92341132 - 10,000 Voices(1985)
23:46 Katy Tunbridge @KatyTunbridge1 - Slow Motion
23:38 AirCrash Detectives - Hear No Evil
23:34 the Wyle Band @wyle music - Rising
23:34 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
23:30 Unfinished Wood @Unfinished Wood - Take It In
23:26 Outback Empire @OeCoast - Don't Let Failure Stop You Again
23:26 Lonely Oak radio - You are listening to the New Music show
23:23 the Oohz @lorrdlupine - Maddy & Me
23:18 AudioGust @audiogustmusic - Down By The River
23:16 New York Rats @NewYorkRats1 - Back to the Rehab Again
23:13 Brother Vice @BrotherVice - SOMEBODY TO LOVE
23:07 Blue Foundation @bfhome - Eyes On Fire (Live Capture)
23:04 Blue Foundation @bfhome - A Dreamer's Dream
23:03 LonelyOakradio - This is the new music show
22:58 Phazy Luckers @phazyluckers - Prophet Of Doom
22:54 Pescaterritory @Pescaterritory - Rise
22:50 Paul Davy @pauldavy7 - Karen
22:50 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
22:47 Open Strum feat. George Belliveau & Frank Goguen @OpenStrum - Wildfire
22:43 Oh!Kelly @Oh Kelly - Captain's Log
22:39 Nina Baker - intro - Bruising
22:36 Nick Piunti @RadioCandyHits - Ready for Whatever
22:32 Nerp Flerps @louanton - You Missed Your Train
22:32 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
22:27 Michelle Wake @MichelleWake - All Our Messes
22:22 Magpie Sally @magpie sally - Don't blame it on the Funky Monkey
22:19 Luna Scott Russell @lunascottrussel - Have You Ever Seen The Rain
22:15 Louie Fleck @LouieFleck - Half A Chance
22:10 Lost Generation @LostGenMetal - Klaus
22:06 The Livingroom Rockstars @iTunzRecords - On My Way
22:04 Left Wing Fascists @turbolwf - Never Coming Back
22:03 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
21:59 JoJo & the Teeth @jojoandtheteeth - We're Just Animals
21:55 Cabela and Schmitt @CabelaSchmitt - Come on Down
21:50 3 Johnny Johnny Red Bird
21:46 JingerKroa @JingerKroa - Slaughterhouse
21:46 You are Listening to -
21:42 Jessica's Theme Band @2014 jtb - Matter of Time
21:37 Jeffrey Dallet Band @JDallet - Odd Ball Blues
21:37 Lonely Oak radio - At LOR we only play indie music
21:33 Jake Dollery @JDRocks66 - Nitrate
21:33 Jake Dollery - LOR
21:29 GABRIEL SCAR @GabrielScarSing - Silver Wave
21:24 Four Star Riot @fourstarsteve - Beautiful Soul
21:17 Floating Above Reason @FloatingAboveRe - She Cries
21:13 Derecho @DerechoTheBand - An Epiphany
21:08 Dave Vargo @davevargomusic - Come Take Me Home
21:05 Clive Barratt @clivebarratt - I Miss You
21:02 China Tanks @chinatanks - I Wanna Know
21:01 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
20:57 The Brake Brothers Band @Kighinthemaking - Closer to the Edge
20:53 BLOOZE @BLOOZEpower - R.I.P.
20:48 Blind Fret @BlindFret - Images Roll
20:47 Blind Fret - intro - any
20:44 Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles @billybibs20 - Are You Ready?
20:40 Baum Jr. @baumjruk - Foundations
20:36 Bathurst Station @BathurstStation - Broken
20:33 Balba @BalbaRockBand - One Man Army
20:32 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
20:29 Ayana Aquila @bombshell1331 - Humble Pie
20:25 Axle Creek @axlecreek - Changing Course
20:21 Aurora Blue @aurorablueband - Cool Woman
20:16 The Ash @TheAsh111 - Ghosts
20:10 AraPacis @arapacis - The Mold
20:07 Agile Animals @AgileAnimals - 3D Fiction
20:03 The 60 Grit Band @60GritBluesBand - Lonely Whiskey Blues
20:02 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
19:59 1one @Officially One - Missin' Head
19:56 Yury Lyamkin @Updiver - Tiger Blues
19:48 Wovoka Jr. - intro - Walk Away Joe
19:44 WhiteRoomNightmare @WRNightmare - IdiotsMart
19:40 Whiskey Flowers @whiskeyflowers0 - Just Another Day
19:40 Whiskey Flowers - P*, Whiskey Flowers
19:37 The Watanabes @TheWatanabes - Guilt
19:32 AirCrash Detectives - Hear No Evil
19:32 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
19:28 Vudu Fly @VuduFly - Medicine Man
19:24 Velvet Starlings @VelvetStarlings - Life Aint Getting You High
19:19 Vaquelin @vaquelin music - Six Miles Deep
19:14 Ugochill @ugochill - Off Grid
19:10 Trenched @TrenchedB - Pop a Pill
19:06 Stelios Ventas @SteliosVentas - Without you i 'm alone
19:03 Jim Basnight and the Moberlys @JimBasnight - Ugly Side
19:03 LOR - Indie Shuffle
19:03 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
18:59 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie @Let Sleeping - Where Has All The Love Gone
18:55 L-Blues @LBLUESBAND - Sinistro
18:51 KRAKEL @Krakelkrakel1 - Underworld
18:47 Keith Shaw @KeithShawMusic - Red Kisses
18:47 You are Listening to -
18:42 KALEVI @Kalevi Kalevi1 - Lone Rider
18:39 John Lowery @johnlowerymusic - You Found Me
18:35 Jeff Campbell @jeffcmpbll - Save Me
18:32 January Fire @january fire - The Conspiracy Theorist
18:29 Shena! - intro - Better Together
18:26 Jan Rush @Jan Rusch32090 - Love
18:23 Jack Adamant @jackadamant - Pixels in the dark
18:19 Izmeiah Brown @Izmeiah - Lemonade
18:16 inSINcere @garytheturner - Never Wanted
18:11 Guest @guesttheband - Dancing in my head
18:10 Guest - intro - any of "See the sun"
18:07 Grapes of Grain @grapesofgrain - Tree
18:04 The Future Us @The Future Us - Schoolchild
18:03 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
18:00 Fitzsimon and Brogan @fitzsimonbrogan - The Law Catches The Thief
18:00 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
17:56 Factheory @FactheoryM - Details
17:52 Fabulous Gabriel @PhoenixRecord13 - Memphis Blues
17:48 Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo - My Hometown
17:48 You are Listening to -
17:44 Emker Cel @emkercel - This Is How We Breathe
17:40 Dread Fury @DreadFury1 - Sinner's Banquet
17:36 Dion Smith @deejon2706 - And So The War Begins
17:34 Dez Rocket @dezrocket - PICB
17:33 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
17:30 Desmond Grundy @desmondgrundy - Eight Billion
17:24 The Darren Holland Project @TheDarrenHolla1 - ATTICA
17:24 Lonely Oak radio - At LOR we only play indie music
17:20 Darby Picnic @realdarbypicnic - Why Do You Go On
17:17 Sonic X @sonicxband - Life Train
17:15 The Silverbeets @thesilverbeets - Art and Soul
17:11 Satin @Satin band - White Horse
17:08 Partinico Rose @PartinicoR - Rebuild
17:04 OCCO @theartistocco - Titans
17:04 Lonely Oak radio - Open Vault Collection -Playing
17:01 Novelistme @novelistme - Just Do It
16:58 MantraRay @MantraRay2 - Rockstar
16:55 The Jack Rubies @stirbig - Poltergeist
16:52 Den Edie @den edie1 - Around Again
16:47 World5 @world5music - My Life My Soul ( Tamaras Song)
16:44 WhiteRoomNightmare @WRNightmare - Bluebottle
16:43 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
16:40 The Welton Shipwreck @weltonshipwreck - Nothing to Prove
16:37 Sketchdoll @Sketchdoll1 - Reaching
16:35 Luggy Ton @242BHB - CRUISED ON DOWN
16:32 Danswell & The Symptoms @danswellandthe - Somnambulism
16:32 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
16:28 Couchboy @couchboymusic - Change
16:24 Cortez @cortez rocks - The World's Turning
16:20 Blomqvist & Mattjus @AcousticRockDuo - Blood Is Red
16:15 Black Pearl @@feenstrablues - Take Your Time
16:15 You are Listening to -
16:12 Black Light White Light @blacklwhitel - The Admirer
16:09 Audiogas @audiogasband - Island
16:08 Lonely Oak radio - Your Donations help our radio running
16:03 The Arlo's @TheArlos - The Wrong Love
16:03 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
15:59 Alto Castelo @AltoCastelo - Evergreen
15:56 Alex Lawrence @vhawlalawream - Midnight Blues
15:48 19TilDawn - Outside The Wire
15:42 Wilson Getchell @WilsonGetchell - Comma Comma Page Break
15:39 Whitman Rinaldo @wrinaldo1 - Vanishing
15:36 War & Sin - Illusion
15:30 Walking Phoenix @@WaIkingPhoenix - Seven Sins
15:27 Tom Pinsent @tompinsent2 - life's what you make it
15:22 Thom Quick @thomquickmusic - Key of Si
15:17 AirCrash Detectives - Hear No Evil
15:14 Talking To Sophie @talking2sophie - Island
15:10 Steve Edwards @s edwards music - Broken Bones
15:06 Steve Aliment @saliment - Can't Feel The Bottom Yet
15:01 Stereoma @stereomaband - Enemy
15:01 Lonely Oak radio - Starting now the Open Vault Collection
15:00 LonelyOakradio - You just listened to the last song
14:56 Georgia Jay @GeorgiaJay19 - THERE FOR YOU
14:52 Elihu Morris @elihu morris - Turmoil
14:48 Halvorsongs @halvo89381 - Bring Me Up
14:45 Amy Rowbottom @RowbottomA97298 - Black dahlia
14:42 Lonesome Jones @lon3som3jon3s - Country Music Cliche
14:38 Lewis Tivey @TiveyLewis - Renegade
14:35 Steve Hensby Band @stevehensby - All Wrapped Up In A Dream
14:35 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
14:30 Neacal - Twice-Told Tale (feat. Toby Driver)
14:27 Absorbingpersona @Absorbinpersona - Liar Liar
14:23 KeithShaw @KeithShawMusic - Freedom
14:19 Cabela and Schmitt @CabelaSchmitt - Come on Down
14:15 Jozey and The Corruption @jozeycorruption - Grip
14:10 Johnny Marie @JohnnyMarieKC - Her Bows
14:07 Joe Maxi @cobrapromo - Butterfly
14:04 hooyoosay @hooyoosay - Happy world
14:00 The Future Us @The Future Us - Spiralling
14:00 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
14:00 Lonely Oak radio - Your Donations help our radio running
13:56 Franklin Gotham @FranklinGotham - Caroline
13:53 FLAIR @flairband0141 - Saccharine
13:50 David Goundry @GoundryMusic - Coming Right At You
13:47 Daniel Schamroth @danielschamroth - Skyscraper
13:44 CJ Wildheart @cjwildheart - The Baddest Girl In The World
13:40 brusic @brusicband - Roll The Dice
13:36 Blackout Orchestra @ quickfix - We Ride On
13:31 Lonely Oak radio - At LOR we only play indie music
13:26 Astral Hawk @haw40842 - Silver Ships
13:23 ANOMALyS @cobrapromo - Runaways
13:19 Whatever happened last night
13:15 The Wond3rland @the wond3rland - God Part III
13:09 Rockford Road @rockfordroadrva - I'm Doing Fine
13:02 Powder Chutes @powderchutes - Dutchies
13:02 Powder Chutes - intro - Dutchies
12:59 Peter "The Songwriter" Wells @Peterthesongwr1 - From One Hand To Another
12:57 Opladen @muziekpleinrec - The Bridge
12:53 the oohz @lorrdlupine - Skeletons
12:52 the oohz - intro - Skeletons
12:45 Midnight Kahuna @midnightkahuna - The Town
12:42 The Maverick Band @Mavericksongs - Pump! Pump! Pump! Push! Push! Push!
12:38 MATD @matd band - Read My Lips
12:33 Lazarus Heights @feenstrablues - Papillon
12:33 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
12:28 Kostas Mitsas @kostasmitsas - Don't try to love
12:27 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
12:24 Karma Dealers @KarmaDealers - Can't be Satisfied
12:19 INTERSTITIUM @InterstitiumAu - Dancing Like Heroes
12:16 Akronauts @Akronauts1 - WHEN U DIE
12:13 endless sea
12:07 Pat Fulgoni Blues Experience @patfulgoni - Drifter
12:04 The Splitz @thesplitzrock - Forever And A Day
12:01 Talking To Sophie @talking2sophie - Brick On Brick
12:00 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
11:57 The Fods @thefodsband - Gil Barco (remastered)
11:52 Cybophonia @stereolakerec - Resurrected Love
11:52 Lonely Oak radio - Your Donations help our radio running
11:50 The Successful Failures @sf theband - Costume Party
11:49 Patrick Evan Fleming @Patrick92341132 - 10,000 Voices(1985)
11:45 Katy Tunbridge @KatyTunbridge1 - Slow Motion
11:36 AirCrash Detectives - Hear No Evil
11:32 the Wyle Band @wyle music - Rising
11:32 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
11:28 Unfinished Wood @Unfinished Wood - Take It In
11:24 Outback Empire @OeCoast - Don't Let Failure Stop You Again
11:21 the Oohz @lorrdlupine - Maddy & Me
11:21 the oohz - intro - Maddy & Me
11:17 AudioGust @audiogustmusic - Down By The River
11:14 New York Rats @NewYorkRats1 - Back to the Rehab Again
11:11 Brother Vice @BrotherVice - SOMEBODY TO LOVE
11:05 Blue Foundation @bfhome - Eyes On Fire (Live Capture)
11:02 Blue Foundation @bfhome - A Dreamer's Dream
11:01 LonelyOakradio - This is the new music show
11:01 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
10:57 Phazy Luckers @phazyluckers - Prophet Of Doom
10:52 Pescaterritory @Pescaterritory - Rise
10:48 Paul Davy @pauldavy7 - Karen
10:46 Open Strum feat. George Belliveau & Frank Goguen @OpenStrum - Wildfire
10:41 Oh!Kelly @Oh Kelly - Captain's Log
10:38 Nina Baker @NinaBakerMusic - Bruising
10:34 Nick Piunti @RadioCandyHits - Ready for Whatever
10:34 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
10:30 Nerp Flerps @louanton - You Missed Your Train
10:25 Michelle Wake @MichelleWake - All Our Messes
10:20 Magpie Sally @magpie sally - Don't blame it on the Funky Monkey
10:18 Luna Scott Russell @lunascottrussel - Have You Ever Seen The Rain
10:14 Louie Fleck @LouieFleck - Half A Chance
10:13 Lonely Oak radio - Your Donations help our radio running
10:09 Lost Generation @LostGenMetal - Klaus
10:04 The Livingroom Rockstars @iTunzRecords - On My Way
10:02 Left Wing Fascists @turbolwf - Never Coming Back
09:57 JoJo & the Teeth @jojoandtheteeth - We're Just Animals
09:53 Cabela and Schmitt @CabelaSchmitt - Come on Down
09:48 3 Johnny Johnny Red Bird
09:44 JingerKroa @JingerKroa - Slaughterhouse
09:40 Jessica's Theme Band @2014 jtb - Matter of Time
09:36 Jeffrey Dallet Band @JDallet - Odd Ball Blues
09:35 Lonely Oak radio - At LOR we only play indie music
09:32 Jake Dollery @JDRocks66 - Nitrate
09:31 Jake Dollery - LOR
09:31 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
09:27 GABRIEL SCAR @GabrielScarSing - Silver Wave
09:22 Four Star Riot @fourstarsteve - Beautiful Soul
09:15 Floating Above Reason @FloatingAboveRe - She Cries
09:11 Derecho @DerechoTheBand - An Epiphany
09:11 Derecho - intro - any of Ideal Imperfections - album
09:07 Dave Vargo @davevargomusic - Come Take Me Home
09:03 Clive Barratt @clivebarratt - I Miss You
09:03 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
09:00 China Tanks @chinatanks - I Wanna Know
08:55 The Brake Brothers Band @Kighinthemaking - Closer to the Edge
08:51 BLOOZE @BLOOZEpower - R.I.P.
08:46 Blind Fret @BlindFret - Images Roll
08:46 Blind Fret - intro - any
08:45 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
08:42 Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles @billybibs20 - Are You Ready?
08:42 Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles - Intro - any
08:38 Baum Jr. @baumjruk - Foundations
08:35 Bathurst Station @BathurstStation - Broken
08:31 Balba @BalbaRockBand - One Man Army
08:31 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
08:27 Ayana Aquila @bombshell1331 - Humble Pie
08:23 Axle Creek @axlecreek - Changing Course
08:20 Aurora Blue @aurorablueband - Cool Woman
08:14 The Ash @TheAsh111 - Ghosts
08:08 AraPacis @arapacis - The Mold
08:05 Agile Animals @AgileAnimals - 3D Fiction
08:01 The 60 Grit Band @60GritBluesBand - Lonely Whiskey Blues
08:01 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
07:57 1one @Officially One - Missin' Head
07:54 Yury Lyamkin @Updiver - Tiger Blues
07:46 Wovoka Jr. @WovokaJ - Walk Away Joe
07:42 WhiteRoomNightmare @WRNightmare - IdiotsMart
07:39 Whiskey Flowers @whiskeyflowers0 - Just Another Day
07:38 Whiskey Flowers - P*, Whiskey Flowers
07:35 The Watanabes @TheWatanabes - Guilt
07:30 AirCrash Detectives - Hear No Evil
07:26 Vudu Fly @VuduFly - Medicine Man
07:22 Velvet Starlings @VelvetStarlings - Life Aint Getting You High
07:17 Vaquelin @vaquelin music - Six Miles Deep
07:12 Ugochill @ugochill - Off Grid
07:09 Trenched @TrenchedB - Pop a Pill
07:04 Stelios Ventas @SteliosVentas - Without you i 'm alone
07:01 Jim Basnight and the Moberlys @JimBasnight - Ugly Side
07:01 TolbertToz - Open Vault Collection - End
06:57 L-Blues @LBLUESBAND - Sinistro
06:53 KRAKEL @Krakelkrakel1 - Underworld
06:49 Keith Shaw @KeithShawMusic - Red Kisses
06:49 You are Listening to -
06:44 KALEVI @Kalevi Kalevi1 - Lone Rider
06:41 John Lowery @johnlowerymusic - You Found Me
06:37 Jeff Campbell @jeffcmpbll - Save Me
06:34 January Fire @january fire - The Conspiracy Theorist
06:31 Shena! - intro - Better Together
06:31 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
06:28 Jan Rush @Jan Rusch32090 - Love
06:25 Jack Adamant @jackadamant - Pixels in the dark
06:21 Izmeiah Brown @Izmeiah - Lemonade
06:18 inSINcere @garytheturner - Never Wanted
06:13 Guest @guesttheband - Dancing in my head
06:12 Guest - intro - any of "See the sun"
06:09 Grapes of Grain @grapesofgrain - Tree
06:06 The Future Us @The Future Us - Schoolchild
06:02 Fitzsimon and Brogan @fitzsimonbrogan - The Law Catches The Thief
06:02 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
05:58 Factheory @FactheoryM - Details
05:54 Fabulous Gabriel @PhoenixRecord13 - Memphis Blues
05:50 Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo - My Hometown
05:46 Emker Cel @emkercel - This Is How We Breathe
05:42 Dread Fury @DreadFury1 - Sinner's Banquet
05:38 Dion Smith @deejon2706 - And So The War Begins
05:36 Dez Rocket @dezrocket - PICB
05:32 Desmond Grundy @desmondgrundy - Eight Billion
05:32 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
05:26 The Darren Holland Project @TheDarrenHolla1 - ATTICA
05:26 Lonely Oak radio - At LOR we only play indie music
05:22 Darby Picnic @realdarbypicnic - Why Do You Go On
05:19 Sonic X @sonicxband - Life Train
05:17 The Silverbeets @thesilverbeets - Art and Soul
05:13 Satin @Satin band - White Horse
05:10 Partinico Rose @PartinicoR - Rebuild
05:06 OCCO @theartistocco - Titans
05:06 Lonely Oak radio - Open Vault Collection -Playing
05:03 Novelistme @novelistme - Just Do It
05:01 MantraRay @MantraRay2 - Rockstar
05:00 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
04:57 The Jack Rubies @stirbig - Poltergeist
04:54 Den Edie @den edie1 - Around Again
04:49 World5 @world5music - My Life My Soul ( Tamaras Song)
04:46 WhiteRoomNightmare @WRNightmare - Bluebottle
04:45 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
04:42 The Welton Shipwreck @weltonshipwreck - Nothing to Prove
04:39 Sketchdoll @Sketchdoll1 - Reaching
04:37 Luggy Ton @242BHB - CRUISED ON DOWN
04:34 Danswell & The Symptoms @danswellandthe - Somnambulism
04:30 Couchboy @couchboymusic - Change
04:30 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
04:26 Cortez @cortez rocks - The World's Turning
04:22 Blomqvist & Mattjus @AcousticRockDuo - Blood Is Red
04:17 Black Pearl @@feenstrablues - Take Your Time
04:17 Black Pearl - intro - Take Your Time
04:14 Black Light White Light @blacklwhitel - The Admirer
04:11 Audiogas @audiogasband - Island
04:10 Lonely Oak radio - Your Donations help our radio running
04:05 The Arlo's @TheArlos - The Wrong Love
04:01 Alto Castelo @AltoCastelo - Evergreen
04:01 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
03:58 Alex Lawrence @vhawlalawream - Midnight Blues
03:50 19TilDawn - Outside The Wire
03:44 Wilson Getchell @WilsonGetchell - Comma Comma Page Break
03:41 Whitman Rinaldo @wrinaldo1 - Vanishing
03:38 War & Sin - Illusion
03:33 Walking Phoenix @@WaIkingPhoenix - Seven Sins
03:32 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
03:29 Tom Pinsent @tompinsent2 - life's what you make it
03:24 Thom Quick @thomquickmusic - Key of Si
03:19 AirCrash Detectives - Hear No Evil
03:16 Talking To Sophie @talking2sophie - Island
03:12 Steve Edwards @s edwards music - Broken Bones
03:08 Steve Aliment @saliment - Can't Feel The Bottom Yet
03:03 Stereoma @stereomaband - Enemy
03:03 Lonely Oak radio - Starting now the Open Vault Collection
03:02 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
03:00 Alex Lawrence @vhawlalawream - When The Night's On Fire
02:56 Sohodolls @sohodollsmusic - My Religion
02:53 Kazoo @311Kazoo - Re: Generation
02:50 Lonesome Jones @lon3som3jon3s - I Can Tell You
02:47 Lewis Tivey @TiveyLewis - Kajillion
02:44 Yoyo xno @Yoyo xno - Give it up
02:41 Georgia Jay @GeorgiaJay19 - The Hitman
02:38 Steve Andrews @bardofely - We Can Sing Together
02:37 Lonely Oak radio - At LOR we only play indie music
02:34 Neacal - Another Castle
02:30 Absorbingpersona @Absorbinpersona - Good Lines
02:29 The Legendary Ten Seconds @legendaryten - Ashley's Podcast Theme Tune
02:25 Elihu Morris @elihu morris - Turmoil
02:21 Cabela and Schmitt @CabelaSchmitt - Come on Down
02:20 Cabela and Schmitt - intro - any
02:17 KeithShaw @KeithShawMusic - Freedom
02:17 KeithShaw - intro - Freedom
02:13 Wintershome @wintershomeband - Already Loved
02:09 Steve Hensby Band @stevehensby - Stop The World
02:05 I Am Rock Mastered
02:05 Lonely Oak radio - LOR takes the promotion of indie artists very seriously
02:01 Johnny Marie @JohnnyMarieKC - The Cats of Summer
01:58 James Martinez @JamesMMusic1 - Beautiful Disaster
01:57 James Martinez @JamesMMusic1 - intro - Beautiful Disaster
01:54 Jack Adamant @jackadamant - Over Signs
01:51 Girl for Samson @JohnnyMarieKC - Cut it Out
01:47 Franklin Gotham @FranklinGotham - Like a Guitar
01:44 FLAIR @flairband0141 - Run Away
01:39 Eric Reed @ericreedmusic - Always And I
01:36 Eli Taylor @Elitaylor734 - Overthinker
01:31 Dumb Posh Hippies @cobrapromo - Ego Ripper
01:31 Lonely Oak radio - At LOR we only play indie music
01:31 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
01:28 Dead Chic @cannonballpr - Fortune
01:24 David Torrance @THPSongs - Push It
01:20 Daniel Schamroth @danielschamroth - Soul On Fire
01:17 The chrisVandalay Project @chriscerasoli - Your Favorite War
01:17 The chrisVandalay Project - Intro - Your Favorite War
01:12 Capsula @capsula band - Spelling Love
01:09 Brain Size 61 @brainsize 61 - Got My Eye On You
01:04 Blackout Orchestra @ quickfix - Like Spring
01:00 Black Hammer Voodoo @BlackHammerVood - Shut It All Down
01:00 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
00:56 Velourias @velouriasdublin - Taxidermist
00:53 Tenderhooks @tenderhooks4u - Mr Laughing
00:50 Sundance Jump with W. Dire Wolff - Long Dark Lashes (Main Theme)
00:47 Smalltown Misfits - Trippin
00:43 Simplemission @SimplemissionTO - Carry Somebody
00:39 The Rubber Thongs @thethongs - Cool As You
00:35 Rockford Road @rockfordroadrva - State of the Union
00:31 Plastic Tears @ThePlasticTears - Motorhome
00:31 PanMad-TDawn - www-intro
00:26 Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo - Grass Is Greener
00:24 Akronauts @Akronauts1 - GET UP
00:20 The Shooter
00:17 Talking To Sophie @talking2sophie - My Whole Life
00:12 the coup
00:08 The Splitz @thesplitzrock - If You Were To Be

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