Family radio covering all issues that matters to all citizens, particularly in areas of public safety, business, economic development, good governance and culture. Moafrika Provides public safety in the form of "Mokhosi", a golden thread that runs throuhg all programmes 24/7, creating awareness on issues of public safety and apprehension of criminal elements operating within and amongst all communities at no cost to the victims. We work with police and social security agencies very closely.
Ke Makhotso Akhosi ea Gambia ke mametse phutsalatso
Tseliso Rasethuntsa16.11.2023
Phutsalatso ea Molimo
Ntebele Ntebele14.07.2023
so glad ka Radio Moafrika
Malome Khabo14.07.2023
Entse otla hantle online Ka Qacha Lebakeng Habo Rangoane Kaine Ka mona
sundleen fatima27.11.2022
Love from Pakistan ♥️ We love Amooooor DaDayyyyyy!!!!💕
Victor Seutloali18.10.2022
I am so glad I can clearly access the radio station online......Ke monna Mosotho ea lilemo li mahareng residing in Nairobi, Kenya. I was feeling so nostalgic joooo...PC fm ke mampoli...e ntse eka ke Lesotho haesoo!