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Radio SOL FM spisak numera

Ne znate koja pesma se pušta na radiju? Upotrebite našu uslugu da je nađete! Naša lista sadržaja čuva listu numera stanice Radio SOL FM za prethodnih 7 dana.

(u Клаипеда je sada 06:45)
23:59 veronicavon x Melting Resonance - Immortal Devotion
23:56 Tropics - Under
23:53 TTSSFU - Studio 54
23:50 Mazey Haze - The Weight of the Weekend
23:46 Yum Yuck - Bedroom Eyes
23:43 Bistro Plate - Space Limo
23:40 Lucys - FWB
23:37 Bear Hands - Adderall ? Ambien
23:33 Diamond Cafe - Lover Boy
23:30 Josh Fudge - FEEL LIKE
23:27 Alex G - Sarah (Sandy)
23:24 NewDad - Blue
23:21 Soft Porn - Touch You Anyways
23:17 Shadowgraphs - Prescribed Burn
23:13 Tommy & Roy - Somebody ? Someone
23:05 Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots (12 Version)
22:58 LEISURE - Always
22:54 Mr Twin Sister - Expressions
22:51 Obongjayar - Just My Luck
22:47 JVLY - SOUTH
22:44 Orla Gartland - Backseat Driver
22:42 Phantom Sugar - PUNCH DRUNK
22:38 Skeleten - Deep Scene
22:34 Silent Runners - The Weight You Carry
22:31 Arlo Parks - Softly
22:28 Dejima - Enjoy Yourself
22:24 Sam Evian - Never Know
22:20 Velvet Trip - GET YOU OFF MY MIND
22:17 Los Retros - Someone To Spend Time With
22:13 Skeleten - Viagra
22:10 Good Morning - A Telephone Rings
22:07 Born At Midnite - Hearts Working Overtime
22:03 ultrasaturated - Liminal Space
21:59 Sevdaliza - High Alone
21:56 Quelle Rox - swimmin in blue
21:53 Slowdaze - Transurfing
21:50 Yard Act - We Make Hits
21:48 Vansire - Night Vision
21:44 TTRRUUCES - Sensations of Cool
21:41 Bear Hands - Intrusive Thoughts
21:38 Richie Quake - Ache
21:35 Hether - When U Loved Me
21:32 BODEGA - City Is Taken
21:28 Richie Quake - Rules
21:25 Freak Slug - Ya Ready
21:21 The Breathing Room - Low Lights
21:17 Chinese American Bear - Magic Number
21:13 Fog Lake - Jitterbug
21:09 WORLD BRAIN - Ville Fleurie
21:06 Half Waif - Dust
21:02 ultrasaturated - Luna
20:59 Quelle Rox - ser?s m?a para siempre
20:56 King Pari - Mary (feat. Velvet Negroni)
20:53 Eyedress - Occasional Stoner
20:50 Pool Shop - Night Drive
20:47 True Green - My Lost Decade
20:45 j.paul - Used To
20:41 Color Temperature - Old City Pt. II
20:38 Rubblebucket - Moving Without Touching
20:33 Thandii - I'll Be There
20:28 Certainly So - Turkey Leg
20:23 Morabeza Tobacco - Saturnus
20:18 They?Live - For The Pleasure
20:15 Born Idiot - Lonesome
20:12 Jadu Heart - I'm A Kid
20:08 boerd & Boko Yout - All My Life
20:04 Jordana - Anything For You
20:00 DIIV - Raining On Your Pillow
19:57 Ginger Root - Giddy Up
19:51 Parks, Squares & Alleys - Living for Today
19:48 Few Bits - Brick Houses
19:45 Jack J - Wrong Again
19:42 Caroline Says - Faded and Golden
19:39 Lutalo - Summit Hill
19:34 Clothesline From Hell - Open Up!
19:31 Cindy - All Weekend
19:28 Junior Varsity - New York
19:25 Djo - End Of Beginning
19:22 flipturn - Rodeo Clown
19:18 GRAZER - Close to This
19:14 Half Waif - Dust
19:12 Teenage Priest - Die In LA
19:09 Rubblebucket - Moving Without Touching
19:06 Indigo Waves - Dark Matter II
19:02 Gorillaz - Kids With Guns
18:58 Safari Gold - Private Interior
18:54 Phoebe Rings - Lazy Universe
18:50 Safe Mind - 6' Pole
18:48 Indigo Waves - Out The Door
18:45 Orla Gartland - Backseat Driver
18:42 Quelle Rox - apareces de la nada
18:39 Fog Lake - Push
18:37 Big Warm Bed - Jackie
18:33 Men I Trust - Husk
18:31 Yukimi - Break Me Down
18:28 Joypill - Too Deep
18:24 Wasia Project - Is This What Love Is
18:22 MICHELLE - Akira
18:17 Jadu Heart - Burning Hour
18:12 Nicole Miglis - Sleep All Day
18:08 Tokyo Tea Room - Tell Me How
18:05 Tropics - Under
18:01 Chinese American Bear - Magic Number
17:56 Roosevelt - Teardrops
17:53 Color Temperature - Old City Pt. II
17:50 Kirk Francis - Going Backwards
17:46 Stephan Kreussel - Karoo
17:43 Cannons - Hurricane
17:40 The Furniture Group - I Need Blood
17:37 Yumi Zouma - Bruise
17:34 Fake Dad - I Like the Beach
17:30 Deathsport - Nightdrive
17:26 Ellyn Woods - Lady
17:23 New Husband - My Room
17:20 slenderbodies - crazy
17:17 Jermango Dreaming - City Lovin'
17:13 Stray Fossa x Jaguar Sun - In the Moon
17:09 Jadu Heart - Caroline
17:05 MUNYA & Kainalu - The Only One
17:02 Orla Gartland - Late To The Party (feat. Declan McKenna)
16:59 Alex G - Ain't It Easy
16:56 Jack J - At Last
16:52 Jungle - Mama Oh No
16:49 Gia Ford - Poolside
16:46 Soft Kill - Roseland
16:43 Bear Hands - Intrusive Thoughts
16:39 MICHELLE - Cathy
16:35 Void Comp - Control
16:31 PWNT - Red Reflections
16:28 Cleo Sol - Life Will Be
16:26 Niall Summerton - Tear Me Apart
16:22 Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Trouble Man
16:15 Pocket Sun - Rip Tide
16:12 Night Tapes - easy time to be alive
16:07 Thandii - I'll Be There
16:04 Hether - When U Loved Me
16:00 Tommy & Roy - Somebody ? Someone
15:56 Vundabar - Life Is A Movie
15:52 Caribou - Come Find Me
14:00 Night Tapes - projections
13:57 Hether - Falling in Loves too Mean
13:54 Mt. Joy - She Wants To Go Dancing
13:51 Juke the Tiger - Lemonade Adelaide
13:48 Forever - Diving Bell Blue
13:45 Peel Dream Magazine - Four Leaf Clover
13:41 Rapallo - Daryll's on the News
13:37 Jermango Dreaming - Project 62
13:33 Mk.gee - Wheel
13:31 Archi - Dive
13:28 Lino City - Paradise
13:23 Tokyo Tea Room - No Rush
13:21 Swiss Portrait - Tumbleweed
13:18 Cal in Red - My Love
13:14 W. H. Lung - I Can't Lie
13:10 BODEGA - City Is Taken
13:06 Blue Material - Surrender
13:03 Jordana - Raver Girl
13:00 Eyedress & Dent May - Something About You
12:57 Porridge Radio - A Hole in the Ground
12:53 The Breathing Room - Low Lights
12:50 Biig Piig - Feels Right
12:46 JVLY - SOUTH
12:43 Otha - I'm on Top
12:39 TR ST - Dark Day
12:35 Villagers - Mountain out of a Molehill
12:33 Ford Chastain - Live Again
12:29 Confidence Man - JANET
12:24 HONEYMOAN - Too Much
12:21 Biig Piig - 4AM
12:18 Jadu Heart - Metal Violets
12:16 frans asthma - hurt you
12:13 Phantom Sugar - NEVER ALONE
12:10 COIN - It's Hard To Care About Everything
12:07 Otha - Club 20
12:03 Skeleten - Viagra
11:59 Duck Lake - Daydreams
11:55 Fazerdaze - Cherry Pie
11:51 WORLD BRAIN - Minute Papillon
11:47 CARIBOU - Climbing
11:43 Cool Band - Wheat Free
11:38 Curses - Elegant Death
11:34 Efterklang - Sentiment
11:30 ultrasaturated - Luna
11:27 Skeleten - Love Enemy
11:22 Foster The People - Are You What You Want to Be
11:19 Jungle - Dominoes
11:16 Skinshape - Lady Sun (feat. Hollie Cook)
11:14 Allegra Krieger - Burning Wings
11:10 WORLD BRAIN - Ville Fleurie
11:05 Chinese American Bear - Kids Go Down
11:02 hemlock - Sky Baby
10:59 Obongjayar - Just My Luck
10:56 The Mar?as - Run Your Mouth
10:53 Diamond Cafe - Sweet Cherry
10:51 Clothesline From Hell - Nice Enough Words
10:47 Agnes Obel - Pass Them By
10:43 Dummy - Nine Clean Nails
10:40 Euphoria Again - White Light & Wind
10:32 Harley Marshall - As She Dreams
10:28 Beeef - Primrose Path
10:25 Teenage Priest - Best In Show
10:20 Allie X - You Slept On Me
10:17 knitting - Sleeper
10:14 Scotch Mist - Fall In Love
10:11 Gramp - Mr. Tucker
10:07 Kowloon - Come Over
10:05 deeper sleeper - this is red leader
10:02 Rosemary Fairweather - Where Birds Fly
09:58 Kaeto - DISTANCE
09:54 ford. & A Beacon School - In Motion
09:51 The Convenience - Postcard
09:47 Kaeto - KISS ME
09:44 Quelle Rox - no fue amor
09:41 yun? pinku - Midnight Oil
09:38 Rum Jungle - Weather's Better
09:35 Maz - Conundrums
09:31 Jadu Heart - I'm A Kid
09:28 boerd & Boko Yout - All My Life
09:24 Jordana - Anything For You
09:20 DIIV - Raining On Your Pillow
09:16 Ginger Root - Giddy Up
09:11 Parks, Squares & Alleys - Living for Today
09:08 Few Bits - Brick Houses
09:05 Jack J - Wrong Again
09:02 Caroline Says - Faded and Golden
08:59 Lutalo - Summit Hill
08:54 Clothesline From Hell - Open Up!
08:50 Cindy - All Weekend
08:48 Junior Varsity - New York
08:45 Djo - End Of Beginning
08:42 flipturn - Rodeo Clown
08:38 GRAZER - Close to This
08:34 Half Waif - Dust
08:32 Teenage Priest - Die In LA
08:28 Rubblebucket - Moving Without Touching
08:26 Indigo Waves - Dark Matter II
08:22 Gorillaz - Kids With Guns
08:17 Safari Gold - Private Interior
08:14 Phoebe Rings - Lazy Universe
08:10 Safe Mind - 6' Pole
08:08 Indigo Waves - Out The Door
08:05 Orla Gartland - Backseat Driver
08:02 Quelle Rox - apareces de la nada
07:59 Fog Lake - Push
07:56 Big Warm Bed - Jackie
07:53 Men I Trust - Husk
07:51 Yukimi - Break Me Down
07:47 Joypill - Too Deep
07:44 Wasia Project - Is This What Love Is
07:41 MICHELLE - Akira
07:37 Jadu Heart - Burning Hour
07:31 Nicole Miglis - Sleep All Day
07:28 Tokyo Tea Room - Tell Me How
07:25 Tropics - Under
07:21 Chinese American Bear - Magic Number
07:16 Roosevelt - Teardrops
07:12 Color Temperature - Old City Pt. II
07:09 Kirk Francis - Going Backwards
07:05 Stephan Kreussel - Karoo
07:02 Cannons - Hurricane
07:00 The Furniture Group - I Need Blood
06:56 Yumi Zouma - Bruise
06:53 Fake Dad - I Like the Beach
06:50 Deathsport - Nightdrive
06:46 Ellyn Woods - Lady
06:43 New Husband - My Room
06:40 slenderbodies - crazy
06:37 Jermango Dreaming - City Lovin'
06:33 Stray Fossa x Jaguar Sun - In the Moon
06:28 Jadu Heart - Caroline
06:25 MUNYA & Kainalu - The Only One
06:21 Orla Gartland - Late To The Party (feat. Declan McKenna)
06:18 Alex G - Ain't It Easy
06:15 Jack J - At Last
06:12 Jungle - Mama Oh No
06:09 Gia Ford - Poolside
06:06 Soft Kill - Roseland
06:02 Bear Hands - Intrusive Thoughts
05:59 MICHELLE - Cathy
05:55 Void Comp - Control
05:51 PWNT - Red Reflections
05:48 Cleo Sol - Life Will Be
05:45 Niall Summerton - Tear Me Apart
05:42 Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Trouble Man
05:35 Pocket Sun - Rip Tide
05:32 Night Tapes - easy time to be alive
05:27 Thandii - I'll Be There
05:24 Hether - When U Loved Me
05:19 Tommy & Roy - Somebody ? Someone
05:16 Vundabar - Life Is A Movie
05:12 Caribou - Come Find Me
05:08 Night Tapes - projections
05:05 Hether - Falling in Loves too Mean
05:02 Mt. Joy - She Wants To Go Dancing
04:59 Juke the Tiger - Lemonade Adelaide
04:56 Forever - Diving Bell Blue
04:53 Peel Dream Magazine - Four Leaf Clover
04:49 Rapallo - Daryll's on the News
04:45 Jermango Dreaming - Project 62
04:42 Mk.gee - Wheel
04:39 Archi - Dive
04:36 Lino City - Paradise
04:31 Tokyo Tea Room - No Rush
04:29 Swiss Portrait - Tumbleweed
04:26 Cal in Red - My Love
04:22 W. H. Lung - I Can't Lie
04:18 BODEGA - City Is Taken
04:15 Blue Material - Surrender
04:11 Jordana - Raver Girl
04:09 Eyedress & Dent May - Something About You
04:05 Porridge Radio - A Hole in the Ground
04:02 The Breathing Room - Low Lights
03:58 Biig Piig - Feels Right
03:54 JVLY - SOUTH
03:51 Otha - I'm on Top
03:47 TR ST - Dark Day
03:43 Villagers - Mountain out of a Molehill
03:41 Ford Chastain - Live Again
03:37 Confidence Man - JANET
03:32 HONEYMOAN - Too Much
03:29 Biig Piig - 4AM
03:26 Jadu Heart - Metal Violets
03:24 frans asthma - hurt you
03:22 Phantom Sugar - NEVER ALONE
03:18 COIN - It's Hard To Care About Everything
03:15 Otha - Club 20
03:11 Skeleten - Viagra
03:07 Duck Lake - Daydreams
03:03 Fazerdaze - Cherry Pie
02:59 WORLD BRAIN - Minute Papillon
02:55 CARIBOU - Climbing
02:51 Cool Band - Wheat Free
02:46 Curses - Elegant Death
02:43 Efterklang - Sentiment
02:38 ultrasaturated - Luna
02:35 Skeleten - Love Enemy
02:30 Foster The People - Are You What You Want to Be
02:27 Jungle - Dominoes
02:24 Skinshape - Lady Sun (feat. Hollie Cook)
02:22 Allegra Krieger - Burning Wings
02:18 WORLD BRAIN - Ville Fleurie
02:13 Chinese American Bear - Kids Go Down
02:10 hemlock - Sky Baby
02:07 Obongjayar - Just My Luck
02:04 The Mar?as - Run Your Mouth
02:01 Diamond Cafe - Sweet Cherry
01:59 Clothesline From Hell - Nice Enough Words
01:55 Agnes Obel - Pass Them By
01:51 Dummy - Nine Clean Nails
01:48 Euphoria Again - White Light & Wind
01:40 Harley Marshall - As She Dreams
01:36 Beeef - Primrose Path
01:33 Teenage Priest - Best In Show
01:29 Allie X - You Slept On Me
01:25 knitting - Sleeper
01:23 Scotch Mist - Fall In Love
01:19 Gramp - Mr. Tucker
01:15 Kowloon - Come Over
01:13 deeper sleeper - this is red leader
01:10 Rosemary Fairweather - Where Birds Fly
01:06 Kaeto - DISTANCE
01:02 ford. & A Beacon School - In Motion
01:00 The Convenience - Postcard
00:56 Kaeto - KISS ME
00:52 Quelle Rox - no fue amor
00:49 yun? pinku - Midnight Oil
00:46 Rum Jungle - Weather's Better
00:43 Maz - Conundrums
00:40 Jadu Heart - I'm A Kid
00:36 boerd & Boko Yout - All My Life
00:32 Jordana - Anything For You
00:28 DIIV - Raining On Your Pillow
00:25 Ginger Root - Giddy Up
00:19 Parks, Squares & Alleys - Living for Today
00:16 Few Bits - Brick Houses
00:13 Jack J - Wrong Again
00:10 Caroline Says - Faded and Golden
00:07 Lutalo - Summit Hill
00:02 Clothesline From Hell - Open Up!

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