God is so good I tell you. Smile. I want you to keep up the good work you are doing on this station, please find a way to be aired in Jamaica. Yes you are accessible online but people dont know of the station. I am now a mother because of this station. Before I left Jamaica, I was a good mother, now I am a perfect mother. I am now teaching my girls about the love of Christ and I they get a biblical story read to them every night. Away with the fairytales. They now respect and love God and understand they need to be good children so they wint make God sad. I wish I could say much much more but thank you for that email Tevon. My head space is still isolated but I have my girls that God has blessed me with to be my drive. Please pray for me and my daughters especially the big one who was diagnosed with adhd. God bless and please consider caring in Jamaica. We need this station. You are not scripted, or automated, you are real people with real emotions, real issues, real solutions and real love of Christ. Keep moving people life like you did mine. Thanks.
209 Walkers Road, PO Box 515, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1106 Cayman Islands