23:59 |
Hillsong Worship - Acoustic
23:55 |
AnnaMaria Berqvist - Orden är slut
23:44 |
Bethel Music, Amanda Lindsey Cook - Pieces (Spontaneous)
23:44 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
23:43 |
Reklam - Siljansnäs Maskin
23:41 |
Hilde Svela - Frykt ikkje
23:37 |
Kristin Akselsen - Holy, Holy, Holy
23:35 |
Andéas & Mari Wirsén - SÖK HERREN
23:33 |
Amanda Lindsey Cook - Flagship (Instrumental)
23:28 |
Leeland - For Your Glory
23:19 |
Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Elevation Worship - The Blessing (Live)
23:15 |
Cory Asbury - Your Love Is Strong
23:12 |
Project of Love - Psalm 61 A Place To Get Away From It All
23:09 |
Erik Nieder - Faithful (Acoustic)
23:04 |
Frank Ådahl - Brevet
23:00 |
Neon Feather, Chris Con - Safe
22:57 |
Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson - For The One (Live)
22:54 |
Sara Lindvall - Utan smycken
22:50 |
Rebecca Tias - Kom
22:50 |
Reklam - Sontax
22:49 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
22:46 |
Carin Hyving - Du Mitt Lilla Barn
22:41 |
All Sons & Daughters - Great Are You Lord - Live
22:37 |
Inpraise - Närmare Dig
22:34 |
Sebastian Stakset & Einar - Inlåst
22:30 |
Bethel Music, Brian Johnson - You Have Won Me
22:27 |
Pontus J. Back talkcd1152 - Everybody wants to go to heaven
22:26 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
22:21 |
Jonathan David Heller, Melissa Helser - Find Me
22:15 |
Bethel Music, Amanda Lindsey Cook - Wonder (Live)
22:11 |
Bengt Johansson - Var Mig När
22:07 |
Project of Love - Psalm 36 Fountain of Life
22:07 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil Leasing
22:06 |
Reklam - Siljansnäs Maskin
22:02 |
Andreas och Mari Wirsen - Han vill göra under
21:59 |
Sebastian Stakset & Einar - Mamma Förlåt
21:55 |
Eva Marklund - Israel
21:47 |
Bethel Music, Staffany Gretzinger, Amanda Linsey Cook - Extravagant (Live)
21:43 |
Don Moen - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
21:36 |
Steffany Gretzinger - Letting Go
21:32 |
Bethel Music, Steffany Gretzinger - We Dance (Live)
21:28 |
Per Lindberg - Royalty
21:23 |
Kerstin Adeström - Be till Dig
21:20 |
Sebastian Stakset - Livet i Trakten
21:16 |
Martin Börjesson - Fyll Mig Nu
21:09 |
Bethel Music, Amanda Lindsey Cook - I Will Exalt (feat. Amanda Cook)
21:07 |
Project of Love - Psalm 121 He Guards You Always
21:02 |
Israel Houghton - Our God
21:01 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
21:01 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
20:56 |
Cory Asbury - Endless Alleluia
20:54 |
Michael W. Smith - There Is None Like You
20:49 |
AnnaMaria Berqvist - Din Nåd
20:45 |
Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson - Come To Me
20:41 |
Clas Vårdstedt - Kom Herre Jesus
20:38 |
Hilde Svela - Du er dyrebar
20:33 |
Hillsong Worship - King Of Kings
20:24 |
Leeland - Where You Are (Live)
20:19 |
Hedin Band - Bara Du
20:17 |
Rebecca Tias - Även om
20:16 |
Reklam - Sontax
20:16 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil Leasing
20:11 |
Bethel Music, Staffany Gretzinger - You Know Me
20:06 |
Marie & Anders - Jag kommer Jesus till ditt kors
20:03 |
Alf Lax - Psalm 23
19:57 |
Bethel Music; Mollhy Skaggs - Like A Flood (Instrumental)
19:54 |
1K Phew. WHATUPRG, Ty Brasel - Kung Fu
19:50 |
Casting Crowns - Oh My Soul
19:45 |
Hillsong Worship - Hope Live / Hope Album Version
19:42 |
Project of Love - Psalm 1 Always in Blossom
19:36 |
Alfred Nygren & Band - Tusen Skäl
19:31 |
Authentic Worship - Jeremia
19:27 |
Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle - Walk In The Promise
19:22 |
Kristin Akselsen - If I Can Help Somebody
19:20 |
Kenneth Lillqvist - Mercy
19:17 |
Will Morrison - Good Good Father - Acoustic Version
19:11 |
Josh Baldwin - Holding On
19:07 |
Jenn Johnson, Bethel Music - You Make Me Happy (Spontaneous)
19:03 |
Bethel Music, Amanda Lindsey Cook - Breathe (Spontaneous)
19:00 |
Pontus J. Back talkcd1152 - I have decided to follow Jesus
18:55 |
Elevation Worship - Oh Come To The Altar
18:51 |
Johan och Nina Abrahamson - Min själ är fri
18:51 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
18:47 |
Cohren & Co. - One Day
18:43 |
Bethel Music, Brian Johnson - Angels
18:38 |
Hillsong Worship - Mighty To Save Version
18:34 |
Kristin Akselsen - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
18:33 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
18:33 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil Leasing
18:32 |
Radio Hope - Reklam Intro
18:29 |
Carin Hyving - Viska In I Mitt Hjärta
18:26 |
Hulvey, Zach Paradis - Higher
18:22 |
Sebastian Stakset - Be För Min Stad
18:17 |
Josh Baldwin - Peace
18:13 |
Kristine Dimarco - Amazing Graze
18:08 |
Elevation Worship - Do It Again (Acoustic)
18:05 |
Matt Maher - Lord, I Need You
18:01 |
Project of Love - Psalm 46 Be Still and Know that I Am God
17:54 |
Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson - Sweet Praise (Spontaneous)
17:53 |
Andreas och Mari Wirsen - Kärleksfulla famn
17:49 |
AnnaMaria Berqvist - Så tacksam
17:45 |
Hunter G K Thompson - Seasons To Grow
17:42 |
Stefans Gretzinger - Open Up Let The Light In
17:38 |
Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle - Draw Near
17:35 |
Andéas & Mari Wirsén - HEL PÅ INSIDAN
17:29 |
Julia, Linea, Gabriel Hagenfors - Han som kom ner
17:25 |
Marianne, Marie & Anders - Calling me Deeper
17:17 |
Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Elevation Worship - The Blessing (Live)
17:10 |
Hope For This Nation, Feut. Sanna Välipakka - Helig mark
17:06 |
Kristin Akselsen - Wayfaring Stranger
17:04 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
16:57 |
Michael W.Smith Vanessa Campagna - Waymaker
16:55 |
Thomas Cervin - Det finns ingen utväg (Gud hör när vi ber)
16:51 |
Livets Ord - Kom Helig Ande
16:48 |
Stefan Jernsand - Jag Vill Se Ditt Ansikte
16:46 |
Hilde Svela - Jesus er foran meg og bak meg
16:43 |
Tasha Layton - Into The Sea (It's Gonna Be Ok)
16:38 |
Albin Vilhelm - Tårar faller (Halleluja El Elyon)
16:35 |
Casting Crowns - Love Moved First
16:30 |
Sebastian Stakset, SAMI - Berlinmurar och Eifeltorn
16:26 |
Zach Williams - There Was Jesus
16:22 |
Kristin Akselsen - Gospel Singer
16:19 |
Johan och Nina Abrahamson - Levande vatten
16:15 |
Clas Vårdstedt - Börja Med Mig
16:11 |
Cohren & Co. - One Day
16:08 |
Josh Baldwin - Holding On
16:04 |
Frank Ådahl - Jag är med dig
16:01 |
Pontus J. Back talkcd1152 - Oh the blood of Jesus
15:56 |
Dag & Helena - Sök hans ansikte
15:53 |
Bethel Music: Hunter G K Thomson - My Dear
15:49 |
Hedin Band - Fader VI Går Fram Till Dig
15:44 |
Sebastian Stakset - Andas Under Vatten
15:44 |
Reklam - Siljansnäs Maskin
15:44 |
Reklam - Sontax
15:39 |
Eleonora Lahti - Sök Mitt Ansikte
15:35 |
Rebecca Tias - Våra stunder
15:31 |
Andreas och Mari Wirsen - Ett regn av nad
15:28 |
Carin Hyving - Kärleken Från Dej
15:25 |
Andreas & Mari Wirsén - Inte genom någon människas styrka
15:21 |
Hunter G K Thompson - Nostalgia
15:15 |
Albin Vilhelm - Tårar faller (Halleluja El Elyon)
15:11 |
Hillsong Worship - King Of Kings
15:10 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
15:06 |
Josh Baldwin - Get Your Hopes Up
15:02 |
Bethel Music, Brian Johnson - Angels
14:58 |
Sebastian Stakset & Sinan - - Jag Ber
14:55 |
Maranatha Praise Band - Let It Rise
14:50 |
Michael & Camilla Lahall - Stor Är Herren
14:46 |
Mrs Bighill Singers - In Christ There is No East or West
14:40 |
Simon Ådahl - Jag Tänker Be För Sverige
14:36 |
Magnus Helmner - Möt Mig Här
14:33 |
Sebastian Stakset - Igen
14:31 |
Samuel Ljungblahd - All I Need
14:27 |
Project of Love - Psalm 36 Fountain of Life
14:26 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil Leasing
14:26 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
14:22 |
Bethel Music, Brian Johnson - You Have Won Me
14:18 |
Israel Houghton - You Won't Let Go
14:13 |
Larm! - Jag väntar på dig
14:10 |
David Dunn - I Wanna Go Back
14:08 |
Hillsong Chapel - His Glory Appears
13:55 |
Tauren Wells, Jenn Johnson - Famous For (I Believe)
13:51 |
Magnus Helmner - Bryter Upp
13:48 |
Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson - For The One (Live)
13:43 |
Israel Houghton - U R Loved
13:39 |
Mrs Bighill Singers - In Christ Alone
13:35 |
Simon Ådahl - Jag Talar Liv I Dej
13:31 |
Mandisa, John Reddick - You Keep Hope Alive
13:26 |
Ingalill Vaim - There Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down
13:23 |
Bäckman - Dreams
13:19 |
Ådahl - Roots
13:15 |
Evelina Gard - Trosbekännelsen (Credo)
13:11 |
Big Daddy Weave - This Is What We Live For
13:11 |
Radio Hope - Stations-ID
13:06 |
Micke Fhinn - Du går vid min sida
13:04 |
Project of Love - Psalm 121 He Guards You Always
13:04 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
13:03 |
Reklam - Sontax
12:58 |
Hillsong Worship - Hope Live / Hope Album Version
12:53 |
Israel Houghton - Every Prayer (Featuring Mary Mary)
12:49 |
Michael & Camilla Lahall - Tillsammans Med Dig
12:45 |
Mass Atnthem - Good Life
12:42 |
Zach Williams - There Was Jesus
12:39 |
Mrs Bighill Singers - Oh, Lord I Don t Know.221431
12:35 |
MercyMe - Flawless
12:32 |
Matty Mullins - No Hold On Me
12:28 |
Steven Curtis Chapman - Together
12:22 |
Bethel Music, Staffany Gretzinger - You Know Me
12:18 |
Magnus Helmner - Käpp Och Stav
12:14 |
Elenee Young - Egypt
12:09 |
Oslo Gospel Choir - In Christ Alone
12:06 |
Casting Crowns - Start Right Here
12:05 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
12:02 |
Pontus J. Back talkcd1152 - It's a miracle
11:58 |
Walk On Water - Vägen, sanningen och livet
11:55 |
Becka Bradley - I Need Jesus
11:49 |
Michael & Camilla Lahall - Halleluja The Lord Is Here
11:45 |
We The Kingdom - God So Loved
11:42 |
Francesca Battistelli - If Webu0019re Honest
11:38 |
Project of Love - Psalm 81 Open Your Mouth Wide
11:38 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
11:37 |
Reklam - Siljansnäs Maskin
11:32 |
All Sons & Daughters - Great Are You Lord - Live
11:29 |
Blanca - What If
11:26 |
Jamie Kimmett - Price Worth Fighting For
11:22 |
John Legend - Preach
11:19 |
Bethel Music, Matt Stinton - This Is What You Do
11:14 |
Andraé Crouch - Yes Lord (with Lauren Evans)
11:10 |
Building 429, broke(e) - Blessings I Can't See (Uptempo)
11:06 |
Josh Baldwin - Evidence
11:02 |
Brandom Heath - Give Me Your Eys
10:58 |
Casting Crowns - Oh My Soul
10:54 |
Elle Limebear - Bye Fear
10:51 |
Sarah Reeves - Right Where You Want Me
10:47 |
Mrs Bighill Singers - The Voice
10:44 |
CAIN - Rise Up (Lazarus)
10:43 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
10:40 |
Riley Clemmons - Broke
10:26 |
Living Word Live - Open the Eyes of my Hart
10:19 |
Israel Houghton - You Hold My World
10:15 |
Pontus J. Back talkcd1152 - The day of salvation
10:12 |
10:08 |
Tauren Wells - Known
10:04 |
Project of Love - Psalm 4 In Peace I Will Lie Down
10:04 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil Leasing
09:58 |
Harvest Bashta - Make Us Ready
09:53 |
Blandande Arister - På Dig min Gud förtörstar jag 1
09:48 |
Albin Vilhelm - Vi har en kung.mix
09:45 |
Memo Prince - Shining Light
09:39 |
Brian Johnson, Jenn Johnso - Greater Than All Other Names
09:34 |
Richard Page - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away
09:31 |
MDSN - Who We Are
09:28 |
Rhett Walker - Believer
09:23 |
Josh Garrels - Born Again
09:18 |
Josh Baldwin - Peace
09:14 |
Bliss - Revelation
09:10 |
Graham Kendrick - Peace
09:07 |
Francesca Battistilli - Hundred More Years
09:03 |
for KING & COUNTRY - Together
08:59 |
Tasha Layton - Love Lifting Me
08:56 |
Rebecca Tias - Om igen
08:53 |
Michael & Camilla Lahall - Lovsången Stiger
08:49 |
Zara - You Know Me
08:40 |
Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Elevation Worship - The Blessing (Live)
08:40 |
Radio Hope - Stations-ID
08:33 |
Israel Houghton - Name of Love
08:29 |
Project of Love - Psalm 5 Cry For Help
08:28 |
Reklam - Sontax
08:28 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
08:25 |
Hulvey, Zach Paradis - Higher
08:20 |
Magnus Helmner - Sjung En Sång
08:16 |
Mirjam Johansson - Livet är kort
08:13 |
Angie Rose - Interruption
08:08 |
Amanda Lindsey Cook - Kind
08:06 |
Samuel Ljungblahd - Yeah Yeah Yeah (Is My Song)
08:02 |
Ryan Stevenson - Child In Your Arms
07:59 |
Andrew Ripp - Jericho
07:54 |
All For One GC - I Came
07:50 |
Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson - Come To Me
07:46 |
Noomi - Different Kind of Love
07:42 |
Simon Ådahl - Du Gör Mig Så Stark
07:39 |
Jeanette Alfredsson - Vår Hjälpare (Ps 121)
07:31 |
Elevation Worship, Brandon Lake - Graves Into Gardens (Live)
07:31 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
07:24 |
Sinach - I Know Who I Am
07:21 |
Called Out Music - God Like You
07:18 |
Mass Anthem - Good Life
07:14 |
Samuel Ljungblahd - Just Believe
07:12 |
Kenneth Lillqvist - Mercy
07:08 |
Stars Go Dim - It's Gonna Be Better
07:06 |
Project of Love - Psalm 61 A Place To Get Away From It All
07:05 |
Reklam - Siljansnäs Maskin
07:04 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
07:03 |
Elevation Worship - Do It Again (Acoustic)
06:50 |
Israel Houghton - That's Why I Love You
06:48 |
Rebecca Malmborg - Jag Går Med Dig
06:40 |
Bethel Music, Staffany Gretzinger, Amanda Linsey Cook - Extravagant (Live)
06:36 |
Influence Music, Michael Katterer - Rebels
06:33 |
David Dunn - Spend a Life
06:30 |
Jeremy Camp - Keep Me In The Moment
06:21 |
Kristine Dimarco - Amazing Graze
06:18 |
Tony Strandberg - Barnabon
06:15 |
People Of The Earth - Strengthen My Heart
06:10 |
Christy Nockels - Our Secret Place
06:07 |
Danny Gokey - Love God Love People
06:02 |
Rebecca Malmborg - Vart Skall Du Ta Vagen
05:59 |
Mrs Bighill Singers - Wade in the Grace (Spiritual Medley)
05:54 |
Nicole C. Mullen - Call On Jesus
05:50 |
Hawk Nelson, Hunter and Tara - Never Let You Down
05:47 |
Jordan Feliz - Glorify
05:44 |
Rebecca Tias - När du ser
05:40 |
Project of Love - Psalm 23 The Lord Is My Shepherd
05:39 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
05:39 |
Reklam - Sontax
05:35 |
Bethel Musc, Brian Johnson, Lindsey Strand - Colors (Spontaneous)
05:30 |
Evelina Gard - Holy Holy Holy (Sanctus)
05:25 |
Israel and New Breed - Go Back
05:20 |
Sletteng - You Are I AM
05:16 |
Cory Asbury - Endless Alleluia
05:12 |
Marie & Anders - Jag vill stilla min själ - fullmix
05:08 |
Ryan Stevenson - Amadeo (Still My God)
05:05 |
Chris Tomlin, Lady A - Who You Are To Me
05:01 |
Switch, Dilion Chase - Symphony
04:54 |
Michael W.Smith Vanessa Campagna - Waymaker
04:51 |
The Young Escape - Never Fade
04:48 |
Johnny Stimson - Halleluja
04:43 |
Michael & Camilla Lahall - Mer Av Dig Jesus
04:40 |
Matthew West - Truth To Be Told
04:35 |
Dermot Kennedy - Outnumbered
04:31 |
Ginny Owens - Undefeated
04:29 |
Mrs Bighill Singers - My Hope
04:25 |
Andrew Ripp - God Knows (Must Be Love) -
04:22 |
Josh Wilson - Revolutionary
04:16 |
Israel Houghton - Love Rev
04:13 |
Johan Skoog - Given by God
04:12 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil Leasing
04:12 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
04:09 |
Tasha Layton - Into The Sea (It's Gonna Be Ok)
04:05 |
Jervis Campbell - Glory
04:01 |
ChurchPpl, Spencer Kane, Ryan Te.. - Dance For My Homie
03:57 |
Benesser - Something In The Way
03:46 |
Bethel Music, Amanda Lindsey Cook - Pieces (Spontaneous)
03:43 |
Dan Bremmes - Up Again
03:39 |
John Tibbs - Details
03:35 |
Sebastian Stakset, Willow - Bakom Mina Masker -Willow
03:29 |
Ada - I Testify
03:25 |
Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle - Draw Near
03:21 |
All For One GC - Worthy Is Your Name
03:17 |
Carin Hyving - Jag vänder mig till Dig
03:12 |
James Ingram, Michael McDonald - Yah Mo Be There (feat. Michael McDonald)
03:09 |
Matthew West - Edge Of My Seat
03:08 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
03:00 |
Israel and New Breed - Don't Waith To Leave/I Still Love You
02:55 |
Anna Ekberg - Vår Själ Väntar
02:52 |
abf - Jesus is my saviour
02:48 |
Greater than I Am - Greater than I am
02:44 |
Hillsong Worship - King Of Kings
02:40 |
Mrs Bighill Singers - Walk with Me, Lord
02:37 |
Per Lindberg - Royalty
02:36 |
Reklam - Siljansnäs Maskin
02:36 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
02:27 |
Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Elevation Worship - The Blessing (Live)
02:23 |
Clas Vårdstedt - Jesus Ingen Är Som Du
02:19 |
Mirjam Johansson - Livet är kort
02:15 |
Kirk Franklin - Love Theory
02:13 |
Amanda Lindsey Cook - Flagship (Instrumental)
02:09 |
Bengt Johansson - Var Mig När
02:05 |
Zach Williams - There Was Jesus
02:01 |
Elijah Ride - A Love I Don't Deserve
01:56 |
Israel and New Breed - Taste And See
01:52 |
Don Moen - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
01:48 |
Linda Sandgren - Jesus
01:42 |
Israel Houghton - Sing Redemption's Song (Featuring Martin Smith)
01:39 |
Samuel Ljungblahd - Walking With Fire
01:36 |
Simon Möller - Upp & Ner
01:35 |
Promo - LifeLine, Tel 010 - 498 1010
01:32 |
Mandisa - Only The World
01:27 |
Michael & Camilla Lahall - Tänk Att Just Jag
01:23 |
Mirjam Johansson - När ska jag förstå
01:18 |
Carin Hyving - Alltid i mitt hjärta alltid
01:15 |
Tasha Layton - Into The Sea (It's Gonna Be Ok)
01:07 |
Israel Houghton - Hosanna (Be Lifted Higher)
01:04 |
Project of Love - Psalm 119 Into Your Presence
01:03 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil Leasing
01:03 |
Reklam - Siljansnäs Maskin
00:58 |
Elevation Worship - Here As In Heaven (Acoustic)
00:55 |
Andreas och Mari Wirsen - Det bästa jag har
00:52 |
Rebecca Malmborg - Stanna Här
00:52 |
Reklam - Sontax
00:51 |
Reklam - Eriks Foto och Webbdesign
00:46 |
Stefans Gretzinger - Oxygen
00:42 |
Bethel Music, Jeremy Riddle - Walk In The Promise
00:38 |
Hillsong Worship - Acoustic
00:35 |
Andéas & Mari Wirsén - Herren Min Läkare
00:31 |
Michael & Camilla Lahall - Bara Jesus
00:30 |
Kristine Dimarco - Doxology
00:22 |
Steffany Gretzinger - Letting Go
00:16 |
Vinyard Worship - Breathe
00:11 |
Audrey Assad - Abide With Me
00:09 |
Andreas och Mari Wirsen - Beroende av dig
00:09 |
Reklam - Sontax
00:08 |
Reklam - Lindströms Bil
00:02 |
Jonathan David Heller, Melissa Helser - Beautiful Jesus