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Agriculture produce food, decarbonizes atmosphere, offer jobs, but need water and support to farmers. It means to think twice before introcucing tax raises, labor and enviromental regulations. It's a fragile system
Lee Myers25.03.2022
Listened to Philip and Skip a good job,most times. Skip commented on Gov. Ron de santos of Florida being a ...bigot. ...Last time I listen to show. or you can enlighten us. Not fair to make such a blanket statement without do diligence.
Jack Norton11.05.2020
Long time listener, like the Hosts and staff, local news and conservative point of views as I.
Robert King21.09.2017
Ideas for future show.
#1 Our Governor has moving the voting age to 17 because kids today are not involved.
#2 Bat area politicians were in lock step for the gas tax. Now, they have filed suite against the Coperations the create the fuel. If all 4 pull out of California.....