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1968 Hits Radio

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1968 - the year the world was turned upside down. In the US, divide between rich and poor was at an all-time high, with race relations and the fight for equality at the forefront of social issues. The Vietnam War continued to escalate, with no end in sight. 1968 Hits Radio is the sound of that year - the anthems, the classics, and the songs that defined a generation.
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Зараз у эфіры 1968 Hits Radio

Прамы эфір Peggy Scott & Jo Jo Benson Lover's Holiday
07:01 1910 Fruitgum Company Goody Goody Gumdrops
06:59 Gary Lewis & The Playboys Sealed With A Kiss
Плейлист 1968 Hits Radio

ТОП трэкі на 1968 Hits Radio

Ohio Express - Chewy ChewyOhio Express — Chewy Chewy
Sly & The Family Stone - Dance To The MusicSly & The Family Stone — Dance to the Music
Dionne Warwick - Promises, PromisesDionne Warwick — Promises, Promises
DON'T GIVE UP , PETULA CLARKPetula Clark — Don't Give Up
Johnny Rivers - Summer RainJohnny Rivers — Summer Rain
The 5th Dimension - Carpet Man-1968-#29The 5th Dimension — Carpet Man
Now On Air: The beach boys, Darlin' - The beach boys, Darlin'The Beach Boys — Darlin'
Elvis Presley - Guitar ManElvis Presley — Guitar Man
The Doors - Hello, I Love YouThe Doors — Hello, I Love You
Jimi Hendrix - All Along the WatchtowerJimi Hendrix — All Along the Watchtower

Водгукі аб 1968 Hits Radio

Кантакты радыёстанцыі


Час у горадзе Elizabeth: 07:56, 03.11.2025

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