23:57 |
Why? - The Logan Family
23:55 |
Power in the Blood - Melanie Smith
23:51 |
Let's Reach the Next Generation - First Baptist Church of Hammond
23:49 |
This Is A Great Day To Serve The Lord - Sena Rice & Julie Jones Potter
23:47 |
Revive Us Again - The Calvary Quartet
23:44 |
Beside the Still Waters - The Brent Rochester Family
23:42 |
Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus - Mark Howard
23:39 |
The Glow Of Calvary - Mike Fox
23:35 |
Royal Decendant - Alvin Martinez
23:31 |
What Sin? - Champion Baptist College
23:29 |
Just a Closer Walk with Thee - Jeremy Fugate
23:26 |
Have You Any Room For Jesus? - Calvary Quartet
23:24 |
Beulah Land - The Crown Trio
23:22 |
Out of His Great Love - The Heritage Trio
23:18 |
Knowing You - West Coast Baptist College
23:14 |
Crown of Life - Golden State Baptist College
23:11 |
In the Beauty of Your Holiness - Shawnee Baptist College
23:08 |
At the Cross - Bryron Fox
23:05 |
I Love to Tell the Story - Ed Russ
23:02 |
Child of The King - Crown College
23:00 |
Isn't The Love Of Jesus Something Wonderful - The John Marshall Family
22:57 |
Complete In Thee - Northland Camp Singers
22:54 |
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded - Mark Tindle
22:52 |
The Lord Is A Comfort To Know - Ball Family
22:48 |
He Hideth My Soul - Elaine Wilson
22:45 |
It Was Love - The Rochesters
22:42 |
Jesus the One and Only - Hyles-Anderson College
22:39 |
Jesus Has Risen - The Thren Family
22:38 |
My Rock - The Clark Family
22:34 |
He Made Me Whole - Niki Lott and Alicia Reagan
22:32 |
Revive Us Again - The Calvary Quartet
22:29 |
Soldier's Again - His Own
22:26 |
While Ages Roll - The Logan Family
22:24 |
Tell It to Jesus - The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church
22:20 |
Sometimes We Wait - West Coast Baptist College
22:17 |
Jesus And Me - Calvary Quartet
22:14 |
In The Hollow - CrossPoint String Band
22:12 |
That Glad Reunion Day - Golden State Baptist College Choir
22:09 |
The Old Rugged Cross - Alan Jackson
22:06 |
Do You Know How It Feels? - The Walkers
22:03 |
Peace in the Midst of the Storm - Hopewell Baptist Church
22:00 |
What Would You Give - The McBride Family
21:56 |
Glorious Day Medley - Voices of Praise
21:55 |
Lay All These Burdens Down - Golden State Baptist College
21:51 |
At the Cross - Hallal
21:49 |
Light Up the Sky - The Franklin Road Baptist Church Girls
21:46 |
He Included Me - The John Marshall Family
21:44 |
Where He Leads Me I Will Follow - The Hooker Family
21:41 |
Gettin' Ready to Lave This World - The Biter Family
21:39 |
Just a Closer Walk with Thee - Jeremy Fugate
21:35 |
Lead Me to Calvary - Victorious Valley Home for Girls
21:31 |
10 Down From His Glory - The Brent Rochester Family
21:28 |
A Child's Trust - The Rochesters
21:26 |
When We All Get To Heaven - Mark Tindle
21:23 |
I've Been Rescued - Fundamental Difference
21:20 |
I've Seen Jesus - The Calvary Quartet
21:18 |
What a Day That Will Be - His Own
21:16 |
Psalm 139 - First Baptist Church of Hammond
21:13 |
I Shall Never Forget The Day - The Crown Quartet, The Crown College
21:10 |
All Creatures Of Our God And King - Northland Camp Singers
21:08 |
Little White Church - Born Again
21:05 |
I Still Can't Get Over That I'm Under the Blood - Alvin Martinez
21:03 |
Hallelujah, I'm Going Home - Faithmen Quartet
21:00 |
Your Grace Still Amazes Me - The Hallal Singers
20:56 |
My Heart is There - Lois & India Rasquinha
20:53 |
He Is Able - Back To The Bible Quartet
20:50 |
I've Just Seen the Rock of Ages - CrossPoint String Band
20:47 |
God's Chair In The Sky - Hyles-Anderson College Ladies' Tour Groups
20:43 |
I Gave My Life for Thee - Travis Alltop
20:42 |
Wonderful Words of Life - Shawnee Baptist College
20:40 |
Glory to His Name - The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church
20:35 |
I Have Been Blessed - Sweet Echoes
20:33 |
Shake Hands with a Poor Boy - The Old-Fashioned Quartet
20:29 |
The Right Side - The Rochesters
20:26 |
The Old Rugged Cross - Alan Jackson
20:23 |
Be Thou My Vision - The Logan Family
20:20 |
When They Ring Those Golden Bells - Trophies of Grace Quartet/Because of Love Trio
20:18 |
Not Just a Good Man - The Faithmen Quartet
20:16 |
I Like The Old-Time Way - Grace Baptist Church
20:13 |
Mansion Over the Hilltop - The Calvary Quartet
20:09 |
As Br - West Coast Baptist College
20:07 |
No Yesterday - The Thren Family
20:04 |
He Made a Way for Me - Stephen Ray Nichols & Family
20:02 |
When the Savior Reached Down for Me - Golden State Baptist College Choir
20:00 |
There's a Brighter Day - Faithmen Quartet
19:57 |
His Way With Thee - The John Marshall Family
19:54 |
A Wall Of Prayer - Golden State Baptist College
19:51 |
He's in the Midst - The Walkers
19:48 |
Back to Bethel - Cody and Ruth Sturgill
19:43 |
A Living Prayer - The Evans Family
19:40 |
Did You Think to Pray? - The Brent Rochester Family
19:37 |
Higher Ground - Travis Alltop
19:33 |
Nothing But The Blood - Hyles-Anderson College Ladies' Tour Groups
19:30 |
Come to Jesus - Fundamental Difference
19:27 |
Under The Blood - The Crown Quartet, The Crown College
19:25 |
We Shall Rise - Voices of Praise
19:21 |
Be The One - Back To The Bible Quartet
19:17 |
I Will Glory in My Redeemer - Galkin Evangelistic Team
19:13 |
Wayfaring Stranger - Heidi Haace
19:10 |
Majesty/He Is Lord - The Calvary Quartet
19:07 |
Some Things Never Change - Born Again
19:04 |
God's Been Good - The Epleys
19:02 |
He Knows Just What I Need - The Crown College Quartets And Trios
19:00 |
There is Power in the Blood - Bryron Fox
18:57 |
The Haven of Rest - Alvin Martinez
18:56 |
He Owns The Cattle - Calvary Quartet
18:53 |
Nothing Can Erase God's Grace - First Baptist Church of Hammond Choir and Orchestra
18:49 |
Hello Mama - Jonathan & Tiffany Epley
18:46 |
Jesus Led Me All the Way - Cody and Ruth Sturgill
18:43 |
I Feel Like Traveling On - Ed Russ
18:40 |
God Is Still On The Throne - The John Marshall Family
18:37 |
Even in the Valley - Lois & India Rasquinha
18:34 |
What A Happy Day - Golden State Baptist College
18:31 |
Have I Done My Best For Jesus/What Will You Do For Jesus - The Logan Family
18:28 |
I Am Not Ashamed - Crown College
18:25 |
He Is To Me - Ball Family
18:21 |
I Found a lily in My Valley - The Hooker Family
18:18 |
Who Will Pray (Joyful Melodies) - Hyles-Anderson College
18:15 |
The Right Side - The Rochesters
18:13 |
Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho - Jeremy Fugate
18:09 |
05 The Saviour Is Waiting - The Brent Rochester Family
18:06 |
Be the One - His Own
18:04 |
Now Sing We Joyfully Unto God - Shawnee Baptist College
18:00 |
Sweet Beulah Land - The Calvary Quartet
17:57 |
They Will Never Crucify Him Again - Kim Jones
17:53 |
Gift of Grace - Niki Lott and Alicia Reagan
17:48 |
We Will Serve Him - Back To The Bible Quartet
17:45 |
My Heart Is There - Lois And India Rasquinna
17:43 |
You Can't Take It with You - The Walkers
17:39 |
The Old Rugged Cross - Craig Duncan
17:35 |
Sinner Saved By Grace - West Coast Baptist College
17:32 |
Arise And Bless - Northland Camp Singers
17:28 |
Christ Returneth - SoundForth Singers And Orchestra
17:26 |
When the Savior Reached Down for Me - Golden State Baptist College Choir
17:23 |
He Knows My Name - The Clark Family
17:20 |
Royal Decendant - Alvin Martinez
17:16 |
My God, You Are So Wonderful - Sena Rice & Julie Jones Potter
17:14 |
I Call on the Lord - Hallal
17:10 |
Through The Storm - Stephen Ray Nichols & Family
17:09 |
Are You Washed In The Blood? - Alan Jackson
17:06 |
Shall We Gather At The River - Bryron Fox
17:03 |
Last Blood - Reunion Trio
17:00 |
Thirst For God - The John Marshall Family
16:57 |
I Love You Lord - The Rochesters
16:56 |
He Owns The Cattle - Calvary Quartet
16:54 |
Jesus Is Mine - Shawnee Baptist College
16:52 |
In The Sweet Forever - Voices Of Revival
16:47 |
I Just Want To Thank You, Lord - Cathy Flores
16:45 |
I'm Gonna Rise - GSBC Choir & Voices of Praise
16:41 |
Sweet Bye And Bye - The Evans Family
16:37 |
Forever Saved - Fundamental Difference
16:33 |
How Tedious and Tasteless - Travis Alltop
16:30 |
You're Not Alone - Hopewell Baptist Church
16:28 |
Some Things Never Change - Born Again
16:25 |
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded - Mark Tindle
16:22 |
Across The Mile - Lois And India Rasquinna
16:19 |
Treasures Money Can't Buy - The Fugate Family
16:17 |
I Feel Like Traveling On - West Coast Baptist College
16:13 |
The Weight of the Cross - Galkin Evangelistic Team
16:10 |
I Stand Redeemed - The Browns
16:07 |
His Only Child - The McBride Family
16:05 |
I Want You To Know - Golden State Baptist College
16:01 |
Gonna Be Moving - CrossPoint String Band
16:00 |
Broadcast - Radiologik
15:56 |
Will You Also Go Away? - The Brent Rochester Family
15:54 |
I'm Free Again - The Calvary Quartet
15:52 |
God's Final Call - Calvary Quartet
15:49 |
I'm Using My Bible For A Roadmap - The John Marshall Family
15:46 |
No, Not One - Ed Russ
15:44 |
It's Different Now - The Walkers
15:42 |
Down on My Knees - Voices of Praise
15:38 |
It's Not In Vain - Sound Of Faith
15:35 |
God is my Refuge - The Clark Family
15:32 |
Holy Spirit - Doug & Jennifer Cassel
15:28 |
We Walk By Faith - SoundForth Singers And Orchestra
15:25 |
For the Glory of One - Golden State Baptist Church
15:21 |
God Was At His Best - Breakin' Ground
15:17 |
Wayfaring Stranger - Craig Duncan
15:12 |
Let Freedom Ring - West Coast Baptist College
15:08 |
Heaven Can You Imagine - The Rochesters
15:05 |
There Is A Remedy - Champion Baptist College
15:02 |
At the Right Time - The Epleys
15:00 |
Revive Us Again - Voices Of Revival
14:56 |
He Is Able - Back To The Bible Quartet
14:53 |
New Highway - Travis Alltop
14:51 |
Troublesome Waters - Harper Family
14:47 |
The Old Fashioned Way - Alan Camperson
14:44 |
Fix Our Eyes on Jesus - Hopewell Baptist Church
14:42 |
I'm Living in Canaan Now - The Faithmen
14:38 |
Never The Same - The John Marshall Family
14:34 |
The Judgement - Alvin Martinez
14:31 |
I Feel Like Traveling On - Ed Russ
14:29 |
Nothing But The Blood of Jesus - Bryron Fox
14:26 |
If Jesus Is There - Hyles-Anderson College
14:23 |
God Already Sees - The Crown Trio
14:20 |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty/O Woship the King - Mark Tindle
14:16 |
Arise and Build - Fundamental Difference
14:14 |
Way Down Deep - CrossPoint String Band
14:12 |
Stay On Fire - The McBride Family
14:09 |
Treasures Money Can't Buy - The Fugate Family
14:07 |
Be Living - Jonathan & Tiffany Epley
14:04 |
Lamb of Glory - Voices of Praise
14:00 |
He Got Up For Me - The Rochesters
14:00 |
Eric 2 -
13:57 |
Trust In Me - Crown College
13:56 |
He Means the World to me - Victorious Valley Home for Girls
13:54 |
Lord, You've Been So Good - The Clark Family
13:50 |
We Are Held in His Hand - Cathy Flores
13:48 |
Living By Faith - The Calvary Quartet
13:46 |
We Shall See Heaven Someday - Golden State Baptist College
13:43 |
Lay Them Down and Leave Them - The Heritage Trio
13:40 |
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior - Mark Howard
13:38 |
The Dearest Friend I Ever Had - Calvary Quartet
13:35 |
The Glory Of His Presence - The John Marshall Family
13:33 |
In Time, On Time, Every Time - Champion Baptist College
13:29 |
When I See the Blood - Emily Featherstone
13:26 |
Embrace The Cross - Hyles-Anderson College
13:23 |
He Ransomed Me - Alvin Martinez
13:19 |
With His Blood - The Biter Family
13:17 |
It's In The Book - West Coast Baptist College
13:13 |
I Just Want To Thank You Lord - The Brothers
13:12 |
He Lives Within - Jonathan & Tiffany Epley
13:08 |
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - Alan Jackson
13:05 |
I Should Have Been Crucified - The Franklin Road Baptist Church Girls
13:03 |
He Leadeth Me - Mark Tindle
13:00 |
In God's Hands - The Rochesters
12:57 |
After All - The Old-Fashioned Quartet
12:53 |
Jesus Led Me All the Way - Cody and Ruth Sturgill
12:49 |
How Can I Keep It a Secret? - Hopewell Baptist Church
12:45 |
Wayfaring Stranger - CrossPoint String Band
12:43 |
When the Home Gates Swing Open - The Calvary Quartet
12:41 |
Love Down Deep - The Fugate Family
12:39 |
Big Enough - The Epleys
12:37 |
Standing on Holy Ground - Haven Heirs
12:34 |
He'll Hold Your Hand - Cathy Flores
12:31 |
Enter In - Hallal
12:28 |
I Must Tell Jesus - Heidi Haace
12:24 |
Let's Build The Wall - Stephen Ray Nichols & Family
12:21 |
On The Winning Side - Alan Camperson
12:19 |
So Much To Thank Him For - The Walkers
12:17 |
My Father's Love - Sena Rice & Julie Jones Potter
12:15 |
A Little Tast of Heaven/Just a Step Away - The Hooker Family
12:12 |
The Blood Speaks - Niki Lott and Alicia Reagan
12:09 |
The Old Account Settled - The John Marshall Family
12:06 |
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded - Mark Tindle
12:04 |
Wonderful Words of Life - The Brent Rochester Family
12:02 |
I Just Want to Thank You Lord - Golden State Baptist College
12:00 |
Will You Meet Me Over Yonder? - Born Again
11:56 |
I Can Stand In His Presence - Grace Harbor
11:54 |
Above All Names - Jonathan & Tiffany Epley
11:50 |
What a Lovely Name! - The Crown College Quartets And Trios
11:47 |
I Feel Like Traveling On - Ed Russ
11:45 |
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be - Golden State Baptist College Choir
11:42 |
He's In Control - Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver
11:39 |
He's My Bread - The Rochesters
11:36 |
It Is Well with My Soul - Elisabeth Brown
11:32 |
Cross Medley - Crown College
11:30 |
Gone at Last - The Clark Family
11:27 |
When I Move - GSBC Choir & Voices of Praise
11:24 |
This One Thing - SoundForth Singers And Orchestra
11:22 |
God Made A Way - West Coast Baptist College
11:19 |
Your Are Faithful, Lord - Back To The Bible Quartet
11:13 |
There Is a River - The Calvary Quartet
11:10 |
He Gave Himself - Hyles-Anderson College
11:07 |
So Much To Thank Him For - The Walkers
11:04 |
Precious Lord/Sweet, Sweet Spirit - The Crown Quartet, The Crown College
11:02 |
There's Still Power in the Blood - Shawnee Baptist College
11:00 |
I Stand Amazed - Melanie Smith
10:57 |
I Will Not Forget Thee - The John Marshall Family
10:54 |
O, Sacred Head Now Wounded - Galkin Evangelistic Team
10:50 |
I've Never Been Out of His Care - First Baptist Church of Hammond
10:47 |
Soldier's Again - His Own
10:44 |
Cross Your Heart - Born Again
10:41 |
Did You Think to Pray? - The Brent Rochester Family
10:39 |
Let's Talk About Jesus - Calvary Quartet
10:36 |
He Is To Me - Ball Family
10:34 |
Looking to the Light - The Rochesters
10:32 |
Mercy - The Epleys
10:29 |
There Is A Fountain - Mark Howard
10:25 |
The Scars and Stripes Forever - Golden State Baptist College
10:21 |
All Along - Susan McGill
10:16 |
Angel Band - Craig Duncan
10:15 |
Only Through The Blood - CrossPoint String Band
10:10 |
Changes - Harper Family
10:06 |
I'll Meet You in the Morning Medley - Voices of Praise
10:03 |
I Have Chosen You - Northland Camp Singers
10:00 |
I Talked With Him Today - Gregg Nash
10:00 |
cody 1 -
09:57 |
Heaven's My Home - The Calvary Quartet
09:55 |
What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Jeremy Fugate
09:52 |
He's My King - Shawnee Baptist College
09:49 |
I Am Not Ashamed - The John Marshall Family
09:48 |
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms - Alan Jackson
09:45 |
Holy, Holy, Holy - Voices Of Revival
09:42 |
My Heart Is There - Lois And India Rasquinna
09:39 |
Through it All, I Choose to Serve the Savior - Back to the Bible Quartet
09:37 |
Back Of The Book - The Thren Family
09:34 |
How Deep The Father's Love - Hallal
09:30 |
Jesus' Love is Always the Same - The Hooker Family
09:26 |
Wayfaring Stranger - Heidi Haace
09:23 |
Give Me Your Heart For Souls - Niki Lott and Alicia Reagan
09:21 |
Lay All These Burdens Down - Golden State Baptist College
09:19 |
He's A Personal Savior - Sound Of Faith
09:17 |
It's Different Now - The Walkers
09:15 |
Broadcast - Radiologik
09:13 |
When We All Get To Heaven - Mark Tindle
09:09 |
God's Been Good - The Crown Trio
09:05 |
Heaven Can You Imagine - The McBride Family
09:03 |
This World Is Not My Home - The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church
09:00 |
My Jesus Fair - Galkin Evangelistic Team
08:57 |
I've Got That Old-Time Religion In My Heart - Fundamental Difference
08:55 |
Lord, Lead Me On - Golden State Baptist College Choir
08:52 |
Higher Ground - Travis Alltop
08:48 |
Calvary Touched a Sinner Like Me - The Clark Family
08:44 |
With a Name Like His - West Coast Baptist College
08:41 |
Pray Without Ceasing - The Rochesters
08:39 |
Since The Savior Found Me - Crown College
08:33 |
The Shepherd's Vow - Champion Baptist College
08:30 |
I'm On My Way To Heaven - Born Again
08:29 |
Boundless Love - The Biter Family
08:25 |
God Gives Grace - Valley Girls
08:21 |
Thinkin' About Home - Kim Jones
08:17 |
Patriot Of The Lamb - Ball Family
08:15 |
I Have a Heavenly Father - The Crown College Quartets And Trios
08:13 |
Waitin' On My Body To Be - The John Marshall Family
08:11 |
Hymn Medley - Jeremy Fugate
08:08 |
Jesus, Hold My Hand - The Walkers
08:04 |
City of Refuge - Gregg Nash
08:02 |
In Control - Victorious Valley Home for Girls
08:00 |
Guard My Heart - The McBride Family
07:57 |
On The Winning Side - Alan Camperson
07:55 |
When the Home Gates Swing Open - The Calvary Quartet
07:53 |
Revive us Again - Golden State Baptist College
07:50 |
I Remember the Day - Crown College Traveling Groups 2012
07:46 |
Homecoming Morn - Reunion Trio
07:42 |
Changes - Harper Family
07:39 |
Stand Still - Stephen Ray Nichols & Family
07:35 |
I'll Take Their Place - Emily Featherstone
07:32 |
07 Be Assured Alt - The Brent Rochester Family
07:30 |
I'll Never Get Over The Hill - The Rochesters
07:26 |
Holy Spirit - Doug & Jennifer Cassel
07:25 |
This Little Light Of Mine - The Crown Quartet, The Crown College
07:21 |
As for me and My House - Back to the Bible Quartet
07:18 |
I've Found A Friend - Cody and Ruth Sturgill
07:16 |
Tool in His Hand - Shawnee Baptist College
07:12 |
Not I, but Christ - Matt Mcmorris
07:09 |
Sweet Hour Of Prayer - Heidi Haace
07:05 |
Work For The Night Is Coming - We'll Work Till Jesus Comes - The John Marshall Family
07:04 |
This World Is Not My Home - Golden State Baptist College Choir
07:00 |
I'll Meet You in the Morning Medley - Voices of Praise
06:56 |
He Is Alive - Calvary Quartet
06:54 |
Wonderful Savior - Heartland Baptist College
06:52 |
The Dearest Friend I Ever Had - The Calvary Quartet
06:50 |
Jesus Christ Arose - Golden State Baptist College
06:47 |
There's a Brighter Day - Faithmen Quartet
06:44 |
I Believe It All - Haven Heirs
06:41 |
How Deep The Father's Love - Hallal
06:39 |
Movin' Up - The Epleys
06:37 |
Sing Them Over Again To Me - Mark Tindle
06:33 |
God's Been Good - The Crown Trio
06:30 |
May The Mind Of Christ, My Saviour - The Logan Family
06:28 |
Swing Wide The Gate - The Rochesters
06:24 |
Bless the Lord - Galkin Evangelistic Team
06:21 |
God's Family - The Fugate Family
06:17 |
In the Sweet by and By - Craig Duncan
06:14 |
Still - Northland Camp Singers
06:12 |
Little Things - The Thren Family
06:09 |
I'm Free - Crown College Traveling Groups 2012
06:05 |
To Rescue a Sinner Like Me - West Coast Baptist College
06:00 |
God Wanted It That Way - Stephen Ray Nichols & Family
05:57 |
The Last Blood - Alvin Martinez
05:56 |
He Owns The Cattle - Calvary Quartet
05:53 |
Calvary Covers It All - The Calvary Quartet
05:49 |
Paid in Full - His Own
05:47 |
I'll Have a New Life - Trophies of Grace Quartet/Because of Love Trio
05:45 |
What A Friend We Have In Jesus - Alan Jackson
05:42 |
Revive Us Again - Voices Of Revival
05:39 |
When Compared to God - The Clark Family
05:35 |
It Is Well With My Soul - SoundForth Singers And Orchestra
05:32 |
Blessed Assurance - Mark Tindle
05:28 |
He Made Me Whole - Niki Lott and Alicia Reagan
05:25 |
Amazing Grace - Elaine Wilson
05:22 |
There's No Place Like Home - The Rochesters
05:19 |
Finished Indeed - Golden State Baptist Church
05:15 |
There Is A Remedy - Champion Baptist College
05:13 |
Just For The Journey - The John Marshall Family
05:10 |
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder - Ed Russ
05:06 |
Redemption Draweth Nigh - Crown College
05:03 |
Before The Throne Of God - Lois And India Rasquinna
05:00 |
I Stand Redeemed - The Browns
04:57 |
Crown Him - First Baptist Church of Hammond
04:54 |
Hiding In Thee - Back To The Bible Quartet
04:50 |
Field of Grace - Breakin' Ground
04:48 |
Guard My Heart - The McBride Family
04:45 |
Shall We Gather At The River - Mark Howard
04:42 |
You Have Been Good - The Thren Family
04:39 |
Thank God I'm Free Medley - West Coast Baptist College
04:37 |
Springs of Living Water - Galkin Evangelistic Team
04:34 |
It Is No Secret - The Clark Family
04:29 |
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow - Cathy Flores
04:26 |
He's My Friend Medley - The Calvary Quartet
04:23 |
I Should Have Been Crucified - The Crown College Quartets And Trios
04:20 |
Honor God - Hopewell Baptist Church
04:17 |
Reach the World - The Biter Family
04:13 |
God Will Make This Trial A Blessing - Kim Jones
04:11 |
I Call on the Lord - Hallal
04:08 |
A Beautiful Life - The Walkers
04:07 |
Tis So Sweet - Calvary Quartet
04:03 |
I Gave My Life For Thee - The John Marshall Family
04:00 |
Who Am I - Kevin Bowling
03:57 |
Way Down Deep - CrossPoint String Band
03:55 |
If Jesus Is There - Hyles-Anderson College
03:53 |
I Want to Be There - Shawnee Baptist College
03:50 |
Treasures Unseen - Bethany McBride
03:46 |
05 The Saviour Is Waiting - The Brent Rochester Family
03:44 |
I'm On My Way To Heaven - Born Again
03:41 |
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - First Baptist Church of Hammond
03:37 |
It's Still The Blood - Cody and Ruth Sturgill
03:34 |
I'll Be There - The Rochesters
03:30 |
Will the Circle Be Unbroken - Craig Duncan
03:27 |
It Is Well with My Soul - Elisabeth Brown
03:25 |
I'm Gonna Rise - GSBC Choir & Voices of Praise
03:21 |
As for me and My House - Back to the Bible Quartet
03:19 |
When the Home Gates Swing Open - The Calvary Quartet
03:16 |
How Much Is Too Much? - The Faithmen Quartet
03:14 |
I Sing The Mighty Power Of God - Voices Of Revival
03:11 |
Be Thou My Vision - Mark Tindle
03:07 |
In Jesus' Name - The Crown College Quartets And Trios
03:04 |
He Remembered to Forget - Niki Lott and Alicia Reagan
03:00 |
What love - Victorious Valley Trio
02:56 |
Grace For Grace - Valley Girls
02:53 |
I Found a lily in My Valley - The Hooker Family
02:49 |
Sometimes We Wait - West Coast Baptist College
02:47 |
This World Is Not My Home - The Bluegrass Boys of Boeke Road Baptist Church
02:43 |
02 He Strengthens Me - The Brent Rochester Family
02:38 |
I'll Worship Only At The Feet Of Jesus - Fundamental Difference
02:35 |
Finished Indeed - Golden State Baptist Church
02:31 |
Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul - Sena Rice & Julie Jones Potter
02:28 |
Looking Through His Eyes - Galkin Evangelistic Team
02:26 |
Wonderful - Shawnee Baptist College
02:23 |
Precious Lord/Sweet, Sweet Spirit - The Crown Quartet, The Crown College
02:19 |
The Lamb Has Prevailed - Calvary Quartet
02:16 |
Enter In - Hallal
02:13 |
One Holy Lamb - Heartland Baptist College
02:11 |
As Long As I Have Jesus - The John Marshall Family
02:07 |
Keep on the Firing Line - The Walkers
02:05 |
Jesus Led Me All The Way - The Calvary Quartet
02:02 |
We Must Carry On - The Faithmen Quartet
02:00 |
Nothing in this World - The Rochesters
01:57 |
Crown Him With Many Crowns - Back To The Bible Quartet
01:53 |
The Risen Lamb - Hyles-Anderson College Ladies' Tour Groups
01:51 |
If the Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side - Trophies of Grace Quartet/Because of Love Trio
01:49 |
Learning On The Everlasting Arms - Mark Howard
01:45 |
Not I, but Christ - Matt Mcmorris
01:40 |
He Must Have Forgotten - Faithmen Quartet
01:35 |
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow - Cathy Flores
01:31 |
Paid in Full - His Own
01:26 |
The Great I Am Still Lives - Stephen Ray Nichols & Family
01:23 |
Trust In Me - Reunion Trio
01:20 |
He Already Sees - Golden State Baptist Church
01:17 |
We Shall See Heaven Someday - Voices Of Revival
01:13 |
Mary for A While - The Clark Family
01:10 |
Is Anything Too Hard For God? - West Coast Baptist College
01:08 |
Troublesome Waters - Harper Family
01:05 |
Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul - Shawnee Baptist College
01:01 |
Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart - Fundamental Difference
01:00 |
Fitted To Be Committed - The John Marshall Family
00:57 |
It's Not In Vain - Alan Camperson
00:54 |
Shall We Gather At The River - Bryron Fox
00:51 |
I Beleive - Calvary Quartet
00:46 |
I've Come To Take You Home - The Browns
00:42 |
About the Cross - First Baptist Church of Hammond
00:39 |
Washing The Feet Of My Family - The Thren Family
00:36 |
In God We Still Trust - Jonathan & Tiffany Epley
00:33 |
A Living Prayer - The Brent Rochester Family
00:29 |
Goodbye World, Goodbye - Jeremy Fugate
00:24 |
I Give You Jesus - Melanie Smith
00:22 |
The Longer I Serve Him - Elisabeth Brown
00:20 |
His Hand - The Rochesters
00:17 |
What a Friend We Have In Jesus - Mark Tindle
00:14 |
Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul - Sena Rice & Julie Jones Potter
00:12 |
Wonderful Savior - The Walkers
00:09 |
Sweet Hour Of Prayer - Heidi Haace
00:07 |
Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus - Mark Howard
00:05 |
Joshua (The Walls Came Tumbling Down) - The Brothers
00:03 |
Stay On Fire - The McBride Family
00:00 |
Rose Of Bethlehem - Mike Fox