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Bible Life Radio

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Bible Life Radio is a christian radio station setup with the primary goal of transforming lives and winning souls through spreading the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Life Radio is a member of Bible Life Family Ministries, Milton Keynes and is non-profit organisation that seeks the spiritual growth of its listeners through playing gospel music and powerful preaching of the word of God. Thanks to our senior pastor in charge, Pastor Joe Addo who has been the inspiration behind Bible life radio. Be Transformed for his glory!
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Bible Life Radio avis


Adresse: Correspondence Address: 3 Shipman Court, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9DB
Numéro de téléphone: +07447842524
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +07447842524
Facebook: @BLFMmk

Radio Admin contact

Heure à Milton Keynes: 00:59, 01.30.2025

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