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KWMC 1490 AM

Рэйтынг: 4.6 Ацэнак: 5
The Mighty 1490 AM is known for its rock oldies programming and its orientation toward informing the community. During the 24 hours of the day you'll enjoy the music from the 70's and the 80's. The best in entertainment, news, weather ​updates & special programs that are only exclusive of KWMC "The Mighty 1490AM"
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Водгукі аб KWMC 1490 AM

  • 4
    Great interview with Juan Gomez Jr., Mel! We enjoy your program on KWMC com from La Vernia, Tx. Congrats on a great program!
  • 5
    Thank you for that interview of my Uncle Nacho Nanez. I miss playing with him. I was the first lead singer in his band in the 1900s. Adelante Uncle Nacho. Blessings to all of my cousins and family.
  • 4
    Good town talk live on Monday and Wednesday and Friday. / Great job
  • 5
    Buena música
  • 5
    I like the Christian radio station love ve hear it

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 903 E. Cortinas Del Rio, Texas 78840
Тэлефон: +(830) 775-3591
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @Kwmc1490am

Час у горадзе Del Rio: 22:04, 03.14.2025

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