The concept of this station is great but I'm giving it a partial down since the classic WSGN format it is trying to replicate can't be heard over the air in 98% of the Birmingham metro area which is the root of the station's history.
Cherry Chesser02.08.2024
I love the oldies on WSGN, especially the ones from the 50's and 60's! I am in Montgomery and there are no choices here that in any way equal WSGN! Keep up the great listening format!
i LOVE LOVE LOVE this radio station!!!! WSGN 98.3 is COMPLETELY AWESOME! The creative way you morph into songs from your tagline is BRILLIANT! The songs you play are not overplayed & many I haven’t heard for YEARS!!!!
Anda boleh meninggalkan e-mel anda dan kami akan beritahu anda bila siaran stesen akan kembali di atas talian:
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