Online Radio Box upotrebljava kolačiće za pružanje najbolje usluge korisnicima. Obrada vaših osobnih podataka mogla bi biti potrebna za omiljene radio postaje i glazbene žanrove, favorite korisnika, recenzije postaja i mnoge druge usluge.
Kliknite "Prihvaćam" kako biste imali najbolje iskustvo u korištenju našeg web-mjesta. Isto tako možete odabrati koje kolačiće ili tehnologije želite omogućiti u "Postavkama".
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32 FM is a contemporary, urban, comedy themed radio station. It is a crew united by happiness and with a zeal to spread laughter across the world.
We speak to the young and the matured (but witty) individuals aged 16 years + (especially Nigerians).
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The world today seems to suggest that we have more reasons to frown than to smile, to complain than be grateful, to yell than to laugh.
The world has thus been blinded to the many fun-filled moments that make life richer.
We are here to bring humour to the airwaves and smiles to your hearts.
We make a promise today, to dominate sadness and fill the world with laughter,one broadcast at a time.