23:57 |
Mulfinger Family - In Thee is Joy
23:55 |
The Wilds - Come Seek the Things Above
23:53 |
Kevin Inafuku - O Come and Sing unto the Lord'
23:50 |
SMS - There Is A Fountain
23:46 |
The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - Deep Waters
23:43 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Amazing Grace
23:38 |
The Wilds - For Me
23:33 |
The Foto Sisters - Blessed Trinity
23:31 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Send the Light!
23:27 |
SMS - Jesus, The very Thought of Thee
23:25 |
Frank Garlock Men's Chorus - Why Do I Sing About Jesus
23:21 |
Forever Be Sure Music - A Prayer in Trial
23:18 |
The Stouffer Family - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
23:15 |
Majesty Music - I'm Gonna Sing
23:12 |
The Montgomery Sisters - By The Gentle Waters
23:07 |
The Wilds - I Am With You
23:02 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - More Like You, Lord
22:59 |
SMS - The Old Rugged Cross
22:55 |
Regi Stone - Trust And Obey
22:51 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Wayfaring Stranger
22:47 |
Majesty Brass - A Servant's Heart
22:44 |
Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - To Every Creature
22:41 |
Tom Fettke - Blessed Assurance
22:39 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - There Is A Foundation
22:35 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
22:33 |
SMS - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
22:30 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Coming Home
22:27 |
Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - His Grace Is Sufficient
22:24 |
The Montgomery Sisters - Grace
22:20 |
Kevin Inafuku - Rest In Me
22:16 |
SMS Men's Chorus - I'm Just A Poor Wayfarin' Stranger
22:12 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Holy, Holy, Holy
22:10 |
SMS - Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
22:06 |
The Wilds - Think of These Things
22:03 |
The Wilds Men's Ensembles - In All Things God Works for Our Good
21:59 |
Majesty Music - I Saw Jesus in You
21:57 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
21:52 |
Mac Lynch - It Was Your Life
21:50 |
Principle Chorus - Be Thou My Vision
21:47 |
Majesty Music - A Soldier
21:43 |
Christy Galkin - I Will Sing Of My Redeemer
21:41 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Only Jesus
21:39 |
Brian Pinner - All Creatures of Our God and King
21:36 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Crimson River
21:34 |
SMS - Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
21:30 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Go Ye Into All the World
21:26 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Holy, Sovereign Lord
21:24 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Stand Up For Jesus Medley
21:22 |
The Wilds - I'm Adopted
21:17 |
Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - I Will Go
21:14 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Wonderful Jesus
21:11 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - I Will Never Leave You
21:07 |
Mac Lynch - I'll Follow, I'll Wait
21:04 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - His Way Is Perfect
21:01 |
Majesty Strings - Always The Same
20:59 |
SMS - How Firm A Foundation
20:55 |
16 Singing Men - Softly and Tenderly
20:52 |
Northland Camp Singers - Complete In Thee
20:49 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - I Will Rejoice
20:46 |
Mac Lynch - Revive My Heart
20:42 |
Christy Galkin - Everlasting God
20:38 |
Majesty Music - What Will You Do With Jesus
20:35 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Crown Him Lord of All
20:33 |
Mathew Burtner - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
20:28 |
Mathew Burtner - I Could Not Do Without Thee
20:27 |
SMS - Oh, How I Love Jesus
20:23 |
The Wilds - I'll Run The Race
20:21 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Death, Tis A Melancholy Day
20:19 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - The Meeting in the Air
20:16 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Here Is Love
20:12 |
Majesty Music - You Were There
20:09 |
Danelle Alexander & Esther Straight - To The Holy One
20:06 |
Forever Be Sure Music - In Jesus Christ We Marvel
20:02 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Come Unto Me
19:58 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Trust in the Lord
19:55 |
The Van Gelderen Family - He The Pearly Gates Will Open
19:52 |
SMS - Praise Him, Praise Him
19:49 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - How Marvelous Are The Works Of The Lord
19:45 |
Majesty Strings - All I Have Belongs to Jesus
19:43 |
Paul and Sherry Zimmer - O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
19:40 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - The Light and Glory of the Word
19:38 |
Majesty Music - Calvary's Blood
19:37 |
SMS - Am I a Soldier of the Cross
19:35 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I Will Joyfully Sing
19:31 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Rejoice in the Lord!
19:27 |
Project 10 Men - My Wordless Prayer
19:23 |
SoundForth - Be Thou My Vision
19:23 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Rejoice in the Lord
19:11 |
The Wilds Choir - Love Lifted Me
19:07 |
Project 10 Men - Then Sings My Soul
19:04 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - On Christ I Stand
19:01 |
The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - We Rejoice In All Your Ways
18:58 |
16 Singing Men - Do You Wonder Why I Love Him?
18:56 |
Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - His Love
18:53 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - Arise And Bless The Lord
18:49 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Grace
18:47 |
Sacred Music Services - Now Thank We All Our God
18:45 |
Brian Pinner - Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
18:41 |
Northland Camp Singers - I Have Chosen You
18:37 |
BJU - There Is a Fountain
18:34 |
SMS - Our Great Saviour
18:31 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - My Sin Is Ever Before Me
18:29 |
Paul and Sherry Zimmer - I'd Rather Have Jesus
18:26 |
Mathew Burtner - Come, Ye Sinners
18:21 |
Amen Choir Of The First Baptist Church/National Philharmonic Orchestra - Repentance & Acceptance Of Christ (Medley) (Hymns Triumphant II Album Version)
18:17 |
Christy Galkin - He Died For Me
18:14 |
Arellano & O'Farrell Quartet - Refine My Heart
18:10 |
Majesty Music - Speak, Lorda
18:07 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Thyself in Me
18:03 |
Heritage Baptist Church - This Is My Word
17:59 |
The Montgomery Sisters - Consider Him
17:55 |
Heritage Baptist Church - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
17:50 |
King's Men of Song - Maranatha
17:44 |
The Wilds - Show Thyself Strong
17:41 |
SMS - He Leadeth Me
17:39 |
The Wilds Men's Ensembles - Sunrise, Resurrection
17:36 |
Mac Lynch - They Shall Soar Like Eagles
17:33 |
King's Men of Song - Thank God I'm Free
17:30 |
Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - Joy in the Morning
17:26 |
Mac Lynch - God Who Made the World
17:24 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Savor, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
17:20 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus Is My Song of Grace
17:17 |
SMS - Does Jesus Care?
17:13 |
Kevin Inafuku - This Poor Man Cried
17:09 |
Refuge - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
17:06 |
The Wilds - Come As A Child
17:02 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - The Object Of Your Love
16:58 |
Phillip Keveren - Alleluia (Glory, Honor, Majesty)
16:55 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Trust in the Lord
16:53 |
Brian Pinner - Risen with Christ
16:49 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Psalm 100
16:47 |
The Wilds Choir - Glory To His Name
16:44 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - If God Is for Us
16:40 |
Majesty Strings - Medley On The Presence Of God
16:36 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - You Knew Me, Lord
16:35 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Praise Him! Praise Him!
16:32 |
Theo-Ann Johnson - Be Thou My Vision
16:29 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Doxology
16:27 |
SMS - Blessed Be the Name
16:24 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Only Thee
16:21 |
Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - Keep the Race Before Us
16:18 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - God So Loved the World
16:15 |
Majesty Music - Jesus Paid It Allb
16:10 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Knowing Christ
16:06 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Hallelujah! What A Savior
16:00 |
The Van Gelderen Family - The Old Rugged Cross
15:58 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled
15:55 |
Northland Camp Singers - Jesus Paid It All
15:51 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - The Sands Of Time
15:47 |
Mac Lynch - Be an Example
15:43 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Bow the Knee
15:40 |
SMS - Will Jesus find us Watching?
15:36 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - I Worship You
15:34 |
The National Christian Choir - My Faith Looks Up To Thee
15:31 |
The Wilds - The Song of Countless Voices
15:27 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - The Gospel Song
15:22 |
Arellano & O'Farrell Quartet - You Are God
15:20 |
The Wilds - All Creatures of Our God and King
15:17 |
Face to Face - Saved by Grace
15:13 |
SMS - Sheep may Safely Graze
15:09 |
Majesty Music - The Cross of Christ
15:06 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - In The Sweet Bye And Bye
15:04 |
Paul and Sherry Zimmer - The Name of Jesus: That Beautiful Name
15:01 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
14:57 |
SoundForth - Free From Guilt and Free From Sin
14:56 |
SMS Men's Chorus - O Say but I'm Glad
14:52 |
Unto The Chief Musician Music - Jesus Is My Lord
14:49 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - The Love Of God
14:44 |
Majesty Music - The Lily Still Blooms
14:41 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Blood Of Jesus
14:38 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - The Mercy Seat
14:35 |
Christy Galkin - In My Weakness
14:28 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - May the Mind of Christ My Savior
14:25 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
14:19 |
Majesty Music - I Saw the Lord
14:13 |
The National Christian Choir - Softly And Tenderly
14:10 |
Majesty Music - Go Ye
14:07 |
Theo-Ann Johnson - In All Things God Works For Our Good
14:03 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Arise, My Soul, Arise
14:01 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - This is the Day That the Lord Hath Made
13:59 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Be Thou Exalted
13:53 |
East Valley Chorale - The Old Rugged Cross
13:49 |
Phillip Keveren - The Way, The Truth, The Life
13:46 |
BJU Singers and Orchestra - Fill the Earth with Praise
13:43 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Only God
13:38 |
Tom Fettke - Praise And Adore
13:35 |
MTT Ministries - Help Me Win the Lost
13:32 |
East Valley Chorale - Then Will The Very Rocks Cry Out
13:28 |
Danelle Alexander & Esther Straight - As I Draw Near
13:23 |
BJU Singers and Orchestra - Jesus Paid It All
13:20 |
MTT Ministries - How Can It Be?
13:17 |
The Wilds - But Continue Thou
13:14 |
SMS Men's Quartet - My Jesus, I Love Thee
13:09 |
The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - Like A River Glorious
13:06 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I Know A Fount, There Is A Fountain
13:04 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Remember
12:58 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - New Every Morning
12:55 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
12:52 |
Principle Chorus - Come Thou Fount
12:49 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - I Saw Jesus In You
12:45 |
The Wilds Choir - Listen To The People
12:44 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Of the Father's Love Begotten
12:40 |
Christy Galkin - Let Christ Be Lifted Up
12:38 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Saints Bound for Heaven
12:36 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - He Is The Everlasting God
12:32 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - By the Gentle Waters
12:30 |
Unto The Chief Musician Music - Count It All Joy!
12:27 |
Benjamin J. Everson - And the Glory of the Lord
12:24 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Not I, But Christ
12:21 |
The Wilds - Come to the Light
12:18 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Rejoice, The Lord Is King
12:14 |
SMS - Near To The Heart of Goda
12:11 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - I Gave My Life for Thee
12:07 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
12:04 |
The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - To The Praise Of His Glorious Grace
12:00 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - O When I Get To Heaven I Will Sing
11:58 |
The Wilds Men's Ensembles - Shout to the Lord With a Song of Praise
11:54 |
Majesty Music - I'm Goin' Home
11:50 |
Frank Garlock Men's Chorus - Peace, The Gift Of God's Love
11:48 |
Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - New Life
11:46 |
The Wilds - I Will Make My Boast in Jesus
11:42 |
Arellano & O'Farrell Quartet - Always Giving Glory
11:40 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Blessed Be Your Name
11:36 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Just Imagine
11:34 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Singing I Go
11:33 |
Tom Fettke - Lead Me Lord
11:30 |
Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - A World in Need
11:27 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Fairest Lord Jesus
11:23 |
Mac Lynch - Every Knee Shall Bow
11:21 |
Majesty Music - Come One, Come All
11:16 |
Ron Hamilton - The Last Amen
11:12 |
Majesty Music - Rejoice in the Lord
11:09 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Mine Eyes Have Seen Thy Salvation
11:07 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Now Let Us All Praise God And Sing
11:03 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - A Celtic Thanksgiving
10:59 |
Mac Lynch - For Such a Time as This
10:56 |
Matt And Christy Taylor - He Loved Them to the End
10:53 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Breathe On Me, Breath Of God
10:49 |
Theo-Ann Johnson - To Behold Thee
10:46 |
The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - I Stand Redeemed
10:42 |
SMS - He Lives
10:39 |
The Hulin Sisters - Nearer My God To Thee
10:36 |
BJU Men's Chorus - Holy, Holy, Holy
10:33 |
Refuge - Taste and See That the Lord Is Good
10:31 |
Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - I Look to the Shepherd
10:28 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Gloryland Medley
10:26 |
SMS Men's Chorus - He The Pearly Gates Will Open:Face To Face
10:22 |
The Wilds Choir - Guard Your Heart
10:20 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Lift High the Cross
10:16 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - A Living Sacrifice
10:13 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Praise God, Medley
10:10 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Brother James
10:06 |
The Wilds - Tender Shepard
10:04 |
SMS - My Hope is in the Lord
10:00 |
The Wilds - Break Down The High Place
09:56 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - Almighty, Unchangeable God
09:52 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Do Not I Love Thee
09:48 |
Northland Camp Singers - Arise And Bless
09:45 |
Majesty Strings - He Cares For You
09:43 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Benediction
09:40 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I'll Never Forsake You
09:37 |
SMS - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
09:33 |
BJU Singers and Orchestra - In Your Silence
09:31 |
The Wilds - I've Just Got To Be Successful
09:28 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow
09:23 |
Phillip Keveren - By Our Love
09:21 |
Majesty Strings - Lord, Teach Me
09:18 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Have You Heard?
09:16 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Praise Ye the Triune God
09:14 |
Mulfinger Family - Eventide Benediction
09:11 |
Kevin Inafuku - Here I Am
09:07 |
SMS - He Was Wounded For Our transgressions
09:04 |
Mac Lynch - The Cross
09:00 |
Benjamin J. Everson - The Fountain
08:58 |
SMS - When I Can Read My Title Clear
08:53 |
East Valley Chorale - All The Way My Savior Leads Me
08:51 |
SMS Men's Chorus - Count It Joy
08:49 |
Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace
08:47 |
SMS Men's Chorus - When We All Get To Heaven
08:42 |
Forever Be Sure Music - I Am Listening
08:38 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - We Rejoice In All Your Ways
08:34 |
The Wilds - Deep on My Heart
08:31 |
Benjamin J. Everson - Complete in Thee
08:28 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - We'll All Sing Hallelujah!
08:25 |
Majesty Music - Lord of All 1
08:22 |
The Wilds - Sing the Greatness of Our God
08:18 |
Mac Lynch - Keep Your Heart
08:14 |
Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - May the Lord Find Us Faithful
08:12 |
Paul and Sherry Zimmer - Ship Ahoy!
08:09 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - How Deep the Father's Love for Us
08:06 |
BJU Men's Chorus - New Song
08:03 |
Bruce Hamilton - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
08:01 |
Majesty Music Mastersounds - Theme and Variations on God is So Good
07:56 |
The Wilds Choir - He Is My Strength
07:55 |
London Philharmonic Choir - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
07:52 |
Kevin Inafuku - God Leads Us Along
07:49 |
The Wilds - His Love
07:46 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - A Loving Heart
07:41 |
Majesty Music - Crown Him King of Kings
07:39 |
Mac Lynch - O Glorious Love
07:36 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - My Father's Love
07:33 |
Brian Pinner:David Chapman - O Worship the King
07:29 |
The Wilds - A Garment Of Praise
07:25 |
Principle Chorus - For All the Saints
07:21 |
SMS - He Shall Feed His Flock
07:17 |
Majesty Music - Keep the Race Before Us
07:15 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - A Song Of Triumph
07:13 |
Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - Sing A New Song of Praise
07:10 |
Northland Camp Singers - Offertory
07:07 |
SMS Men's Quartet - Battlefield Medley
07:05 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Power in the Blood
07:02 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Be Still, My Soul
07:00 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Psalm 86
06:56 |
The Stouffer Family Men - He Is My Strength
06:51 |
Mulfinger Family - Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
06:47 |
Mathew Burtner - The Steps of a Good Man
06:44 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
06:40 |
SMS - The Lord Is Come Medley
06:38 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Almighty Father
06:34 |
SMS - Meditations On God, The Father
06:29 |
Matt And Christy Taylor - The Gifts He Gives to Me
06:27 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Firing Line
06:25 |
Brentwood Music - All Things Bright and Beautiful:Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken
06:22 |
SMS - Christ Arose
06:20 |
Majesty Music - Wings as Eaglesa
06:17 |
The Wilds - Vision Prayer
06:14 |
Frank Garlock Men's Chorus - In The Garden Of My Heart
06:10 |
Majesty Music - God Is Good
06:06 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Think on These Things
06:03 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - Glory Be to Him Who Loved Us
06:01 |
Unto The Chief Musician Music - From Eagles' Wings
05:57 |
Majesty Music - Then Came Sunday
05:54 |
Majesty Music - Calvary's Bloodb
05:51 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Thy Way, Not Mine O Lord
05:48 |
BJU - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
05:43 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - He's An Unchanging Savior
05:39 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Be Thou My Visionb
05:35 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Mercy Awaits
05:32 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - I Love You Lord
05:30 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Sing, O Heavens
05:25 |
Majesty Music - Speak, Lordb
05:22 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Crystal River
05:19 |
BJU Foundation Brass - Now I Belong to Jesus
05:14 |
The Wilds Men's Ensembles - The Whole Earth Is Full of the Lord
05:12 |
The National Christian Choir - Jesus, What A Friend For Sinners
05:07 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Rescue the Perishing
05:03 |
16 Singing Men - Over the Sunset Mountains
05:00 |
Project 10 Men - Arise, My Soul, Arise
04:57 |
Ron Hamilton - I'd Rather Have Jesus
04:52 |
The Wilds - We Will Serve Him
04:49 |
Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - I'll Be A Friend Of His
04:45 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Walk in the Spirit
04:41 |
Kelly Brake - By the Gentle Waters
04:38 |
Forever Be Sure Music - None Can Be Nearer
04:34 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - My Song Of Jesus
04:32 |
Majesty Music - Better Be Ready
04:27 |
The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - Only God
04:23 |
The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - I Worship You
04:20 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Old Time Religion Medley
04:14 |
The Wilds - He is all I need
04:11 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - He Takes Away the Sins of the World
04:08 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Count Your Blessings
04:05 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - In Your Mercy
04:02 |
The Wilds - Perfect Peace
03:58 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Yours Is the Kingdom
03:55 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Rend The Heavens
03:53 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - We'll Work Till Jeus Comes - When I Can Read My Title Clear - Unclouded Day
03:49 |
Majesty Music - Shadow of the Cross
03:46 |
16 Singing Men - Who Cares?
03:42 |
Mary Norman - Because He Lives
03:40 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Amazing Grace
03:35 |
Greg Howlett - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
03:32 |
Majesty Strings - Say I Love You
03:29 |
The Van Gelderen Family - Nearer Still Nearer
03:26 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Holy Spirit, Light Divine
03:23 |
SMS - Fanfare of Praise
03:19 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Make My Life an Alleluiab
03:17 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Happy Land
03:14 |
The Montgomery Sisters - Behold How Every Wound
03:10 |
The Wilds - When God Is Silent
03:05 |
The Wilds - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
03:02 |
BJU Brass - It is Well with My Soul
02:59 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Soldier's Melody
02:55 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - By God's Grace
02:52 |
The Wilds - That He is my Shepherd
02:49 |
BJU Foundation Brass - Wonderful Peace
02:47 |
Frazor Evangelistic Team - Christ Has Conquered All
02:45 |
Kevin Inafuku - Sing Out with Splendor
02:42 |
16 Singing Men - O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
02:39 |
Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - God's Great Grace
02:35 |
Majesty Music - Love Still Flows
02:31 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - O To Be Like Thee
02:27 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - A Strong Tower
02:23 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Name of All Majesty
02:19 |
SMS - All Your Anxiety
02:15 |
Arellano & O'Farrell Quartet - Holy God
02:11 |
Phillip Keveren - Gift
02:08 |
Back to the Bible Quartet - O Bless the Lord, My Soul!
02:04 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - So May I Pray
02:00 |
Kevin Inafuku - Jesus, I am Resting, Resting
01:54 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Every Knee Shall Bow
01:50 |
The Wilds - Arise, My Soul, Arise
01:48 |
SMS - Word of God Medley
01:45 |
SMS - Our God Savior
01:41 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - How Great Your Name
01:38 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Redeeming Grace
01:35 |
Majesty Music - I Pray to the Lord
01:33 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus, Master
01:30 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - We Are Not Alone
01:26 |
Project 10 Men - Grace
01:24 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
01:22 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - Calvary's Blood
01:19 |
SMS Men's Quartet - The Gospel Train
01:17 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - O Say But I'm Glad - Singing I Go
01:13 |
Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - Holy God
01:09 |
Principle Chorus - For the Beauty of the Earth
01:05 |
Unto The Chief Musician Music - How Can I Sing God Bless America?
01:03 |
SMS Men's Chorus - This Train Is Bound For Glory
01:00 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Wonderful Grace of Jesus
00:57 |
Mathew Burtner - Savior, Lead Us
00:54 |
The Stouffer Family Men - Refine My Heart
00:51 |
Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - I Know Whom I Have Believed
00:49 |
SMS - Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah
00:46 |
Sacred Music Services - O for a Thousand Tongues
00:42 |
Mulfinger Family - Jesus What a Friend for Sinners
00:40 |
SMS Men's Quartet - O Lord, Send the Fire
00:36 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Hide Away In The Love Of Jesus
00:33 |
Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - In My Weakness
00:29 |
Kevin Inafuku - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
00:24 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - God Of Our Praise
00:19 |
Majesty Music - Tho' It's Midnight
00:15 |
Gary Robinson - I Sing the Mighty Power of God:How Great Thou Art
00:13 |
SMS Men's Chorus - He Ransomed Me
00:09 |
Phillip Keveren - Plead for Us
00:06 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Search Me, Know Me
00:02 |
Northland Baptist Bible College - I Sing the Mighty Power of God