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Playlist Radio SOL FM

Non sai quale canzone stanno suonando in radio? Utilizza il nostro servizio per scoprirlo! La nostra playlist memorizza un elenco delle tracce su Radio SOL FM dei 7 giorni precedenti.

(adesso a Klaipėda 06:37)
23:57 nic and reuben - BIG wow
23:53 Naohirock & Suzukismooth - Keep Rock On
23:50 Djo - Basic Being Basic
23:45 Palace - So Long Forever
23:43 Elita - Sour Switchblade
23:40 Horsegirl - Switch Over
23:37 VIM - Down
23:33 Yumi Zouma - Magazine Bay
23:29 LEISURE - Slipping Away
23:26 Noire - Real Cool
23:22 COOL HEAT - Won't Be Long
23:20 fanclubwallet - What's Up
23:16 PRESSYES - Mirissa
23:12 Jungle - Keep Moving
23:08 TALVI - A New Door is Closing
23:05 Yumi Zouma - Depths (Pt. I)
23:01 Rosemary Fairweather - Superstar
22:58 CjayQ - Lone Ranger
22:55 Lutalo - I Figured
22:53 The Dare - Girls
22:49 Reggie Devoyage - Oh Boy
22:45 Hibou - Above Us
22:42 Micra - Sunday
22:38 Widowspeak - In the Pines
22:35 Jadu Heart - Walk The Line
22:28 Orla Gartland - Backseat Driver
22:24 The Heavy - Short Change Hero
22:20 TTSSFU - Studio 54
22:18 Jungle - Keep Me Satisfied
22:11 Jungle - Don't Play
22:07 Foster The People - Helena Beat
22:04 Men I Trust - Dorian
21:59 Safari Gold - Private Interior
21:57 Morning TV - Get It Right
21:54 Joypill - Too Deep
21:50 Lewis Coleman - Courts
21:47 Petite League - St. Michael
21:41 Pale Honey - Why Do I Always Feel This Way
21:38 Youth Lagoon - Speed Freak
21:34 Wavves - Sinking Feeling
21:30 Bubble Tea and Cigarettes - Envelope
21:27 Wet Leg - Supermarket
21:24 MUNYA - Pour Toi
21:20 Max Gowan - Daytripping
21:16 Nick Slade - Give Love
21:11 Unessential Oils - Distrust the Magician
21:07 Ten Sleep - Darkroom
21:03 Elder Island - Sacred
20:59 Kelly Lee Owens - Sunshine
20:56 Dafna - Sweeter
20:52 Deathsport - Nightdrive
20:49 Pixies - Where Is My Mind
20:46 Sir Chloe - Hooves
20:42 Cannons - Talk Talk
20:38 Holy Fool - On A Sunday
20:34 Tokyo Tea Room - No Rush
20:31 RIVER - Inappropriate
20:28 Orchid Mantis - No One Else Around
20:24 Magic Wands - Honeymoon
20:22 Fog Lake - Push
20:13 Parks, Squares and Alleys - Parasites
20:10 Moon Panda - SummerBrain
20:06 Chelou - Damned Eye See
20:02 Big Scary - Asking Right
19:58 Penny Arcade - Jona
19:55 Cults - Always Forever
19:52 Myd - Call Me
19:49 Blue Mena - Man In Your Eyes
19:45 Skinshape - Don't Call My Name
19:42 Mk.gee - Wheel
19:37 Thievery Corporation - Warning Shots
19:33 Yellow Dudes - Never Ending Memories
19:29 Patrick Holland - Sinister Bell
19:25 TV Girl & George Clanton - Everything Blue
19:21 Barrie - Clovers
19:18 Sweet Trip - Walkers Beware! We Drive Into the Sun
19:14 Mura Masa - Today (with Tirzah)
19:11 NxWorries (Anderson .Paak & Knxwledge) - Daydreaming
19:09 The Dare - Good Time
19:06 Viagra Boys - Creatures
19:02 MUNYA - Un Deux Trois
18:58 A.O. Gerber - Full Bloom
18:54 Trunky Juno - Serial Killer Vibes
18:48 Myd - We Found It (feat. Bakar)
18:45 Bobbing & Maddie Jay - Marie
18:38 Dope Lemon - Best Girl
18:35 Karen O & Danger Mouse - Super Breath
18:32 Surf Curse - Labyrinth
18:28 Pop Club - Silence
18:23 Cigarettes After Sex - Affection
18:19 Skeleten - Bodys Chorus
18:15 Barrie - Canyons
18:13 Indigo Waves - Like We Used To
18:09 Brijs - Mol y Sol
18:06 Jadu Heart - U
18:03 RHNO - Ivana
18:00 NOT THE TWOS - Blueberry
17:56 Thomas Flynn - Welcome
17:51 Cousin Kula - Clothes Off
17:48 Bonny Doon - A Lotta Things
17:45 Sunken - 10k
17:42 Jack J - Born Without A Smile
17:38 Dad Bod - The Drifter
17:35 Hales Corner - Garden View
17:31 Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July
17:27 Richie Quake - Never See You
17:23 Helena Deland - Strawberry Moon
17:19 Alvvays - Dreams Tonite
17:16 Micra - Dance The Way I Feel
17:13 Westerman - Confirmation
17:10 Field Guide - Rootin' For Ya
17:05 Sky Ferreira - Leash
17:02 Men I Trust - Ring of Past
16:59 Claud - Easy
16:55 Love Spells - With Only Your Mouth
16:52 Strange Ranger - Dream
16:44 Jaguar Sun & Husbands - It Gets Better
16:41 French Alps Tiger - Lost Boys
16:37 Wavves - Sinking Feeling
16:32 Matty - I'll Gladly Place Myself Below You
16:29 Arlo Parks - Portra 400
16:23 Majak Door - Everybody's Listening to the Radio Now
16:20 Julian Charles - Fishhooks
16:15 Chinese American Bear - Love Bus
16:12 Foster The People - Cadillac
16:08 Cannons - Shadows
16:04 Amira Elfeky - Dolores
16:02 Otha - Tired and Sick
15:58 Amery - Hotwire The Nite
15:56 Blushing - Tamagotchi
15:53 HONEYMOAN - I Won't Come to Your Opening
15:48 TESSEL - Cinema (feat. Amber Arcades)
15:45 Butter Bath - Fake Number
15:41 Hector Gachan - UNTITLED '91
15:38 witness. - old lover's eyes
15:35 Tommy & Roy - The Room
15:32 Shane T - I'm a Simple Man
15:28 Jungle - Lemonade Lake
15:25 The Dare - Perfume
15:21 Miynt - Moneydog
15:18 Teenage Priest - Dreaming
15:15 Mio - Runnaround
15:14 hemlock - Hyde Park
15:11 Robin Kester - Cat 13
15:06 Caroline Says - Always Looking Back
15:02 Renny Conti - Formspring
15:00 Cults - I Got Your Message (feat. Christopher Owens)
14:58 Qendresa - Tearz
14:55 Mr Floyd Larry - Dancing In the Summer
14:52 Forever Honey - Number One Fan
14:48 Sevdaliza - High Alone
14:45 CIAO MALZ - Gold Rush
14:41 Joshoo - Obsession
14:37 Bubble Tea and Cigarettes - Envelope
14:31 pecq - Left Behind
14:29 Neutral Milk Hotel - The King Of Carrot Flowers, Pt. 1
14:25 Luna Ivy - Dusk (feat. Lovers Peak)
14:21 Dirty Nice - Lined Paper Daydreams
14:18 Tess Parks - Somedays
14:14 The KVB - Always Then
14:11 IAN SWEET - Dumb Driver
14:04 Night Tapes - Dream
14:01 Buzzy Lee - Cinderblock
13:57 Mazzy Star - Seasons Of Your Day
13:53 Beachy Head - Destroy Us
13:49 Fontaines D.C. - Starburster
13:46 Beach Fossils - Sugar
13:42 Franc Moody - Bloodlines
13:39 Lauren Mayberry - Mantra
13:34 Night Tapes - Moonrise
13:30 Oracle Sisters - Riverside
13:27 Surf Curse - Disco
13:22 Dreams We've Had - Aiyana
13:19 Brijean - Roller Coaster
13:15 TV Girl & George Clanton - Butterflies (feat. Jordana)
13:10 Void Comp - Lo-Pan
13:08 Richie Quake - Ache
13:05 Juice Webster - Hannah
13:02 Crywank - Memento Mori
13:00 Club 8 - Sunny
12:56 Night Hikes - Ethereal Shore
12:53 Blush FM - Unmade Bed
12:48 Mild Universe - Sunday
12:45 Bunny - Let Me Be You Dog
12:42 Jungle - Cherry
12:38 Goat Girl - gossip
12:35 Milk & Bone - FORGONE
12:31 Sasha & the Bear - Wake Me Up
12:28 Merk - Lucky Dilemma
12:26 Tokyo Tea Room - There's a Place
12:23 Henry Nowhere - Sad Songs
12:18 Widowspeak - Unwind
12:15 Hydromag - What We Left Behind
12:10 Night Tapes - Selene
12:07 Fog Lake - California
12:03 Parks, Squares and Alleys - Parasites
11:59 Moon Panda - SummerBrain
11:55 Chelou - Damned Eye See
11:51 Big Scary - Asking Right
11:48 Penny Arcade - Jona
11:44 Cults - Always Forever
11:41 Myd - Call Me
11:39 Blue Mena - Man In Your Eyes
11:35 Skinshape - Don't Call My Name
11:32 Mk.gee - Wheel
11:27 Thievery Corporation - Warning Shots
11:23 Yellow Dudes - Never Ending Memories
11:19 Patrick Holland - Sinister Bell
11:15 TV Girl & George Clanton - Everything Blue
11:11 Barrie - Clovers
11:07 Sweet Trip - Walkers Beware! We Drive Into the Sun
11:04 Mura Masa - Today (with Tirzah)
11:01 NxWorries (Anderson .Paak & Knxwledge) - Daydreaming
10:59 The Dare - Good Time
10:55 Viagra Boys - Creatures
10:52 MUNYA - Un Deux Trois
10:48 A.O. Gerber - Full Bloom
10:44 Trunky Juno - Serial Killer Vibes
10:37 Myd - We Found It (feat. Bakar)
10:34 Bobbing & Maddie Jay - Marie
10:28 Dope Lemon - Best Girl
10:24 Karen O & Danger Mouse - Super Breath
10:21 Surf Curse - Labyrinth
10:18 Pop Club - Silence
10:12 Cigarettes After Sex - Affection
10:08 Skeleten - Bodys Chorus
10:05 Barrie - Canyons
10:02 Indigo Waves - Like We Used To
09:59 Brijs - Mol y Sol
09:55 Jadu Heart - U
09:53 RHNO - Ivana
09:50 NOT THE TWOS - Blueberry
09:46 Thomas Flynn - Welcome
09:40 Cousin Kula - Clothes Off
09:37 Bonny Doon - A Lotta Things
09:34 Sunken - 10k
09:31 Jack J - Born Without A Smile
09:27 Dad Bod - The Drifter
09:24 Hales Corner - Garden View
09:19 Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July
09:16 Richie Quake - Never See You
09:12 Helena Deland - Strawberry Moon
09:08 Alvvays - Dreams Tonite
09:05 Micra - Dance The Way I Feel
09:02 Westerman - Confirmation
08:58 Field Guide - Rootin' For Ya
08:54 Sky Ferreira - Leash
08:51 Men I Trust - Ring of Past
08:47 Claud - Easy
08:44 Love Spells - With Only Your Mouth
08:40 Strange Ranger - Dream
08:33 Jaguar Sun & Husbands - It Gets Better
08:29 French Alps Tiger - Lost Boys
08:26 Wavves - Sinking Feeling
08:21 Matty - I'll Gladly Place Myself Below You
08:18 Arlo Parks - Portra 400
08:12 Majak Door - Everybody's Listening to the Radio Now
08:09 Julian Charles - Fishhooks
08:04 Chinese American Bear - Love Bus
08:01 Foster The People - Cadillac
07:57 Cannons - Shadows
07:53 Amira Elfeky - Dolores
07:50 Otha - Tired and Sick
07:47 Amery - Hotwire The Nite
07:44 Blushing - Tamagotchi
07:42 HONEYMOAN - I Won't Come to Your Opening
07:37 TESSEL - Cinema (feat. Amber Arcades)
07:34 Butter Bath - Fake Number
07:30 Hector Gachan - UNTITLED '91
07:27 witness. - old lover's eyes
07:24 Tommy & Roy - The Room
07:21 Shane T - I'm a Simple Man
07:16 Jungle - Lemonade Lake
07:14 The Dare - Perfume
07:09 Miynt - Moneydog
07:07 Teenage Priest - Dreaming
07:04 Mio - Runnaround
07:03 hemlock - Hyde Park
07:00 Robin Kester - Cat 13
06:54 Caroline Says - Always Looking Back
06:51 Renny Conti - Formspring
06:49 Cults - I Got Your Message (feat. Christopher Owens)
06:47 Qendresa - Tearz
06:44 Mr Floyd Larry - Dancing In the Summer
06:41 Forever Honey - Number One Fan
06:37 Sevdaliza - High Alone
06:33 CIAO MALZ - Gold Rush
06:30 Joshoo - Obsession
06:26 Bubble Tea and Cigarettes - Envelope
06:20 pecq - Left Behind
06:18 Neutral Milk Hotel - The King Of Carrot Flowers, Pt. 1
06:14 Luna Ivy - Dusk (feat. Lovers Peak)
06:10 Dirty Nice - Lined Paper Daydreams
06:07 Tess Parks - Somedays
06:03 The KVB - Always Then
06:00 IAN SWEET - Dumb Driver
05:53 Night Tapes - Dream
05:50 Buzzy Lee - Cinderblock
05:46 Mazzy Star - Seasons Of Your Day
05:42 Beachy Head - Destroy Us
05:38 Fontaines D.C. - Starburster
05:35 Beach Fossils - Sugar
05:31 Franc Moody - Bloodlines
05:27 Lauren Mayberry - Mantra
05:23 Night Tapes - Moonrise
05:18 Oracle Sisters - Riverside
05:16 Surf Curse - Disco
05:11 Dreams We've Had - Aiyana
05:08 Brijean - Roller Coaster
05:03 TV Girl & George Clanton - Butterflies (feat. Jordana)
04:59 Void Comp - Lo-Pan
04:57 Richie Quake - Ache
04:54 Juice Webster - Hannah
04:51 Crywank - Memento Mori
04:49 Club 8 - Sunny
04:45 Night Hikes - Ethereal Shore
04:42 Blush FM - Unmade Bed
04:37 Mild Universe - Sunday
04:34 Bunny - Let Me Be You Dog
04:31 Jungle - Cherry
04:27 Goat Girl - gossip
04:24 Milk & Bone - FORGONE
04:20 Sasha & the Bear - Wake Me Up
04:17 Merk - Lucky Dilemma
04:14 Tokyo Tea Room - There's a Place
04:11 Henry Nowhere - Sad Songs
04:07 Widowspeak - Unwind
04:03 Hydromag - What We Left Behind
03:59 Night Tapes - Selene
03:56 Fog Lake - California
03:51 Parks, Squares and Alleys - Parasites
03:48 Moon Panda - SummerBrain
03:44 Chelou - Damned Eye See
03:40 Big Scary - Asking Right
03:37 Penny Arcade - Jona
03:33 Cults - Always Forever
03:30 Myd - Call Me
03:28 Blue Mena - Man In Your Eyes
03:24 Skinshape - Don't Call My Name
03:20 Mk.gee - Wheel
03:15 Thievery Corporation - Warning Shots
03:12 Yellow Dudes - Never Ending Memories
03:08 Patrick Holland - Sinister Bell
03:04 TV Girl & George Clanton - Everything Blue
03:00 Barrie - Clovers
02:56 Sweet Trip - Walkers Beware! We Drive Into the Sun
02:53 Mura Masa - Today (with Tirzah)
02:50 NxWorries (Anderson .Paak & Knxwledge) - Daydreaming
02:48 The Dare - Good Time
02:44 Viagra Boys - Creatures
02:41 MUNYA - Un Deux Trois
02:36 A.O. Gerber - Full Bloom
02:33 Trunky Juno - Serial Killer Vibes
02:26 Myd - We Found It (feat. Bakar)
02:23 Bobbing & Maddie Jay - Marie
02:17 Dope Lemon - Best Girl
02:13 Karen O & Danger Mouse - Super Breath
02:10 Surf Curse - Labyrinth
02:06 Pop Club - Silence
02:01 Cigarettes After Sex - Affection
01:57 Skeleten - Bodys Chorus
01:54 Barrie - Canyons
01:51 Indigo Waves - Like We Used To
01:48 Brijs - Mol y Sol
01:44 Jadu Heart - U
01:42 RHNO - Ivana
01:38 NOT THE TWOS - Blueberry
01:35 Thomas Flynn - Welcome
01:29 Cousin Kula - Clothes Off
01:26 Bonny Doon - A Lotta Things
01:23 Sunken - 10k
01:19 Jack J - Born Without A Smile
01:15 Dad Bod - The Drifter
01:13 Hales Corner - Garden View
01:08 Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July
01:05 Richie Quake - Never See You
01:00 Helena Deland - Strawberry Moon
00:57 Alvvays - Dreams Tonite
00:54 Micra - Dance The Way I Feel
00:51 Westerman - Confirmation
00:47 Field Guide - Rootin' For Ya
00:43 Sky Ferreira - Leash
00:40 Men I Trust - Ring of Past
00:36 Claud - Easy
00:33 Love Spells - With Only Your Mouth
00:29 Strange Ranger - Dream
00:21 Jaguar Sun & Husbands - It Gets Better
00:18 French Alps Tiger - Lost Boys
00:15 Wavves - Sinking Feeling
00:10 Matty - I'll Gladly Place Myself Below You
00:07 Arlo Parks - Portra 400
00:01 Majak Door - Everybody's Listening to the Radio Now

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