Brendon use ring me up & ask me sing too him can you play coward of the country gambler
Martyn Keight21.01.2022
So glad I have found you , thank you to Positive People, Millie and Big thank you to Trace. Loving the show.
Jenny Hall02.05.2021
Superb - just the elegant escapism required for Sunday - such a tonic ! Top stars to the presenter - sobresaliente!
Julie Cater21.04.2021
Absolutely loving Jade & Nick tonight! Never thought I’d hear that Nick would take the balls & penis before an Apple! So funny, keep it up guys 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Kate Doran18.04.2021
Hello! Kate Doran joining you from Italy 🇮🇹 ! Loving it! Bit of Simon & Garfunkel please... sound of silence ??
Cathy Griffin11.04.2021
Hello Miss ... sorry we're late. Jimmy n I ready for a jig around the kitchen. I can't get on the Forum ?!! could I have Believer by Imagine Dragons tonight please ??
Jenny Kinder07.03.2021
Lovely recording from Mendelssohn's Elijah. Thanks for playing my request Charles. We both loved it! Hope we'll sing it again before before too long
Cathy Griffin28.02.2021
Dawn French - Jimmy got that !!
Di Morgan28.02.2021
Great first show Charles, we Are really enjoying it.
Eden Burrell14.01.2021
First time lister and what great tunes to work from home too.
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