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Who is that horrible woman who reads news clips ? Who in the heck listened to her demo tape and said, “ yeah, she’s the one?” Her Winey nasal flat delivery is cringe worthy at best, and that Nate S. Is a rude, overbearing hack.
David Kottcamp07.10.2023
I listen to Boise State games from South Korea. My wife and I have lived here 3 years and thank you so much for your BSU coverage. GO BRONCOS!!!!!@
Stacie Anthony13.07.2022
Great shows but way too many ED commercials. This is a station we like to listen to as a family and we get so tired of the erectile dysfunction commercials. Every commercial break and sometimes two per commercial break.
Vahideh Tebbi02.06.2022
The FAT manager AKA alireza with no respect to listeners!! see 3-4 b.s.
David Kenyon24.05.2022
Too MANY hosts equate leftists with "the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer"
Vicarious Johnson06.01.2022
Good hosts and topics. I’m not sure why someone who “quit listening a long time ago” would bother to review, but the folks complaining below are welcomed to return to California any time.
Dennis Davidson21.12.2021
I think Nate S. is probably the most ignorant person in all of talk radio. I quit listening a long time ago, and when I try it , I very shortly go to another station.
Jenny Morrison31.03.2021
I love the programs. However... You broadcast your commercials and news at such a high volume it damn near blows my speakers. Imagine you've got your favorite talk show on. Adjusted to a. Ice volume and bam some damn comnercial comes on and shatters your peace. The other thing is your in bumper to bumper traffic trying to make your way home and bamn one of your commercials with a loud car horn blares out of the radio! You can't tell where it's coming from? Want to talk about disorienting!?. Dear God think about your listeners.
Tammy Nichols14.01.2021
I enjoy the variety of talk radio and am glad we have a local talk radio station to listen to and participate in. Whomever runs the programing on 670 does a great job! Just don't become like the others news stations...please!
Dan Hiland20.07.2020
I like the way KBOI switches things up with program changes, every so often.