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Daftar putar Abiding Radio - Sacred

Tidak mengetahui lagu apa yang telah sedang diputar di radio? Gunakan layanan kami untuk menemukan! Daftar putar kami menyimpan daftar musik Abiding Radio - Sacred selama 7 hari terakhir.

(sekarang di Mesa 20:52)
23:55 The Wilds - Infinite Grace
23:51 The Wilds - We Will Serve Him
23:47 Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - May the Lord Find Us Faithful
23:45 Back to the Bible Quartet - Holy God
23:43 SoundForth - How Marvelous are the Works
23:39 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Fear Not, I Am With You
23:36 Matt And Christy Taylor - Gentle Voice
23:33 Forever Be Sure Music - Something to Sing About
23:31 Principle Chorus - Be Thou My Vision
23:28 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Sing To The Lord a Joyful Song
23:24 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - There Is A Foundation
23:22 SMS - My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
23:19 BJU Singers and Orchestra - O God, My Joy
23:15 Back to the Bible Quartet - Closer, Draw Me Closer
23:13 BJU Foundation Brass - Wonderful Peace
23:10 The National Christian Choir - O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus
23:05 The Wilds - Unto the Hills
23:02 Majesty Music - Tis So Sweet
23:01 SMS Men's Quartet - I've a Home Beyond the River
22:58 SMS - This is My Father's World a
22:54 Majesty Brass - Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart
22:51 Northland Camp Singers - Still
22:47 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Weep No More
22:44 Kevin Inafuku - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
22:41 Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - Let The Sun Shine Again In My Heart
22:38 The Wilds - My God Is Good
22:34 Calvary Quartet - For Whatever It Takes
22:32 Majesty Music Mastersounds - Theme and Variations on God is So Good
22:29 Northland Baptist Bible College - O Most High
22:25 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - In Christ alone
22:22 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Jesus, Savior, Blessed Friend
22:18 Majesty Music - Speak, Lorda
22:15 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
22:12 Herbster Evangelistic Team - In Everything I Do
22:09 Principle Chorus - Come Thou Fount
22:05 The Wilds - Break Down The High Place
22:03 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - We Rejoice
22:00 SMS - Soldiers of the Cross
21:57 The Stouffer Family Men - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
21:54 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Rend The Heavens
21:51 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Brethren, We Have Met To Worship
21:48 The Wilds - Make a Joyful Noise
21:43 SMS - The Love of God
21:41 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - To You Alone
21:37 SMS - May The Lord Find Us Faithful
21:34 16 Singing Men - Who Cares?
21:31 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - I Will Never Leave You
21:27 Heritage Baptist Church - Nothing Ever Can, Nothing Ever Will
21:22 East Valley Chorale - Near The Cross
21:21 SMS - Am I a Soldier of the Cross
21:17 Galkin Evangelistic Team - Be Unto Your Name
21:13 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Almighty, Unchangeable God
21:11 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Saints Bound for Heaven
21:06 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - I Could Not Do Without Thee
21:02 Majesty Brass - For All The Saints
20:59 The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - We Rejoice In All Your Ways
20:56 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Psalm 23
20:54 SMS Men's Chorus - O Mary, Don't You Weep
20:51 SMS - I must tell Jesus Medley
20:47 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - He Takes Away the Sins of the World
20:45 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Heaven Medley
20:42 The Stouffer Family - Jesus Loves Me
20:40 SMS Men's Quartet - Look and Live
20:36 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - How Deep the Father's Love for Us
20:34 SMS Men's Quartet - Glory to His Name
20:31 The Wilds - Savior, Lead Us
20:28 BJU Singers and Orchestra - Fill the Earth with Praise
20:25 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - In My Weakness
20:19 The National Christian Choir - Softly And Tenderly
20:16 Mac Lynch - There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
20:11 Back to the Bible Quartet - Come, Christians, Join to Sing
20:08 Majesty Music - Rejoice in the Lord
20:04 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - To Behold Thee
20:02 The Stouffer Family Men - Brethren We Have Met To Worship
20:00 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Shout With Delight
19:57 Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - His Grace Is Sufficient
19:54 SMS - Fanfare of Praise
19:52 Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - He Is Lord of All
19:48 Northland Camp Singers - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
19:45 Herbster Evangelistic Team - May The Mind Of Christ My Savior
19:42 The Wilds Choir - Looking Unto Jesus
19:39 The Stouffer Family Men - Canon Of Praise
19:36 SMS - For All the Saints
19:33 SMS Men's Chorus - That Day at Cavalry
19:29 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Bow The Knee
19:25 SMS Men's Quartet - Second Coming Medley
19:22 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - I Know Whom I Have Believed
19:21 SMS - Breathe on Me Breath of God
19:18 Unto The Chief Musician Music - Little Sheep
19:15 Brian Pinner - Creator and King
19:13 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - O For A Closer Walk With God
19:11 Erin Cross - As the Deer
19:07 Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - Rest
19:03 Majesty Music - For Such A Time As This
19:00 Northland Baptist Bible College - I Will Serve You, Lord
18:56 Ron Hamilton - I Will Go
18:54 Matt And Christy Taylor - Above Every Name
18:50 The Wilds - The urgency of winning the lost
18:47 BJU Singers and Orchestra - In Your Silence
18:44 SMS Men's Chorus - O Worship the King
18:42 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - God's Perfect Lamb
18:39 The Wilds - Stand by Me
18:36 Majesty Music - Abide With Me
18:31 Majesty Music - Home At Last
18:28 The Wilds - But Continue Thou
18:25 Herbster Evangelistic Team - I Come To The Cross
18:20 Herbster Evangelistic Team - Softly And Tenderly
18:18 SMS - Rejoice, the Lord is King
18:14 Tom Fettke - Faith And Hope
18:09 Project 10 Men - Deep Waters
18:07 Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - Sound the Battle Cry:Souls for Jesus
18:01 The Foto Sisters - Blessed Trinity
17:58 Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - Keep the Race Before Us
17:55 The Wilds - Keep On The Firing Line
17:53 Tom Fettke - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
17:50 SoundForth - A Thousand Joys Are Found In Thee
17:48 The Stouffer Family Men - Give Your Heart
17:43 Mac Lynch - Alleluia to the Lord
17:41 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Power in the Blood
17:34 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - On Christ I Stand
17:30 Mulfinger Family - When Morning Gilds the Skies
17:26 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Wayfaring Stranger
17:23 The Wilds - Vision Prayer
17:20 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Channels Only
17:17 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus Is My Song of Grace
17:14 SMS Men's Chorus - He Ransomed Me
17:11 Back to the Bible Quartet - Join All the Glorious Names
17:07 Project 10 Men - Grace
17:03 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - This is My Word
16:59 Majesty Music - All Creatures of Our God and King
16:56 Frazor Evangelistic Team - Only God
16:53 BJU - Made Me Free
16:49 Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - Count It All Joy
16:47 Bruce Hamilton - I Never Walk Alone
16:43 Paul and Sherry Zimmer - As Long As I have Breath
16:40 Majesty Music - Go Ye
16:36 Majesty Brass - Eternal Father, Strong to Save
16:33 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Lord Most High
16:30 The Montgomery Sisters - Grace
16:28 SMS - Blessed Be the Name
16:25 BJU - All Creatures of Our God and King
16:22 Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - O Worship the King
16:19 Northland Baptist Bible College - Glory
16:15 Phillip Keveren - The Way, The Truth, The Life
16:13 The Wilds - Sacrifice Of Praise
16:09 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Just Imagine
16:06 BJU Men's Chorus - Deeper, Deeper
16:02 SMS - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
15:59 Majesty Music - Here Am I, Lord
15:54 SMS - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
15:50 The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - Face The Cross
15:46 Heritage Baptist Church - His Grace Will Lead Us Through
15:43 Paul and Sherry Zimmer - A Name I Highly Treasure
15:40 The Montgomery Sisters - By The Gentle Waters
15:37 BJU Foundation Brass - Ceremonial Piece on Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
15:34 Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - I'll Be A Friend Of His
15:31 The Wilds - O Be Glad
15:27 SMS - All Creatures of Our God and King
15:24 Frank Garlock Men's Chorus - Peace, The Gift Of God's Love
15:19 Greg Howlett - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
15:16 BJU Foundation Brass - Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
15:13 Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - Grace
15:10 Majesty Music - I Pray to the Lord
15:08 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Happy Land
15:05 Majesty Music - Celebrate Our Savior
15:02 Esther - How Lovely are Thy Dwellings
14:58 BJU - O God, Our Help in Ages Past
14:55 Majesty Music Mastersounds - How Great Thou Art
14:53 Northland Camp Singers - Complete In Thee
14:50 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Shout Glory, Hallelujah
14:47 Northland Baptist Bible College - Search With All Your Heart
14:43 Tom Fettke - Hallelujah What A Savior
14:41 Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - Almighty Father
14:37 Brian Pinner - Ho! Everyone Who is Thirsty
14:33 SMS - All Your Anxiety
14:28 Abigail Rose - I Will Hold You
14:25 BJU - Eternal Father, Strong to Save
14:22 Soundforth - Will There Be Any Stars?
14:17 The Wilds - The King in His Beauty
14:15 SMS Men's Chorus - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
14:12 BJU Men's Chorus - Crown Him with Many Crowns
14:07 Ron Hamilton - The Last Amen
14:04 BJU - Come. Thou Fount
14:02 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - The Solid Rock
13:58 The Stouffer Family - I Know A Fount
13:55 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Every Knee Shall Bow
13:48 SMS - Meditations On Christ's Life
13:43 Herbster Evangelistic Team - His Grace Is Greater
13:41 The Wilds - I Will Make My Boast in Jesus
13:37 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Come Unto Me
13:33 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Sing to the Lord! Alleluia!
13:30 Galkin Evangelistic Team - My Jesus Fair
13:25 SMS Men's Chorus - And Can It Be?
13:22 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Lord, You're All I Need
13:18 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - I Gave My Life for Thee
13:16 SMS Men's Chorus - Give Your Heart
13:13 Majesty Music - Give Me Jesus
13:09 The Wilds - You Are the Christ
13:05 The Wilds - To be faithful to the end
13:01 SMS Men's Chorus - Safe in the Arms of Jesus
12:58 Kevin Inafuku - God Leads Us Along
12:54 Faye Lopez - Pleading Savior
12:49 Majesty Music - All Are Welcome
12:47 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - We Are Not Alone
12:44 BJU Foundation Brass - Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
12:40 Kevin Inafuku - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
12:35 East Valley Chorale - He Leadeth Me
12:32 Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - I Could Not Do Without Thee
12:29 Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - I Will Glorify Your Name
12:26 SMS - And the Glory of the Lord
12:22 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Sun Of Righteousness
12:18 Frazor Evangelistic Team - A World We Never Touch
12:14 The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - Like A River Glorious
12:10 Abigail Rose - You are Mine
12:06 Erin Cross - Be Thou My Vison
12:03 Project 10 Men - Arise, My Soul, Arise
12:00 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Christ Liveth in Me
11:59 Mulfinger Family - Eventide Benediction
11:55 Northland Baptist Bible College - Jesus Paid It All
11:51 The Wilds - When God Is Silent
11:47 Herbster Evangelistic Team - You Knew Me, Lord
11:44 SMS - He Was Wounded For Our transgressions
11:40 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
11:36 Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - If That Isn't Love
11:32 Majesty Music - The Cross of Christ
11:28 Mulfinger Family - O Sacred Head Now Wounded
11:24 Mulfinger Family - Nearer, Still Nearer
11:19 SoundForth - The King of Love My Shepherd Is
11:15 Ron Hamilton - Bow The Knee
11:11 Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - One Needful Thing
11:09 London Philharmonic Choir - For The Beauty Of The Earth
11:05 Back to the Bible Quartet - Praise God, Medley
11:03 The National Christian Choir - Jesus, What A Friend For Sinners
10:59 The Foto Sisters - Peace, Love, Joy
10:56 SMS - Hark the Herald Angels
10:53 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Open My Eyes, Spirit Divine
10:50 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Brethren, We Have Met To Worship
10:47 Kevin Inafuku - Rest In Me
10:42 Northland Baptist Bible College - My God is Near
10:39 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - God Is Here
10:36 Benjamin J. Everson - The Fountain
10:33 The Hulin Sisters - God Be With You Till We Meet Again
10:28 BJU Singers and Orchestra - Be Not Afraid
10:26 Paul and Sherry Zimmer - The Name of Jesus: That Beautiful Name
10:21 The Stouffer Family Men - Rescue the Perishing
10:18 BJU Singers and Orchestra - All Creatures of Our God and King
10:15 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Lord, Forgive Us
10:12 SMS Men's Chorus - Mine Eyes Have Seen Thy Salvation
10:08 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Christ Is Able to Save
10:04 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Hide Away In The Love Of Jesus
10:01 Northland Baptist Bible College - Come, Praise the Lord With Me
09:59 SMS - When I Can Read My Title Clear
09:55 SoundForth - Fairest Lord Jesusb
09:52 Northland Baptist Bible College - I Have Promised
09:49 Matt and Christy Taylor - Always By Our Side
09:44 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - I Give You Praise
09:42 Paul and Sherry Zimmer - O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
09:39 SMS - Our Great Saviour
09:35 The Stouffer Family Men - Creation Hymn
09:33 BJU Men's Chorus - Deep River
09:29 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - For the Glory of the LORD
09:25 Majesty Brass - Eternal Father
09:20 Arellano & O'Farrell Quartet - Only God
09:17 Paul and Sherry Zimmer - Thee Will I Love
09:13 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - O wondrous love
09:09 SMS - It Is Well With My Soul
09:06 Mac Lynch - Lord, Life Becomes More Simple
09:03 Majesty Strings - Lord, Bless Our Home
08:59 The National Christian Choir - Have Thine Own Way, Lord
08:57 The Wilds - Give Unto the Lord
08:55 BJU Men's Chorus - When I Survey
08:53 SMS - Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah
08:50 SMS Men's Chorus - Arise, My Soul, Arise
08:47 Phillip Keveren - A Quiet Place
08:44 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Only Jesus
08:41 SMS - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
08:38 Calvary Quartet - How Great Thou Art
08:34 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Before the Throne of God Above
08:31 Ron Hamilton - Better Be Ready
08:28 SMS Men's Chorus - How Can it Be?
08:25 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I Know A Fount, There Is A Fountain
08:22 Herbster Evangelistic Team - I Am So Glad That Jesus Loves Me
08:18 BJU Singers and Orchestra - Good Shepherd
08:15 Faye Lopez - He Was Wounded
08:09 Majesty Brass - Evening Prayer
08:04 SMS Men's Chorus - I'm Just A Poor Wayfarin' Stranger
08:01 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Go in My Father's Name
07:58 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - In Jesus' Name
07:54 Christy Galkin - I Will Sing Of My Redeemer
07:51 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
07:48 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - The Mercy Seat
07:45 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Face to Face
07:41 SoundForth - Jesus, They Blood and Righteousness
07:36 Principle Chorus - For the Beauty of the Earth
07:33 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Faithful I Will Be
07:30 SMS - Golden Harps are Sounding
07:26 Tom Fettke - Holiness And Purity
07:23 16 Singing Men - O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
07:18 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - More Like You, Lord
07:15 Majesty Music - The Vict'ry Is Won
07:10 Majesty Music - Speak, Lordb
07:06 Refuge - From Everlasting to Everlasting
07:03 Mac Lynch and Tim Fisher - God Is Supreme
07:01 Unto The Chief Musician Music - Fishers of Men
06:58 East Valley Chorale - Then Will The Very Rocks Cry Out
06:54 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - A Loving Heart
06:51 Majesty Music - I Saw the Lord
06:47 Majesty Music - Confession
06:44 Majesty Music - Calvary's Blood
06:41 Majesty Music - Is Your All On The Altar?
06:38 Majesty Music Mastersounds - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
06:34 Galkin Evangelistic Team - The Gospel Song
06:33 Calvary Quartet - Doxology
06:31 BJU Singers and Orchestra - Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
06:28 Majesty Strings - My Life Is Thine
06:24 Ron Hamilton - The Secret Place
06:20 Calvary Quartet - Calvary Covers it All
06:17 Arellano & O'Farrell Quartet - Every Knee Shall Bow
06:14 Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - Hallelujah! We Shall Rise
06:12 The Stouffer Family - Day By Day
06:08 Matt And Christy Taylor - We Rejoice in All Your Ways
06:04 Mark and Mike - Yours is the Kingdom
06:00 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - We Want You Over There
05:57 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Since I Have Been Redeemed
05:54 Mac Lynch - I'll Follow, I'll Wait
05:52 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
05:50 SMS Men's Chorus - He Was Wounded
05:46 The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - To The Praise Of His Glorious Grace
05:42 Brentwood Music - For The Beauty Of The Earth:Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
05:40 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Stand Up and Bless the Lord
05:35 The Stouffer Family Men - Spirit Of God
05:32 BJU Brass - How Firm a Foundation
05:29 Majesty Music Mastersounds - Jesus Loves Me:O How He Loves You and Me:I Gave My Live
05:26 Brentwood Music - Be Thou My Vision:The King of Love My Shepherd Is
05:23 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - See, What A Morning
05:21 The Wilds - I'm Adopted
05:17 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - By the Gentle Waters
05:14 Faye Lopez - Once To Every Man And Nation
05:11 The Wilds Choir - Welcome Home, Children
05:09 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Singing I Go
05:05 Kevin Inafuku - Speak, O Lord
05:03 Clearwater Christian College Ensembles - Footsteps of Jesus
05:00 SMS - Face to Faceb
04:56 BJU Men's Chorus - There's a Fountain Flowing
04:53 SMS - My Jesus, I Love Thee
04:50 The Van Gelderen Family - He The Pearly Gates Will Open
04:44 The Wilds - Show Thyself Strong
04:41 Frazor Evangelistic Team - Give Me Jesus
04:39 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Bright Canaan
04:36 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Jesus Saves
04:32 Refuge - By the Gentle Waters
04:29 Majesty Music - Wings As Eaglesb
04:24 Majesty Music - Wash Me Now
04:21 BJU Brass - A Mighty Fortress
04:18 The Wilds - I come to Him, bringing nothing
04:15 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - This One Thing
04:10 The Choir & Orchestra Of Faith Baptist Church - You Alone Are God
04:05 The Stouffer Family Men - Gentle Shepherd
04:02 Northland Camp Singers - Arise And Bless
03:58 Galkin Evangelistic Team - I Will Glory in My Redeemer
03:55 The Stouffer Family - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
03:51 The Wilds - Refine My Heart
03:46 The Wilds - A Simple Offering
03:42 Kevin Inafuku - Jesus, I am Resting, Resting
03:40 Sacred Music Services - Now Thank We All Our God
03:38 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Only a Sinner
03:36 BJU - We Gather Together
03:32 Northland Baptist Bible College - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
03:29 The Wilds - Keep Your Heart
03:26 Benjamin J. Everson - Complete in Thee
03:22 Ron Hamilton - Mansion Over The Hilltop
03:19 Northland Camp Singers - Come, Come Unto Me
03:15 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - The Precious Blood
03:12 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Hail the Day
03:09 SMS - There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
03:07 Majesty Music - Come One, Come All
03:04 Majesty Music - Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me
03:00 SMS - All Creatures of Our God and Kingb
02:57 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - A Heart of Stone
02:55 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Crimson River
02:51 Majesty Music - Jesus Paid It Allb
02:48 Mac Lynch - Redeeming the Time
02:45 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
02:42 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Still, My Soul, Be Still
02:40 Back to the Bible Quartet - O Bless the Lord, My Soul!
02:37 SMS - O for a Thousand Tongues to Singb
02:33 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Be Thou My Visionb
02:28 BJU - Rushmore
02:26 The Stouffer Family Men - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
02:22 Tom Fettke - Father and Son
02:19 The Wilds - Secured by Sovereign Love
02:16 Calvary Quartet - I'm Free Again
02:13 Theo-Ann Johnson - How I Love Your Word
02:09 Forever Be Sure Music - The Spirit, Like the Wind
02:06 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Return to me
02:02 Majesty Music - There Is Power
01:57 The Stouffer Family - Almighty, Unchangeable God
01:54 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Make My Life an Alleluiaa
01:50 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - But Seek Ye First
01:48 Back to the Bible Quartet - Jesus Is All the World to Me
01:44 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - By God's Grace
01:42 Tom Fettke - Near To The Heart Of God
01:40 The Stouffer Family Men - No Other Plea
01:37 Tom Fettke - Blessed Assurance
01:34 BJU - When I Can Read My Title Clear
01:30 Jeremiah And Kara Mitchell - The Love Of God
01:27 Mathew Burtner - Hallelujah! What a Savior
01:23 The Montgomery Sisters - Holy, Holy, Holy
01:21 BJU Brass - It is Well with My Soul
01:17 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - A Strong Tower
01:13 Forever Be Sure Music - Savior Rich in Mercy
01:11 SMS - At The Cross
01:08 16 Singing Men - Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart
01:05 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - I Love You Lord
01:02 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
00:59 SMS - Achieved is the Glorious Work
00:56 The Wilds - Delight Yourself In The Lord
00:52 The Wilds - Holding Forth the Word of Life
00:49 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I'll Never Forsake You
00:45 BJU - Nothing But the Blood
00:42 The Wilds - That He is my Shepherd
00:39 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - My Song Of Jesus
00:33 SMS - Meditations On Salvation
00:30 The Stouffer Family Men - Pleading Savior
00:27 Matt and Christy Taylor - Teach Me Your Way, Lord
00:24 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Draw Me Nearer
00:19 Soundforth Singers and Orchestra - Worthy the Lamb!
00:17 Kevin Inafuku - Psalm 103
00:13 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I Could Not Do Without Thee
00:08 The Wilds - It Was for Me
00:05 SMS - Hiding in Thee
00:01 Kevin Inafuku - Take Me, Lord

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