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Усталюйце мабільнае прыкладанне Online Radio Box для вашага смартфона і слухайце любімыя радыёстанцыі онлайн, дзе б вы ні знаходзіліся!

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Northwest News Radio

Горад Сіэтл, 1000 kHz AM
Рэйтынг: 2.9 Ацэнак: 11
The latest breaking news, traffic, and weather from Seattle and Western Washington.
102 1

Зараз у эфіры Northwest News Radio

Прамы эфір :30 PSA - AARP
Плейлист Northwest News Radio

ТОП трэкі на Northwest News Radio

Manda - IntroManda — Intro
Free For All - Music SounderSounder — Mass

Водгукі аб Northwest News Radio

  • 1
    The interview of Marie Glusenkamp Perez. Calling the vote for speaker of the house a circus is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. A circus is the current administration. What I find more delusional is her saying that it's a national security risk. Am I the only person that feels maybe just maybe the millions of people crossing our southern border might be a bigger risk? There is no way the administration has any idea just who crossed, from what country and what their intentions are. Not to mention they are being shipped across the country on our dime. Another security risk might be the billions of dollars of high-tech military weapons left in Afghanistan. Surely, they were left in competent hands of people that don't want to harm Americans. Shame on the interviewer for not asking more questions, but KOMO is a left based corporation so it's to be expected.
  • 1
    i was listen to the radio last night like i always do and i woke up about two in the morning and had to listen to mike and donald rallies if i want to hear a bunch of lies and bs i would have gone to the rally or watch fox news like the rest of his their cults do im going to stop listening no need to play them at all and then hear them 5 times is bs if i could give no stars or negative stars i would
  • 5
    it my favorite radio station to listen to specially Listen to Tami Michaels on kitchen an bathroom remodel information would not miss it great information
  • 3
    I very rarely submit negative comments but 'PLEASE' change your breaking news chime music back to what it was... The NEW breaking news chime music sounds like I'm listening to a cheesy game show (Who Wants to be a Millionaire) or EXTRA entertainment news edition. I used to leave your station on all day long. Ever since you started using that new chime music, I’ve been changing the station because it's become so annoying to hear that chime over and over. Otherwise, thank you for your excellent news coverage. I've always enjoyed listening to your station.
  • 3
    I liked this station radio, Grettings! From Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco México
  • 3
    I would like to contact someone in the engineering department about a recent issue which is evident in the Olympia, WA area. The Simulcast signal(s) are both being heard. However, the latency of the internet feed to each or both is not matched producing a definite double signal or echoing of your transmissions. This began only a couple days ago. This makes it hard to hear or understand the content. Not sure if others are hearing this but if they are it is possible they don't understand the problem. This problem should be remedied. The carrier frequencies are properly synchronized and there is no phase distortion evident.
  • 1
    Stop with the bias news . Saying there is no evidence of voter fraud is false. This is to be determined by the courts , not the media! You are part of the problem I. What was America. Corruption runs deep!
  • 4
    I live in Alabama and I love KOMO radio. Go Mariners!
  • 4
    Hard to find online, but enjoyable to listen to! I wish, I could find a radio station, that focused on Grays Harbor County, was just as good as KOMO 97, and had a trivia question, such as "Did You Hear?.". But it cuts out, too much. Since February 25, everything online, is buffering and failing. Wish there was a way to listen by way of cell phone!
  • 4
    It seems tunein has become a pay service. Does KOMO stream on any other services? I miss being able to stream KOMO on my Google assistant

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: Suite 370 140 4th Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109
Тэлефон: +(206) 404-4000
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @newsradionw

Час у горадзе Горад Сіэтл: 21:57, 03.14.2025

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