23:58 |
Amala - The Millstreet Polkas
23:54 |
Golden Bough - The Sea Gypsy
23:51 |
Trobar de Morte - Cuncti Simus Concanentes
23:48 |
Christy Moore - Tippin' It Up To Nancy
23:42 |
Asynje - Knivens Polska
23:36 |
The Celtic Circle 2 - The Mummer's Dance, Loreena McKennitt
23:33 |
Grainne and Brendan - Trasna na dTonnta
23:28 |
Naragonia - Martin Pecheur, Pink Molly
23:28 |
Jingle - Jingle, Berit of CeltCast
23:26 |
Rapalje - Under the Scotlman's Kilt, Diamonds
23:21 |
amoRRoma - Mazurka du bal lointain
23:18 |
Gullane and De Jong - Mattydale
23:11 |
Irfan - Simurgh
23:04 |
Emian Pagan Folk - Le navi di Istanbul
23:00 |
De Manuscripten - Menuet nr 67 and 81, Lirio
22:53 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
22:48 |
Byrdi - Tuntroll
22:44 |
Triskilian - Flodderbollerdans
22:41 |
Beoga - The Convict
22:37 |
Best of Screaming Banshee - Rosa das Rosas, Almara
22:32 |
AmmA - Sneeuwvlokjeswals
22:26 |
Omnia - Pagan Polska
22:22 |
Forest Elves - Stella
22:18 |
Shantalla - Fine Flowers In the Valley
22:16 |
Mojra - An raibh tu ar an gcarraig
22:09 |
TNT - Elise a du Courrier
22:05 |
Cesair - The Wanderings of Oisin
22:02 |
The Dubliners - Easy and Slow
21:57 |
Cesair - Storm
21:52 |
Harmony Glen - Dave's Lament
21:45 |
Munknorr - Isa
21:41 |
Kelten zonder Grenzen - Jigtime
21:36 |
FARA - My Heart's In The Highlands
21:32 |
Almune - Mit hjerte braender hedt som bal
21:27 |
Lunasa - Lafferty's, Crock of Gold, Lady Birr, Abbey Reel
21:22 |
Xarnege - Belats Xamanta, Lo Mialoc Charmant
21:19 |
The High Kings - Red is the Rose
21:15 |
Alasdair Fraser - Free Rein
21:10 |
Clannad - Siuil A Run
21:04 |
Cara - The Naked Man In The Whirlpool
21:01 |
Valravn - Krummi
21:00 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
20:56 |
Greenrose Faire - The Tavern
20:56 |
Jingle - Jingle, Cliff of CeltCast
20:52 |
Sowulo - Swinhaelethas
20:52 |
Jingle - Jingle Irfan
20:48 |
Danu - The Chicago Set
20:45 |
Irregang - Tellus flore
20:40 |
Trolska Polska - Trollflickan
20:33 |
AXVY - Vallat Efter Johannes Gladh
20:30 |
Varend Volk - This Night We Spend Ashore
20:25 |
Virelai - Rosenborghave
20:21 |
Pyrolysis - I am Crow
20:14 |
Runfell - Fill the Horn
20:07 |
The Moon And The Nightspirit - Alomszoevoe
20:02 |
Waldkauz - Laub des Waldes
19:59 |
Celtic Dreams - Medley The Ships Are Sailing, Ambrose Moloney's, The New Mown, Brian Hughes
19:53 |
Koenix - Loreley
19:48 |
Faun - Rosmarin
19:44 |
Priscilla Hernandez - Off the Lane
19:40 |
Griff - Lazar, An Dro Tortue
19:36 |
The Chieftains - O'Sullivan's March
19:33 |
Grada - Bottom of the Hill
19:30 |
Nadia Birkenstock and Steve Hubback - Fontaine La Jolie
19:26 |
Akleja - Ziemetshauser Nr. 33
19:26 |
Jingle - Jingle, Helen of CeltCast
19:20 |
Irfan - Day to Pray
19:13 |
Itchy Fingers - The South Wind, Kerfunken, Sliabh Russell, The First Pint
19:09 |
Koenix - Barggeischter
19:05 |
Shantalla - The Cameronian Set
19:01 |
Parsley - The Strayaway Child
18:56 |
Cesair - Storm
18:51 |
Calasaig - The Siege Of Delhi
18:48 |
Versengold - Sturmtanz
18:47 |
The Sandsacks - Mc Leod's
18:42 |
The Helen Flaherty Band - Winsome Ways
18:38 |
Virelai - Agnete og Havmanden
18:32 |
Datura - Cuncti Simus Concanentes
18:26 |
Clannad - Siuil A Run
18:22 |
The Chair - Slow Reels
18:18 |
Vael - Verde Olivo
18:14 |
Pobel - When the Cat's Away
18:11 |
Ambrozijn - Woorden uit de Zee
18:09 |
Ranarim - Lyby Lasse
18:02 |
The Midnight - Twilight Of The Vikings
17:57 |
Wolfgang Meyerings Malbrook - Ruckerey, Poloness Kattuun
17:51 |
Cara - The Bride's Reels
17:47 |
Altan - The Tullaghan Lasses, The Cameronian, The Pigeon on the Gate
17:43 |
Tjarda - The Mountain
17:39 |
Pyrolysis - Never Fade
17:36 |
The Swigshift - The Well below the Valley
17:31 |
Joint String Friends - Wagon wheel
17:26 |
Wouter en de Draak - Witte Tonny, Witte Danny (Jigs)
17:23 |
Omnia - En Avant Blonde
17:22 |
Faun - Deva
17:18 |
Lirio - Forumscottish
17:14 |
La Horde - Ulfedhnar
17:10 |
Lunasa - Black River
17:06 |
Wim te Groen - Wals bourree
17:04 |
Galway Ramblers - South Australia
17:01 |
Skromta - Hamnden
16:55 |
Rapalje - Never Mind The Strangers
16:50 |
Cesair - The Ruin
16:45 |
PerKelt - Robin and Parakeet
16:45 |
Jingle - Jingle, Berit of CeltCast
16:41 |
Trobar de Morte - Zugarramurdi
16:37 |
Loreena McKennitt - Tango To Evora
16:33 |
Martine Lund Hoel - Wedding At Haugseter
16:33 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
16:30 |
The Kilkennys - Wild Colonial Boy
16:27 |
Gwendolyn Snowdon - The Parting Glass
16:22 |
L.E.A.F. - Sol
16:19 |
Triskilian - Als Gottin und Gott...
16:14 |
Waldkauz - Raigan Dannsa
16:12 |
La Maisnie Hellequin - Stella Splendens
16:10 |
Nadia Birkenstock - Passed too soon
16:05 |
Annwn - Cuncti Simus
15:59 |
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Ejkoszonto
15:52 |
Saor Patrol - Road Back
15:49 |
Prima Nocta - Nickodemus
15:47 |
Sowulo - Gastcyning
15:40 |
Vilsevind - Thorsten fiskare
15:37 |
SeeD - Through the Veil
15:35 |
HarPetra - The Sparrows
15:31 |
Naragonia - Alio
15:26 |
Christy Moore - Trip To Jerusalem, Two Reels, The Mullingar Races, The Crooked Road
15:22 |
Asynje - Havhingstens Jomfrufaerd
15:22 |
Jingle - Jingle Irfan
15:17 |
Irregang - Sommer deine suszen Tage
15:10 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
15:07 |
Back of the Moon - The Mill Mill O
15:02 |
Triakel - En vacker van
14:59 |
Mojra - An raibh tu ar an gcarraig
14:58 |
Ballycotton - Mandalya E'fey
14:53 |
Kelten Zonder Grenzen - The Four Horsemen
14:48 |
Twigs and Twine - Epiphany in D
14:45 |
Trolska Polska - Groffelvalsen
14:41 |
Triskilian - O divina virgo flore
14:35 |
Waldkauz - Im Winde
14:32 |
Golden Bough - The Shores Of Amerikay, Spancil Hill
14:28 |
Best of Irish Folk - Inis Dhun Ramma, Paidin O Raifeartaigh, Na Fili
14:25 |
Ehwaz - Djenjoba
14:25 |
Jingle - Jingle Omnia
14:19 |
Pyrolysis - Live to Rove Again
14:19 |
Jingle - Jingle, Helen of CeltCast
14:19 |
Jingle - Jingle, Berit of CeltCast
14:15 |
Grada - Carousel of Life
14:11 |
Rapalje - The Crown and the Ring, Morrison's Jig
14:07 |
L'Ame Celte de Bretagne et d'Irlande - Boil The Breakfast Early, The Chieftains
14:03 |
Ygdrassil - One morning in the springtime
13:58 |
Helen Flaherty - Fair Helen of Kirkconnel
13:55 |
Triakel - Med tarar
13:51 |
Virelai - Esrum dansen
13:47 |
Grainne and Brendan - She Moved Throught the Fair
13:44 |
Beginner's Guide To Ireland - The Parting Glass, Cara Dillon
13:40 |
Runfell - Scynheim
13:36 |
amoRRoma - Perd's ley
13:30 |
Byrdi - Skare
13:25 |
Salt House - Mountain Of Gold
13:20 |
Celtic Legacy - Culloden's Harvest, Deanta
13:17 |
Valravn - Kom alle vaesner
13:12 |
Cara - Three Ravens, Raving in the Bathroom
13:08 |
Finvarra - Only Our Rivers Run Free
13:05 |
Lirio - Piazolla
13:00 |
Meidi Goh - Foxskin
12:58 |
Greenrose Faire - The Clouds Are Clearing
12:54 |
Otava Yo - Little apple (Jablochko)
12:51 |
Omnia - Odi Et Amo
12:47 |
Riccardo Tesi and Banditaliana - Loulou
12:43 |
Griff - Leksand
12:38 |
Gullane and De Jong - Hot Asphalt
12:38 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
12:33 |
Cesair - Mal Casada
12:30 |
Christy Moore - Wave Up To The Shore
12:26 |
Naragonia Quartet - Devote fishing, Fikkingale
12:21 |
Trobar de Morte - Arianrhod
12:17 |
Faun - Zeitgeist
12:11 |
Castlefest - Omnia, Etrezomp ni Kelted
12:07 |
Munknorr - Volva
12:02 |
Myrkur - Leaves of Yggdrasil
12:00 |
Xarnege - Branlo
11:56 |
Curt Ceunen - Celtica
11:50 |
Harmony Glen - Midnight On the Water
11:47 |
EMIAN - La Gavotte
11:43 |
Lunasa - The Water is Wise
11:40 |
Teresa Pecina - Fager em son ros
11:38 |
FARA - The Battle of Waterloo, Roca House
11:33 |
Linde Nijland - Streets of London
11:30 |
Forest Elves - Blue Sky
11:23 |
Dedale - British Swing
11:19 |
Ye Banished Privateers - No Prey, No Pay
11:15 |
Blackmore's Night - Magical World
11:11 |
Almune - Mit hjerte braender hedt som bal
11:06 |
AXVY - Polska efter Johnny Schonning
11:02 |
Clannad - Two Sisters
10:58 |
Altan - A Bhean Udai Thall
10:52 |
Asynje - Njord og Skade
10:47 |
Cesair - Storm
10:44 |
The Mountain Firework Company - Ready To Run
10:41 |
Celtic Odyssey - Trip to Skye, John Whelan and Eileen Ivers
10:37 |
Nadia Birkenstock and Mick Fitzgerald - Fanny Power, Hewlett
10:34 |
Priscilla Hernandez - But if you go
10:31 |
The Moon And The Nightspirit - Holdrejtek
10:24 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
10:18 |
Alasdair Fraser - First Light, Dawn Rant
10:15 |
Celtic Dreams - Medley Padraic Spoirtiuil, Ril An Dochartaigh, Ril An Fhaircheallaigh, Paddy Glackin
10:11 |
Lebocha - Wrede Wals
10:09 |
Irregang - Stetit puella
10:04 |
The High Kings - Hand Me Down My Bible
10:01 |
Koenix - Dr Geisslertanz
09:57 |
The Teetotallers - Tippin'it up to Nancy
09:52 |
Christy Moore - What Put The Blood
09:47 |
Lirio - Mazurka voor een mus
09:42 |
Trobar de Morte - Wind
09:36 |
Rapalje - Heart of Steel, The Caber Feidh
09:32 |
Wouter en de Draak - Werkelijk waar (Scottish)
09:29 |
Danceperados of Ireland - Woman of no place
09:25 |
Danu - The Peacock's Feather
09:20 |
Saor Patrol - In the Flesh
09:17 |
Prima Nocta - Nature Prevails
09:14 |
Triskilian - Ave donna Santissima
09:10 |
SeeD - The Hobgoblin's Gift
09:10 |
Jingle - Jingle Guinevere
09:06 |
The Swigshift - The Star of the County Down
09:03 |
Trolska Polska - Gnomen og Sylfiden
09:01 |
Wolfgang Meyerings Malbrook - Rockhaver
08:57 |
Cara - Cain's War
08:52 |
Imbue - Wanderer
08:49 |
Parsley - The Lilting Banshee, The Cliffs of Moher
08:47 |
Ambrozijn - Was het maar Griebo
08:44 |
Triakel - Postranet vid Saivis
08:39 |
Loreena McKennitt - Greensleeves
08:36 |
Priscilla Hernandez - Ancient shadow
08:31 |
Tjarda - Sorcerer's Apprentice
08:26 |
The Chair - Rhythm Impossible
08:23 |
Tweedledum and Tweedledee - Valse les Landes
08:21 |
Almune and Goetterfunken - La Spagna
08:18 |
Deya - The Game
08:13 |
Tevenn - Scottish
08:07 |
Greenrose Faire - Freedom
08:04 |
Skromta - Grejhojta
08:00 |
Twigs and Twine - The Nightingale
07:56 |
The Kilkennys - The Badger Sett
07:53 |
Ganaim - Monaghan's Jig
07:50 |
Naragonia - Ann's Wals
07:47 |
Ranarim - Kott Pa Benen
07:46 |
Shantalla - John Anderson
07:42 |
Wim te Groen - Scottish 15
07:40 |
EmBRUN - Polka van Steenhuffeloverheenbeek, Struggle for Life
07:36 |
Pyrolysis - Drowsytail Apron
07:32 |
Canzonetta Tedesca - Wohl Dir Maie
07:29 |
Estampie - Non Devemos
07:22 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
07:16 |
Asynje - Katehymne
07:11 |
North Sea Gas - Ye Banks And Braes
07:07 |
Floating Sofa Quartet - Hunting
07:03 |
Calasaig - The Road to Drumleman
06:59 |
Altan - The Templehouse Strathspew, Reel, John Mhosey's, The Mermaid of Mullaghmore
06:54 |
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Csillagnasz
06:54 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
06:48 |
Versengold - Punsch statt Putsch
06:45 |
Akleja - Zaunkonig
06:41 |
Pobel - The Siege
06:35 |
Harmony Glen - The Phoenix
06:32 |
Pampatut - Schabahnmadschen
06:28 |
Adamh - Rodney's Glory, The Humours of Tullycrine
06:25 |
Virelai - Den gode branle
06:19 |
Cesair - Storm
06:16 |
Martine Lund Hoel - Villdans
06:12 |
Lunasa - Aoibhneas
06:10 |
Annwn - Bwthyn Fy Nain
06:05 |
Back of the Moon - The Final Trawl
06:00 |
Waldkauz - Mond und Sonne
05:55 |
Sowulo - Faegru Fara
05:55 |
Jingle - Jingle, Cliff of CeltCast
05:51 |
Datura - Como Poden per sas Culpas
05:48 |
PerKelt - Pilgrim
05:43 |
The Midnight - Thread Of Fate
05:39 |
EMIAN - El Viaje de Maria
05:36 |
Clannad - Mo Mhaire
05:36 |
Jingle - Jingle, Berit of CeltCast
05:32 |
Dave Flynn - Woodlands
05:27 |
Vael - Mil Ecos
05:21 |
Drowsy Maggie - Waves Of Rush
05:18 |
The Helen Flaherty Band - The Outlandish Knight
05:14 |
Ballycotton - Koch
05:07 |
Munknorr - Nauthiz
05:04 |
TNT - Juste avant, Orion
05:00 |
The Chieftains - No 6 The Coombe
04:57 |
Lunasa - Stolen Apples
04:51 |
Ehwaz - Gwerin
04:47 |
AXVY - Polska efter Alfred Nilsson
04:44 |
Lebocha - Balkanbourreepolka
04:41 |
EMIAN - Dulaman
04:38 |
Shantalla - The Rocky Road To Cashel
04:33 |
Riccardo Tesi and Banditaliana - Ninna Nanna
04:33 |
Jingle - Jingle The Moon and the Nightspirit
04:30 |
Celtic Odyssey - Carolan's Ramble to Cashel, Northern Lights
04:25 |
Christy Moore - Boys of Mullabawn
04:22 |
Harmony Glen - After Darkness
04:18 |
Griff - Fils du Roi
04:15 |
Trobar de Morte - The Harp of Dagda
04:11 |
Ye Banished Privateers - Hush Now My Child
04:06 |
Prima Nocta - A feast for the crows
04:05 |
Jingle - Jingle, Rosanne and Mels of CeltCast
04:04 |
The Mountain Firework Company - The Fish And The Crow
04:00 |
Faun - Da que deus
03:57 |
Waldkauz - 111
03:53 |
Virelai - Bergerette (trad. Frankrig)
03:50 |
Golden Bough - Shifty Morgan
03:47 |
Grainne and Brendan - Mo Ghile Mear
03:42 |
Omnia - Shaman of Chaos
03:38 |
L'Ame Celte de Bretagne et d'Irlande - Tri Martolod, Alan Stivell
03:32 |
Triskilian - Pozar
03:29 |
The Leitrim Equation - The Stig Jig
03:26 |
Linde Nijland - Sun and moon
03:20 |
Cesair - Atiny Naya
03:17 |
Irregang - Veni pater
03:10 |
Deloraine - Odin, Havranu Pan
03:07 |
Celtic Legacy - Dacw 'Nghariad, 4 yn y Bar
03:04 |
Best of Irish Folk - Madame Bonaparte, Finbar Furey
02:59 |
Alasdair Fraser - Theme for Scotland
02:55 |
Lirio - Rondo
02:50 |
Cesair - Storm
02:45 |
Salt House - If I Am Lucky
02:45 |
Jingle - Jingle, Ilona of CeltCast
02:40 |
Xarnege - Chochuarenak
02:36 |
Grada - No Linen no Lace
02:31 |
Clannad - Coinleach Glas an Fhomhair
02:27 |
Triakel - Lejonbruden
02:24 |
Byrdi - Hovslag
02:19 |
Beginner's Guide To Ireland - Brady and Peoples, Paddys Green Shamrock Shore, Molloy
02:16 |
Myrkur - House Carpenter
02:11 |
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Osforras
02:06 |
Rapalje - The Banks of Ponchatrain, Clubs
02:03 |
Forest Elves - Lament
01:58 |
Asynje - Stilne Ild
01:56 |
The Dubliners - I'll Tell My Ma
01:50 |
Koenix - Zugvogel
01:50 |
Jingle - Jingle, Berit of CeltCast
01:47 |
Greenrose Faire - Promised Land
01:43 |
Nadia Birkenstock and Steve Hubback - The Siege
01:41 |
Blackmore's Night - Minstrel Hall
01:35 |
Dedale - Alambic, Zip
01:30 |
amoRRoma - Tenebras vertebrae
01:21 |
Runfell - Skadi
01:17 |
The High Kings - The Fields Of Athenry
01:13 |
Almune - Septiniza, Bulgur
01:09 |
Helen Flaherty - I Landed On My Feet
01:07 |
Skromta - Lekattn
01:02 |
Sowulo - Ginnungagap
00:59 |
Celtic Dreams - Mo Ghile Mear, Mary Black and General Humbert
00:56 |
Altan - An tSeanchilleach Ghallda, Dermot Byrne's
00:50 |
Cuelebre - Macha
00:47 |
Cara - Yet We Sing
00:42 |
FARA - Jeremy and Regina's, Bright Grey
00:38 |
Priscilla Hernandez - The Waking of the Spring
00:35 |
Naragonia - Chavirage
00:30 |
Faun - Belle Dame Sans Mercy (Remix)
00:30 |
Jingle - Jingle, Cliff of CeltCast
00:27 |
William - The Galway Girl
00:23 |
Versengold - Paules Beichtgang
00:19 |
Back of the Moon - The Brewer Lad
00:17 |
EMIAN - La Giga del Lupo
00:13 |
Assassenachs - Wild Mountain Thyme
00:08 |
L.E.A.F. - Ran
00:05 |
Gwendolyn Snowdon - The Next Market Day