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Baraka FM

Горад Мамбаса, 95.5-99.3 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 3.7 Ацэнак: 19
Baraka FM is a regional media house serving the Kenya’s Coast region through broadcasting on 95.5 FM, on-line via www.barakafm.org and Baraka FM Events. Больш
38 0

Водгукі аб Baraka FM

  • 5
    Tawni from USA listening to support Doris
  • 3
    Wagwan. Eldoret listening
  • 4
    Mashallah Allahu Akbar
  • 2
    A new fan listening frm mariakani nawapata loud and clear.......naomba song ya meddy (slowly)
  • 4
    The best fm station in Mombasa and coast. Best of RnB and African Pop
  • 5
    live from qatar doha nawapata safi sana!!
  • 5
  • 4
    Live from the rooftop...Carlifonia
  • 4
    Tuned in from Washington DC
  • 5
    Twakupata loud and clear all the from jiji kuu Nairobi ndani ya Buruburu estate..nipe Akiba na Diana yake Jimmy Ngala,,

Інфармацыя пра радыё

The operations were officially launched on 4th February 2000
It the radio section broadcasts from its transmitters in Mazeras reaching areas like Mombasa, Lamu, Malindi/Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Kwale, Meru, Parts of Machakos, Tana River and Bachuma (Border of Tanzania).
The Events and on ground activities covers Mombasa, Lamu, Malindi/Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Kwale and Tana River.

Baraka FM’s Focus
- Coast People – which interviews profiles of people and their activities
- Coast Life – which touches on various issues such as health, marriage, family & parenting.
- Coast Note – 30 second notice board.
- Coast Talk – Ideals and concerns expressed by local people.

Key Strengths
Programs are tailored to inform, educate and entertain the listeners.
Being an FM station, hourly news broadcasts; weather updates; traffic; music and community announcements are also core to the station.
The station also airs talk shows that discuss socio-political, environmental, economic issues that are affecting the community on a daily basis. We actively interact with our listeners at such times, by taking live calls where they express their opinions on issues raised.
Having the highest radio reach – 54% which translates 399,000 listeners weekly (Recent research done by Steadman).

The station broadcasts are In Swahili, Slang and English.
We Have a tight schedule that runs for 24 hours every day as you will see from our run through.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: Baraka FM 95.5 P.O.Box 87751-80100, Mombasa. Kenya.
Тэлефон: +254 722 479 800
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @barakafmke
Twitter: @BarakaFmKe

Час у горадзе Горад Мамбаса: 15:54, 03.05.2025

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