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Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) Radio

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BMOP is the premier orchestra in the United States exclusively dedicated to commissioning, performing, and recording works by established American masters and today’s most innovative composers. Through its in-house record label, BMOP/sound, the orchestra provides universal access to this repertoire. Enjoy music from over 60 CDs and 20 concert seasons containing the latest creative achievements of today’s composers as well as rarely heard masterpieces by 20th century luminaries unavailable elsewhere.
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Зараз у эфіры Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) Radio

Прамы эфір Jennifer Slowik, oboe - Persephone and the Four Seasons - I.Summer (Persephone Dances) by Thomas Oboe Lee
16:26 Stephen Paulus - The Five Senses - Windows of the Mind X-XIV
16:14 Sarah Bob, piano - Synopsis #1 It's Over (But It Was Fun) for piano by Lisa Bielawa
Плейлист Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) Radio

ТОП трэкі на Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) Radio

Dawn Upshaw, soprano; Gilbert Kalish, piano - Lua descoloridaDawn Upshaw — Three Songs for Soprano and Orchestra: Lúa Descolorida
Dominick Argento - Jonah and the Whale Part II - X.-XI. by Dominick ArgentoDominick — II
David Russell, cello - Suite for Cello and Chamber Winds - II Echoes of the Set Bells by Chen YiDavid Russell — Suite for Cello and Chamber Winds: II. Echoes of the Set Bells
Tangled impressions - Anthony Paul De RitisAnthony Paul De Ritis — Elegguá 1
Andy Vores - Fabrication 13 "Monster"
Lisa Pegher, percussion - Percussion Concerto - II. Introspective by David StockLisa Pegher — Percussion Concerto: II. Introspective
Scott Wheeler - Crazy Weather - III. Steadily Driving by Scott WheelerWheeler — Crazy...
Sanford Sylvan, baritone - Wilde - Part I - London by Charles FussellSanford Sylvan — Afterword
Lukas Foss - The Prairie - II. Dust of Men by Lukas FossLukas Foss — The Prairie: II. Dust of Men
Boston Modern Orchestra Project/Gil Rose/Jeffrey Khaner - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra: I. Lament - Andante mesto

Водгукі аб Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP) Radio

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 376 Washington Street Malden, MA 02148
Тэлефон: +1 781-324-0396
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @BMOPmusic

Час у горадзе Malden: 16:29, 03.02.2025

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