KLCI (106.1 FM, "Bob 106") is a radio station serving the northwest Minneapolis-Saint Paul area of Minnesota, United States, that broadcasts a country music format.
Please let this be your fair warning... Listen to BOB-FM for more than four hours straight and you're hooked!
Jody L. Alderink29.11.2023
The Morning Show on Bob 106 Is Fabulous . I love the Almanac. Keep on Keeping On.
Melody Villa31.10.2023
The Nathan Stanley Show plays all of my favorite songs. I am a forever fan! Thank you for bringing quality radio shows to Online Radio Box💝
Michael Bloom10.04.2023
Love the morning show with their news updates and the "Gone, but Not Forgotten " segments. Starts my days off great, after listening! Also love the "all requests lunch hr" and 7-12am final thought/prayer! Great Old School Country Music and On Air Staff! Great job to all involved with this stations productions and overall success. Best station in the nation, as far as I'm concerned!
Sandy Jachymowski19.01.2023
Love the music so much and the DJ's are great too! However, for some reason my Sync radio text has shown Earl Thomas Conley for at least 2 months!
Judy Daun07.07.2022
I love this station - but get frustrated with the technical issues they have - some times no connection- music gets scrambled - hard to tune it in at times.
Robyn Stafford10.07.2021
I absolutely love listening to this station. It plays all the good music! Thank you Bob 106
Kay Pickett14.03.2021
Your music selections are great, but we can no longer listen to a station that continues to support Mike Lindell and his products. Shame on you for giving this crazy, night-wing conspiracy theorist nut any air time at all - all the big box stores have dropped his products; he's been banned from twitter (like Trump); and I can't imagine how much he's paying you to buy off your integrity and whatever ethical standards you may have.
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