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Fulleffect Radio

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Full effect radio is one of the hottest radio sounds hitting new York city airwaves with riveting music selections for the young and the old. Massive music for the massive! The latest reggae and soca hits for the young crowd, and reggae and soca classics and cultural selections from the 60's on up for those who yearn for "remember when" times. Whatever the selection, it's good, clean and family-oriented music - music the entire family can tune in to. Lovers and older listeners delight in the soft, romantic R&B "sweet corner" selections by Brooklyn's top radio selectors, sweet Barry, sweet p and top ten, among others
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Час у горадзе Бруклін: 07:16, 03.14.2025

Усталюйце дадатак Online Radio Box для вашага смартфона і слухайце любімыя радыёстанцыі онлайн, дзе б вы ні знаходзіліся! Цяпер ваша любімае радыё ў вас у кішэні, дзякуючы нашаму зручнаму дадатку.