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Усталюйце мабільнае прыкладанне Online Radio Box для вашага смартфона і слухайце любімыя радыёстанцыі онлайн, дзе б вы ні знаходзіліся!

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Плейлист RadioTrinbagoWeb

Не ведаеце, якая песьня гучала на радыё? Скарыстайцеся нашым сэрвісам, каб знайсці яе! Наш плейлист ўтрымлівае расклад эфіру RadioTrinbagoWeb за апошнія 7 дзён.

23:57 Mr Big Stuff
23:46 Little Black Boy
23:36 My - Suggestion
23:32 Mr Soft Candle
23:27 Caribbean Connection (Merchant) version
23:26 Trinbagonize Your Mind REVISED
23:21 Whe Whe Banker
23:17 De Mark Buss
23:14 Merchant of Venice Original
23:10 Medicine Ads
23:10 Trinbagonize Your Mind REVISED
22:56 De New Village
22:45 Many Baby 2
22:45 94.7FM - Sexy Suzy ID REVISED
22:42 New Artist - Track21
22:38 Mad People on a Train
22:25 More Lying Excuse #2
22:25 Radio Trinbago 94.7fm ID - Unknown
22:13 Kathy Ann
22:09 Mae mae 2
22:05 E Done Dey
22:04 RadioTrinbagoWeb - EVOLVING
22:02 Johnny and Irwin
21:59 Ten to one is murder
21:54 lord kitchener - Twenty To One
21:49 Sparrow - Mango
21:45 Learn To Cook
21:45 RadioTrinbagoWeb - In Quality Stereo
21:42 Black Market - Beginner
21:37 Food Prices (edit)
21:35 Jail Them
21:28 Is Norman Do Dat
21:27 Duke ID .REVISED060420
21:13 In Time to come - Crazy
21:04 kitchener - gimme the ting
21:04 RadioTrinbagoWeb - KENNY J
20:59 Gimme the Thing
20:55 Funny - Check Up (7)
20:47 Yuh Cyah Land
20:46 Calypso Montage.REVISED060420
20:40 Food for Thought 1
20:37 Dora Pork Fat - Terror
20:34 Jake and Blake
20:31 Ah Go Tell Granny - Ah Go Tell Granny
20:27 Crapaud And Lizard
20:27 Radio Trinbago 94.7fm ID - Unknown
20:22 Love In The Cemetry - Kitch
20:19 Cemetry - Cemetry
20:14 lord kitchener - Sparrow Mango
20:11 King and Queen
20:06 Her - Majesty
20:06 947 - Earl Brooks ID REVISED
20:02 Mystic Prowler - Queen's Canary
19:53 The Lizard 1
19:47 Obeah - wedding(Melda)
19:47 RadioTrinbagoWeb - All The Music Of T&T
19:42 Smart Bajan
19:39 Jean and dinah 2
19:33 Foolish People
19:26 Bomber - Foolish People
19:19 Yankee Dollars - Lord Invader
19:16 Yankee Man - Sniper
19:10 Meh Lover orig
19:05 One Family - Nelson
19:05 Duke ID .REVISED060420
19:00 Ah Ha - Nelson
18:56 Brigo - Do So Ain't Like So
18:50 Disco Daddy orig - Nelson
18:46 Mystic Prowler - Smart Bajan
18:46 Chucky for - Radio Trinbago
18:40 Crapeaud Revolution
18:36 Crapaud And Lizard
18:31 Smart Bajan
18:27 Revenge for Trini - 72
18:24 Take Yuh Meat Out Meh Rice - Kitchener
18:24 947 - Earl Brooks ID REVISED
18:13 Big Wordman
18:03 Mystic Prowler - Confusing Names
17:58 Mystic Prowler - Pc Repair Man
17:53 Mystic Prowler - Webster's Dictonary
17:49 Conquerer - Webster's Dictonary
17:44 Dan Is The Man
17:44 94.7FM - Young ones REVISED
17:40 Santa 1
17:37 Jonah and the bake
17:32 Trinidad Bill Back To School
17:28 Child Training - Composer
17:24 Children Games 2
17:21 Remember Ma and Pa
17:16 Bomber - Joan & James
17:03 Kudos to Radio Trinbago
17:03 94.7FM - Myron B REVISED
16:54 Saltfish Price
16:51 Saltfish 1
16:47 Jealous - Cathy
16:43 Bird Flu
16:43 RadioTrinbagoWeb - KENNY J
16:37 Chicken Thief Original - Zandolie
16:32 Poverty Is Hell - Shadow
16:32 RadioTrinbagoWeb - SPREADING LIKE FIRE
16:17 Lord Relator - Tribute to Spoiler (128 kbps)
16:12 Twin Brother - Blakie
16:10 Twin Brother
16:07 Muriel's Bedbug
16:01 Magistrate Trys Himself
15:44 Magistrate Try Himself and Bedbug
15:44 94.7FM - Sexy Suzy ID REVISED
15:39 Tarzan 1
15:32 The Ultimate Locho - Sprang
15:29 Relator - Matilda
15:24 Crazy ID Revised
15:18 Horn - Shadow
15:15 Mighty Sparrow - Sell the Pussy
15:10 Hold The Pussy (live)
15:07 Iron Man (orig)
15:03 94.7FM - Sugar Aloes (1) REVISED
14:57 Hot Sweet & Jumpy - Nelson
14:53 Brigo - Shake Up
14:49 Brigo - Walking In the Dark
14:43 various - 1973 rain-o-rama - kitchener
14:43 Trinbagonize Your Mind REVISED
14:39 Mighty Sparrow & Lord Kitchen - Sa Sa Yea (Mighty Sparrow)
14:35 Dus in dey Face 1
14:29 The sinking ship
14:24 One Family - Nelson
14:24 Radio Trinbago 94.7fm ID - Unknown
14:07 Kitchner - Gimme De Ting
14:03 Atlantik/Tony Prescott - All Aboard
14:03 Brother Resistance ID REVISED
13:59 various - 1986 bahia girl - david rudder
13:54 ELEVATE THE WOMAN - Lord Superior
13:50 Nora - Relator
13:46 lord kitchener - Doh Rock Me So
13:46 Duke ID .REVISED060420
13:41 London Soca
13:35 London Jam
13:33 The Queen is in 1954
13:30 Romance on the Queen Mary - '53
13:26 Alexa Radiotrinbago ID
13:21 School Days
13:17 Duncy School Children
13:13 1971 mas in madison sq garden - Kitchener
13:07 Mas in Brooklyn - 1969
12:56 Trinidad Bill Back To School
12:46 Medley..Miss Mary..Jane..Royal Jail..Benwood Dick..Sa Sa Ay
12:46 RadiotrinbagoWeb - Past and Present
12:42 Rose Medley
12:39 Calypso Rose The Crab (128 kbps)
12:35 Blackhat - Centipede In The Bikini (128 kbps)
12:32 Mighty Ringo - Mama Go Know (128 kbps)
12:29 Mighty Spoiler - Sing Calypsonias (128 kbps)
12:26 Lord Cristo - Indian party - Telco (128 kbps)
12:26 94.7FM - Sexy Suzy ID REVISED
12:16 Pink Panther - Ah Cyar See (128 kbps)
12:09 Brown Boy - I's Ah Gardener (128 kbps)
12:06 Cock Fight
12:04 Prim Balisier
12:04 94.7FM - Sexy Suzy ID REVISED
12:01 The Queen is in 1954
11:58 Motor Car Horn - The Growling Tiger
11:55 Blackbyrd - Lord Melody
11:52 Reincarnation - Invader
11:49 Lord Fluke - Calypso Medley (128 kbps)
11:48 RadioTrinbagoWeb - In Quality Stereo
11:33 Black Prince - De Letter
11:29 No money no love 2
11:26 Iron Man (orig)
11:26 94.7FM - Sexy Suzy ID REVISED
11:22 Sell De Pussy
11:17 Love In The Cemetry - Kitch
11:11 Track 02
11:03 Our Nations Heroes - Leslie Ann Ellis
11:03 Trinbagonize Your Mind REVISED
10:58 Big Bamboo 2 - Sparrow
10:50 Slave II
10:46 My emperor, my King
10:46 RadioTrinbagoWeb - KENNY J
10:39 Nobody Ain't Go Know
10:32 Respect the King - Cro Cro
10:27 Her - Majesty
10:24 No Carnival in Britian 1954
10:24 RadioTrinbagoWeb - All The Music Of T&T
10:21 England retains the ashes - Beginner
10:19 Woman police in England 1956
10:16 Romance on the Queen Mary - '53
10:14 London is the place for me - Kitchener
10:10 Mighty Terror - Life In London
10:06 Lord Canary - Doctor Beckles
10:03 The queen singing calypso 2
10:03 94.7FM - Sexy Suzy ID REVISED
09:58 Twin Brother - Blakie
09:54 Ugly Woman, Trouble and Misery - Roaring Lion, Beginner
09:47 It's A Trini Thing
09:47 RadioTrinbagoWeb - In Quality Stereo
09:41 Magistrate - Magistrate
09:38 Black Power - Old Cypher
09:33 Mystic Prowler - Webster's Dictonary
09:29 Conquerer - Webster's Dictonary
09:24 Dan Is The Man
09:24 Alexa Radiotrinbago ID
09:20 Santa 1
09:14 Remember Ma and Pa
09:09 Trinidad Bill Back To School
09:04 RadioTrinbagoWeb - The Heartbeat
09:00 Children Games 2
08:56 Child Training - Composer
08:44 Brother Resistance ID REVISED
08:35 Bacchanal Jenny
08:31 Gemma On The Ferris Wheel
08:25 Steelpan Montage 1.REVISED060420
08:21 Monica DouDou
08:17 Mae mae 2
08:14 Calypso Rose The Crab (128 kbps)
08:10 Brigo - Shake Up
08:06 Brigo - Walking In the Dark
08:06 Radio Trinbago - Rizon
08:01 Brigo - Do So Ain't Like So
07:56 Green Lime Falling
07:50 Hot Sweet & Jumpy - Nelson
07:44 Baron - Melosian Rhapsody
07:44 947 - Earl Brooks ID REVISED
07:40 Relator - Scandal In The Family
07:37 Lord Kitchener - My Pussin'
07:30 Ah Fraid Pussy Bite Meh
07:27 Sell De Pussy
07:27 94.7FM - Sexy Suzy ID REVISED
07:22 Hold The Pussy (live)
07:13 Baron - The Jammer
07:05 Baron - Ah Feeling It
07:05 Alexa Radiotrinbago ID
07:00 One Family - Nelson
06:54 Artist - somebody
06:47 Meh Lover orig
06:46 RadioTrinbagoWeb - MONTAGE 2
06:39 Baron - This Melody Sweet
06:35 Black Stalin - Black Feeling To Party
06:33 Mama Look Ah Boo Boo - Lord Cristo
06:29 Jazz In the Calalloo
06:25 Picong Duet Live
06:24 RadioTrinbagoWeb - Above The Rest
06:20 Booboo Man Live
06:17 Fowl Thief Melo
06:13 Cowboy Melo
06:10 Munsinger Affair
06:03 Mighty Sparrow - Since "He" Done Day
06:03 Duke ID .REVISED060420
06:01 Pele Ballers
05:56 Black Power - New Cypher
05:50 Last Election
05:44 Doh Watch Me Hard
05:44 947fm - Becket REVISED
05:40 Market Vendor - Preacher
05:32 De Market Cuss Out - Bodyguard
05:29 Fruits Controversy
05:26 Fresh Water Yankee
05:25 94.7 FM - MONTAGE 3 REVISED
05:21 Doctor Kitch - Bomber
05:18 World Cup - Cypher
05:15 Mighty Cypher - Sailor Man In Donkey Pants (128 kbps)
05:10 Reincarnation - Bomber
05:10 Radio Trinbago - Rizon
05:02 London Bridge
04:59 THE MIGHTY CYPHER - Looting in BG (Guyana) (128 kbps)
04:55 Mighty Composer - *CACADAH*
04:52 Cypher - Prison Boys
04:49 No Crime No Law - Commander
04:46 Cypher - Love Miss Dove
04:44 RadioTrinbagoWeb - MONTAGE 2
04:34 You can't please people
04:31 IF THE PRIEST COULD PLAY by THE MIGHTY CYPHER(Calypso Monarch 1967) (128 kbps)
04:27 Lord Shorty - Indrani
04:14 King Liar
04:10 Hold The Pussy (live)
04:10 Kyle Legere ID Edited
04:02 Phillip My Dear (Man In de Bedroom)
03:56 Congo Man
03:45 O'Trinidad....Love Again
03:45 Chucky for - Radio Trinbago
03:42 Rum and Coca 2
03:39 Rum and Coca Cola 3
03:36 Cock Fight
03:32 Steel Band Clash
03:26 In Venezuela - Young Cypher
03:22 Guerellas Cypher
03:19 Cypher Going Hippie
03:14 Twin Brother
03:11 Magistrate Trys Himself
03:08 Muriel's Bedbug
03:00 Tiger in your tank - Bryner
02:58 Wilmoth Houdini - Arima Tonight Sangre Grande Tomorrow Night
02:54 Believe It or Not - Lord Blakie
02:51 Lord Commander - Too Much Publicity
02:46 no artist - mr walker - sparrow
02:46 RadioTrinbagoWeb - KENNY J
02:38 Trinidad AllStars - Medley (128 kbps)
02:37 Steelpan Montage 1.REVISED060420
02:27 Renegades - Black Stalin medley (128 kbps)
02:19 Renegades - Lord Kitchener medley (128 kbps)
02:18 Steelpan Montage 1.REVISED060420
02:15 No place like home - Sparrow
02:12 Mighty Sparrow w Frankie Francis - Ten To One Is Murder
02:05 De More De Merrier
02:05 RadioTrinbagoWeb - All The Music Of T&T
01:48 RadioTrinbagoWeb - MONTAGE 2
01:38 Wheleminea Sister Man
01:35 Stella - Nelson
01:25 12 Bar Joan
01:25 94.7FM - Myron B REVISED
01:21 English Diplomacy
01:17 My Connie
01:15 Relator - Matilda
01:10 various - 1974 bassman - shadow
01:05 Chalkdust - Ah Put On Me Guns Again ( Classic Kaiso ) (128 kbps)
00:59 Chalkdust - Juba Doo Bai
00:55 Relator - Scandal In The Family
00:53 Brown Skin Ghul
00:49 Mystic P{rowler - Mad People On A Train
00:47 Last Train to San Fernando
00:44 The Underground Train
00:44 94.7FM - Young ones REVISED
00:35 MIGHTY SPARROW London Bridge Is Falling Down - 1993
00:30 School Days
00:27 Children Must Learn #1
00:23 Duncy School Children
00:23 RadioTrinbagoWeb - EVOLVING
00:18 Dan Is The Man
00:07 Trinidad Bill Back To School
00:03 Children Games 2
00:03 Radio Trinbago - Rizon
00:00 Remember Ma and Pa

Усталюйце дадатак Online Radio Box для вашага смартфона і слухайце любімыя радыёстанцыі онлайн, дзе б вы ні знаходзіліся! Цяпер ваша любімае радыё ў вас у кішэні, дзякуючы нашаму зручнаму дадатку.