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Lofi Hip Hop Radio playlist

Don’t know what song’s been playing on the radio? Use our service to find it! Our playlist stores a Lofi Hip Hop Radio track list for the past 7 days.

22:18 Kanisan - Love Story
22:16 Sugiwa - Remember Me
22:14 Bsd.u - French Inhale
22:12 One Million Flowers - Cold Breath
22:09 squeeda - Golden Hour
22:06 Blue Wednesday - Sleeping In
22:04 One Million Flowers - And in the end, we never went to the beach
22:02 Yestalgia - Mystery of The Mind
21:59 DLJ - Blackout
21:56 Spencer Hunt - Dreamscape
21:54 slowburn - A Second Worth
21:25 Lofi Hip Hop Radio - Lofi Chill Mix - 1
21:22 Fallen Shores - Night Breeze
21:20 Muun, Eugene - Lil Star In My Pocket
21:18 Kainbeats / Mr.Neab - Idyllic Dreams
21:16 Cauzy - in my dream you kissed me
21:14 Dontcry / Glimlip - Sashimi
21:12 Shierro - Night Picknik
21:09 Gentle Beats - When We Were Young
21:06 Kokoro - I Miss You
21:04 Creative Self - Crickets In My Backyard
21:02 D3tails - Walk With Me
20:58 Sarcastic Sounds - Go To Bed
20:55 Flitz&Suppe - It's All There
20:52 Flovry - First Heartbreak
20:50 Smyang - January 5th
20:48 Ottom - Nephrite
20:45 Deep Breath - Lullaby
20:43 Tokyo - I Need A Girl
20:41 after noon - Carina
20:38 Mindeliq & Pueblo Vista - Numb
20:36 Squeeda, Ambulo - Looking Glass
20:31 Elijah Lee - Stargazing
20:29 Im.fine - Sunday
20:27 Summerfields, Goland - Embraced
20:25 Blue Wednesday - DOTS
20:22 Drkmnd - Meteor Shower
20:20 PATH - Decend
20:16 Kalaido - Hanging Lanterns
20:14 Snug / Stuffed Tomato - Glad I Found You
20:11 Chris Mazvera / Tender Spring - First Snow
20:07 Jhove - I'm Sorry, I Tried
20:07 Gausa - A Silent Garden
20:04 Dryhope - Someday
20:01 Snug / Thomas Stratt - Wooden Cabin
19:59 Kanisan - Unusual Place
19:56 Taiko Ky - The Train Ride Home
19:51 N.Musicbeatz - Nostalgia
19:48 Riddiman - Sorry
19:47 Dweeb - 72 Audi Coupe
19:44 Jay Lounge - Walk In the Rain
19:41 Jhove / Trxxshed - For You
19:38 Team Astro - Final Destination
19:37 Mujo, Hakone, Smuv - Pachira
19:35 Allem Iversom - It's A New Day
19:33 The Deli - 5:32 PM
19:31 Gausa - Lonely Road
19:29 Enra - Coastline
19:27 Aphrow - Exalted
19:25 Psalm Trees - Prayer
19:21 Aso - Blankets
19:18 Yasper - Fly
19:17 David North - The Way Home
19:15 Fantompower - Reminesce
19:13 H1 - Nothing Changes
19:10 Tabal - It's Time
19:08 D0d. - Safe and Sound
19:06 Yasumu - Floating Hands
19:04 Project AER, Xviv - Words of Warmth
19:01 Kokoro - January
18:59 Flitz & Suppe (ft Fujitsu) - Reverie
18:56 Yasumu - Unravel
18:51 squeeda - Better than Yesterday
18:48 Beaumont - Nights With You
18:46 slowburn - Poles Apart
18:44 Nokiaa - Parade
18:42 Cosmic Koala Lucid Keys - Soothe
18:39 Handel - i'm happy now
18:37 Kupla - Afloat
18:34 Sillage - Temptation
18:31 Less.People - Home Pour
18:29 Snug - Lost In Echoes
18:26 Theo Aabel - pluto's dream (ft. Wishes and Dreams)
18:24 W00ds - Sleepless
18:22 DLJ - I Care About You
18:20 Mell-o / Ambulo - Afloat Again
18:18 Goosetaf / Azula / Kyle McEvoy - Mongo
18:16 Dryhope - Amber
18:13 Aviino - Good Morning
18:12 Rinz - Isolation
18:09 Spencer Hunt - Lonely
18:07 Yonderling - Far Away
18:05 Tabal - Melancholia
18:03 Nokiaa - Lucid
18:00 Aiirwave - Nightfall
17:58 squeeda - Inertia
17:57 Billium - Nighttime
17:54 Grenn - Busy
17:52 Cxlt., Cloud Break - Shine On
17:51 Lost Son - Oh Look It's Raining Again
17:48 Arvnd - Deer, Lion and Eagle
17:47 Fujitsu - Spring Vale
17:45 Stream Error - Winter
17:44 Kendall Miles - Stella's Story
17:42 Orca Vibes - Gypsy
17:40 Pandrezz / J'san - It's OK
17:37 Yonderling - Afterhours
17:34 Brillion / Tender Springs - Through The Clouds
17:32 Philanthrope - Rematch
17:29 Another Silent Weekend, Blurred Figures, Bitter Blossom - Lookout
17:27 Philanthrope w/MonoMassive - Hope
17:25 Refeeld - Delightful
17:23 Toveii - Isolated
17:21 Mario - Crush
17:19 Wunsche - Mind Ya Biz
17:15 RJ One - Walk On
17:12 Joey Pecoraro - Your Favorite Place
17:10 Thaehan - Is There Somewhere
17:08 Nosubject - Saudade
17:05 Soitchy - Owl
17:03 Huber - Forest Dream
17:00 Jishile - Isolated Showers
16:58 Aisake - Looking at you
16:57 Lord Kael - For Her
16:55 Crwsox - Magic Carpet
16:51 Aso - Sundays
16:48 Sleepy Fish - For When It's Warmer
16:45 Monma - Meet You In The Park
16:40 Nadd - I Like You
16:39 Emilioates - Golden Hour
16:36 Chau Sara - Insomnia Days
16:34 Lofi Geek - Evening
16:32 Gausa - Cigarettes
16:30 Zycix - aurora
16:27 Tyler.l - There Is Still Hope For You
16:25 Kupla - Search For Tomorrow
16:23 S-ilo - Asleep
16:21 Kanisan - Love Story
16:19 Sugiwa - Remember Me
16:17 Bsd.u - French Inhale
16:15 One Million Flowers - Cold Breath
16:13 squeeda - Golden Hour
16:10 Blue Wednesday - Sleeping In
16:08 One Million Flowers - And in the end, we never went to the beach
16:05 Yestalgia - Mystery of The Mind
16:02 DLJ - Blackout
15:59 Spencer Hunt - Dreamscape
15:57 slowburn - A Second Worth
15:28 Lofi Hip Hop Radio - Lofi Chill Mix - 1
15:26 Fallen Shores - Night Breeze
15:23 Muun, Eugene - Lil Star In My Pocket
15:22 Kainbeats / Mr.Neab - Idyllic Dreams
15:19 Cauzy - in my dream you kissed me
15:18 Dontcry / Glimlip - Sashimi
15:15 Shierro - Night Picknik
15:13 Gentle Beats - When We Were Young
15:10 Kokoro - I Miss You
15:07 Creative Self - Crickets In My Backyard
15:05 D3tails - Walk With Me
15:02 Sarcastic Sounds - Go To Bed
14:58 Flitz&Suppe - It's All There
14:56 Flovry - First Heartbreak
14:54 Smyang - January 5th
14:51 Ottom - Nephrite
14:48 Deep Breath - Lullaby
14:46 Tokyo - I Need A Girl
14:44 after noon - Carina
14:42 Mindeliq & Pueblo Vista - Numb
14:39 Squeeda, Ambulo - Looking Glass
14:36 Flitz / Suppe - Things That I See
14:35 Elijah Lee - Stargazing
14:31 Summerfields, Goland - Embraced
14:28 Blue Wednesday - DOTS
14:25 Drkmnd - Meteor Shower
14:23 PATH - Decend
14:20 Kalaido - Hanging Lanterns
14:17 Snug / Stuffed Tomato - Glad I Found You
14:14 Chris Mazvera / Tender Spring - First Snow
14:11 Jhove - I'm Sorry, I Tried
14:10 Gausa - A Silent Garden
14:07 Dryhope - Someday
14:05 Snug / Thomas Stratt - Wooden Cabin
14:03 Kanisan - Unusual Place
14:00 Taiko Ky - The Train Ride Home
13:57 J'san / Epektase - Snow and Sand
13:54 N.Musicbeatz - Nostalgia
13:51 Riddiman - Sorry
13:50 Dweeb - 72 Audi Coupe
13:48 Jay Lounge - Walk In the Rain
13:44 Jhove / Trxxshed - For You
13:42 Team Astro - Final Destination
13:40 Mujo, Hakone, Smuv - Pachira
13:39 Allem Iversom - It's A New Day
13:36 The Deli - 5:32 PM
13:34 Gausa - Lonely Road
13:32 Enra - Coastline
13:31 Aphrow - Exalted
13:28 Psalm Trees - Prayer
13:25 Aso - Blankets
13:22 Yasper - Fly
13:20 David North - The Way Home
13:16 H1 - Nothing Changes
13:14 Tabal - It's Time
13:11 D0d. - Safe and Sound
13:09 Yasumu - Floating Hands
13:07 Project AER, Xviv - Words of Warmth
13:04 Kokoro - January
13:02 Flitz & Suppe (ft Fujitsu) - Reverie
13:00 Yasumu - Unravel
12:58 Aisake - See you at school (ft. Pandrezz)
12:55 squeeda - Better than Yesterday
12:52 Beaumont - Nights With You
12:50 slowburn - Poles Apart
12:48 Nokiaa - Parade
12:45 Cosmic Koala Lucid Keys - Soothe
12:43 Handel - i'm happy now
12:41 Kupla - Afloat
12:38 Sillage - Temptation
12:35 Less.People - Home Pour
12:32 Snug - Lost In Echoes
12:30 Theo Aabel - pluto's dream (ft. Wishes and Dreams)
12:28 W00ds - Sleepless
12:25 DLJ - I Care About You
12:23 Mell-o / Ambulo - Afloat Again
12:21 Goosetaf / Azula / Kyle McEvoy - Mongo
12:19 Dryhope - Amber
12:17 Aviino - Good Morning
12:15 Rinz - Isolation
12:12 Spencer Hunt - Lonely
12:10 Yonderling - Far Away
12:08 Tabal - Melancholia
12:06 Nokiaa - Lucid
12:04 Aiirwave - Nightfall
12:02 squeeda - Inertia
12:01 Billium - Nighttime
11:58 Grenn - Busy
11:56 Cxlt., Cloud Break - Shine On
11:55 Lost Son - Oh Look It's Raining Again
11:52 Arvnd - Deer, Lion and Eagle
11:50 Fujitsu - Spring Vale
11:49 Stream Error - Winter
11:47 Kendall Miles - Stella's Story
11:45 Orca Vibes - Gypsy
11:43 Pandrezz / J'san - It's OK
11:41 Yonderling - Afterhours
11:37 Brillion / Tender Springs - Through The Clouds
11:35 Philanthrope - Rematch
11:33 Another Silent Weekend, Blurred Figures, Bitter Blossom - Lookout
11:30 Philanthrope w/MonoMassive - Hope
11:28 Refeeld - Delightful
11:27 Toveii - Isolated
11:24 Mario - Crush
11:22 Wunsche - Mind Ya Biz
11:19 RJ One - Walk On
11:15 Joey Pecoraro - Your Favorite Place
11:13 Thaehan - Is There Somewhere
11:11 Nosubject - Saudade
11:09 Soitchy - Owl
11:06 Huber - Forest Dream
11:04 Jishile - Isolated Showers
11:02 Aisake - Looking at you
11:00 Lord Kael - For Her
10:58 Crwsox - Magic Carpet
10:55 Aso - Sundays
10:51 Sleepy Fish - For When It's Warmer
10:49 Monma - Meet You In The Park
10:44 Nadd - I Like You
10:42 Emilioates - Golden Hour
10:40 Chau Sara - Insomnia Days
10:37 Lofi Geek - Evening
10:35 Gausa - Cigarettes
10:33 Zycix - aurora
10:31 Tyler.l - There Is Still Hope For You
10:29 Kupla - Search For Tomorrow
10:26 S-ilo - Asleep
10:25 Kanisan - Love Story
10:23 Sugiwa - Remember Me
10:21 Bsd.u - French Inhale
10:19 One Million Flowers - Cold Breath
10:16 squeeda - Golden Hour
10:13 Blue Wednesday - Sleeping In
10:11 One Million Flowers - And in the end, we never went to the beach
10:09 Yestalgia - Mystery of The Mind
10:06 DLJ - Blackout
10:03 Spencer Hunt - Dreamscape
10:01 slowburn - A Second Worth
09:31 Lofi Hip Hop Radio - Lofi Chill Mix - 1
09:27 Muun, Eugene - Lil Star In My Pocket
09:23 Cauzy - in my dream you kissed me
09:21 Dontcry / Glimlip - Sashimi
09:19 Shierro - Night Picknik
09:16 Gentle Beats - When We Were Young
09:13 Kokoro - I Miss You
09:11 Creative Self - Crickets In My Backyard
09:09 D3tails - Walk With Me
09:05 Sarcastic Sounds - Go To Bed
09:02 Flitz&Suppe - It's All There
08:59 Flovry - First Heartbreak
08:57 Smyang - January 5th
08:55 Ottom - Nephrite
08:52 Deep Breath - Lullaby
08:50 Tokyo - I Need A Girl
08:47 after noon - Carina
08:45 Mindeliq & Pueblo Vista - Numb
08:42 Squeeda, Ambulo - Looking Glass
08:40 Flitz / Suppe - Things That I See
08:38 Elijah Lee - Stargazing
08:36 Im.fine - Sunday
08:34 Summerfields, Goland - Embraced
08:32 Blue Wednesday - DOTS
08:28 Drkmnd - Meteor Shower
08:27 PATH - Decend
08:23 Kalaido - Hanging Lanterns
08:20 Snug / Stuffed Tomato - Glad I Found You
08:18 Chris Mazvera / Tender Spring - First Snow
08:14 Jhove - I'm Sorry, I Tried
08:14 Gausa - A Silent Garden
08:11 Dryhope - Someday
08:08 Snug / Thomas Stratt - Wooden Cabin
08:06 Kanisan - Unusual Place
08:03 Taiko Ky - The Train Ride Home
08:01 J'san / Epektase - Snow and Sand
07:58 N.Musicbeatz - Nostalgia
07:55 Riddiman - Sorry
07:54 Dweeb - 72 Audi Coupe
07:51 Jay Lounge - Walk In the Rain
07:48 Jhove / Trxxshed - For You
07:45 Team Astro - Final Destination
07:44 Mujo, Hakone, Smuv - Pachira
07:42 Allem Iversom - It's A New Day
07:40 The Deli - 5:32 PM
07:38 Gausa - Lonely Road
07:36 Enra - Coastline
07:34 Aphrow - Exalted
07:32 Psalm Trees - Prayer
07:28 Aso - Blankets
07:25 Yasper - Fly
07:24 David North - The Way Home
07:22 Fantompower - Reminesce
07:19 H1 - Nothing Changes
07:17 Tabal - It's Time
07:15 D0d. - Safe and Sound
07:13 Yasumu - Floating Hands
07:10 Project AER, Xviv - Words of Warmth
07:08 Kokoro - January
07:05 Flitz & Suppe (ft Fujitsu) - Reverie
07:03 Yasumu - Unravel
07:01 Aisake - See you at school (ft. Pandrezz)
06:58 squeeda - Better than Yesterday
06:55 Beaumont - Nights With You
06:53 slowburn - Poles Apart
06:51 Nokiaa - Parade
06:49 Cosmic Koala Lucid Keys - Soothe
06:46 Handel - i'm happy now
06:44 Kupla - Afloat
06:41 Sillage - Temptation
06:38 Less.People - Home Pour
06:36 Snug - Lost In Echoes
06:33 Theo Aabel - pluto's dream (ft. Wishes and Dreams)
06:31 W00ds - Sleepless
06:29 DLJ - I Care About You
06:27 Mell-o / Ambulo - Afloat Again
06:25 Goosetaf / Azula / Kyle McEvoy - Mongo
06:23 Dryhope - Amber
06:20 Aviino - Good Morning
06:18 Rinz - Isolation
06:16 Spencer Hunt - Lonely
06:14 Yonderling - Far Away
06:12 Tabal - Melancholia
06:09 Nokiaa - Lucid
06:07 Aiirwave - Nightfall
06:05 squeeda - Inertia
06:04 Billium - Nighttime
06:01 Grenn - Busy
05:59 Cxlt., Cloud Break - Shine On
05:58 Lost Son - Oh Look It's Raining Again
05:55 Arvnd - Deer, Lion and Eagle
05:52 Stream Error - Winter
05:51 Kendall Miles - Stella's Story
05:49 Orca Vibes - Gypsy
05:46 Pandrezz / J'san - It's OK
05:44 Yonderling - Afterhours
05:40 Brillion / Tender Springs - Through The Clouds
05:39 Philanthrope - Rematch
05:36 Another Silent Weekend, Blurred Figures, Bitter Blossom - Lookout
05:34 Philanthrope w/MonoMassive - Hope
05:28 Mario - Crush
05:26 Wunsche - Mind Ya Biz
05:22 RJ One - Walk On
05:19 Joey Pecoraro - Your Favorite Place
05:17 Thaehan - Is There Somewhere
05:15 Nosubject - Saudade
05:12 Soitchy - Owl
05:09 Huber - Forest Dream
05:07 Jishile - Isolated Showers
05:05 Aisake - Looking at you
05:04 Lord Kael - For Her
05:02 Crwsox - Magic Carpet
04:58 Aso - Sundays
04:55 Sleepy Fish - For When It's Warmer
04:52 Monma - Meet You In The Park
04:47 Nadd - I Like You
04:46 Emilioates - Golden Hour
04:43 Chau Sara - Insomnia Days
04:40 Lofi Geek - Evening
04:38 Gausa - Cigarettes
04:37 Zycix - aurora
04:32 Kupla - Search For Tomorrow
04:30 S-ilo - Asleep
04:28 Kanisan - Love Story
04:26 Sugiwa - Remember Me
04:24 Bsd.u - French Inhale
04:22 One Million Flowers - Cold Breath
04:19 squeeda - Golden Hour
04:17 Blue Wednesday - Sleeping In
04:15 One Million Flowers - And in the end, we never went to the beach
04:12 Yestalgia - Mystery of The Mind
04:09 DLJ - Blackout
04:06 Spencer Hunt - Dreamscape
04:04 slowburn - A Second Worth
03:35 Lofi Hip Hop Radio - Lofi Chill Mix - 1
03:33 Fallen Shores - Night Breeze
03:30 Muun, Eugene - Lil Star In My Pocket
03:28 Kainbeats / Mr.Neab - Idyllic Dreams
03:26 Cauzy - in my dream you kissed me
03:25 Dontcry / Glimlip - Sashimi
03:22 Shierro - Night Picknik
03:20 Gentle Beats - When We Were Young
03:16 Kokoro - I Miss You
03:14 Creative Self - Crickets In My Backyard
03:12 D3tails - Walk With Me
03:09 Sarcastic Sounds - Go To Bed
03:05 Flitz&Suppe - It's All There
03:03 Flovry - First Heartbreak
03:01 Smyang - January 5th
02:58 Ottom - Nephrite
02:55 Deep Breath - Lullaby
02:53 Tokyo - I Need A Girl
02:51 after noon - Carina
02:49 Mindeliq & Pueblo Vista - Numb
02:46 Squeeda, Ambulo - Looking Glass
02:43 Flitz / Suppe - Things That I See
02:42 Elijah Lee - Stargazing
02:40 Im.fine - Sunday
02:37 Summerfields, Goland - Embraced
02:35 Blue Wednesday - DOTS
02:32 Drkmnd - Meteor Shower
02:30 PATH - Decend
02:26 Kalaido - Hanging Lanterns
02:24 Snug / Stuffed Tomato - Glad I Found You
02:21 Chris Mazvera / Tender Spring - First Snow
02:18 Jhove - I'm Sorry, I Tried
02:17 Gausa - A Silent Garden
02:14 Dryhope - Someday
02:11 Snug / Thomas Stratt - Wooden Cabin
02:10 Kanisan - Unusual Place
02:07 Taiko Ky - The Train Ride Home
02:04 J'san / Epektase - Snow and Sand
02:01 N.Musicbeatz - Nostalgia
01:58 Riddiman - Sorry
01:57 Dweeb - 72 Audi Coupe
01:55 Jay Lounge - Walk In the Rain
01:51 Jhove / Trxxshed - For You
01:49 Team Astro - Final Destination
01:47 Mujo, Hakone, Smuv - Pachira
01:46 Allem Iversom - It's A New Day
01:43 The Deli - 5:32 PM
01:41 Gausa - Lonely Road
01:39 Enra - Coastline
01:37 Aphrow - Exalted
01:35 Psalm Trees - Prayer
01:31 Aso - Blankets
01:29 Yasper - Fly
01:27 David North - The Way Home
01:26 Fantompower - Reminesce
01:23 H1 - Nothing Changes
01:21 Tabal - It's Time
01:18 D0d. - Safe and Sound
01:16 Yasumu - Floating Hands
01:14 Project AER, Xviv - Words of Warmth
01:11 Kokoro - January
01:09 Flitz & Suppe (ft Fujitsu) - Reverie
01:07 Yasumu - Unravel
01:02 squeeda - Better than Yesterday
00:59 Beaumont - Nights With You
00:57 slowburn - Poles Apart
00:55 Nokiaa - Parade
00:52 Cosmic Koala Lucid Keys - Soothe
00:50 Handel - i'm happy now
00:47 Kupla - Afloat
00:45 Sillage - Temptation
00:42 Less.People - Home Pour
00:39 Snug - Lost In Echoes
00:36 Theo Aabel - pluto's dream (ft. Wishes and Dreams)
00:35 W00ds - Sleepless
00:32 DLJ - I Care About You
00:30 Mell-o / Ambulo - Afloat Again
00:28 Goosetaf / Azula / Kyle McEvoy - Mongo
00:26 Dryhope - Amber
00:24 Aviino - Good Morning
00:22 Rinz - Isolation
00:19 Spencer Hunt - Lonely
00:17 Yonderling - Far Away
00:13 Nokiaa - Lucid
00:11 Aiirwave - Nightfall
00:09 squeeda - Inertia
00:08 Billium - Nighttime
00:05 Grenn - Busy
00:03 Cxlt., Cloud Break - Shine On

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