23:57 |
Wolf & Clover - The Wild Goose
23:55 |
Kinnfolk - The Barnyards of Delgaty
23:51 |
Ivy Leaves - Apocalooper Flute
23:51 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
23:45 |
Loell Duinn - Zov, The Summoning
23:42 |
Pat Razket - Krakens's Dance
23:38 |
Liz Hanks - Glind
23:35 |
Voddemoer - Droge Haring
23:35 |
Jingle - Jingle The Buddies of the Deceased
23:30 |
Willos' - Wayfaring stranger
23:27 |
La Bastringue - Reel Isidore.Reel De Gaspe
23:26 |
Jingle - Jingle, Berit of CeltCast
23:22 |
Hialøsa - Stanna dar ni ar, Rullande Gubben
23:19 |
The Kilkennys - A Nation Once Again
23:11 |
Sangre de Muerdago - Adeus meus Amigos
23:08 |
Morten Alfred & Vingården - Høstfesten
23:03 |
FeHu Paganfolk - Il Viaggio Comincia
22:58 |
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Bensoe Pafak
22:54 |
Irish Drinking Songs - Home Boys Home, The Blackwater Boys
22:51 |
Celtic Fire - Barleycorn, Boys Of The Old Brigade
22:47 |
Ben Walker - Showers on Ascension Day
22:43 |
Spiers & Boden - Funney Eye, Cheshire Hornpipe
22:40 |
Favergade - Den Gode Maler Schottisch
22:36 |
WARG - Beltane
22:34 |
Jess Ginty - Planets
22:30 |
The Buddies of the Deceased - Мало места
22:27 |
Antica Liuteria Sangineto - Tant que vivray
22:22 |
Decombel-van Mierlo - Le Souffle, L'Anglin
22:18 |
Fling - Where Eternity Lies
22:14 |
Good Habits - I Will Still Be Here
22:07 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
22:00 |
Cara - Sweet William's Ghost
21:56 |
Ensemble Sangineto - Lusive la lune
21:51 |
Faun - Tagelied
21:47 |
Breabach - Lochanside
21:42 |
Floating Sofa Quartet - Komma skall, live feat Izabelle Noren
21:40 |
Ken Parsons - Gallagher's Frolic
21:36 |
Wouter en de Draak - Dusgemint, Bourree in 2
21:32 |
Skipinnish - Alive
21:28 |
Lyradanz - Abbraccio di sale
21:26 |
Bernstein & Ebenholz - Erwachen
21:21 |
Vicky Swan and Jonny Dyer - Grandpa Joe
21:18 |
Scott and Maria - Ancestors
21:14 |
Stundom - Frigear
21:11 |
Salt House - Headwater
21:07 |
Snaarmaarwaar - Dubio
21:03 |
The Willows - But Then I Stop
21:00 |
Waldkauz - Des Dichters Segen
20:55 |
Enokham - Deconstruire le monde
20:50 |
Viorel - Uncle Wilbur's
20:46 |
Logical Fleadh - Ballad of Saint James, acoustic
20:42 |
The Trouble Notes - Pearl d'Alsace
20:39 |
Adam Young - Forever Young
20:35 |
Irish Ceili Band - Ballinasloe
20:33 |
Adriano Sangineto - Orizzonte
20:28 |
Cala - Smirr
20:24 |
Triskilian - I himmelen
20:20 |
Fior - Die schone Zeit
20:17 |
Fuimadane - Kærr
20:14 |
Taennchel - Et nos Voiles
20:07 |
Loogaroo - Certuban
20:04 |
HØST - Springdans
20:01 |
Daridel - Tangle of Bones
19:58 |
Emma van Dobben - Harom Napja Szivemen
19:56 |
Vilsevind - Vindalder, vargalder
19:52 |
Amy Hopwood - Kintsugi
19:47 |
Cesair - Storm
19:43 |
The Meadows - Elusive Dreams
19:40 |
Voddemoer - Droge Haring
19:40 |
Jingle - Jingle, Helen of CeltCast
19:36 |
Ellen Gibling - Lament for the Death of Staker Wallace, Air
19:36 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
19:32 |
Tva Fisk & En Flask - Lussi lilla
19:26 |
Spoket i koket - Polska fran Medelpad
19:21 |
Virelai - Sillibrand
19:16 |
Alyth Mc Cormack - Nuair Bha Mi Og
19:16 |
Jingle - Jingle Meidi Makes Music
19:09 |
Roving Crows - Rise
19:06 |
The Young'uns - Three Dads Walking
19:02 |
Bisarr - Groddapolska,Trad
18:58 |
Aerokorda - Ashes
18:53 |
Svobsk - Morfars march
18:50 |
BRAGR - Springschottis
18:45 |
Tim Edey & Ross Ainslie - Dad
18:42 |
Perry Stenbäck & Dekadansorkestern - Resan
18:37 |
Talisk - Echo
18:35 |
Blod Dyr - Gudrunarkvida
18:30 |
Folk Magic - Nigel Eaton, Is this farewell
18:25 |
Wolf & Clover - The Unquiet Grave
18:21 |
Deborah Stokol - Lady Macbeth, Come, You Spirits
18:18 |
Christy Moore - The Foxy Devil
18:13 |
Chris Murphy - Into The Past
18:09 |
Trobar de Morte - Morrigan
18:03 |
Erutan - Will O' The Wisp
18:00 |
The High Kings - Paddy's Green Shamrock shore
17:59 |
Jingle - Jingle M'ANAM
17:56 |
Strings & Things - Whispers
17:52 |
Withershins - Phryday the 13th
17:49 |
Bill Leslie - Scottish Lullaby
17:44 |
Aftenstorm - Tyve ar
17:40 |
Sean Mathews - Hope that Hope Will Give
17:38 |
Pat Razket - The Only One Alive
17:34 |
Loogaroo - Ibi
17:31 |
Mette Kathrine - Julepolonaise
17:28 |
Petter Attila Naessan - Visestubb om Gygraputten
17:28 |
Jingle - Jingle, Rosanne and Mels of CeltCast
17:24 |
Spiers & Boden - Goddesses, Red House
17:19 |
Snaarmaarwaar - Black Frost
17:15 |
Legiana - La Llorona
17:10 |
Joy Shannon and the Beauty Marks - Haunted Shrine
17:06 |
Skipinnish - Thoir mo Shoraidh thar Ghunnaidh
17:03 |
HØST - Ack,om ditt blod
17:00 |
Lasairfhiona Ni Chonaola - De Thaisme, Coincidence
16:56 |
Karine Polwart and Dave Milligan - Heaven's Hound
16:54 |
Rannveig Djonne - Reinlender Etter Nils Tjoflot
16:51 |
Jessica Comeau - Childgrove
16:48 |
Ivy Leaves - Always keep that Feeling
16:41 |
Noiduin - Kanteleeni
16:39 |
Irish Ceili Band - Rising Of The Moon
16:34 |
Naragonia - Alio
16:29 |
Sowulo - Eaxlgestealla
16:26 |
Christy Moore - The Moving On Song
16:21 |
Solas - Silver Dagger
16:17 |
Rhiannon Giddens - Amazing Grace
16:14 |
Totus Gaudeo - Hausdrachentanz
16:08 |
Prima Nocta - Templar
16:06 |
Jensen & Bugge - Gammel Tretur, Polonaise
16:02 |
Irish Drinking Songs - Finnegan's Wake, Waxies Dargle
15:58 |
Perry Stenbäck & Dekadansorkestern - Ängel
15:55 |
Jenny Sturgeon - The Recesses
15:50 |
Ritual Duir - Lampiridae
15:47 |
SKALD - Fimbulvetr
15:43 |
Optur - Norre Smidstrup Hambo
15:39 |
Lea Havelund - EN DIKT
15:33 |
McKee, Walther and Jones - Tribute Reels
15:33 |
Jingle - Jingle Irfan
15:29 |
SeeD - The Hall of the Goblin Queen
15:25 |
Sian - An t Seann Chladh Thall
15:22 |
Jens Ulvsand - Waltz trad, A Stromberg
15:18 |
Pat Fitzharris - Paddy's Day
15:14 |
Shantalla - The Blantyre Explosion
15:11 |
Koenix - Yklang
15:05 |
Iona Fyfe - Mill o Tifty's Annie
15:01 |
Lunasa - Casu
14:59 |
Sam Sweeny - Untitled Waltz 2
14:56 |
Logical Fleadh - Called Home, acoustic
14:52 |
Katja Moslehner - Der Koenig weint
14:49 |
Salt House - Unspoken Waters
14:45 |
Norse Gael - An Urnaigh
14:41 |
Pyrolysis - The Whaler's Lantern
14:38 |
BRAGR - Tarantella fra Helgenaes
14:34 |
Mia Guldhammer & Morten Alfred Hoirup - Hyttevisen, Lysets Engel
14:31 |
Omnia - Shamaniac
14:27 |
Lyradanz - L'ora delle Ombre
14:20 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
14:17 |
La Bastringue - McKenzie's
14:13 |
Solia - Aimable Vainqueur
14:10 |
The Young'uns - Tiny Notes
14:05 |
Siger - Meander
14:01 |
Northern Resonance - Raulands Reinlender
13:49 |
Penny Pascal - Without Borders
13:44 |
Scurra - Svik
13:39 |
Leonea - Raben des Heidewalds
13:33 |
Floating Sofa Quartet - Som stjernerne på himlens blå, feat Mia Guldhammer
13:30 |
Seven Crows - Returning
13:21 |
Rokkende Vrouwen - Egidius
13:17 |
PurPur - Kreuzfahrer
13:13 |
Kupfer & Eisen - Chorodea
13:09 |
Sangre de Muerdago - Wo Sich Fuchs und Hase Gute Nacht Sagen
13:05 |
Voddemoer - IJswals
13:02 |
Maubuissons - Stenoldersvalsen
13:01 |
Jingle - Jingle Vanaheim
12:59 |
Libertalia - Down where the Dead Men lie
12:56 |
Kryptik Wood - Paul's Steeple
12:52 |
Linde Nijland - Autopsy
12:48 |
Nanna Barslev - Runebundet
12:42 |
Keltisch Midzomer Festival - Harmony Glen, Cup Of Live
12:39 |
Jorgensen & Sorensen - Pilfingerturen
12:34 |
Kinnfolk - The Transatlantic Set
12:31 |
Prophecy Playground - Politely Polluting
12:28 |
Shane O Fearghail & The Host - Craw Hennessy
12:23 |
Munknorr - Huginn and Muninn
12:19 |
Ben Walker - The Yews of Borrowdale, feat Emily Mae Winters
12:17 |
PerKelt - Quen Serve Santa Maria
12:16 |
Jingle - Jingle, Tycho of CeltCast
12:11 |
Lankum - The Granite Gaze
12:05 |
Breabach - Scotland's Winter
12:02 |
Jagdselskabet - Den gale hane
11:56 |
Roving Crows - Phoenix
11:52 |
Markku Lepisto - Caprice Diatonique
11:47 |
Cesair - Storm
11:43 |
Trobar de Morte - Marie Laveau
11:37 |
Rapalje - Kweenie Set
11:37 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
11:33 |
Marvara - Snowscooter
11:32 |
Jingle - Jingle Tir Nan Og
11:26 |
Morten Alfred & Vingården - Vejen Hjem, Vejen Jeg Går
11:22 |
Jydsk pa Naesen - Christians
11:19 |
Irregang - Vaters Haus
11:14 |
Willos' - The Ghost
11:11 |
MANdolinMAN en Ansatz Der Maschine - Hemellied
11:06 |
Lankum - Bad Luck to the Rolling Water
11:06 |
Jingle - Jingle, Andre of CeltCast
11:02 |
Wouter en de Draak - Scottish Peripherique, Scottish
10:59 |
Griff Trio - Nous Voici dans la Ville
10:53 |
Cesair - Storm
10:47 |
Cara - The Loon and his Quine
10:44 |
Jens Ulvsand - Polska set trad, JE Aberg, JA Gutnher
10:39 |
Irregang - Fur alle Zeiten
10:34 |
Viorel - Honeybee
10:30 |
Sian - Bha Mo Leannan Ann
10:30 |
Jingle - Jingle, Berit of CeltCast
10:26 |
Kupfer & Eisen - Under the Lindentree
10:22 |
Sean Mathews - Cradle of Love
10:16 |
Celtic Fire - Blackthorn, Lonnesome Boatman, Follow Me, Morrison's Jig
10:11 |
Vicky Swan and Jonny Dyer - John Lover
10:08 |
Lyradanz - Ambarabaccicciccongo
10:04 |
Hanna van Gorcum - Harp Song of the Dane Women
10:04 |
Jingle - Jingle Anuna
10:01 |
Henriette Flach - Little Miss Ladybird
09:54 |
Gudrun Walther and Jurgen Treyz - Poll Ha'penny, Lochlann and Liadan's, The Little Fox
09:51 |
WARG - Primrose
09:44 |
Maer - Sister
09:38 |
Gillian Frame and Findlay Napier with Mike Vass - Twa Recruitin Segeants
09:38 |
Jingle - Jingle, Helen of CeltCast
09:32 |
Withershins - The Unwilling Sparrow
09:28 |
Heiter bis Folkig - Wer fragt danach
09:24 |
Grabow & Guldhammer - Blomsterfavn
09:22 |
Amy Hopwood - Where the wild bees go
09:18 |
The Dolmen - Diamond Seeker
09:15 |
Ensemble Sangineto - Chi bussa alla mia porta
09:11 |
McKee, Walther and Jones - The Blackbird
09:08 |
Adam Young - Forever Young
09:04 |
Dziwoludy - Oj, siadaj, siadaj
08:58 |
Wolf & Clover - The Suitor Set
08:56 |
Lea Havelund feat Mads Sondergaard - Sydost
08:49 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
08:45 |
Aftenstorm - Odin
08:41 |
Christina Alden and Alex Patterson - Brooklyn
08:38 |
Josefin Berger - The Night Ronja Was Born, Violin Version
08:34 |
Cathinca van Sprundel - Scarborough Fair
08:29 |
Erutan - No One But You
08:25 |
Virelai - Skipper og jomfru
08:21 |
Folk Magic - Akleja, Sonnenstrahl
08:17 |
La Bastringue - Pigen og froen, Reel des nouveaux maries
08:16 |
Jingle - Jingle Meidi Makes Music
08:13 |
Fior - Ach Elslein, liebes Elslein
08:09 |
Shane O Fearghail & The Host - Her
08:06 |
Waldkauz - Ariadnes Faden
08:02 |
Emma van Dobben - Nachtegaaltje
07:59 |
Bill Leslie - Skara Brae
07:53 |
Ellen Gibling - Maggie Finnegan's, One Across, The Garden of Daisies, Hornpipes
07:48 |
James Bauld - Out For The Rain
07:42 |
Aerokorda - Zaedno
07:39 |
Daridel - Changeling
07:37 |
Pat Razket - Articles of Agreement
07:34 |
Christy Moore - The Cliffs Of Dooneen
07:29 |
Deborah Stokol - Herbs and Flowers, Things of Power
07:24 |
Corvus Corax - Sverker
07:20 |
Iona Fyfe - Take Me Out Drinking
07:16 |
Cerezal - La Playa
07:13 |
Gabria - The Irish Lassie
07:09 |
Beginner's Guide To Ireland - Persuasion, Muireann Nic Amhlaoihbh
07:04 |
Harmony Glen - Sing Me A Song
06:58 |
Basco - Ridderen og Jomfruen
06:55 |
Fuimadane - Nátta
06:51 |
Decombel-van Mierlo - Au Moulin, Mell's
06:47 |
Faun - Baldur
06:43 |
Grumpy O Sheep - Give Me Your Hand
06:37 |
Vevaki - Gestapattr
06:34 |
Antica Liuteria Sangineto - Le grant desir
06:30 |
Tulua - Kick the Stick Jigs
06:25 |
Bog Bodies - Firelighters
06:21 |
Voddemoer - Plompaert en Wuvetje
06:13 |
Alyth Mc Cormack and Triona Marshall - One In a Million
06:10 |
Jagdselskabet - Pigernes glaede
06:04 |
Northern Resonance - Forlovningspolska
06:01 |
Greenrose Faire - Back to You
05:57 |
Grimwater - The Great Crane Dance
05:54 |
Forro de Bicicleta - Heranca
05:50 |
Adriano Sangineto - Metamorfosi
05:47 |
Ivy Leaves - Waiting for You to Decide
05:40 |
Hamish Napier - The River
05:36 |
Hannah Read & Michael Starkey - Rose Tree
05:34 |
Vilsevind - A Sailor's Wife
05:34 |
Jingle - Jingle Guinevere
05:32 |
Favergade - Hopsa 46
05:29 |
Fling - The Maid of Culmore
05:25 |
PurPur - It is You I have Loved
05:21 |
Harmony Glen - Dutch Courage
05:18 |
The Kilkennys - Follow Me Up to Carlow
05:14 |
Norse Gael - On Danmhairg go hEirinn
05:09 |
Trio Svin - Darling Cory
05:04 |
Sowulo - Daes webban craeft
05:01 |
Mia Guldhammer & Morten Alfred Hoirup - En lordag aften sa kom op til mig
05:00 |
Triskilian - Sackpipslat fran Dalby
04:58 |
Taennchel - La Voie du Soleil
04:54 |
Trobar de Morte - El arbol de las Lagrimas de Cristal
04:50 |
The High Kings - Ireland's Shore
04:46 |
Rhiannon Giddens - Avalon
04:42 |
Skipinnish - Land Below The Waves
04:40 |
Voddemoer - Brabantse Boeren Plof
04:34 |
Cesair - Storm
04:32 |
Kryptik Wood - Robin
04:29 |
Legiana - Lu Passariellu
04:25 |
Cathinca van Sprundel - Ga je mee
04:22 |
Datura Medieval Music - Edi beo thu
04:19 |
Keltisch Midzomer Festival - Machair, Irish Air
04:15 |
Talisk - Liddesdale
04:12 |
Lasairfhiona Ni Chonaola - Tonnta Chonamara, The Waves Of Connemarra
04:10 |
Munknorr - Nuevo Mundo
04:05 |
Henriette Flach - Flickflach
04:02 |
Lunasa - The Miller of Drohan
04:00 |
Ritual Duir - Awen
03:56 |
Loogaroo - Moreton Bay
03:53 |
Tva Fisk & En Flask - Lindormen
03:49 |
Marvara - Danish Party Vibes
03:49 |
Jingle - Jingle, Tycho of CeltCast
03:40 |
Vevaki - Jotnablot
03:37 |
Prophecy Playground - Spirit Yawn
03:28 |
Omnia - The Raven
03:24 |
Shantalla - Inisheer
03:21 |
Petter Attila Naessan - Fossegrimens hevn
03:20 |
Jingle - Jingle The Moon and the Nightspirit
03:17 |
SeeD - Kwikstaart
03:10 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
03:09 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
03:05 |
03:02 |
MANdolinMAN en Ansatz Der Maschine - Rozenland
02:59 |
Solia - Belle Rose
02:56 |
Karine Polwart and Dave Milligan - Talk to me of Mendocino
02:52 |
Christy Moore - Black Is The Colour Of My True Love's Hair, Live In Dublin
02:47 |
Iona Fyfe - Scotland Yet, Instrumental
02:40 |
Corvus Corax - Skal
02:35 |
Deborah Stokol - The Mermaid, Original Mandolin Version
02:32 |
Selsolater - I sommernatten
02:29 |
Tim Edey - Buain Na Rainich Taobh Loch Eite
02:27 |
Rannveig Djonne - Utheimen
02:24 |
Nanna Barslev - Sten
02:20 |
Naragonia Quartet - Nights in Trossin, Retour des hirondelles
02:17 |
Grabow & Guldhammer - Besogstid
02:14 |
Jagdselskabet - Afrikaneren
02:09 |
Spiers & Boden - Fallow Ground
02:06 |
Optur - Naesten Norsk
02:03 |
Mette Kathrine - Klodeschottish
01:59 |
Joy Shannon and the Beauty Marks - Song of the Rohirrim
01:55 |
Siger - Houtem Jaarmarkt
01:52 |
Pyrolysis - The Blue Tit
01:49 |
Katja Moslehner - Reich mir die Haende
01:45 |
PurPur - Westwind
01:42 |
Irregang - Wildfeuer
01:35 |
Spoket i koket - Varmlandsnytt
01:35 |
Jingle - Jingle, Rosanne and Mels of CeltCast
01:35 |
Jingle - Jingle Irfan
01:30 |
Seven Crows - Chamoru
01:27 |
Rapalje - Off To California, The Silver Spire
01:23 |
Chris Murphy - Shantallow
01:00 |
Penny Pascal - Danish Tunes
00:57 |
Stundom - Spejlhuset
00:49 |
Libertalia - Libertalia
00:45 |
Leonea - Loch Lomond
00:41 |
Ivy Leaves - Falling Leaves
00:38 |
Shane O Fearghail & The Host - You to hold
00:34 |
Salt House - The Day We Made a Wood
00:31 |
The Meadows - Castell Dryslwyn
00:26 |
Viorel - Mississippi River, Big Easy
00:23 |
M G Boulter - A Shadow Falls Over New Brighton
00:18 |
Maubuissons - La Nipponne Et Les Millonets
00:13 |
The Willows - Night after Night
00:10 |
Jenny Sturgeon - Frost and Snow
00:05 |
Withershins - Martin Wynne's, The Congress Road
00:03 |
Jensen & Bugge - Reventlow no 85, Fransk Morgenstjerne