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Instałuj darmową aplikację mobilną Online Radio Box do swego smartfonu i słuchaj uliubionę stacji radiowe na żywo gdziekolwiek!
the speed n thrash inferno with fok 'bs' at the extreme metal stream of radio highway pirates. fok 'bs' (this is fok's second show of the week, his other show is the heavy rock'n'roll show every tuesday at the glam-punk stream of radio highway pirates, please take a look here: let us take a look into is enormous thrash n speed metal archive. an archive filled up with all the hits and wellknown bands of the thrash metal/black metal/death metal world. however this archive contains also unknown bands as newcomers as well.
a two hours plus thrash expirience you should not miss...
every friday from around 18:00 japanese standard time, from around 19:00 central european time and from around 21:00 eastern standard time...
visit his page for his last speed n thrash inferno at the extreme metal stream of radio highway pirates here:
this show is also to be found there at top of the weekly global thrash metal chart at mixcloud.
Instałuj darmową aplikację Online Radio Box do swego smartfonu i słuchaj uliubionę stacji radiowe na żywo gdziekolwiek!