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Play Café

Rating: 5.0 Reviews: 8
Play Café is an online radio station with a special playlist dedicated to coffee shops, restaurants, etc. Various music starting from the 50's up to 2010's. It's part of Play Radio, founded in 2008 by Play Broadcasting Media.
174 4

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On the air Play Café

Live Take That It Only Takes a Minute
06:33 AC/DC Back In Black
06:32 Muzica... La Superlativ
Play Café playlist

TOP songs on Play Café

Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner - Cose della vita/can't stop thinkingEros Ramazzotti — Cose della vita (Can't Stop Thinking of You) [with Tina Turner & Tina Turner]
Bad Boys Blue - Lady in BlackBad Boys Blue — Lady in Black
Madonna - Like A VirginMadonna — Like a Virgin
The Corrs - What Can I Do?The Corrs — What Can I Do?
Lisa Stansfield - This Is the Right TimeLisa Stansfield — This Is the Right Time
Total Touch Feat. Candy Dulfer - So Curious (1996)Total Touch — So Curious (feat. Candy Dulfer)
Ivan - FotonovelaIvan — Fotonovela
One by one by Cher...Cher — One By One
Gotye - Somebody That I Used to KnowGotye — Somebody That I Used to Know
Natalie Cole - Unforgettable (Duet with Nat King Cole)Natalie Cole — Unforgettable (Duet with Nat King Cole)

Play Café reviews

  • 5
    Selecția muzicală este deosebită!
  • 5
    Nota 10,un playlist foarte variat si deosebit!Felicitari!
  • 5
    excelent , postul meu de radio preferat.
  • 5
    Cel mai variat playlist pe care l-am auzit la radio.
  • 5
    Fan nr 1.santeti super o ascult cu dor de ro
  • 5
    un mix placut de muzica ascultat cu placere acasa si la servici. Bravo!!
  • 5
    muzica pe gustul meu!
  • 5
    Amazing playlist.

Radio contacts

Address: Str. Mihai Viteazu Nr. 42, etaj 2, Constanța
Phone: +40722210202
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +40722210202
Facebook: @playcaferomania
Instagram: @playradioconstanta
Youtube: @playradioromania

Time in Constanța: 13:40, 03.16.2025

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