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Harbour Radio

Горад Грэйт-Ярмут, 107.4 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 0.0 Ацэнак: 0
Harbour Radio is a “NOT FOR PROFIT” Community Radio Station and our aim is to encourage social gain within the area. In addition to entertaining and informing, the intention is to reflect the interests and needs of our audience. To that end diversity, cultural programming and a blend of local interest talk and music – much of the latter directly requested by our listenership – is all very much a part of the plan. As a ‘community radio station’ and 100% voluntary project our aim is not to “talk at” the listener but to create direct links with our listeners thereby becoming an integral part of the local community. Finally, as a ‘social enterprise’, part of our remit is also to offer training and support to local people interested in acquiring new skills and the knowledge associated with the setup and future running of a radio station.
7 0

Зараз у эфіры Harbour Radio

Прамы эфір Jim Costello - Nice & Easy Jazz Show 6
08:01 STATION IDENT - This Is HR (Dry)
07:56 Nelly Dilemma
Плейлист Harbour Radio

ТОП трэкі на Harbour Radio

Unknown - ACE CAFE IDENT Bikers 36Ident — Shifting
American Information Network - Information Network News Open -Information — Information
StarrLight - Lights outLights Out — Lights Out
Wayne - WayneWayne — -
Buddy Guy - Damn Right, I've Got the BluesBuddy Guy — Damn Right, I've Got the Blues
young boy - young boyYoung boy — Restless Boy
The Show -- Lenka
CLARKS - On SaturdaySaturday — On
Christopher Cross - SailingChristopher Cross — Sailing
Billy Paul - Me and Mrs. JonesBilly Paul — Me and Mrs. Jones

Водгукі аб Harbour Radio

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 137 King St, Great Yarmouth NR30 2PQ
Тэлефон: +01493 843678
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +07942641074
Facebook: @harbourradio
Twitter: @HarbourRadioGY
Instagram: @harbourradio

Час у горадзе Горад Грэйт-Ярмут: 12:43, 03.16.2025

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