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Kool 98.3 - KUQL

Рэйтынг: 3.9 Ацэнак: 7
Kool 98.3 - KUQL is a broadcast radio station in Ethan, South Dakota, United States, providing Classic Rock, Pop and R&B Oldies to the Mitchell, South Dakota area.
38 1

Зараз у эфіры Kool 98.3 - KUQL

Прамы эфір Lionel Richie All Night Long (All Night)
19:05 Journey Who's Crying Now
19:02 Naked Eyes Always Something There to Remind Me
Плейлист Kool 98.3 - KUQL

ТОП трэкі на Kool 98.3 - KUQL

a-Ha - Take on mea-ha — Take On Me
Eddie Money - Take Me Home TonightEddie Money — Take Me Home Tonight
Bon Jovi - Livin' On A PrayerBon Jovi — Livin' On a Prayer
The Bangles - Manic MondayThe Bangles — Manic Monday
Rick Springfield - Jessie's GirlRick Springfield — Jessie's Girl
Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69Bryan Adams — Summer Of '69
Journey - Don't Stop Believin'Journey — Don't Stop Believin'
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want to Have FunCyndi Lauper — Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Pat Benatar - We BelongPat Benatar — We Belong
The Outfield - Your LoveThe Outfield — Your Love

Водгукі аб Kool 98.3 - KUQL

  • 1
    Deb Welch... 1,000% correct this is rediculous 😤😤😤 You can't even follow along!! Seriously frustrating!!! Shut up😡
  • 1
    These 2 announcing the state baseball tournament are horrible. We don't care who they used to play for or what last year's stats were..we want to know what's going on on the field..the balls and strikes. They're just having a conversation amongst themselves. Very hard to listen to!
  • 5
    Highlandville misouri here. Found you a while ago streaming. Great format! Keep it up
  • 5
    Love your music this is the best station in sd
  • 5
    Been looking for a oldies radio station for a long time. Glad I found you online.
  • 5
    Live this radio station u guys play all my favorites 😚🤗
  • 5
    I love your radio station. My favorites songs are played on here everyday. Thanks for making my day great!

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 501 S Ohlman St Mitchell, SD, US 57301
Тэлефон: +1 605-996-1100
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @ChrisJohnsonMornings
Youtube: @KMITKOOL98

Час у горадзе Ethan: 19:14, 03.16.2025

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