Instalirajte besplatnu mobilnu aplikaciju Online Radio Box za vaš pametni telefon i slušajte vama omiljene stanice na internetu - gdje god se nalazili!
Ne znate pjesmu koja svira na radiju? Upotrijebite naš servis da je pronađete! Naša playlista pohranjuje popis pjesama KHCB Radio Network-a za posljednjih 7 dana.
23:59 | NIGHT SOUNDS - Bill Pearce |
23:58 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
23:55 | Sincerely Yours - Scott Krus |
23:49 | Prison To A Palace - Terry & Barbi Franklin |
23:42 | He Is - Aaron Jeoffrey |
23:35 | Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Wintley Phipps |
23:32 | When All Thy Mercies - Fernando Ortega |
23:30 | Every Road - Lillenas Singers |
23:29 | GOD CENTERED MINUTE - Dr. Josh Moody |
23:27 | Pastor's Study - Pastor's Study |
22:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
22:30 | Pastor's Study - Pastor's Study |
22:29 | Walking With God |
22:00 | GRACE TO YOU - John MacArthur |
21:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
21:56 | All That I Am - Terry Franklin |
21:30 | THRU THE BIBLE Mon-Fri - J Vernon McGee |
21:30 | Here I Am To Worship - Titus Major |
21:00 | UNSHACKLED Mon-Fri - Pacific Garden Mission |
20:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
20:57 | NEW BEGINNINGS - Miriam Neff |
20:29 | INSIGHT FOR LIVING - Chuck Swindoll |
20:28 | For Our Good - Genevox Singers |
20:00 | FOCUS ON THE FAMILY - Jim Daly |
19:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
19:58 | Send The Light |
19:44 | Journey To Bethany |
19:39 | Your Grace Still Amazes Me - John Bolin |
19:36 | Only By Grace - Discovery Singers |
19:32 | Grace Changes Everything - Lillenas Singers |
19:30 | FEBC TODAY - Ed Cannon |
19:29 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
19:29 | Journey To Bethany - Promo 1 - Journey To Bethany - Weeknights 6:45pm |
19:02 | TURNING POINT - David Jeremiah |
19:00 | Sincerely Yours - Scott Krus |
18:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
18:55 | Rejoice The Lord Is King - Discovery Singers |
18:51 | Rejoice - Sandi Patty |
18:47 | I Will Rejoice - Ronn Huff Singers |
18:45 | ENCOURAGING WORDS - Darlene Sala |
18:42 | Rejoice And Be Glad - Damaris Carbaugh |
18:39 | He Has Made Me Glad Medley - Maranatha! Singers |
18:34 | Be Ye Glad (A Cappella) - Chris Rupp |
18:30 | BREAKPOINT - John Stonestreet |
18:29 | DIFFERENCE MAKER - Gregg Matte |
18:28 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
18:25 | Lord Of The Dawn - Steve Green |
18:21 | My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness - Kristyn Getty |
18:16 | Thanksgiving Medley - Willow Creek Community Church |
18:11 | Thank You Jesus For The Blood Applied - Charity Gayle |
18:05 | Give Thanks (A Cappella) - Integrity Singers |
18:01 | Every Reason To Rejoice - Steve Ragsdale |
18:00 | LEGAL ALERT |
17:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
17:55 | Grateful Hearts - The Haven Quartet |
17:50 | Thank You Lord - Dennis Jernigan |
17:45 | So Thankful - Charlie & Jill LeBlanc |
17:44 | A MOMENT WITH JONI - Joni E Tada |
17:41 | Lord You Have Given Me So Much - Joni Eareckson |
17:38 | My Gratitude - Andrew Culverwell |
17:36 | It Is A Good Thing To Give Thanks - New Creation Singers |
17:31 | It Is Good To Give Thanks (Psalm 92) - Calvary Chapel Worship Community |
17:30 | Open The Bible Daily :60 - Colin Smith |
17:28 | Half A Million Reasons - Lillenas Kids |
17:26 | The Eyes Of The Lord (Prov 15) - Steve Green & Sparrow Kids |
16:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
16:58 | REAL HOPE - Jeff Schreve |
16:55 | Hallelujah My Father - Rob & Gilly Bennett |
16:31 | LOVE WORTH FINDING - Adrian Rogers |
16:30 | Portraits Of Grace :60 - John MacArthur |
16:27 | Church Calendar |
16:25 | Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Chris Davis & Matt Huesmann |
16:21 | Cross Of Love - Twila Paris & Steve Green |
16:16 | Amazing Love, Amazing Grace - Choir Room Singers |
16:12 | All Embracing Love - Damaris Carbaugh |
16:07 | Amazing Love with And Can It Be (A Cappella) - Integrity Singers |
16:04 | Be Love In Me - Molly Felder |
16:01 | We Will Live In Love - Billy Gaines |
16:01 | CHOSEN PEOPLE - Mitch Glaser |
15:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
15:58 | The Old Rugged Cross |
15:51 | Agnus Dei - Praise Singers |
15:48 | Heaven Came Down - Scott Strader |
15:45 | BIBLE READING - Max McLean |
15:40 | Jesus Paid It All - Fernando Ortega |
15:36 | MISSION NETWORK NEWS - Ruth Kramer |
15:29 | He Is - Aaron Jeoffrey |
15:28 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
15:02 | HAVEN TODAY - David Wollen |
15:00 | FREE INDEED - Tim Gregory |
14:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
14:58 | He Leadeth Me - Discovery House Musicians |
14:53 | We Worship You - Heritage Singers |
14:51 | We Fall Down - Don Marsh Singers |
14:46 | Worship At The Cross Medley - Lifeway Singers |
14:31 | BIBLE STUDY with Bob Clark - Worshipping Witnessing - Mark 5:1-20 |
14:30 | Raising Godly Boys |
14:20 | Powerwalk Pastors and Leadership Training Conference #1 Dr P |
14:16 | Teach Me To Love - Steve Green & Larnelle Harris |
14:12 | Show Your Love - Jill Leblanc |
14:09 | Teach Me Thy Way (Psalm 119-35-41) - Calvary Chapel Worship Community |
14:02 | Lead Me To The Cross (begins with Narr) - Lifeway Singers |
14:00 | MONEY LIFE - Chuck Bentley |
13:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
13:57 | O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing - CB Musicians |
13:55 | WINNING OTHERS TO CHRIST - Jerry Wiles - Winning Others To Christ |
13:31 | FAMILY LIFE TODAY - Dave and Ann Wilson |
13:30 | Parenting Today's Teens Daily :60 - Mark Gregston |
13:28 | Grace Greater Than Our Sin - CB Musicians |
13:03 | RUNNING TO WIN - 25 Min |
13:00 | Sincerely Yours - Scott Krus |
12:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
12:58 | Pathway Minute :60 - Robert Jeffress |
12:55 | A Word With You 3:00 |
12:30 | TRUTH FOR LIFE - Alistair Begg |
12:29 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
12:28 | Sing Praise To God - John Coates Singers |
12:25 | Sing Your Praise To The Lord - Amy Grant |
12:22 | Praise Him Praise Him - Discovery Singers |
12:18 | Praise We - MBI Womens Glee |
12:16 | Praise To The Lord The Almighty - Haven |
12:12 | Praise To The Lord The Almighty - Solid Rock Orchestra |
12:08 | Praise To The Lord The Almighty - Houstons First Baptist Choir |
12:01 | Praise You - California Baptist University Choir |
12:00 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
11:56 | Only God - Tallowood Baptist Choir |
11:51 | Behold Our God - West Coast Choir |
11:50 | Journey To Bethany - Promo 1 - Journey To Bethany - Weeknights 6:45pm |
11:46 | FIxin' Our Eyes On Jesus - Paul Thorson |
11:43 | I Will Keep My Eyes On You - Lifeway Singers |
11:38 | Run To Him - Diane Machen |
11:35 | Dare To Run (A Cappella) - Back To The Bible Quartet |
11:31 | Press On - Selah |
11:30 | INSPIRE WOMEN - Anita Carmen |
11:25 | What A Friend We Have In Jesus - Harlan Rogers, Smitty Price |
11:22 | Holy, Holy, Holy - Harlan Rogers, Smitty Price |
11:18 | Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Harlan Rogers, Smitty Price |
11:15 | Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring - Harlan Rogers, Smitty Price |
11:11 | Fairest Lord Jesus - Harlan Rogers, Smitty Price |
11:01 | PRAYERTIME - Ivory Varner - Galations 3:3 |
10:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
10:34 | REVIVE OUR HEARTS - Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth |
10:30 | Be Thou My Vision - Twila Paris |
10:27 | Church Calendar |
10:02 | BEN YOUNG |
10:01 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
10:00 | HAVEN NOW - David Wollen |
09:59 | GOTTA MINUTE |
09:58 | BACK TO GENESIS - John Morris |
09:57 | RAISING GODLY GIRLS - Patti Garibay |
09:32 | THE URBAN ALTERNATIVE - Dr.Tony Evans |
09:31 | Voice Of The Martyrs :60 |
09:30 | LIVE Weather - 30 Seconds |
09:29 | WORD TO THE WISE - William Blocker |
09:28 | BIBLE READING - Max McLean |
09:00 | INSIGHT FOR LIVING - Chuck Swindoll |
08:58 | Open The Eyes Of My Heart - Genevox Singers |
08:54 | Be Thou My Vision - Discovery Singers |
08:44 | Powerwalk Pastors and Leadership Training Conference #1 Dr P |
08:39 | Shepherd Of My Heart - Sandi Patty |
08:35 | The Ninety And Nine - Andrew Peterson |
08:33 | ENCOURAGEMENT - Bob Clark - John - Eternal Life |
08:31 | All That Thrills My Soul - Discovery House Musicians |
08:30 | Bold Steps Minute |
08:25 | Before The Throne Of God Above - Jennifer Shaw |
08:22 | Better Than I - Adam Paul Williams |
08:21 | ANSWERS IN GENESIS - Ken Ham |
08:16 | Press On - Dan Burgess Mens Chorus |
08:12 | Press On - Steve Ragsdale |
08:08 | The Passion - Choir Room Singers |
08:04 | Heartily - New Creation Singers |
07:59 | GUIDELINES FOR LIVING - Harold Sala |
07:58 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
07:58 | As The Deer - Titus Major |
07:56 | WINNING OTHERS TO CHRIST - Jerry Wiles - Winning Others To Christ |
07:54 | Church Calendar |
07:50 | Sincerely Yours - Scott Krus |
07:47 | BIBLE READING - Max McLean |
07:41 | One For All - Lifeway Singers |
07:35 | Psalm 91 - In You Will I Trust - Rebecca Mizell |
07:31 | One - West Coast Choir |
07:30 | LEGAL ALERT |
07:28 | All That Thrills My Soul - Discovery House Musicians |
07:25 | The Sift (2AM Update) |
06:59 | IN TOUCH - Charles Stanley |
06:58 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
06:55 | The Star Spangled Banner - Gary Prim |
06:55 | Pledge Christian Flag 2 Mykayla BeMent |
06:54 | The pledge of allegiance |
06:41 | STRENGTH FOR THE DAY - Al Salter - Acts 4:5 |
06:30 | PETE STEIGERWALD BIBLE READING - Exodus 11 to 12 |
06:29 | INSIGHTS - Chuck Swindoll |
06:28 | SEEKING HIM - Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth |
06:27 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
06:14 | POWERWALK - Dr.Paul Cannings |
06:13 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
05:59 | RUNNING TO WIN - Erwin Lutzer |
05:55 | My Jesus I Love Thee - Maranatha Musicians |
05:55 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
05:52 | All That I Am - Terry Franklin |
05:49 | Heartily - New Creation Singers |
05:44 | GUIDELINES FOR LIVING - Harold Sala |
05:40 | It Is Well (not usual hymn) - Choir Room Singers |
05:40 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
05:36 | Wonderful, Merciful Saviour - Selah |
05:32 | A Simple Song - Luke Garrett |
05:29 | I Love To Tell The Story - Cameron Cody & James Kelly |
05:29 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
04:59 | UNSHACKLED Mon-Fri - Pacific Garden Mission |
04:58 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
04:57 | What Wonderous Love Is This - Bruce Greer |
04:53 | Lord I Want To Be Like Jesus - Fernando Ortega & Kelly Willard |
04:49 | In The Beginning with As Many As Received Him - Steve Pixler |
04:45 | You Know Better Than I - Bobby Michaels |
04:42 | You Have Been Given - Sandy Rios |
04:40 | FREE INDEED - Tim Gregory |
04:40 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
04:37 | The Sift (2AM Update) |
04:32 | Inexpressible Joy - Gary Bonner Singers |
04:28 | A Word With You 4:30 |
04:27 | Journey To Bethany - Promo 1 - Journey To Bethany - Weeknights 6:45pm |
04:23 | O Sacred Head Now Wounded - Fernando Ortega |
04:20 | Every Road - Houstons First Baptist Choir |
04:19 | CHOSEN PEOPLE - Mitch Glaser |
04:19 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
04:16 | It Is No Secret - Light Choir |
04:14 | Church Calendar |
04:00 | AL SCOURBY BIBLE READING - Leviticus Chapters 26 & 27 |
03:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
03:56 | The Servant King - Classical Praise Orchestra |
03:52 | Holy, Holy, Holy with Holy Holy Is The Lord Of Hosts - Promise Keepers |
03:48 | Be Still My Soul - Misha Goetz & Aaron Encinas |
03:48 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
03:45 | When I Look Into Your Holiness - Voices Of Praise |
03:43 | Search Me And Know Me (Psalm 139) - Michael Card |
03:42 | STARTING OVER - Miriam Neff & Valerie Hogan |
03:41 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
03:38 | Aquel Quen la Buena Obra Empezo (Spanish) - Steve Green |
03:34 | There Is A Redeemer - Matthew Ward |
03:32 | ENCOURAGING WORDS - Darlene Sala |
03:30 | Crown Him With Many Crowns - Don Marsh Singers |
03:29 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
03:15 | QUIET TIME - Albert H Salter - Mark 8:27 |
03:12 | I Build My Life On You - Billy Simon |
03:12 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
03:09 | Tis So Sweet - Discovery Musicians |
03:08 | BACK TO GENESIS - John Morris |
03:07 | WINNING OTHERS TO CHRIST - Jerry Wiles - Winning Others To Christ |
03:04 | Church Calendar |
03:01 | Sincerely Yours - Scott Krus |
03:00 | GOD CENTERED MINUTE - Dr. Josh Moody |
02:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
02:56 | He Leadeth Me - Linda McKechnie |
02:53 | The Master Hath Come - Karla Worley |
02:51 | More Love To Thee (A Cappella) - Benson Singers |
02:50 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
02:47 | In Christ Alone - Keith Getty Orchestra |
02:32 | BIBLE STUDY with Bob Clark - Worshipping Witnessing - Mark 5:1-20 |
02:32 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
02:28 | Seekers Of Your Heart - Larnelle Harris with Sandi Patty and Steve Green |
02:24 | I'll Never Let Go Of Your Hand - Don Francisco |
02:24 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
02:20 | Still Small Voice - Rebecca Mizell |
02:16 | Shepherd - Craig Smith |
02:14 | Praise The Savior Ye Who Know Him - Haven |
02:10 | You Are My King - Bonnie Knopf |
02:08 | ENCOURAGEMENT - Bob Clark - John - Eternal Life |
02:08 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
02:04 | Amazing Grace with My Chains Are Gone - Discovery House Musicians |
02:00 | MISSION NETWORK NEWS - Ruth Kramer |
01:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
01:56 | Abide With Me - CB Musicians |
01:54 | The Old Rugged Cross - Evie |
01:53 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
01:49 | Someone Is Praying For You - Heritage Singers |
01:46 | Early In The Morning - George Beverly Shea |
01:45 | A MOMENT WITH JONI - Joni E Tada |
01:41 | It Took His Breath Away - Steve Amerson |
01:39 | No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus - National Christian Choir |
01:34 | Grace Alone - Genevox Singers |
01:30 | Jesus Led Me All The Way - Scott Strader |
01:29 | REAL HOPE - Jeff Schreve |
01:27 | Ode To Joy - Wayne Brasel |
01:27 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
01:24 | Father We Are Here - Twila Paris |
01:20 | I Love To Tell The Story - Maranatha Musicians |
01:15 | Consider The Stars - Kristyn Getty |
01:11 | You Never Let Go (A Cappella) - Ken Young Singers |
01:08 | Love The Lord (Matt 22,37-39) - Leah Tenney |
01:07 | CHOSEN PEOPLE - Mitch Glaser |
01:05 | FEBC TODAY - Ed Cannon |
01:00 | GUIDELINES FOR LIVING - Harold Sala |
00:59 | KHCB - Keeping HIM Close By |
00:53 | Pray - Babbie Mason |
00:43 | The Wondrous Cross Medley (begins with Narr) - Discovery Singers |
00:29 | Songs Of Hope Medley - Diadem Orchestra |
00:00 | NIGHT SOUNDS - Bill Pearce |
Instalirajte besplatnu aplikacija Online Radio Box za vaš pametni telefon i slušajte vama omiljene stanice na internetu - gdje god se nalazili!