Since 1975, KOTO has provided the Telluride region with high-quality, commercial-free, non-underwritten community radio. Listener-supported KOTO's radio mission is to entertain, educate, and inform while reflecting the needs, desires, and diversity of our community.
Hayday had a great interview with the “Adaptation” crew~so informative.
Nancy Segreto18.07.2021
Thanks KOTO radio for sharing a different perspective on the vaccine issue. Public discourse and conversation is vital to our democracy in this time of extreme censorship and propaganda.Great music too! I am now a KOTO listener and supporter.
Marsha Dienelt26.11.2020
Appreciate the DJ! Thumbs up from CA!!! Marsha Dienelt 11.26.20
Anda boleh meninggalkan e-mel anda dan kami akan beritahu anda bila siaran stesen akan kembali di atas talian:
Atau dengar Stesen-stesen Amerika Syarikat lain