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the fred berger show at the heavy metal stream of radio highway pirates.
fred is from the old guard therefore at his show you will find all the classic hard rock and heavy metal hits of the area of the 80ies. however he has his ears open for anything new, which is in the mood of the 80ies metal.
fred's show is a two hours plus trip into the world of classic metal you should not miss...
every wednesday from around 18:00 japanese standard time, from around 19:00 central european time and from around 21:00 eastern standard time...
visit his page for his last fred berger show at the heavy metal stream of radio highway pirates here:
Встановіть безкоштовний додаток Online Radio Box на ваш смартфон та слухайте улюблені радіостанції онлайн, де б ви не були!