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Плейлист Abiding Radio - Instrumental

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(сейчас в Меса 01:31)
23:57 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Grace
23:53 Florence Fong - I'd Rather Have Jesus/Give Me Jesus
23:51 Ken Lynch and Duane Ream - The Rugged Old Cross
23:47 Linda McKechnie - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee with Doxology and To God Be the Glory
23:42 Elaine Wilson - He Hideth My Soul
23:39 Erin Cross - Hiding in Thee : He Hideth My Soul
23:37 Sarah Grace Houston - Here is Love
23:34 Diane Dobson - Be Thou My Vision
23:31 LaShannon Hyder - How Great Thou Art
23:29 Nina Rose Hall - Singing I Go
23:27 Hymns For The Master - Jesus Shall Reign Where'er Sun
23:25 Jeremiah Cefola - For the Beauty of the Earth
23:22 Galkin Evangelistic Team - There Is a Fountain Filled With Blood
23:17 Galkin Evangelistic Team - I Surrender All
23:15 Gina Sprunger - Shall We Gather at the River?
23:10 Shelly Hamilton & The Majesty Orchestra - I Will Praise Him
23:07 Majesty Music - O, How I Love Jesus
23:03 Mike Shrock - We Will Glorify
23:00 Diane Dobson - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
22:58 MTT Ministries - Are You Washed in the Blood?
22:56 Hymns For The Master - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
22:53 Kim Usher - No One Understands Like Jesus
22:48 Phillip Keveren - Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee | Jesus Is All the World to Me
22:44 Nathan Burggraff - Come, Thou Fount
22:41 The Wilds Music - Lord, Life Becomes More Simple
22:38 The Wilds Music - A Passion for Thee
22:36 Soundforth String Quartet - O For a Thousand Tongues
22:32 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on Jesus' Love
22:27 Johan Sentana - My Lord, What a Morning
22:24 Faye Lopez - Fairest Lord Jesus
22:20 Linda McKechnie - More Precious Than Silver
22:12 Andy Leftwich - In The Garden - Wonderful Peace
22:10 Loren Elms - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
22:07 Danelle Alexander And Esther Hobbs - A River Of Peace Medley
22:03 Mulfinger Family - Be Still My Soul
22:00 Heidi Haase & Friends - I Must Tell Jesus
21:57 Frank Garlock, Shelly Hamilton - There Is A Way
21:52 Anna Mieczkowski - Wayfaring Stranger
21:46 Strength for the Soul - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
21:42 Kenon D. Renfrow - Whiter Than Snow
21:37 Dave Mincy - Near the Cross
21:35 Kenon D. Renfrow - Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart
21:31 Majesty Strings - Jesus Is Calling
21:29 The Foto Sisters - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
21:25 Dave Mincy - My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
21:22 Phillip Keveren - The Power of the Cross | Oh, to See the Dawn
21:18 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Surrender
21:16 Mark Tindle - Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
21:13 Matt Waterhouse - Sweet Hour of Prayer
21:11 BJU Symphony Orchestra - Young Sheffey in Hills
21:08 Majesty Music - Calvary's Blood
21:05 David Chapman - Like a River Glorious
21:02 Faye Lopez - Finally Home
20:58 Elaine Wilson - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
20:54 Elaine Wilson - The Love of God
20:51 David Chapman - More Love
20:48 Tanner Winchester - As The Deer
20:45 Matthew Conrad and Jordan Potter - To Be God's People
20:40 Dave & Marlene Colburn - Going Home / Nearer My God to Thee
20:36 The Foto Sisters - All the Way My Savior Leads Me
20:34 John Roeder - He Hideth My Soul
20:30 Mike Foster - It Is Well
20:27 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on Our Risen Lord
20:25 Fahrbach Strings - Grace Greater Than All Our Sins
20:22 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - This is My Faither's World
20:19 SMS Orchestra - Faith Of Our Fathers
20:15 Heidi Haase & Friends - Wayfaring Stranger
20:12 Johannah Miller - All Your Anxiety
20:08 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
20:05 Meridith Hoagland and Elisabeth Boyle - Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy
20:00 Mike Shrock - Open Our Eyes, Lord
19:55 Linda McKechnie - Jesus Paid It All
19:53 The Potter Family - Until Then
19:49 Anna Ferraro - Lily of the Valley / The Lord's My Shepherd
19:46 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - In Christ Alone
19:43 The Foto Sisters - Creation Medley
19:40 Mark Tindle - He Hideth My Soul
19:37 Dave & Marlene Colburn - Come, Thou Fount
19:32 Phillip Keveren - There Is a Fountain with Chopin's Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28, No. 1
19:28 Mark Tindle - Sweet Hour of Prayer
19:25 Sacred Music Services - Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee
19:20 Tom Keene Orchestra - Songs Of Gods Nearness
19:17 Jordan Potter - Since I Have Been Redeemed
19:15 Foundation Brass - The Haven of Rest
19:13 Everett Brown - Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
19:10 Anna Ferraro - Day by Day
19:07 John Troutman - Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
19:03 SMS Praise Ensemble - Nearer, Still Nearer
19:00 The Mieczkowski Family - I Will Praise Him
18:57 Melinda K. Wickam - Close to Thee
18:51 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Medley On Heaven
18:49 David Chamberlain - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
18:46 David Chamberlain - My Jesus Medley
18:43 Majesty Music - Lord of All
18:39 Laurie Muirhead - Oh, How I Love Jesus
18:38 Faye Lopez - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
18:34 Mike Shrock - The Old Rugged Cross
18:32 Heidi Haase & Friends - Nearer, Still Nearer
18:28 BJU Symphony Orchestra - Sheepskin
18:25 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - A Shelter In The Time Of Storm
18:21 The Branches - To God be the Glory & Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
18:19 Danelle Alexander and Esther Hobbs - Ring The Bells Medley
18:14 Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - Like a River Glorious
18:11 The Mieczkowski Family - And Can It Be
18:05 Tom Keene Orchestra - Songs Of Gods Dearness
18:02 Jeremiah Cefola - How Firm a Foundation
17:59 Heidi Haase & Friends - Sweet Hour of Prayer
17:55 Majesty Music - Like A River Glorious
17:52 Florence Fong - He's an Unchanging Savior
17:49 Phillip Keveren - Holy Ground
17:47 Craig Duncan - Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
17:44 Erin Cross - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
17:40 Ian Mulder - The Lord's Prayer a
17:37 David Phillips - I Heard the Voice of Jesus
17:34 Soli Deo Gloria - A Living Sacrifice
17:31 David Chamberlain - Name of Jesus Medley
17:28 Rick Blalock - Rejoice In the Lord Medley
17:24 Brentwood Music - For The Beauty Of The Earth:Jesus, Lover Of My Soul
17:22 Phillip Keveren - Crown Him With Many Crowns
17:18 Florence Fong - A Livng Sacrifice
17:16 Galkin Evangelistic Team - How Deep the Father's Love for Us
17:12 Florence Fong - My Heart I Give To Thee
17:09 Faye Lopez - Count Your Blessings
17:05 Dave Mincy - Like a River Glorious
17:03 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - At the Cross
16:59 Majesty Strings - Wait on the Lord
16:56 Kelly Collier - Sweetly Resting
16:52 Erin Cross - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
16:50 Faye Lopez - Trust Medley
16:47 Cherith Hendrich - More and More Like You
16:45 Faye Lopez - At The Cross
16:42 Erin Bates - My Jesus, I Love Thee
16:39 Majesty Music - Heaven Came Down
16:35 Anna Rossi - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
16:33 BJU Symphony Orchestra - Blessed Assurance
16:28 Rebekah McDonald Maxim - Blessed Assurance
16:24 Ian Mulder - Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!
16:21 Nicholas Christie - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
16:19 Florence Fong - The Way of the Cross Leads Home
16:14 Phillip Keveren - Peace Like a River It Is Well With My Soul a
16:11 Sarah Kirk - I Know Whom I Have Believed with Jesus I Am Resting, Resting
16:08 Carrie Wickens - Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise
16:05 Heidi Haase & Friends - Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
16:01 Dave Mincy - All I Have Is Christ
15:57 Majesty Strings - Search Me, O God
15:54 Four Winds Saxophone Quartet - I Love to Tell the Story
15:51 Dave & Marlene Colburn - For the Beauty of the Earth / This Is My Father's World
15:47 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on the Cross
15:43 Florence Fong - It Was For Me
15:40 Jack Franklin Wise - Holy, Holy, Holy
15:35 LaShannon Hyder - It Is Well With My Soul
15:32 Ian Mulder - The Day You Gave Us
15:29 Mac and Beth Lynch - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
15:24 Dave & Marlene Colburn - The Old Rugged Cross
15:21 Mike Shrock - Jesus Led Me All The Way
15:18 Ian Mulder - Higher Ground
15:15 Rachelle & Philip Emory - I Need Thee Every Hour/Glorify
15:11 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
15:08 The Mieczkowski Family - The Cleansing Wave
15:05 SMS Praise Ensemble - O God, Our Help In Ages Past
15:02 Dalrymple Strings - Our Great Savior
14:58 Jack Franklin Wise - Liebestraum: Great is Thy Faithfulness
14:55 Jeremiah Cefola - And Can It Be That I Should Gain
14:49 Sacred Music Services - How Can It Be?
14:46 Majesty Music - Have You Any Room For Jesus?
14:42 John Troutman - His Eye Is On the Sparrow
14:39 Simplicity Praise - Unto Thee, Oh Lord
14:36 Faye Lopez - Amazing Grace
14:31 Juan Palomino - Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
14:29 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Pentecostal Power
14:25 Frank Garlock, Shelly Hamilton - All I Have Belongs To Jesus
14:22 The Van Gelderen Family - Living Sacrifice
14:17 SMS Orchestra - Meditations on God's Invitation
14:14 BJU Symphony Orchestra - Spirit of God
14:10 Frank Garlock, Shelly Hamilton - Medley On The Presence Of God
14:05 Florence Fong - Fairest Lord Jesus
14:01 Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - For the Beauty of the Earth
13:58 Dave Colburn - Missing You
13:54 Herbster Evangelistic Ministries - Amazing Grace
13:49 The Eden Orchestra - Take My Life
13:46 Majesty Music - Hiding In Thee
13:43 Phillip Keveren - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
13:40 Ian Mulder - This Is My Father's World
13:37 Heidi Haase & Friends - Just As I Am
13:32 Jack Franklin Wise - Fairest Lord Jesus: Crown Him With Many Crowns
13:28 Erin Bates and Andy Leftwich - Beulah Land
13:25 David Phillips - Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
13:21 Melinda K. Wickam - It Is Well With My Soul
13:18 Soundforth String Quartet - Beautiful Savior
13:14 Nina Rose Hall - Must I Go, and Empty-Handed?, The Call for Reapers
13:12 Christy Galkin - Just As I Am
13:09 Bethany Tiss - When I Can Read My Title Clear
13:06 Meridith Hoagland and Elisabeth Boyle - There Is a Fountain
13:04 Phillip Keveren - Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus a
13:01 Soundforth String Quartet - For the Beauty of the Earth
12:59 BJU Symphony Orchestra - Engagement
12:55 Elaine Wilson - Because He Lives
12:50 Glenn Christianson - Meditations on God's Grace
12:47 Mathew Burtner - Psalm 86
12:44 Phillip Keveren - There Is A Redeemer
12:41 Sacred Music Services - There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
12:38 Juan Palomino - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
12:34 Brian Brill - Psalm 88
12:30 Phillip Keveren - Peace Like a River It Is Well With My Soul
12:25 Strength for the Soul - Blessed Assurance
12:21 John Troutman - All the Way My Savior Leads Me
12:19 Tanner Winchester - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
12:17 Juan Palomino - Water of Life
12:13 Amy Herbster - This Is My Father's World
12:10 Tanner Winchester - The Love of God
12:07 David Warren - Softly and Tenderly
12:02 Anna Ferraro - God Leads us Along
11:59 Kenon D. Renfrow - Fairest Lord Jesus
11:56 David Webster - To God Be the Glory
11:53 David Chapman - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
11:50 Heidi Haase & Friends - I Surrender All
11:46 Rebekah McDonald Maxim - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
11:43 Rachel Garcia - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need. Sally Garden. Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
11:40 Diane Dobson - Blessed Assurance
11:37 The Foto Sisters - My Faith Looks Up To Thee
11:34 Jon Ensminger - Amazing Grace
11:32 Galkin Evangelistic Team - Springs of Living Water
11:29 Majesty Strings - Jesus is Lord
11:25 Florence Fong - And Can It Be?
11:22 Florence Fong - All That I Am
11:19 Erin Cross - I Love You Lord : My Jesus I Love Thee : More Love to Thee
11:15 Ian Mulder - Prayer For Peace
11:12 Rachelle Emory - In The Garden
11:09 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - No, Not One
11:06 Dave & Marlene Colburn - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
11:03 Majesty Strings - Jesus Paid It All
10:58 Phillip Keveren - Your Grace Still Amazes Me
10:54 The Mieczkowski Family - How Great Thou Art
10:52 Kenon D. Renfrow - Cleanse Me
10:48 Jeremiah Cefola - My Jesus, I Love Thee
10:45 Kim Usher - People Need the Lord
10:41 Ian Mulder - The Church's One Foundation
10:38 John Troutman - Blessed Assurance
10:35 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
10:33 Foundation Brass - Crown Him With Many Crowns
10:30 Dave & Marlene Colburn - Balm in Gilead
10:27 Anthony Lamarchina and Phillip Keveren - All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name
10:24 Florence Fong - The Love of God
10:20 Brian Brill - Hark! the Christmas Morning (Mendelssohn, Brill)
10:18 Four Winds Saxophone Quartet - Face To Face
10:15 David Chamberlain - My Tribute (To God Be the Glory)
10:12 Foundation Brass - And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
10:09 Rachel Garcia - I'd Rather Have Jesus
10:04 Melinda K. Wickam - Our Great Savior
10:02 Gina Sprunger - I Must Tell Jesus
09:58 The Wilds - My Faith Still Clings
09:52 Dave Mincy - I Must Tell Jesus
09:49 Bethany Tiss - He Hideth My Soul
09:49 BJU Symphony Orchestra - Sheffey and Children
09:46 Mike Shrock - Rejoice In The Lord
09:41 Anna Ferraro - Give Me Jesus / Blessed Assurance / Heavenly Sunlight
09:38 Kelly Collier - Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting
09:35 Mike Shrock - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
09:32 The Eden Orchestra - Nearer My God To Thee
09:29 The Wilds Music - God's Refining Fire
09:25 The Foto Sisters - In the Garden
09:21 Ian Mulder - Yours and Yours alone
09:16 Sacred Music Services - Great God of Wonders!
09:13 Phillip Keveren - Blessed Assurance a
09:11 Jordan Potter - A New Name in Glory
09:08 Florence Fong - Lord, I Need You
09:04 Dave Colburn - Holy, Holy, Holy
09:01 Faye Lopez - When Morning Gilds the Skies
08:56 Phillip Keveren - Hymns of Comfort | Abide With Me | What a Friend We Have in Jesus | The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want
08:55 Hymns For The Master - Crown Him With Many Crowns
08:51 Elaine Wilson - When He Cometh (Jewels)
08:49 The Wilds - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
08:47 Bill Todd - Since I Have Been Redeemed
08:43 Brentwood Music - Amazing Grace
08:38 Dave & Marlene Colburn - He Hideth My Soul
08:36 Karissa Hiebert - Take Time to Be Holy
08:32 Dave & Marlene Colburn - Holy, Holy, Holy
08:27 Amy Herbster - Beneath the Cross,Old Rugged Cross
08:24 Bill Todd - O How I Love Jesus
08:21 Phillip Keveren - Amazing Grace a
08:18 Karissa Hiebert - Like a River Glorious
08:16 Dave & Marlene Colburn - O Sacred Head Now Wounded
08:12 Elaine Wilson - The Love of Jesus
08:09 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Just As I AM:Jesus Paid It All
08:06 Majesty Strings - Only Trust Him
08:03 Mike Shrock - I'd Rather Have Jesus
08:00 BJU Symphony Orchestra - Holy, Holy, Holy
07:58 Brian Brill - Come, Let Us Join Our Friends Above (Trad. English Melody)
07:55 Frazor Evangelistic Team - Take My Life
07:51 Strength for the Soul - Near the Cross
07:47 John Troutman - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
07:42 Rebekah McDonald Maxim - Fill Me Now
07:38 Stringhaven - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee-Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
07:37 Carrie Wickens - At Calvary
07:32 Melinda K. Wickam - Great God Of Wonders
07:28 The Potter Family - Wonderful Peace
07:22 Dave Mincy - Day by Day
07:18 Erin Bates - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
07:14 Diane Dobson - For The Beauty Of The Earth
07:12 Jordan Potter - I Stand and Sing Medley
07:09 The Mieczkowski Family - When Morning Gilds the Skies
07:07 Ken Lynch and Duane Ream - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
07:05 David Webster - At Calvary 1
07:02 Erin Bates - It Is Well With My Soul
06:59 Danelle Alexander And Esther Hobbs - Joy Medley
06:57 Gina Sprunger - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
06:55 David Chapman - Come, Christians Join to Sing
06:51 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Knowing Christ
06:48 Simplicity - Like A River Glorious
06:46 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Higher Ground
06:43 Arunesh Nadgir - Just As I Am
06:40 Mike Shrock - A Passion for Thee
06:37 Dave & Marlene Colburn - Wayfaring Stranger
06:34 Ian Mulder - I Need Thee Every Hour
06:31 Diane Dobson - The Doxology
06:27 The Mieczkowski Family - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
06:23 Sacred Music Services - Medley Of Spirituals
06:22 David Webster - Amazing Grace
06:19 Ian Mulder - To The Hills I Lift Up My Eyes
06:16 Faye Lopez - This Is My Father's World
06:12 Mark Tindle - In The Garden
06:08 Brian Brill - Circuit Riders
06:06 Gina Sprunger - My Redeemer
06:01 Matthew Conrad and Jordan Potter - My Faith Looks Up To Thee
05:59 Tracey Ann Collins - Washed In Blood
05:55 Erin Cross - Nearer My God to Thee
05:51 Danelle Alexander and Esther Hobbs - Jesus, I Come Medley
05:48 Nicholas Christie - It Is Well With My Soul
05:45 Phillip Keveren - Crown Him With Many Crowns | Mozart's Sonata No 3 for Piano, K. 545
05:39 Strength for the Soul - Amazing Grace/Grace Greater Than Our Sin
05:36 Majesty Brass - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
05:34 The Van Gelderen Family - Morning Trumpet
05:27 Jordan Potter - Rock of Ages
05:23 Jeremiah Cefola - Savior, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us
05:19 Sacred Music Services - Meditations on God's Glory
05:16 Linda McKechnie - Nearer, Still Nearer
05:13 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
05:09 Ian Mulder - Be Still My Soul
05:06 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - Jesus Paid It All
05:02 The Wilds Music - His Way is Perfect
05:00 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Lily Of The Valley
04:56 Greg Howlett - My Jesus I Love Thee
04:53 Brentwood Music - Come, Christians, Join to Sing
04:50 Galkin Evangelistic Team - There Is a Redeemer
04:48 SMS Praise Ensemble - I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
04:44 Nina Rose Hall - When We All Get to Heaven
04:42 Diane Dobson - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
04:37 Andy Leftwich - Grace Greater Than Our Sin
04:33 Anthony Lamarchina and Phillip Keveren - His Name Is Wonderful
04:29 Stringhaven - Rejoice In The Lord
04:25 David Chapman - O Love Divine
04:21 Linda McKechnie - Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting with Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace
04:19 Anna Rossi - As the Deer
04:15 Ian Mulder and the London Philharmonic Orchestra - Turn your Eyes (guitar)
04:13 Designer String Quartet - Immortal, Invisible
04:10 Johannah Miller - The Bible Stands
04:06 Phillip Keveren - In Christ Alone (My Hope Is Found)
04:02 Kelly Collier - A Passion for Thee
04:00 Soundforth String Quartet - Come, Christians Join to Sing
03:56 Shelly Hamilton & The Majesty Orchestra - When Morning Gilds the Skies
03:53 Majesty Music - The Lord Is My Light
03:50 Daniel Ziesemer And Jacob Bernhardt - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
03:48 Sarah Grace Houston - Nearer, My God, to Thee/Draw Me Nearer
03:45 Amy Herbster - It Is Well With My Soul
03:41 Ian Mulder - Nearer My God To Thee
03:37 Andy Leftwich - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
03:33 Piano And Strings With Phillip Keveren - Immortal, Invisible
03:28 Florence Fong - Rejoice In the Lord
03:25 Faye Lopez - Servant's Heart
03:20 Sacred Music Services - The Love of God
03:17 John Troutman - Amazing Grace
03:15 Phillip Keveren - In the Garden a
03:11 Strength for the Soul - Trust and Obey/Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus
03:07 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - It Is Well With My Soul (Duet)
03:06 Nicholas Christie - Glory To His Name!
03:03 Mary Lynn Van Gelderen - To God Be The Glory
02:59 Dave & Marlene Colburn - His Eye Is On the Sparrow
02:54 Dave Mincy - Near to the Heart of God
02:53 Soli Deo Gloria - The Morning Trumpet
02:49 Majesty Music - Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
02:44 The Wilds Music - Here I Am, Lord
02:42 Soli Deo Gloria - The Way of the Cross Leads Home
02:37 Rebekah McDonald Maxim - Jesus Loves Me/Jesus Loves Even Me
02:32 Sacred Music Services - And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
02:29 Linda McKechnie - It Is Well With My Soul with Sheep May Safely Graze
02:25 David Chapman - Blessed Assurance
02:22 Nina & Selena Hall - What A Day
02:20 Sarah Grace Houston - Be Thou My Vision
02:15 Mulfinger Family - Jesus What a Friend for Sinners
02:12 Phillip Keveren - Holy, Holy, Holy
02:08 Christy Galkin - O The Deep, Deep Love
02:05 Sarah Grace Houston - Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
02:02 Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Like A River Glorious
02:00 Amy Herbster - Send the Light
01:57 Kenon D. Renfrow - Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting
01:54 Phillip Keveren - I Love to Tell the Story
01:52 Principle Music - Loves Divine, All Loves Excelling
01:50 Rachelle & Philip Emory - Draw Me Nearer
01:48 Matthew Conrad and Jordan Potter - Like a River Glorious
01:46 Ken Lynch and Duane Ream - Jesus is All the World to Me
01:41 Tom Keene Orchestra - Songs Of Dedication
01:39 Bill Todd - Come Thou Fount
01:36 Mike Shrock - My Jesus, I Love Thee
01:33 Phillip Keveren - Holy Is the Lord
01:30 Cherith Hendrich - Jesus is Mine
01:28 Gina Sprunger - More About Jesus
01:26 Matt Waterhouse - Jesus Loves Even Me
01:22 Tanner Winchester - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
01:19 Ian Mulder - Streams of Living Water
01:15 Jeremiah Cefola - Fairest LORD Jesus
01:13 Rachelle Emory - Redeemed
01:10 Soundforth String Quartet - Come, Thou Fount
01:07 Rachel Garcia - O Sacred Head. Wounded For Me
01:05 Craig Duncan - Come Ye Thankful People, Come
01:01 Mike Shrock - My Quiet Time Alone
00:57 Shelly Hamilton & The Majesty Orchestra - Bow the Knee
00:53 Juan Palomino - It is Well with my Soul
00:50 The Foto Sisters - Whiter Than Snow
00:46 Mike Shrock - Is Your All On The Altar
00:43 Greg Howlett - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
00:39 Elaine Wilson - There is a Fountain
00:35 Jeremy Yowell - On Jordan's Stormy Banks
00:30 Soli Deo Gloria - My Jesus, I Love Thee
00:28 Carrie Wickens - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
00:25 Rachel Garcia - Amazing Grace, O Danny Boy. The Water Is Wide
00:22 John Troutman - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
00:17 Nina Rose Hall - So Little Time,I'd Wish I Had Given Him More,Have I Done My Best
00:14 Faye Lopez - Jesus Loves Me Medley
00:10 Juan Palomino - O Worship the King
00:06 David Warren - Living for Jesus
00:03 Jon Ensminger - Prelude on Hyfrydol
00:00 Anna Mieczkowski - I Know Whom I Have Believed

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