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KUBC The Canyon

Montrose, 580 kHz AM
Рэйтынг: 3.2 Ацэнак: 5
AM 580 KUBC is a broadcast radio station in Montrose, Colorado, United States, providing Classic Rock to the the Grand Junction area.
13 0

Водгукі аб KUBC The Canyon

  • 4
    Good local high school football coverage..
  • 5
    Glad you changed styles
  • 5
    I am very happy to see your format change. We need more stations broadcasting music in our listening area on AM. You are the first one. Congratulations! Some talk is OK, but talk only is boring. Hope you keep broadcasting music.
  • 1
    If I could give the station and its new format a no star rating I would. If you are going to have a music format at least strive to have hi fidelity sound. I know the bandwidth limitations on A.M but the F.M side and most defiantly the online stream should have the highest sound quality possible, It does not. I do not see how you can sell any advertising with no listeners and that is what you will soon have. Maybe you could at least give us back the Dan Show uninterrupted in the morning as this was a great community asset avenue for discussion, information and great entertainment. Thanks for your time, rip kubc.
  • 1
    My review is a very sad one. It's like a close friend has went into a coma. The voice of the valley has been silenced. The music is OK, but your decision and with very little warning was extremely shocking and rude. You had very loyal listeners, and to show such disrespect to them the way you switched your programming is shameful. Maybe you are having financial issues, or maybe someone higher up is silencing you. Could you at least give us the Dan Show with no musical interruption? Even that is tainted, that was are only island of our conservative and Christian based refuge that we have on your station. Please make the Dan Show whole again because if your radio station stays with this format you won't be around much longer. Thank you.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 106 Rose Lane, Montrose, CO 81401
Тэлефон: +1 970-249-4546; 970-249-5800
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @kubcthecanyon
Instagram: @kubcthecanyon

Час у горадзе Montrose: 09:23, 03.17.2025

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