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Плейлист Classic Book Radio

Не знаєте, яка пісня грала на радіо? Скористайтеся нашим сервісом, щоб знайти її! Наш плейлист містить розклад ефіру Classic Book Radio за останні 7 днів.

(зараз в Columbus 18:45)
23:25 Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra (transl. John Ormsby) - 28 - Chapters 50-51 - Don Quixote, Vol 2
23:02 Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra (transl. John Ormsby) - 27 - Chapter 49 - Don Quixote, Vol 2
23:02 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
23:02 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
23:01 Peter Yearsley - Station ID -
23:01 Morse Code WMFHLP -
22:59 Robert Frost (1874-1963) - Mending Wall - LibriVox Short Poetry 094
22:57 Robert Frost - 32-Two Poems - Vintage Verse Rhapsody: A Poetry Collection
22:57 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
22:56 Horace - Fifth Book, First Ode - LibriVox Short Poetry 064
22:56 Moneek - Station id 3 -
22:56 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
22:49 Oliver Goldsmith - Little Goody Two-Shoes ascribed to Oliver Goldsmith - Up One Pair of Stairs of My Bookhouse
22:49 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
22:49 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
22:36 Steele Rudd - The Wattle-Blossom Bride - Short Story Collection Vol. 062
22:35 M Patterson - ID -
22:35 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
22:00 Thomas Mann - 06 - Chapter 4, Part 1 - Royal Highness
22:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
22:00 Jim White - Station ID -
21:59 Robert Louis Stevenson - Farewell to the Farm - Up One Pair of Stairs of My Bookhouse
21:59 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
21:57 Bliss Carman - 37 - In Philistia - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 03
21:54 Ironquill - Grizzly Gru - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 01
21:54 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
21:52 Carolyn Wells - 35 - The Two Young Men - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 03
21:52 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
21:52 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
21:47 Matthew Arnold - The Buried Life - LibriVox Short Poetry 076
21:46 Moneek - Station id 3 -
21:46 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
21:33 Harold Wellman Fairbanks - Gold and Gold-Mining - The Western United States: A Geographical Reader
21:33 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
21:33 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
21:18 Wallis Nash - 08 - Chapter 7 - Two Years in Oregon
21:00 Wallis Nash - 07 - Chapter 6 Part II - Two Years in Oregon
21:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
21:00 Nathan Winger - Station ID -
21:00 Morse Code WMFHLP -
20:58 Scientific American Vol 17, No 26 - Remedy for Cold Feet in City Cars - LibriVox Coffee Break Collection Vol. 007
20:57 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
20:55 Wilfred Owen - 05 - Dulce Et Decorum Est - Short Poetry Collection 127
20:53 James Whitcomb Riley - Natural Perversities - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 02
20:53 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
20:50 Franz Kafka (trans. Ian Johnston) - Up in the Gallery - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 047
20:50 Moneek - Station id 3 -
20:50 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
20:36 Mark Twain - Punch - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 036
20:35 DaleLatham - Station ID -
20:35 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
20:02 Charles Bradlaugh - Spinoza - LibriVox Nonfiction Collection Vol. 015
20:02 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
20:02 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
20:01 Chris Howard - Station ID 1 - 29 Jan 2014
20:01 Long Tone -
19:59 Friedrich Schiller - The Glove - A Collection of 18th Century Poetry and Prose
19:59 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
19:58 Carolyn Wells - The Two Brothers - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 02
19:57 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
19:57 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
19:49 Samuel Johnson - 63 - Dick Shifter's Rural Excursion - Selected Essays of Samuel Johnson
19:49 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
19:49 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
19:21 Charles Francis Saunders - The Deserts: The Mojave - Under The Sky In California
19:21 Moneek - Station id 3 -
19:21 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
19:00 Robert Cortes Holliday - A Clerk May Look At Celebrity - Walking-Stick Papers
19:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
19:00 Emily Winger - Station ID -
19:00 Gong -
18:57 Annie Ker - The Two Lizards by Annie Ker - The Junior Classics
18:55 J. W. Foley - 28 - Sonnet of the Lovable Lass and the Plethoric Dad - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 04
18:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
18:54 Carolyn Wells - 10 - The Two Prisoners - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 04
18:54 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
18:54 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
18:39 Harold Wellman Fairbanks - How Climate and Physical Features Influenced the Settlement of the West - The Western United States: A Geographical Reader
18:39 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
18:39 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
18:01 Ralph Waldo Emerson - Nominalist and Realist - Essays - Second Series
18:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
18:01 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
18:01 DaleLatham - Station ID -
18:01 Long Tone -
17:23 Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra (transl. John Ormsby) - 28 - Chapters 50-51 - Don Quixote, Vol 2
17:00 Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra (transl. John Ormsby) - 27 - Chapter 49 - Don Quixote, Vol 2
17:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
17:00 Emily Winger - Station ID -
17:00 Gong -
16:59 Elizabeth Barrett Browning - The soul's Rialto hath its merchandise - Sonnets from the Portugese
16:57 John H. Payne - Home - 37 American Poems
16:57 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
16:54 Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) - Under The Waterfall - LibriVox Short Poetry 089
16:53 John Clare - I Am! - LibriVox Short Poetry 059
16:53 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
16:51 Amy Lowell - The Traveling Bear - LibriVox Short Poetry 021
16:50 Gerard Manley Hopkins - The Windhover - LibriVox Short Poetry 024
16:50 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
16:50 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
16:49 Moneek - Station id 1 -
16:49 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
16:38 Harold Wellman Fairbanks - 15- The Story of Lake Chelan - The Western United States: A Geographical Reader
16:38 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
16:38 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
16:01 Alfred Thayer Mahan - 06 - Chapter 1 Part 4 - The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
16:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
16:01 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
16:00 DaleLatham - Station ID -
16:00 Morse Code WMFHLP -
15:59 Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Thou comest! All is said without a word - Sonnets from the Portugese
15:59 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
15:59 W. B. Yeats - An Irish Airman foresees his death - LibriVox Short Poetry 079
15:56 William Blake - The Little Girl Found - LibriVox Short Poetry 059
15:56 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
15:54 Mary Carolyn Davies - Smith - LibriVox Short Poetry 042
15:54 Moneek - Station id 1 -
15:54 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
15:47 Robert Frost - Home Burial - Selections by Robert Frost
15:46 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
15:46 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
15:34 Harold Wellman Fairbanks - The Skagit River - The Western United States: A Geographical Reader
15:34 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
15:34 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
15:19 Wallis Nash - 08 - Chapter 7 - Two Years in Oregon
15:01 Wallis Nash - 07 - Chapter 6 Part II - Two Years in Oregon
15:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
15:00 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
15:00 DaleLatham - Station ID -
15:00 Gong -
14:58 John Donne (1572-1631) - A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning - LibriVox Short Poetry 088
14:58 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
14:56 Joseph Jacob - The Wicked Sons by Joseph Jacob - The Junior Classics
14:55 Odell Shepard - The Goldfinch - Up One Pair of Stairs of My Bookhouse
14:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
14:54 Ramaswami Raju - The Camel and the Pig by Ramaswami Raju - The Junior Classics
14:54 Trish E Matson - ident -
14:53 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
14:48 Mary Wollstonecraft - Letters.. Letter 21 - Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway and D
14:48 Moneek - Station id 3 -
14:48 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
14:36 Harold Wellman Fairbanks - Something About Irrigation - The Western United States: A Geographical Reader
14:35 Nikki - Station ID - at Columbus / Lowndes library
14:35 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
14:00 Thomas Mann - 06 - Chapter 4, Part 1 - Royal Highness
14:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
14:00 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
13:58 Edward Lear (1812-1888) - The Broom and the Shovel, the Poker and Tongs - LibriVox Short Poetry 094
13:58 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
13:56 Walter Thornbury - The Cavalier's Escape by Walter Thornbury - The Treasure Chest of My Bookhouse
13:55 Aesop - The Dog in the Manger - The Junior Classics
13:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
13:54 Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-1938) - Hope and Despair - LibriVox Short Poetry 091
13:54 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
13:54 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
13:30 Willa Sibert Cather - Stories: The Enchanted Bluff - A Collection Of Stories, Reviews And Essays
13:30 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
13:29 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
13:00 Bret Harte - Chapter 06 Brown of Calaveras - The Luck Of Roaring Camp And Other Sketches
13:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
13:00 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
13:00 Kara Shallenberg - Station ID -
13:00 Gong -
12:59 King David of Israel - Psalm 23 - LibriVox Short Poetry 043
12:59 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:58 Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Accuse me not - Sonnets from the Portugese
12:56 Anna Lititia Barbauld - To The Poor - A Collection of 18th Century Poetry and Prose
12:56 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:54 Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Snow Storm - LibriVox Short Poetry 025
12:53 Henry Hildreth Piper - In Unlikeliest Places - LibriVox Short Poetry 026
12:53 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:52 William Shakespeare - Silvia - LibriVox Short Poetry 071
12:51 Carolyn Wells - 43 - The Two Business Men - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 03
12:50 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:50 Aesop - Hercules and the Wagoner by Aesop - The Junior Classics
12:48 Charlotte Mew - To a Child In Death - LibriVox Short Poetry 021
12:48 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:47 James Joyce - Winds of May - LibriVox Short Poetry 024
12:47 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
12:47 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:40 George William Curtis - At the Opera in 1864 - From the Easy Chair Vol. 1
12:40 Moneek - Station id 3 -
12:40 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:01 Mark Twain - The loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosannah Ethelton - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 036
12:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
12:01 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
12:01 Maria Kasper - Station ID -
12:01 Morse Code WMFHLP -
11:59 Rudyard Kipling - The Way through the Woods - LibriVox Short Poetry 076
11:59 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
11:58 James Whitcomb Riley - The Tree-Toad - The Wit and Humor of America, Volume 03
11:58 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
11:58 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
11:30 Washington Irving - The Pride of the Village - The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
11:29 Beth Thomas - ident -
11:29 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
11:00 O. Henry - HEARTS AND CROSSES - Heart of the West
11:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
11:00 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
11:00 DaleLatham - Station ID -
11:00 Chris Howard - Touch Tones -
10:57 Hans Christian Andersen - The Princess and the Pea - Hans Christian Andersen: Fairytales and Short Stories Volume 1,
10:57 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
10:57 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
10:49 A Chinese Folk Tale - The Girl Who Used Her Wits - Up One Pair of Stairs of My Bookhouse
10:49 Moneek - Station id 3 -
10:49 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
10:35 Washington Irving - The Broken Heart - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 026
10:34 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
10:34 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
10:03 Susan Glaspell - The Anarchist: His Dog - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 044
10:03 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
10:03 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
10:02 Kara Shallenberg - Station ID -
10:02 Morse Code WMFHLP -
09:24 Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra (transl. John Ormsby) - 28 - Chapters 50-51 - Don Quixote, Vol 2
09:01 Miquel de Cervantes Saavedra (transl. John Ormsby) - 27 - Chapter 49 - Don Quixote, Vol 2
09:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
09:01 Emily Winger - Station ID -
09:01 Long Tone -
08:59 Ella Wheeler Wilcox - Canada - LibriVox Short Poetry 064
08:59 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
08:58 Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967) - The Effect - LibriVox Short Poetry 094
08:55 Elizabeth Barrett Browning - My Heart and I - LibriVox Short Poetry 065
08:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
08:54 Walt Whitman - A Glimpse - LibriVox Short Poetry 054
08:53 Walter Savage Landor - Loss of Memory - LibriVox Short Poetry 077
08:53 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
08:51 Edgar Allan Poe - To One In Paradise - LibriVox Short Poetry 083
08:48 Edward R. Sill - The Fool's Prayer - LibriVox Short Poetry 048
08:48 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
08:48 Robert Frost - House Fear - LibriVox Short Poetry 051
08:47 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
08:47 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
08:40 Steele Rudd - Dave in Love - Short Story Collection Vol. 062
08:40 Moneek - Station id 3 -
08:40 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
08:03 Alfred Thayer Mahan - 06 - Chapter 1 Part 4 - The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
08:03 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
08:02 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
08:02 Jim White - Station ID -
08:02 Long Tone -
07:58 William Makepeace Thackeray - The Cane-bottomed Chair - LibriVox Short Poetry 025
07:57 Eugene Field - The Bibliomaniac's Prayer - LibriVox Short Poetry 075
07:57 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
07:56 Ralph Waldo Emerson - Rubies - LibriVox Short Poetry 044
07:55 Arthur Symons - Love and Sleep - LibriVox Short Poetry 044
07:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
07:53 Robert Burns - To a Mouse - Robert Burns 250th Anniversary
07:52 Moneek - Station id 3 -
07:52 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
07:33 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
07:33 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
07:18 Wallis Nash - 08 - Chapter 7 - Two Years in Oregon
07:00 Wallis Nash - 07 - Chapter 6 Part II - Two Years in Oregon
07:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
07:00 DaleLatham - Station ID -
07:00 Gong -
06:56 Abraham Lincoln - Address to the People of Illinois on Tariff or Taxation - LibriVox Nonfiction Collection Vol. 006
06:56 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
06:55 John Burroughs - The Song of the Toad - LibriVox Short Poetry 054
06:53 Aesop - The Ass and the Lap-Dog by Aesop - The Junior Classics
06:53 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
06:53 Sara Teasdale - Alchemy - LibriVox Short Poetry 083
06:53 Moneek - Station id 3 -
06:52 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
06:47 Peter Christian Asbjornsen - The Squire's Bride by Peter Christian Asbjornsen - The Treasure Chest of My Bookhouse
06:47 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
06:47 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
06:36 Hans Christian Andersen - The Flying Trunk - by Hans Christian Andersen - The Junior Classics
06:36 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
06:36 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
06:01 Thomas Mann - 06 - Chapter 4, Part 1 - Royal Highness
06:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
06:01 Nathan Winger - Station ID -
06:01 Long Tone -
05:00 Frank Herbert - Operation Haystack - 3 Science Fiction Stories by Frank Herbert
05:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
05:00 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
05:00 Nathan Winger - Station ID -
05:00 Gong -
04:59 Elizabeth Barrett Browning - How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. - Sonnets from the Portugese
04:58 Walt Whitman - This Moment Yearning and Thoughtful - LibriVox Short Poetry 056
04:58 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
04:55 Katharine Berry Judson - How Old Man Above Created the World--Shastika (Cal.) - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 038
04:53 Ned Wayburn - The Dance And The Drama - Coffee Break Collection 012 - The Performing Arts
04:53 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
04:51 Sir George W. Dasent - Why the Bear is Stumpy by Sir George W. Dasent - The Junior Classics
04:51 Moneek - Station id 3 -
04:51 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
04:00 Willa Sibert Cather - Stories: Consequences - A Collection Of Stories, Reviews And Essays
04:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
04:00 Emily Winger - Station ID -
03:59 Lord Byron - So We'll Go No More a Roving - LibriVox Short Poetry 083
03:58 Elizabeth Barrett Browning - My own Beloved - Sonnets from the Portugese
03:58 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
03:57 William Shakespeare - Sonnet 28 - LibriVox Short Poetry 042
03:56 Walter Savage Landor (1775 - 1864) - To Age - LibriVox Short Poetry 091
03:56 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
03:55 Claude McKay (1889-1948) - The Barrier - LibriVox Short Poetry 092
03:55 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
03:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
03:49 Oscar Wilde - The Selfish Giant - Up One Pair of Stairs of My Bookhouse
03:49 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
03:49 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
03:23 Edward Peple - A Night Out - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 035
03:23 Moneek - Station id 3 -
03:23 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
03:01 Sherwood Anderson - Brothers - LibriVox Short Story Collection Vol. 036
03:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
03:00 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
03:00 Emily Winger - Station ID -
03:00 Morse Code WMFHLP -
02:59 Carl Sandburg - Soup - LibriVox Short Poetry 079
02:57 Rudyard Kipling - Mesopotamia - LibriVox Short Poetry 063
02:57 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
02:56 Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton - I do not love thee - LibriVox Short Poetry 061
02:55 Charles Kingsley - How the Goddess of Spring Came to Scoring - The Treasure Chest of My Bookhouse
02:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
02:54 Joyce Kilmer (1886 - 1918) - Mid-Ocean in War-time, read by MFS - LibriVox Short Poetry 090
02:54 John Kendrick Bangs - To A Withered Rose - LibriVox Short Poetry 026
02:54 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
02:51 Amelia Layner - from Eve's Apology in Defense of Women - LibriVox Short Poetry 027
02:51 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
02:51 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
02:44 Washington Irving - The Author's Account of Himself - The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
02:44 Moneek - Station id 1 -
02:44 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
02:01 Ralph Waldo Emerson - Friendship - Essays, First Series
02:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
02:01 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
02:01 Long Tone -
01:58 James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1916) - Little Orphant Annie - LibriVox Short Poetry 092
01:58 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
01:56 H. P. Lovecraft - The City - LibriVox Short Poetry 073
01:55 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
01:55 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
01:37 Thomas Hardy - How I Built Myself a House - Short Story Collection Vol. 059
01:37 Moneek - Station id 1 -
01:37 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
01:01 P. G. Wodehouse - The Spring Frock - Wodehouse in the Strand - Short Story Collection
01:01 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
01:01 Chris Howard - For More Information - See Our Website -
01:01 Nikki - Station ID - at Columbus / Lowndes library
01:01 Morse Code WMFHLP -
00:59 Carl Sandburg - From the Shore - LibriVox Short Poetry 022
00:59 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
00:59 Gertrude Hall - Angels - LibriVox Short Poetry 072
00:56 Djuna Barnes - To A Cabaret Dancer - LibriVox Short Poetry 048
00:56 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
00:55 William Shakespeare - Sonnet 129 - LibriVox Short Poetry 068
00:52 T. Peacock - Love and Age - Librivox Short Poetry 001
00:52 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
00:50 Herman Melville - Balls Bluff - a Reverie - LibriVox Short Poetry 075
00:48 Coventry Patmore (1823-1896) - The Toys - LibriVox Short Poetry 089
00:48 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
00:47 Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Snow-Storm - 37 American Poems
00:46 Mike Beaudry - Mike Beaudry - ident - Mike Beaudry's Album
00:46 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
00:40 Various - 08 - Jane Arrington - Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, Volume XI, North Carolina Narratives, Part 1
00:40 JohnRhoads - Station Identification -
00:40 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -
00:00 Alfred Thayer Mahan - 05 - Chapter 1 Part 3 - The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
00:00 Chris Howard - TwoTonesUp -

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