I have been a loyal listener since the great Stephen Rhodes but with the arrival of Babs who doesn't debate but enforces her opinion in a passive aggressive way and thinks she is funny but is not ! I find myself turning off when she is on, her voice is like a fish wife, if that wasn't bad enough, Tara leaves, Tara is a delight, whitty and intelligent and I love how she interacted with Andy , we now have Kim or Kimbo as she is being referred to, yuk, last week was the crowning, the phrase " so creamy " ! Was repeated by her so many times in her dull voice which grates on the nerves, thank goodness for Andy Collins who is brilliant, so funny with old school banter, Jonathan who is a snob but hilarious and a great debater taking consideration for both sides, it's obvious what his opinion is but he debates fairly, hopefully we get to keep Andy and Johnathan and Rob who is equally brilliant and Babs and Kimbo get the heave ho ! Then it will be 5 stars.
terry newman31.12.2017
Super radio station tel
The station's local presenters include Andy Collins (weekday breakfast), Jonathan Vernon-Smith (weekday mornings, saturday mornings), Nick Coffer (weekday afternoons) and Roberto Perrone (weekday drivetime).