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Jazz Oasis Radio

Рэйтынг: 4.0 Ацэнак: 2
Classic Jazz from the 50-70s.
44 0

Зараз у эфіры Jazz Oasis Radio

Прамы эфір Marian McPartland Marian McPartland / Bill Strickland Interview
09:02 Keith Jarrett Trio - Falling In Love With Love
08:57 Mark Kross Evidence
Плейлист Jazz Oasis Radio

ТОП трэкі на Jazz Oasis Radio

Curtain Time - Dave BrubeckThe Dave Brubeck Quartet — Curtain Time
Marian McPartland - -Murray HorwitzMarian McPartland — Conversation
Modern Jazz Quartet - I'll Remember April
John Hicks - After the MorningJohn Hicks — After the Morning
Keith Jarrett - Part II cKeith Jarrett — Part II
The Modern Jazz Quartet - VendomeThe Modern Jazz Quartet — Vendome
Stephanie Nakasian - MaybeStephanie Nakasian — Maybe
Marian McPartland With Strings - AmbianceMarian McPartland — Ambiance
Teddy Wilson and Marian McPartland - BluesetteMarian McPartland — Bluesette
The Modern Jazz Quartet - La RondeThe Modern Jazz Quartet — La Ronde

Водгукі аб Jazz Oasis Radio

  • 3
    I love the station when it plays Jazz. Brickman does not play Jazz! Liz Story does not play Jazz! The two hour trio jazz segment is terrible. Stick to the greats of Jazz!!!
  • 5
    Nice to hear real jazz from the 50's and 60s.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Email: [email protected]

Час у горадзе Горад Лоўрэнс: 09:35, 03.16.2025

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