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Discovered KTAOS in 1989 as a local ski instructor/painter. Still sounds great to me. I'm a N.M. native living in my other home state Oregon. Really miss cozy Taos. The station turned me onto Chet Baker Lets Get Lost back in the day. Thanks Dave...
Sally Cloud21.07.2024
I left my heart in New Mexico many moons ago and I have been listening to KTAOS since 1991~Recently moved to a small town in Oklahoma with limited radio choices~Thank you for always being there with instant New Mexico connection~!
Jason Robnett23.05.2023
very good
John Mc Donald23.08.2022
I live in Texas but, my heart is in New Mexico and Taos. I began streaming KTAOS a few years back. The windstorm of 2021 yawl went dark. Yet, I now streaming thru your web-page. My wife and I visit Taos on a regular basis. And when we’re not in Taos I can keep up with things thanks to KTAOS. Keep up the great work, John B.
M W20.03.2022
I moved from Taos two years ago but I only miss the coffee and your Sunday morning jazz / poetry.
LOVE Solar Radio and have listened for 15 years but you have gone silent. Unable to get you anywhere . Not in IHeart, not on ONLIne radio, not on Tune in.
Diane Lilley09.12.2020
LOVE the mix! Also appreciate trivia tidbits :) Down here in Las Cruces I don’t get enough of. northern NM, so thanks for keeping me connected!
Professor_Dr. Nicolás Guerra08.02.2020
Hi, I am listening to you from Medellín-Antioquia-Colombia. Listening to them brings back memories of the University of New Mexico and my father. It is a special station. I feel nostalgic. I lived there in 1967. I was a child. I love Albuquerque very much and it brings back many memories of my family and childhood.
Rachel Astarte21.07.2019
One of the best stations around. Thank you!
Karen Kornbau16.12.2018
I was listening to a show around 11am sat. kind of blue grass. the DJ played from a double cd called best of new mexico. where can I buy this ?
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