Oasis Wonderwall
Your Gippsland Radio
 Joan Jett I Love Rock 'N Roll (with Steve Jones & Paul Cook)
 Robbie Williams Angels
Radio 5MU
 Michael Jackson Bad
Ravenz Radio
 Billy Joel We Didn't Start the Fire
SWR 99.9 FM
 Glenn Frey The Heat Is On
Poprock Radio
 Eric Clapton Tears In Heaven
RDA Radio Dimensione Australia
 The Romantics Talking In Your Sleep
Free FM Rock
 The Cure Close to Me
Bay Islands Radio
 Savage Garden To the Moon and Back
 Bastille Pompeii
Prime Radio
 Whitney Houston Higher Love
89.9 TheLight
 U2 Mysterious Ways
Saffa Radio
 Stealers Wheel Stuck in the Middle with You
Radical FM Classic Hits
 Whitney Houston One Moment In Time
Wide Bay's Breeze 102.5
 Daft Punk Around the World
SAFM Adelaide
 Jonas Brothers Sucker
Triple Y Grovely
 Sam Smith Diamonds
RadicalFM - Perth
 3 Doors Down Kryptonite
Mix 102.3
 Steve Perry Oh Sherrie
its 80s