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23:53 | YAHWEH by Hillsong | @hillsongunited | @Hillsong | @hillsongworship |@HillsongAus |
23:49 | You Are Mine by Mutemath |
23:46 | MELODIES FROM HEAVEN (KIRK FRANKLIN FLIP) by Happi| @Happimusic |
23:43 | Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus by D. Grady Scott Jr. |
23:39 | I Belong** by Beverley Trotman |
23:32 | I Belong to You by William McDowell || @WilliamMcDowell |
23:29 | Where My Saviour Leads I'll Follow by |
23:22 | God by Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers |
23:18 | Settle Here by William Murphy | @pastormurph |
23:13 | Dreams (12th July) by Rivers & Robots |
23:09 | Set a fire Instrumental (Will Reagan & United Pursuit) Cover by Kevin Calderon by |
23:06 | I want to be like Jesus by Lauren Solomons · Manilo Barry Davids |
23:02 | Open Heavens Daily Devotional Wednesday by @OpenHeavendail | @OpenHeavensIC | @theopenheavens | @PastorEAAdeboye |
23:00 | Word for Today by UCB |
22:54 | God of Justice by Indelible Worship |
22:53 | 022 - The God of Abraham Praise (Leoni) by Array Hymn |
22:52 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
22:50 | Take my life and let it be Nottingham (Innocents 77 77 - 6 Verses) - Organ by Richard Irwin |
22:40 | Church Advert by |
22:40 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
22:39 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
22:38 | Church Advert by |
22:37 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
22:37 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
22:33 | Lamb Of God by |
22:31 | Church Advert by |
22:27 | The Wayside Cross by Greene Mountain Men's Choir |
22:27 | Endless Praises to Our Lord (Orientis Partibus) (round) by Array Hymn |
22:22 | Turn It Up by Four Kornerz |
22:21 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
22:17 | 'Trust In The Lord' by Babbie Mason | @BabbieMason | @MasonBabbie | @BMasonRadio |
22:10 | The Scribe by Herbert Kunle Ajayi (HKA) #HerbertKunleAjayi #HKA |
22:05 | Wonderful Mervellous by Lekan Agbeniyi @agbeniyisamlek |
21:57 | The Church's one fonudation (Aurelia - 4 Verses) - Organ by Richard Irwin |
21:56 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
21:55 | 012 - Thou my everlasting portion (Close to Thee) by Array Hymn |
21:54 | 038 - Come Thou Fount / Love Divine (Beecher) by Array Hymn |
21:49 | 09 Mekwanu Ya Ozo by |
21:48 | 001 - Glory to Thee (Sandon) by Array Hymn |
21:46 | 248 - Trusting Jesus by Array Hymn |
21:42 | Mo'Juba by Toyen |
21:36 | 1877 Wagner: Siegfried's Death and Funeral March; from "Twilight of the Gods" by 1877 Wagner: Siegfried's Death and Funeral March; from "Twilight of the Gods" |
21:31 | 08 Worthy Is The Lamb by |
21:25 | 1838 Chopin - Polonaise in A, Op.40 No.3, "Military" by 1838 Chopin - Polonaise in A, Op.40 No.3, "Military" |
21:19 | Moonlight Sonata, 1st movement by Ludwig van Beethoven |
21:14 | 01 You re A Wonder by |
21:12 | 1870 Delibes: Notturno, from "Coppelia" by 1870 Delibes: Notturno, from "Coppelia" |
21:04 | 1788 Mozart: Symphony No. 40, 1st movement by 1788 Mozart: Symphony No. 40, 1st movement |
21:00 | 02 Lord Be Glorified by |
20:58 | Oh lead us by the hand Lord (Crossing the Jordan) - Bluegrass by Richard Irwin |
20:56 | Church Advert by |
20:54 | Angel-voices ever singing (Angel Voices - 5 verses) - Organ by Richard Irwin |
20:49 | EL-Yahweh by PAV & Altarsound || @altarsound @alexandervictor1 |
20:49 | Christoph Graupner - Minuet in D Major by Richard Irwin |
20:48 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
20:46 | Take my life. and let it be (St Bees - 6 verses) - Organ by Richard Irwin |
20:42 | 1894 Dvorak - Humoresque by 1894 Dvorak - Humoresque |
20:40 | O God of Bethel, by whose hand by Richard M S Irwin |
20:31 | Violin Concerto No. 3 in G, 1st movement by 1775 Mozart |
20:26 | 1878 Tchaikovsky: Polonaise, from "Eugene Onegin" by 1878 Tchaikovsky: Polonaise, from "Eugene Onegin" |
20:21 | 03 Sweet Jesus by |
20:11 | 1893 Dvorak: Symphony No. 9, "From the New World", 2nd Movement by 1893 Dvorak: Symphony No. 9, "From the New World", 2nd Movement |
20:08 | 'Hallelujah' (from 'Messiah') by 1742 Handel |
20:00 | 1862 Verdi: The Force of Destiny-Overture by 1862 Verdi: The Force of Destiny-Overture |
19:56 | Love Is Not A Fight by warren Barfield @warrenbarfield |
19:52 | YAWEH IS GREAT by Christopher Simms @csimms2001 |
19:51 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
19:51 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
19:50 | Church Advert by |
19:47 | This Is Who I Am by Third Day |
19:47 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
19:46 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
19:45 | Church Advert by |
19:41 | Nearer My God To Thee by Hymnal MV |
19:39 | Behold, My Son, My Servant by Richard Irwin |
19:38 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
19:37 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
19:31 | You Are Near by Hillsong Australia | @hillsongunited | @Hillsong | @hillsongworship |@HillsongAus |
19:30 | 112 - Jesus is coming by Array Hymn |
19:25 | Kabiosi by Isabella | @isabellamelodie |
19:14 | Gospel Praise Jazz - African Medley by James Taiwo | @theJamesTaiwo |
19:08 | Wake Up Call by Sofiri Stewart ft. Chisom Akurienne · Dera Akurienne · Funmi Odedoyin |
19:05 | Wondrous Love by Blue Highway |
18:56 | All glory, laud and honour (St Theodulph - 5 Verses) - Organ 2018 by Richard Irwin |
18:55 | Church Advert by |
18:46 | Igbokwenu by Segun Oluwayomi || @segunoluwayomi |
18:44 | Shall We Meet Beyond The River? by ListenListen |
18:41 | 045 - And can it be? (Sagina) by Array Hymn |
18:37 | Nobody Loves Me Like You by Chris Tomlin |
18:35 | How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) by Jr. Walker & The All Stars |
18:30 | Protection by New Direction Crew @NewDCrew |
18:24 | African Praise by Elder G || @elgeesax |
18:20 | Until Then by Broadcast |
18:18 | BLM Anthem by Sofiri Stewart |@Sofiwart |
18:15 | Fade Away by Limoblaze | @Limoblaze feat. Dena Mwana |
18:10 | Build My Life by Various |
18:05 | Open Heavens Daily Devotional Wednesday by @OpenHeavendail | @OpenHeavensIC | @theopenheavens | @PastorEAAdeboye |
18:03 | Word for Today by UCB |
18:00 | Daily Bible Reading by Faith Comes By Hearing - FCBH | @AudioBible |
17:58 | Church Advert by |
17:58 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
17:57 | All with Jesus by Array Hymn |
17:55 | 1868 Brahms: Cradle Song by 1868 Brahms: Cradle Song |
17:53 | 143 - Lord, we are Thine (Walford) by Array Hymn |
17:52 | 450 - The day Thou gavest now is ended (St. Clement) by Array Hymn |
17:52 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
17:48 | Be My Portion by Piano |
17:43 | You're A Wonder by Isabella || @isabellamelodie |
17:42 | 1896 R. Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra - Fanfare by 1896 R. Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra - Fanfare |
17:38 | Nothing Will Stop (1) by |
17:30 | 1866 Smetna: The Bartered Bride - Overture by 1866 Smetna: The Bartered Bride - Overture |
17:25 | 05 Miracles by |
17:21 | 1783 Horn Concerto No. 3 in E flat, 2nd movement by Mozart |
17:17 | Lost In You MASTERED MP3 by Jordan Biel |
17:16 | Fugue No.10 from WTC Book 1 by Bach, Johann Sebastian |
17:13 | 1841 Mendelssohn -Spring Song by 1841 Mendelssohn -Spring Song |
17:07 | 1845 Wagner - Tannhäuser - Arrival of the Guests at Wartburg by Classical |
17:05 | 1808 Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, 1st movement by 1808 Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, 1st movement |
16:05 | Collection of Hymns by Instrumentals |
13:59 | ONYEOMA (Good God) Ft Kingsly Ike by Lawrence & DeCovenant | @Decovenant |
13:00 | SOS by Ola Jay |
12:55 | The potter's hand by Darlene Zschech |
12:50 | Freedom by The Vessel, The Vessel | @the vessel08 |
12:48 | He Go Do For You by KingzKid |
12:45 | Everything that has breath by Matt Redman, Matt Redman | @matt redman |
12:39 | Powerful Jesus by Joe Praize ||@JoePraize |
12:34 | Mighty God by Gift Dennis @giftdennis4 |
12:29 | Lord, I Love You by |
12:25 | One Song by Frank Edwards || @frankrichboy Ft. Da Music |
12:20 | Open Heavens Daily Devotional Tuesday by @OpenHeavendail | @OpenHeavensIC | @theopenheavens | @PastorEAAdeboye |
12:18 | Word for Today by UCB |
12:01 | Digging Deep by Pastor Grace Adesina |
12:00 | Church Advert by |
11:51 | SPIRIT REALM (EWE HYMNS) by Harmony Deh | @DehHarmony |
11:47 | There Is a Fountain by |
11:38 | Onye by Favour George |
11:34 | God Dey by E-Rock |
11:30 | What a Friend we have in Jesus by Back2Basics |
11:28 | MAKE I TALK by Andrew Bello|| @Belloarea1 |
11:23 | All The Poor And Powerless by All Sons & Daughters |
11:20 | Satisfy by Limoblaze | @Limoblaze feat. Sal ly |
11:15 | Are You Ready by William McDowell |
11:05 | Okan mi yo by Mr. Soji Harmony | @SojiHarmony | @mrsojiharmony |
10:53 | my worship is for real instrumental vashawn mitchell by |
10:49 | Halla Dey Go by Onome Eluwa||@onomeeluwa |
10:44 | While I'm Waiting by JT Bakare |
10:43 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
10:39 | INYE by Kaydee Numbere | @kaydeenumbere |
10:29 | The African Way by Panam Percy Paul @panampercypaul |
10:25 | Praise You In The Storm by Casting Crowns||@castingcrowns |
10:21 | 4 Me by Rehmahz ft A Mose |
10:16 | THE GLORY by Uche Agu || @double2uche |
10:12 | Give Him Praises by William McDowell | @WilliamMcDowell |
10:07 | Tele by Kenny K'ore @kennykore, Gboof |
10:01 | The Healer by Imara Joyce | @Imarajoyce |
08:56 | Walk Right by Commissioned |
08:54 | 413 - Love, divine all loves excelling (Hyfrydol) by Array Hymn |
08:49 | Reach Out To Me by Dave Hollister||@Dave Hollister |
08:42 | Sing (Your Love) by Hillsong United | @hillsongunited | @Hillsong | @hillsongworship |
08:40 | Church Advert by |
08:37 | Aigbagbo Bila by Bro Michael Orogbangba | #MichaelOrogbangba |
08:32 | Lift My Eyes by Alisa Turner |
08:29 | God Is So Good / Yahweh Is For Us by Maranatha! Singers: The Words of Worship |
08:26 | Deliver by J.J. Hairston and Youthful Praise |
08:22 | Need You Now by Euclid Jacobs || @euclidsmusic |
08:16 | There Is A Fountain Filled with Blood by Bob Kauflin | @bkauflin |
08:12 | I'm Not Alright by Sanctus Real @SanctusReal |
08:09 | Jesus Paid It All by Kristian Stanfill | @kpstanfill |
08:07 | Your Love by Hillsongs | @hillsongunited | @Hillsong | @hillsongworship |
08:03 | God Is Good All The Time by Don Moen @Godisgood547, @donmoen, @Donmoen9 |
08:00 | Love Enough by Hillsong United | @hillsongunited | @Hillsong | @hillsongworship |@HillsongAus |
07:53 | I Will Sing by Wale Adenuga || @adenuga wale |
07:49 | Worship Medley by Bukky Sax | @Bukkysax |
07:46 | Ajibole by Protek Illasheva | @Protekniks feat. Marizu ||@marizu ikechi |
07:42 | Better Dey Follow Me by Freke Umoh | @freke live |
07:40 | Eternal Father Strong To Save by Hymn |
07:36 | All Of My Heart by Damilola Randle |
07:29 | He's Here by Eddie James |
07:25 | Lane by Kierra Kiki Sheard @kierrasheard |
07:00 | #TalkAboutJesus by Steve De Rock & Pastor Vera Love |
07:00 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
06:55 | Go Forth Into The World In Peace by John Rutter |
06:50 | How Shall I Sing That Majesty by Stuart Townend | @StuartTownend |
06:47 | YOU by Kutless | @Kutless |
06:43 | Glory by Smek | iam smek, ft Trusouth |
06:39 | Kingdom Come by Rebecca St. James featuring for KING & COUNTRY |
06:34 | Glorious Deliverer by Cobhams Asuquo with LCGC | @cobhamsasuquo |
06:29 | Born and Raised for This by ADA |
06:07 | Joyful Noise 3 by @dayo buttons |
06:02 | Open Heavens Daily Devotional Tuesday by @OpenHeavendail | @OpenHeavensIC | @theopenheavens | @PastorEAAdeboye |
06:00 | Word for Today by UCB |
05:56 | Always Pray For You by Nosa | @nosaalways |
05:55 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
05:54 | Church Advert by |
05:50 | Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem (Neader - Unser Herrscher - 87 87 87 - 6 Verses) - Organ by Richard Irwin |
05:47 | Negro Spirituals - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot by Gospel |
05:43 | I Surrender All (All To Jesus) by Casting Crowns |
05:40 | This Life by Mercy Me | @mercyme |
05:37 | You Are the One I Love by DON MOEN | @donmoen |
05:33 | There's A Fountain Free by Dallas Christian Adult Concert Choir |
05:26 | Glorious by BJ Putnam |
05:21 | Somebody Else's Story by John Waller |
05:18 | Lord show me by Ryan Carty |
05:15 | Everything Is Yours by Duane Caleb||@duanecaleb |
05:11 | Lay it All Down by RAE RAE||@MissRaeOfficial |
05:03 | Mighty Man of War by Jimmy D Psalmist |
05:00 | Tears Are A Language God Understands by Amy Lambert |
03:54 | Worthy, O Worthy Are You Lord by Loveunlimited Ministries |
03:50 | Goodness of God (Live) by Bethel Music |
03:47 | Are You Washed In The Blood? by Alan Jackson |
03:41 | The Experience Medley: Glorify Emmanuel/Jehovah Ebenezer by Onos | @onosariyo |
03:37 | Rain by Sunday Service Choir #SundayServiceChoir ||@Kanyewest |
03:32 | High Above by Bryan & Katie Torwalt || @BryanTorwalt || @katietorwalt |
03:30 | The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended by Graeme Hewitson |
03:25 | Mighty God by DEBORAH OLUSOGA @ SYNERGY 2017 | @debbyolusoga |
03:22 | It's Over Now by Deitrick Haddon | @DeitrickHaddon |
03:15 | There Is God by Donnie McClurkin || @Donnieradio |
03:12 | I believe in you (Feat Tina Harsant) by NATHANIEL BASSEY | @nathanielblow |
03:07 | Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross by |
03:02 | Open Heavens Daily Devotional Tuesday by @OpenHeavendail | @OpenHeavensIC | @theopenheavens | @PastorEAAdeboye |
03:00 | Word for Today by UCB |
02:32 | High Praise by Beejay Sax | @beejaysaxbolaji | @BeeJaySaxLive |
02:21 | Fragrance to Fire by Dunsi Oyekan ||@DunsiOyekan |
02:16 | Remembrance by Hillsong Worship | @hillsongunited | @Hillsong | @hillsongworship |
02:11 | Open Heavens Daily Devotional Tuesday by @OpenHeavendail | @OpenHeavensIC | @theopenheavens | @PastorEAAdeboye |
02:09 | Word for Today by UCB |
02:00 | My Secret Place Devotional by Rev. Oyiks Alfred | @oyiks alfred |
02:00 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
00:57 | In The Garden by |
00:55 | Church Advert by |
00:54 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
00:54 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
00:52 | Behold, What Love! by Array Hymn |
00:51 | Church Advert by |
00:50 | Radio Adverts by Radio jingles |
00:48 | Eyes Unto the Hills by Axis of Light |
00:44 | Thy hand, O God, has guided (Thornbury - 5 Verses) - Organ by Richard Irwin |
00:40 | This Is How We Party - Live by Equippers Worship | @EquippersChurch |
00:35 | Spirit of Christ by transMission |
00:34 | Talk About Jesus by @SteveDeRock1 |
00:33 | Church Advert by |
00:32 | Old Rugged Cross by Kunle Ajayi @PastorKAjayi |
00:29 | To God Be The Glory by Piano |
00:28 | I am He that Liveth by Array Hymn |
00:25 | Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Michael W. Smith || @michaelwsmith |
00:20 | You Don't Have To Fight Stand Still by Israel Houghton @israelhoughton, @ihoughton |
00:17 | Yes, I Know by Daphni |
00:14 | Abide With Me by Jo Stafford & Gordon MacRae |
00:11 | I Receive Your Love for Me (With Prayer) by Alvin Slaughter|| @AlvinSlaughter |
00:05 | Open Heavens Daily Devotional Tuesday by @OpenHeavendail | @OpenHeavensIC | @theopenheavens | @PastorEAAdeboye |
00:03 | Word for Today by UCB |
00:00 | Daily Bible Reading by Faith Comes By Hearing - FCBH | @AudioBible |
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