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KTSW 89.9 FM

Рэйтынг: 4.7 Ацэнак: 3
KTSW 89.9 FM is the official radio station of Texas State University broadcasting to San Marcos and the I-35 corridor stretching from San Antonio to Austin. KTSW is a student run, college indie formatted station featuring music from all genres including, rock, hip-hop, electronic and more. KTSW has several specialty shows, news programs, syndicated shows, talk shows, and is the official station for Bobcat Athletics and Rattler Football broadcasts.
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Водгукі аб KTSW 89.9 FM

  • 4
    I always hear something unique on station. I especially enjoy DJ Frog - very professional. His shows tie everything together nicely and his random on-air partnerships are surprisingly comfortable.
  • 5
    Love the music, especially the stuff that is played by the chicks on Tuesday from 6 to 8 pm!
  • 5
    Best radio station ever

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 203 Pleasant St Trinity Building San Marcos, TX
Тэлефон: +512.245.5879
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @ktsw899
Twitter: @KTSW_899
Instagram: @ktsw_899
Youtube: @ktsw899smtx

Час у горадзе San Marcos: 23:56, 03.14.2025

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